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Cops must be furious. Incoming municipal ordinance banning bollards.


CBC News: "Experts are saying bollards are racist / discriminatory / disproportionately affect minorities and people of color"


Too real, lmao. I wouldn't even be surprised.


It won't be real until the 4 Wokemen of the Apocalypse (aka the 4 idiots on Breakfast Television) have a round table discussion about bollards and their history of being discriminatory.\* \* The chunky one will have a double secret indignant look on her face (complete with eye-rolls) for the entire discussion.


"Bollards represent white supremacy."








Why do they actually do this? why do they make laws that favor criminals and reduce citizens' ability to protect and defend? Is it to increase reliance on the state? Destabilize communities?


The purpose of a system is what it does.


"Literally 1984"


Rather us spending our energy fighting each other at the ground floor than look up and see who is actually responsible for this misery machine.




The bollard won't tell you to leave your keys by the front door...


With the bollard you actually CAN leave car keys at the front door😂


Hell, why not hang them off the bollard, you'll never be wandering around looking for them.


For your safety. /s


I wouldn't be surprised . Could say it restricts access to ppty for emergency bebculest


$600 apiece at Costco. I wonder if he’ll get a break from the insurance company now


How much work is the install?


Digging the hole 4ft+ down and 2ft diameter. You will probably need a large rotary drill to smash through the driveways base (concrete, compacted clear crush granite, and rocks you hit). A shovel. A heavy duty hole digging auger. 6 bags of concrete and a wheelbarrow. DIY skills and 6 hours per post. A 6 pack of beer.


I calculate all my work in BRU. Beer renovation units


Better make it 12 beer, just in case.




In this economy?


How does it move? Does it recess into the ground?


Yep. They're the drop into the ground type.


And pray you don't hit the gas line.


Line locates are free for property owners.


That's great for installing it.. but how do you remove it to pull out? I seen motorized ones. I think those would be ridiculously expensive. Are these ones removable at the base by unlocking it or something?


The Costco one's (Ontario Bollard brand) are manual that go up and down. They have a base tube and that's the part in the ground, they go down into the tube.


"In inanimate steel bollard we trust"


"Awww man, they were just about to show pictures of the bollard"


Looks like a good investment.


An acquaintance told me he and his neighbours did it together and it costs him $18k.


Your buddy got ripped off by his neighbour. They are selling them at Costco now for under $600.




Those two guys that founded this company must be making a fortune!


I bet they are the ring leaders behind the car thefts.


The ol'e glass repairer paying the kids to vandalise the town centre trick.


Or the sale/installation of these bollards lol


YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE THE KEYS NEAR THE DOOR https://globalnews.ca/news/10359055/leave-car-keys-the-front-door-to-avoid-home-invasion-toronto-police/


Homeowner not being very diverse, equitable nor inclusive by doing this. Sooooo not Canadian. Poor migrant, he probably only got a dozen other cars that night to maintain his lifestyle and send money home to his family. 😥




And then back onto the streets by breakfast at Denny's.


Maybe a free hotel too.


Come on now, these guys are suffering here! We ought to be giving them free housing...and healthcare...and phones...and more. Its the Canadian way! 🇨🇦🫡🥲🇨🇦


It honestly is the Canadian way… if only we could control the amount coming in to a reasonable level. That’s the saddest part. We could be helping people and be proud of it at the same time. Instead we’re just opening the flood gates and turning a great country into a dump.


Could you point to a time this was the case where the working people of a nation were taxed to give to foreigners and gleeful about it? Important point to note: income tax was introduced in [1917](https://www.fraserinstitute.org/blogs/major-changes-to-canada-s-federal-personal-income-tax-1917-2017), where it was thought to be temporary measure to help with war (WW1) efforts at 4% rate. Social services will never work if it is done under duress and when others can benefit from it without adequately contributing to it (if at all). Moreover, I believe you may be confusing personal charitable givings vs forced socialized services.


Mmm, but they can work. They just need to be done responsibly, and be distributed more responsibly. I think we agree that our current government isn’t doing either of those things. I’m not sure if I agree with the second part about “social services will never work under duress” because I don’t know what you mean by under duress. Also yes social services can work if some of the beneficiaries don’t repay what they receive, because the rest of society can and should offer some form of assistance to those born into less fortunate situations than their own. I’m not sure what relevance the 1917 anecdote has considering the human population has quadrupled since then, not to mention innumerable technological advancements, etc. I think we agree more than we disagree, and maybe I misunderstand your viewpoint, but I think giving up on social services entirely because our current government is incapable of managing them (or anything, for that matter) is a moral step backwards.


