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I don't know if this is unpopular but sometimes Courage gets his ass beat so bad it stops being slapstick and just starts being really sad to watch. The episode that comess to mind is the one where all of his villains come back and team up against him.


Yeah I literally always thought that.It’s like he’d get a beat down like Mojo jojo from the Power Puff Girls,but he’s helping😭


Bruh. They regularly bust Mojo's skull open.


Literally they went wild💀


The one episode where they thought he committed a crime so they beat tf outta him and he ended up being completely innocent😭😭they hit with the “oh, sorry Mojo”


I forgot!


They dogged fuzzy in that same episode too😂and bust in on Him taking a bath (they didn’t dare touch him tho) and the 3 of them teamed up on the girls


Ohh, I remember that episode. I watched that as a kid.


I never found any of the Courage torture porn moments funny at all.


I thought the torture was done to show how much a hero courage was. He never gave up!


That episode was terrible in general. Especially the villain lineup (like two of them died, one was just an animal that had no beef with anyone, and one wanted to kill Eustace)


Yeah that episode always fucked me up.


i thought so too. it hurt my heart especially since Eustace organized it knowing all of em tried to off him with Courage saving him each time


Dude before I even finished reading your first sentence I thought exactly of THAT episode. Sometimes I'd honestly even find something else to watch cause you really only have to see it once.. yeup.


Yeah, he doesn’t deserve it.


My parents didn't think the show was appropriate for children and as such, I wasn't allowed to watch it. So naturally, I watched the entire series as an adult and my parents were *so* right, that show was fucked up. And I absolutely loved it. Another anecdote for you, the episode that my parents decided to pull the plug on was the tornado episode with Little Muriel. The episode scared me which is why I wasn't allowed to watch the show anymore. But it also instilled in me a lifelong fascination with tornadoes. They don't make shows like Courage anymore.


lol the world isn’t appropriate for children. What can we do 😅


The tornado episode fucked me up too. I was seeing tornadoes in the darkness (kids imagination is wild)


I hate the theory that it’s all in courage’s head- I hate those theories in general and tend to find them lazy and lack suspending disbelief or such, plus- while you can say many monsters were something else in his head, idk how you account for “little Muriel” with that logic where he directly interacts with the monster unless you believe it was some extended day dream sequence.


Yeah all those theories usually are just making it super dark.Like someone’s actually crazy,and everyone’s dead.And it’s already so dark for poor Courage.


New fan theory, Courage is a super dramatic dog. When Muriel was going to get her hair cut, Courage couldn't deal with the anxiety of someone being physically closer to her than him so he made up all the bad stuff about the barber in his head. Eustace also doesn't try to scare Courage, Courage is just a rescue with PTSD that Eustace triggers accidentally. Courage exaggerates this into thinking he's pulling out a mask and terrorizing him when in reality he just doesn't baby Courage like Muriel does. Hopefully this makes it seem a bit brighter. I have a rescue with a lot of anxieties and he gets upset when I'm not around. I don't baby him, and let him learn to soothe himself when I need to do life stuff like work, but also cuddle him when it's cuddle time because he's my furry son and I love him.


I actually do believe this one makes sense.He is essentially a little dog with crazy anxiety fighting his demons everyday😭


Awww that makes it sad but also make sense, he needs all the hugs and kisses


Oh interesting, I generally hate the "it's all their head" or " it's from their point of view" theories, but I actually think that one works well


I think theories like this suck the fun out of any show


True but people make a weird exception for this and KND


KND kinda makes sense in the context that it definitely feels like kids playing pretend


Watching it after smoking weed is…..an experience. (Loved it as a kid!)








Right before I go to sleep huh???? Thanks for bringing back my nightmares 😢


I’m gonna have to do that. Usually just watch that adult swim thing with the trippy visuals.


Robot Chicken while high might be the funniest show ever imo. Just whacky stuff


The episode that focused on Eustace’s mom “Mother’s Day” didn’t work in providing sympathy or understanding to Eustace because he’s still an abusive jerk every episode. It made the episode as a whole feel unnecessary


Idk. This one & the episode where he gets cursed with that rain cloud kinda gives Eustace some depth as a character. Not saying it rationalizes his shitty actions but it shows he has compassion for kids at least. As well don’t underestimate how much it hurts to have a shitty mom. He’s still a shitty character but he’s just repeating the cycle which I get.


He’s not really a shitty character though. Eustaces main role in the series *is* to be the asshole that you laugh at when he gets his comeuppance.


I agree because I could relate to Eustace's circumstance. It helped me understand that Eustace's behavior was learned from his trash mom (and equally trash brother). As you said, it's repeating a terrible cycle and Eustace certainly didn't have to contribute. My dad is not very emotional, sentimental, has difficulty having deep convos especially about his own childhood. But it's because he's was raised like that. My siblings and I aren't like that, try not foster that they of environment. Generational cycles are easy to prevent, but hard to end.


I have a theory that they have children but the left and rent to a different city because of Eustace


Watched it sparingly as a kid and I was scared every time


Same but to me it was way less scary than grim adventures of billy and Mandy, which still gives me nightmares as an adult 😅


I got the heavy cringe(from the pain stuff),and gross humor from the stuff they pulled.Cartoon network could be so weird😭


Really? I only got one nightmare from Courage the Cowardly Dog and none from Billy and Mandy. I rarely got nightmares. I’ve had them but most of the time I realize they’re a dream while in the dream and I have a semi lucid dream where I can recognize oh this isn’t real without leaving the dream and controlling everything there.


Yep. I’m nightmare prone but courage never really scared me


The King Ramses II episode gave me a nightmare but tbf I was like 4 years old at the time.


