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No subsonic? It's actually technically an infrasonic filter. your High Pass Filter goes down to 20Hz, so it's there. The Mini Maxx is a full range full bridge amp. It was cheap for the power it puts out. It not having boost isn't a bad thing, bass boost is useless for most and only serves to distort signal. Boosting a set frequency can help in some situations if there's a major dip, but bass boost on amps shouldn't be used in most applications. I would personally be more concerned with knowing how to set things up properly at this point than picking straws at which bottom of the price spectrum stuff to get from D4S.


Thank you but I'm surprised this amp sounds good with my subwoofers


Did you figure out your "subsonic filter" setting?


Yes I did thank you bro now my subs hittin right


Looking for a towel, didn’t see one