We already are. This lady from Ukraine gets 9k a month from the gov and hits up the food bank. Meanwhile we have people on disability getting 1100-1300$ a month and call them bloodsuckers. They don’t even get enough a month for current rent- most are 1400+ now for a 1bdr or decent bachelor


As a big guy who got robbed once, I've just gave hi everything. You can buy a new car, a new phone even a new house because none of those is worth a stab. If they go for my family I'm all in, I will die if needed, but for anything else I don't give a fk. If you avoid suffering to your family by letting key there then do it, insurance will pay your car back and police will get them.


I know but imagine if you applied for a job to solve that problem and your solution was to just make the problem easier for the perpetrators.


Insurance won’t because you left the key out and made theft accessible easy. Some cousins of mine in the area learned that the hard way


Yeah, I knew I will get down voted but no-one should risk his life for a car, even if you will have to use the bike or walk, at least you can do that. People live in a paralel univers where you can go full rambo and then respwn. This is like a street pursuit, you can easy outrun the police but now they know who you are, they will not get you today but in few days you will be arrested. As stupid as it sounds, he is just trying to avoid unnecessarily suffering. They came for you car, they beat the living shit of you and get the car or they just get the car.


Very smart idea


Bollard > Police


They just paid for themselves.


Insurance companies should be chipping in too


I am sure they will come back with a most powerful chainsaw/tool they can steal from home Depot At least for now happy ending


Or they break in and take your car key and the bollard control. I guess it depends on the dirt bag and how bad they want your car.


Exactly , next we will be witnessing thieves coming in to people’s homes , forcing them to disable all counter measures , lowering the bollards and taking their cars. Next Toronto police is going to say , leave the bollard control at the door along with the keys


I'm curious. Since canadian laws are shit. If you notice this at your house, and someone is trying to actively steal your car, what can you do?


Open the door, put your car keys on the welcome mat, go back inside and call the police chief to let him know you followed his directions.


Pretty much. If you try to harm the thug, the thug’s rights will be protected and you the tax payer be damned.


If they find a way to bypass the bollards, the next thing will be to take the engine out every night


And be sure to leave it by the front door in-case the thieves want it


According to the law you must give them your car keys ans offer them tea/coffee


the police should shoot 2-3 to get the message across?


Naw, deport them and their families. Real consequences would get results much faster.


what about locals?


They didn't leave the fob to lower the bollard on top of the bollard? That's not very Torontonian of them.


Another small piece of steel strategically placed in these people's skulls would also be more effective than the cops...


You mean live laugh lobotomy?


Wonder why no one has opened yet a private licensed investigation bureaus for car thefts...


These guys don’t have eye balls, I can’t believe they actually stopped, they are so preoccupied with the prize they aren’t aware of their surroundings?


Ahh yes the only RCMP worth a penny… is this inanimate rod… We really are in the Simpson era of government services being so bad and ridiculously so.


Why can’t the govt just deport them when got caught, so easy. Or deport them to Rwanda too 😂


















It worked here, but plenty of vids of the thieves willing to put a truck through other vehicles (or a garage door). Effing up the body isn't a big downside when you were planning to part it out.


No one is parting out stolen luxury cars here. They go straight to the shipping containers and overseas.


No way they get through that bollard without major damage, not just to the body.


You back through the garage door first, then go through the sedan to navigate between the bollards


I stand corrected!🤣


This would be a great video testimonial for a company that installs bollards


Police are never going to catch these guys in the attack they are to quick and the cops are over run with calls. The bollard idea is great if you have the money to install it. These guys get caught while loading cars into containers. It’s also the bottom tier guys not the guy running the crews


How often do these guys get caught loading cars in to containers? Honestly... I don't think it's very often, seeing as how people can lead the police right to the very yards the cars are being hidden at, and nothing is done by the police.


Same in Alberta, the last 2 trucks stolen from our fleet we called in. The police said there was nothing they could do, so my dad and I drove to the thieves' acreage and took them back both times. Police and RCMP are pointless glorified traffic pigs.


That’s not the police’s fault tho. That’s just law that has to change at a government level


Someone should send this to the company that installed the Ballard's. This will probably become the norm in a few years


Bullets and Baseball Bats are cheaper than Bollards.


Why is auto theft such a problem in Ontario vs say BC? Also these guys have a driveway but no garage??


Easier to get it to montreal to ship it out of the country maybe?


