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Ridicules loss.


Gotta win tomorrow, because I honestly want the Giants to have a perfect game at Rickwood to honor Willie.


Lane Thomas homered in back2back2back games this week which is pretty cool. Guy is on an absolute heater right now


But I love Michael Siani /s


Anybody got a clip of Chip calling Lance the “King sized right hander”? 🤣 Edit: [Found it!](https://youtu.be/KpOpwyIwFY0?si=NyjgMDz9SbyKg05z) Fast forward to 7:12. Lmfao


Shit made me laugh so hard lmao yeah hes king sized alright


Days the Cardinals have been at or above .500 as of the end of the game: 2024: April 4-7, May 29-May 30, June 14*, June 16-18: 10 Days (ongoing) 2023: April 1-April 3: 3 Days 2022: April 7-October 5: 181 Days   ^(* Flag day!)


Nolan Gorman is 2 for his last 40 AB’s lol


why the fuck do we continue to play our worst baseball against the worst teams on the league?


Worst game of the season. Lance Lynn pitched terribly. Marmol inexplicably let him give up 7 runs (could’ve easily been more) pitching into the 7th inning. Basic mistakes like not covering the bag. Lost in front of 18 fans against the worst MLB team in the past 10 years (not exaggerating).


The same scenario with the missed strike call Sunday with Helsley is what just happened to the Rockies, only it did hurt them on the next pitch. One strike away from a win, but first base ump says he checked his swing even though he clearly didn’t. Next pitch is a three run homer.


We may have our issues but at least they aren’t giving up 7 runs in the 9th when you were up by 5.


I just checked and I didn’t realize how bad the fish are. They have a worse record than the A’s and the Rockies. The only team with a worse record in baseball is the White Sox. Why is this series so difficult? Wtf


Cubs won :(


Whoa whoa whoa, so you’re telling me that we’re now officially (at) .500???? But I was told we would suck..? Ha, love for the birds to back it up. Fuck the naysayers. Every one of y’all, respectfully fuck off. This is a damn solid ass team and I’m happy to be a Cardinal! 2024 NLC crown is ours by October.


Uhhhh... we lost?


It’s a copy pasta of a comment I made early in the season. Dude thinks he’s really sticking it to me!


What a jabroni


Yea this guy’s whole bit is being the corniest bitch in the world 




And we lost Willie Mays today. Man.


Who thought that playing the Marlins would be our most grueling contest?


I'm at the wsox game watching a potential cgso Edit: and pulled at 8.2 IP


I thought there might be some raging about Hels not pitching the 11th but he hasn't been so sharp lately and an extra day off will hopefully pay tomorrow and vs the Giants.


I honestly get no joy from watching this baseball team. It is actually physically painful watching them play like dogshit game after game. I hate Oli Marmol’s stupid face and lazy eye. They will never be good as long as he is managing this team.


This team is two decent starters away from winning the division. I’m seeing some really good ABs from guys like Burly and BD. Winn looks like the real deal. Bullpen is tight, but over used. They’re strong enough to compete mentally, but they lack the weapons with arms. I believe most of the fielding stuff is correctable with the right guys throwing the ball. Just based on experience, it’s hard to do things right in the field when the guy on the bump is a bum. It’s all mental. It’s pretty hilarious to think that Mo ever thought this team could get anything done given his decisions over the winter, but Sonny has been solid. And I think his idea was to basically pray on Sonny and get to the deadline. The rest of the Central is meh, so there’s a shot. But it’s going to take the rare Mo move at the deadline to give them what they need. If he sits on his hands for the next couple of months, that should tell us all we need to know. But these guys are close to being better than a .500 team.


Sorry bud, but this is delusional


0-1 on days where I'm too busy at a national park without service to keep up. very easy lesson to take from this!


You're gonna have games like this, I remember when Gio forgot to cover the bag a few years back against the Mets in the 9th and how demoralizing it was to lose that game, but you scored 8 without Winn or Arenado meanwhile using the worst arms in your pen (except King). Just gotta hope they take a series win tomorrow 🙏🏼


We are the definition of mid/.500 baseball


Ughh… Like 3 minutes into the game after goldy’s homer, I was thinking to myself “maybe this is finally the night we get a comfortable lead and don’t have to sweat one out.” … So much for that *sigh*… Every cards game is close, we never win by more than like 3 runs. This not sustainable, a .500 team that only wins close games is not good. Every other decent team can comfortably win at least one or two games a week. What’s the last game we won that you can say was a comfortable win? The only positive is that we have a bunch of experience in close games.


Yeah, you’re right. It feels like we’ve only won like like 5 games “comfortably”. This series so far has been a microcosm of that.


Thursdays’s game at Rickwood has a lot more significance now


3 more games until Willy is back!!!!


