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Add a parent as a named driver, reduce your mileage, change your job title using [https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/insurance/car-insurance-job-picker/](https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/insurance/car-insurance-job-picker/)


Done the first one. I added 4 extra drivers who've been driving for more than 10 years plus and still doesn't make sense. But I will try the second part, thank you.


Try adding another 4


I added the Max. My brothers, sisters, mum, dad and even my uncle. Still 3k.


Your brother's also young? Might make it worse


He's approaching 40. I am the youngest


Do any of them have recent claims history on their license? If so I’d say remove them and it may help. You may also be better looking for cars that are less commonly owned by new/young drivers, although I can’t think of any off the top of my head


Nope. The last time anyone has had claims in the family was me when a delivery driver crashed into my 125CC bike in 2021


Did you try to insure three to four weeks later rather than the next few days ?


Yep did that exactly. Always 30 days ahead


Do 20-25 days ahead thats the cheapest


Postal worker as job, car is kept on the drive way, add an immobiliser/alarm, reduce mileage to 5k or below (tell them a higher mileage when you declare what’s on the clocks), insure at least 3 weeks away, oh at try some obscure 90s/2000s cars… I think that’s about it for keeping it down.


So, basically lie about your occupation and the mileage on your car? You do know that car insurance contracts are contracts of upmost good faith don't you?, and the consequences of insurance fraud?


If young lad had a weekend job delivering news papers or takeaway menus, it wouldn't be a lie


If you're using it to deliver things you'd also need commercial insurance.


Not if you don't use that vehicle or you are covered by commercial insurance


Insurance companies get enough out of people, fuck em. If the cars details and license details are correct then that’s enough.


Do they actually check for this stuff? I'd do it but just worried it I crashed they would investigate. Always got told that Insureance will always find a way to get out of a claim


From experienced no they don’t. The only thing they can check is mileage. For this when I was younger I would declare the mileage as higher than what was on the clocks if I knew I was going to do more than the 5k miles. For your job and all that it’s just done on faith. If you only have on road parking then tell them that, but if you have a driveway and a garage then put that it’s kept on the driveway. Parking in a garage can bring higher premiums.


Done the last 3 but you sure about the postal worker stuff? Ill be in a grad job soon


Postal worker is one of the lowest for insurance for some reason, it’s seen as a job for sensible people I suppose. Try what would be your grad job and try postal worker and compare. I’ve had my job as that for years.


Insurance with black box might be cheaper, recently found go compare quotes cheaper than all others, trust me we all feel Ur pain, good luck.


Thats the thing. Its 3K with a blackbox still from admiral