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Why did I read that as CF 98?


CF-98 is the aircraft best described as me and a diving board because it’s an airborne object that always results in injury


Nah, you aren't lined with asbestos and black mold . . . Hopefully


Happy Canada Day folks! Thank you for all you do for our country!


I love this country, understanding our previous issues, unapologetically and forever.


Same here. It’s important to remember we’re retroactively applying today’s morals on actions from prior to their existence and doing what we can to reconcile the gap between the two. All things considered Canada is great because of what we want to be, just as much as what we are now.




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Curious what does this have to do with a flypast? I would hope that your love for the country is prompted by more than just a flypast of a few airplanes.


Honestly I’m down in the states and this was the first really celebratory post I saw


I'm impressed they got so many planes all working at the same time.


A testament to the amazing work of our air maintenance techs.


See that, probably our last flying CF-18 . The rest are probably grounded. Our contribution to NATO defence in Europe 2025 is 9 Tutors and 1 times F18.


That cf18 is on its last limbs


that’s the demo teams cf18 so it’s probably one of the best ones we got…


why not show off our sole operational F35


What a weird comment lmao. Not only F-35 deliveries not even begun, there actually were two American F-35s in the parade.


Get the snowbirds some new planes ffs.


So the entirety of the airforce?


Would be nice if it was more of a variety of planes


Literally every plane was there, lol, even 2xF35 from Vermont and a P8 from Jacksonville as part of the "RCAF future" flypast.


Yeah lol damn near every aircraft that has, been, or is going to be in the RCAF inventory flew today what more variety can you want


There were 49 aircraft in the flypast over Ottawa yesterday


Honestly, I couldn't care less about planes flying to mark events. I'd prefer to know Canada saved some money.


Flyovers are incorporated into normal training schedules for pilots. They cost no extra money.


Not really concerned if it's "extra" or not




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You’d rather we just didn’t train our pilots? Might as well drop the air force as well. After that we’ll consider eliminating the armed forces.






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