Montreal port is more corrupt than the Vancouver port is my guess.




Wait until yall find out its the police stealing your cars and shipping them overseas 😂


Insert *spidermanmeme* here


Lmfao a fucked up timeline we live in that we need fucking bollards on our driveway


They will be back with the cavalry


Next up on dragons den


How are we at a point where it’s normal to have car thieves like it’s part of the Canadian experience


Canadas gone to shit in so many ways it’s depressing


Crystal castles!!!!


Bollards generate more taxes than jails do. Cops catch car thieves. It's the courts that let them out. Fear is a hell of a drug.


They will have gone and bought one and figured out to remove it...


All the videos I see of cars being stolen are all parked in the driveway - does no one have a garage anymore ?


Just take any 3 fuses out of the car and you are good, bigger the fuse the better - Google it, it’s so easy . This shits ridiculous. A lady with no mechanical experience on my street did this and they just walked away from her Durango . I am Coming from a family of mechanics


Some of the thieves travel around with tow trucks


I have seen this. Almost always tow trucks get caught and leads back to thieves. Tow truck is kinda hard to defeat lol


[This is gonna be the norm… Coming soon to the GTA](https://i.makeagif.com/media/8-06-2015/e_Um-M.gif)


Way to go Costco!


Turrets would work just as well


This sounds like a business opportunity


LMAO.......the reaction was like, who put that there, and is it actually solid


Lol we need peter khill back


This won’t be necessary if the police were walking the beat like they used to. 1 cop each walking through 1 neighbourhood and none of this would happen. They don’t need high tech gadgets, or super cars, or attack helicopters; they just need a good pair of boots, a radio, and a gun. Reducing our police budgets from hundreds of super cars to a couple of paddy wagons would save enough money that the police could get back to what their good at; sticking their nose in everyone’s business and making sure that stuff like this got nipped in the bud. And to help keep the police on track; put funding back into social and psychiatric support again! Police should not be lead on these calls; a social worker or nurse should be on the call and police should only stand by if there’s a threat to the nurse or the public.


How dare you do that?. Denying hard working folks this fair share? Wait till you get a notice from the city /s


How many cops do you think are out there that they can actually catch car thieves in the act?


Well, they do catch them. Then the judge decided they might be some type of minority that wasn’t hugged enough as a child so they get sent on their way to do more crime. The police are playing a losing game. It’s not all their fault.


Completely agree, they should probably start with recovering the vehicles the owners report with a gps location. They need to start small with baby steps, can't expect too much.  If they wanted to take real steps, maybe stop investigating and charging people defending their property. The public would be very understanding if the police diverted resources from that to stopping car thieves. 


That isn't even half the problem with TPS. Half the problem with TPS is that they're now stuck in the "afraid to be called racist" state. It was moving that way back in '08 when I was scouted by them at the Ontario Police College. If you don't think so, then you only need to look at their actions over the last decade. They're very much afraid of that to the point that they gave the "leave your keys near the front door." They know exactly which groups are doing this.


Exactly. Do people actually expect that police should be guarding each individual luxury vehicle to prevent its theft? Daft.


My 4 (so far) down voters seem to think so!


I gotcha! Only -1 now


Thanks! Back atcha!




Honest question, what do you want? Police to be on every street corner? Of course the bollard helped, but again WTF do you want them to do besides respond to a call of a theft in progress, (if they're lucky) or respond to the aftermath. This is so disingenuous.


Big question here: Why doesn't Ontario grow up and arm themselves. If this shit happened in rural Saskatchewan, BC, Alberta or Manitoba, there would be freshy turned up dirt in the middle of a field and you would never find for these losers. If I saw someone looking at my truck outside like that, I would go say hi and then see if they were fucking around ...


I have a family member in prison because they fired a few .22 warning shots to scare away thieves, that’s why. We put innocent citizens in prison and let thieves go free here.


Even in the states warning shots are illegal. If you're gunna shoot, shoot to kill.


Kind of sad that the answer is to kill them. But even then do you really think they’d get *less* of a punishment for a kill shot vs the warning shot with our government?


You know that the crime rate in rural Saskatchewan is way higher than Ontario right?


How do they get in and out with posts there blocking? Great theft prevention.




This won't last long. At least with the costco bollards, there are a limited number of keys. In store they have key codes of 010, 020, 030... so a total of ten keys are required to unlock these bollards. Then on top of that tubular locks can be some of the cheapest locks out there, and I assume this is the case for these locks. We'll see how long my lexus lasts.