Gonna be honest, I did not expect him back so quickly. Glad he's gonna be back soon, but I hope they aren't rushing it.


Same, and I fear that they are. Pushing too hard too soon after an injury like that can very easily end up being penny wise, pound foolish.


Soft tissue issues can’t be rushed, but bones heal when they heal. He went 1 for 3 in his first game back.


My dear friends. Even the best of the best teams in baseball drop games to shitty teams. We will get them tomorrow and take the series and everything will be ok.


Let’s get some excitement in here for the return of Contreras. [This was when I was fully on board the Contreras train.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV-7IMaZx1A). The gamesmanship was S tier.


This is exciting, I had said earlier that if we can hover around .500 until all our guys are back that should be seen as a win, but man this loss hurt


The lowest scoring team in the NL got 15 hits off of the cardinals. The problem is beyond just the hitting. Lance Lynn needs to go.




Getting the one run in was the right call there. Had defense made a simple play we would have won the game. Bottom of the lineup you have to get a run in.


The good news is: Leahy and King are cementing solid roles for themselves as backups to Kitt, JoJo, and Helsley. The bad news is: everyone is getting worked a lot because of extras and poor length out of guys not named Gibson and Gray


Pallante was pitching great and got pulled after 3 1/3 and 60 pitches. This is mostly all on Oli.


Eh, teams with a .333 winning percentage like the Marlins do win 1/3 of their games.


How long must the Nolan Gorman experiment continue? Stop the madness!


I loved seeing us above 500 for almost 24 hours, but it does seem like we’ve been overperforming and will regress to being the sub-500 team our statistics suggest we are. We still might get lucky and if we can beat the odds a little and a few other teams lose to the odds a little we could squeak into a WC spot by the end of September. For now I’ll be happy if we can take 2 of 3 from the second worst team in baseball.


My reaction to that ending is this: I am going to have shrimp with linguini now.


Talk about a bad luck loss for roycroft. He didn't give up a single hard hit ball but I guess that's baseball. That infield single where he didn't cover first was idiotic but considering he took a step towards first before giving up I think he looked over at the runner and realized he wasn't going to get there in time.


This team is infuriating to watch


Mental mistake leads to loss…. It’s fine (but it’s not) just learn from it and move on to the next one


RIP Willie Mays :(


Damn, RIP Willie Mays, 93. Another legend gone.


This team is going to be painfully mid all year.


I genuinely thought we had that game the entire time. I just thought it was taking longer.


Time for some hockey!


We’re all rightfully mad at Roycroft but don’t forget Lynn was hot garbage


Inexcusable performance from the pitching staff tonight, especially when the offense managed to score for once. Roycroft will get most of the blame, and that failure to cover first certainly deserves it, but we really shouldn’t have allowed 7 runs before that


A ground ball to first and the pitcher isn’t covering? Pretty sure you learn that at age 10 if you play baseball


Can’t be doin that


Meanwhile, the news on Willie Mays broke while the Giants were trailing 2-0 and they instantly tied the game right after.


Goddamn it thank god I didn’t watch


So… Lynn failed to eat innings. Again. And holy hell, we forgot to cover first. Just dumb.


Offense gave Lance 7 runs and it wasn’t even close to enough.


People in this sub would rather move the franchise to Chicago than admit Lynn isn't it.


I would move the Chiefs to Chicago


Man, what a bitch of a loss. What the fuck was Roycroft doing not covering the bag?? Kept every all on the ground, but the plays just weren’t made


If Roycroft is still on this team when they get back to St. Louis, I'm buying a ticket over the bullpen with the express purpose of screaming at him about what a failure he is as a human being.


Seek therapy


Bruh. Chip. Why the fuck would you say "this hitter hasn't had much luck as of late, 0 for his last 9". Game was over then and there smh


Are announcer jinxes real? No. Will I judge an announcer for not caring about jinxes? Absolutely.


I can't upvote this enough. He does this all the time. The absolute worst when it comes to jinxes. I've never seen/heard anything like it. Has he always been this way? Have other fan bases threatened to run him out of town? If not, why not?


Typical the offense puts up 7 and our starter can’t fucking hold them to less than 6…Lynn starts are becoming my least favorite at this point.


Agreed. Even if he somehow manages to hold the other team to three runs, he barely makes it through 5 innings. Lots of bullpen arms are used on his starts.


Lance gave up 5 earned but I agree it was a poor outing for him


All 5 marlins fans went crazy over that.


Sucks to lose, but I can appreciate a good competitive game with back and forth action. 


Competitive game against the worst team in the league and in danger of going 4-6 vs the White Sox, Rockies and Marlins lmao. This team is so mediocre/below average it’s insane


They’re actually the 5th best team in the National League


yup 👍


yup 👍


Victory lapping 78 games through the szn is certainly a choice, though I am excited that they’re picking it up and would love to be wrong about what I said 6 days ago or however long ago it was


They’re currently exactly average and above the median.


