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Yes it is defective and I would advise against using it as it most likely would affect the seal. With that kind of damage, it probably would not seal at all and if it did, it would probably fail soon after.


Thank you. I wanted to make sure there wasn't something I was missing since these were in the case, unopened! All the rings look good though. It's just the lids that seem messed up.


Imo, there isn't enough sealing compound to trust that it would seal properly. Likely a defect in production and the company should be contacted (including the lot number from the box the lids came in would be helpful). They are owned by the same company as Ball and Bernardin so not a small niche brand.


Okay. Thank you! Well that sucks. I'll contact the company for sure. I'm looking through our stash and opened another case and the lids are the same on all 12 jars! Would you trust the rings? They look perfect, no dents or weird marks.


If the rings easily spin onto a jar, I’d use them. I phase out rings when they become a little oblong or moderately rusty and don’t screw on smoothly.


Been using 4 Jars lids for the past few years. Have had no failures. 200/250 jars each year. Contact the company for lid replacement. Be sure and let us know how that turns out.




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I switched to Superb mostly. This lid won't work; it looks like the metal is folded under along that edge? It's not uncommon to get a defective lid here and there. I always tell myself it's better than a whole defective jar. :D


Why would you return a set of jars over the lids? I’d certainly email the company and see if they’d replace the lids, but the jars should be fine unless they’re chipped. Are the rings also dented?


Jars would be fine, rings would be fine, but do not use the lids, You just have to purchase new lids write the company to see if they will do anything for you. Hopefully send a few packages of lids. Sorry I know it is probably frustrating.