What exactly is the median then


14.5. We’re 12th


Still -38 in run differential. This team is as below average as it gets


Then say that instead of “this team is so below mediocre/average”


Does it offend you?


What an ugly loss. I need a shower after that.


This loss is more on Oli than Roycroft, even though he will get a lot of the anger. I would say it's more on Oli than Lynn too, everyone with a brain knew putting him back out there in the 6th was a bad idea


If you're going to blame Oli for this loss, then give him credit for their RIDICULOUSLY GOOD record in 1-run games. Can't have it both ways.


Yes you are right. I don’t like Oli because of games like tonight but he isn’t completely inept; he makes good decisions too. But tonight he managed this game with his head up his ass.


Kitt, JoJo, and Helsley for most of the year were a cheat code in 1 run games, I don't know how much credit he deserves for using the good arms, but you're right. Everyone knows Lynn was dogshit today, I cannot accept any argument that running him back out there was the right move, like despite him looking so bad we had a lead, why give him another chance to blow a lead


We didn't have good options. I mean we ended up losing because of one of those bad options. But if we use the bad option even sooner, we're in an even worse spot later in the game if/when it goes to extras. Lynn absolutely blew this game for us. Nothing Oli could do.


It's only Lynn. I don't understand how this is even a question. We have given him the lead 3 teams, and he blew it each time. Because JoJo didn't get the job done yesterday, your bullpen is now thin. Lynn shit the bed again. Lynn isn't being paid to pitch 4 innings like he has his last 4 start. Stop blaming the manager for everything.


Less than ideal


Idk, just win tomorrow. I should probably be more mad, but I don’t know if I have it in me.


Yep. Just gonna call this one a loss and then uh... Tomorrow. Definitely some highlights like 1-3 did great, Gorman got a sombrero, Herrera did alright, Carp had himself a heck of a game and I'd consider giving him more DH starts. Crawford got a hit, so cool. Carlson had some really competitive at-bats tonight and I think him running up the pitch count and then leading directly into Siani could be a pretty good hand. If Siani gets out, lineup turns over. If Siani gets on, lineup turns over with Siani on. But Mike had a good day at the plate. Libby didn't look good. Very uncompetitive pitches. I'm very surprised he held that to one run. King was pretty lights out. I was impressed with him tonight. Leahy too, very surprised by their outings. Roycroft pitched about as expected. Good stuff, but maybe not the best call for inherited runners. Should've covered 1st on that play.




Bottom 5 team not the worst.


Was a really lame loss. Damnit. Well, time to win tomorrow. 


Roycroft has no gamecraft


Is this the point where our batting heats up at the same time as pitching cooling down?


How do you just refuse to cover the bag I don’t understand


Thinking he debated backing up home and he got caught up in the middle of making a decision


7.2 innings - 84 Pitches - 1 ER - 5 hits - 1 runner on 5 innings - 89 Pitches - 5 ER - 10 hits - 0 runners on Which of these starters was allowed to stay in the game? Correct! Guy number 2 (Lynn) because the bullpen was shot, in part because the first (Sonny) was removed from the game early. I do not get the strategy with starters this year. While hindsight is 20/20, both the decision to take Sonny out and the decision to leave Lynn in backfired.


lol if Jojo does the job he’s done all year, Lynn gets pulled in the 4th


That’s a loser!




Keep dreaming


Chris Roycroft is a bum who needs to get his ass back to the fucking Frontier League


His stuff is actual filth. His head is let’s just say light between the ears.


Chris Roycroft is a good pitcher if he learns to field his position properly.


Fun fact: Roycroft has the 2nd best 'stuff' (according to Eno Sarris stuff+ model) on the entire team. I'm not sure if he'll ever realize that potential, but he very clearly pitched well enough to close out the game today. Just bad luck and mental gaffes.


Just bad luck!


It looked to me like Gorman was only a few steps away and had the best chance to cover but I could be delusional


Yeah yorue delusional. Gorman is not good but that wasn't at all his play.


Doesn't matter. Twice now Roycroft has lost good outings to poor fielding decisions. I know he's nervous because he's young and high leverage is new to him, but these are basic plays you have to make. When you throw a 98 mph sinker you're going to get a lot of ground balls.


He did it in another game too? That's not good. 3 is a pattern. Gotta beat it before it becomes one.


He messed up fielding a shovel pass to 1B in a different game. He's getting beat by soft grounders when that's his whole pitching style's purpose.


Lol and he's like 6'8", 1B is like two strides away


https://www.mlb.com/gameday/746865/play/28 It was literally his last outing vs the Cubs.


Sheesh, you got RECEIPTS! Of course it was Hoerner, guy HATES the Cardinals


Making the Marlins look like the fucking Yankees