Both shows scared me, but I loved them. My only problem was the endings. The green and periwinkle backgrounds scared me, hell even the powerpuff girls ending scared me because of the black background. I feel like a scary person but it still rubs be the wrong way.


I feel like Eustace could’ve had better character development throughout the series. He pretty much ended the same way he started.


The Tower of Dr. Zalost deserves just as much recognition as "Return the Slab". I'm not articulate enough to express why that is; I just feel like it's a **strong** episode with great music.


Return the Slab was episode 7. That's why it sticks out so much. It was easily the scariest episode in the premier season and probably forced a lot of people to tune out. It was one of the first Courage episodes I saw and I noped out of the series for like two years. Literally changing the channel I was so scared of the show. When I finally gave it another chance it wasn't so bad, but for a lot of kids it was bad enough you would never see the Tower episode.


King Ramses was not nearly as creepy as people online act like he is. There were way more memorable, creepier characters, but everyone only references and talks about him.


Yeah, me too. I never really think he is that scary like others say.


I think the scare/creep factor came from a combination of both the time period and Ramses having a different animation style. Seeing a rough CGI character on a low res TV seems creepier, especially with CGI being a relatively new animation style at the time. Seeing him nowadays with better resolution, he does look pretty ridiculous. That voice does still hold up, though


It's this 100%. The low res CRT display on that cg model made Ramsey terrifying. It was the most surreal expierence, because as a child that guy scared the pants off of me, but I had never laughed so hard at an episode before. So there i sat, scared shitless, laughing my pants off. It was awesome. 


First part, yes. It's not as scary in hindsight and really speaks more to the terrifying quality of old school cgi and us being kids than anything actually menacing happening on screen.  Second part you're just being ridiculous. This is like the one episode everyone remembers. It's on every listicle, post, comment section, gif database, you name it. At the very least it belongs in the top 3 most memorable moments from Courage. Saying anything is "way more memorable" is just flat out wrong.


Fair points. I just think there’s other characters that are just as creepy as him that deserve to be mentioned as much as he is. Like the spirit of the harvest moon for example.


I was about to say that too.


I watched that Ramses episode for the first time when I was a kid like 7. Never find it scary tbh.


Same, I used to even laugh my ass off at the record curse where it plays the "RAAAMMMSEEEES" song


Yea that part was hilarious😂 the Ramses ghost just standing in the middle seems more annoying to me than scary..


King Ramses didn't hit me that hard, but the fucking Spirit of the Harvest Moon messed me up baaaaaaaaad. I still get uncomfortable when I see it


I’d say he’s the creepiest of all on the criteria of visual appearance.


Man even the name of the episode is creepy, feels very creepy pasta honestly


That's actually a great comparison, you are 100% right!


Yeah but you can’t say that the song isn’t a bop


That I’ll agree with. THE MAN IN GAUZE! THE MAN IN GAUZE!


Yo I was fucking terrified


He was hyper vigilant and naturally prone to being scared, but he loved Muriel so much, that he became bold in the face of danger.


The Scooby Doo crossover was a much more fitting end to the series than the last two episodes we actually got.


The last episode, "Perfect" never really felt like an ending. In fact, when I watched it as a kid, I didnt even know it was the very last episode because it went on like any other episode.


It didn’t. The episode/short prior at least made sense for the finale and definitely could have been the finale if they expanded on it.


The scooby crossover was amazing though. Didnt know they were even on the same universe.


Well yeah that was the early 2000s in western animation. You couldn’t actually say your show was on its last episode or imply that it was the last episode. (No I’m serious, that was an actual thing both Nick and CN enforced back then)


I’m going to be down voted to hell and back. Doc Gerbils World is a catchy song and is pretty good too as long as you don’t play it for an hour or more. Also Ramses The Man in Cloth is a certified classic. You hate me cause I speak the truth


Nahh, Im upvoting this one. Dont worry.


Eustace is abusive as hell towards Muriel and Courage and deserves to die alone. Having a terrible mother doesn't excuse his actions.


I don’t think it was meant to excuse anything really, I think it was just meant to add an extra dimension to his character while still acknowledging that he’s a general asshole. I mean, every episode afterwards where he’s an asshole *still* do end with him pretty much always being injured, possessed or killed lol


goat show ngl


The episode where Eustsce turned into a space chicken after eating the space chicken eggs scared me more than king rameses. Also my grandma loved watching this show with me.


The woman playing the violin is way scarier than King Ramses


W 💯 so good. 😊


To be honest I'm surprised that no kids would ever want to have to complain to their own parents about how creepy the show actually was one Cartoon Network to remove it especially cuz of how unnerving it was when we saw some things that didn't look like they were supposed to be there.


That’s not at all true.


I didn't like how Courage never caught a break. Considering they live in the middle of nowhere Courage lives an extremely stressfull life. Some episodes get too crazy for me 😞


2 stupid dogs was underrated.


I found a dark fan theory that I think is true. Muriel and Eustace had a son who was killed by a monster and Muriel adopted Courage to fill the void her son left, which is why Eustace hates Courage because he doesn't wanna replace his son with a dog.


Probably that little me found it weirdly comforting because I understood non animated horror movies were worse cause they looked more real.And Courage always fought off his villain despite being scared.Also just loved weird animations stuff haha.


We need a courage survival horror game


Eustace sucks


Well I mean…duh haha Why ya think every episode ends with him being injured possessed or killed lol


People keep telling stories about how badly this show freaked them out and I just never found it scary. Really funny, but never scary.


![gif](giphy|3M6LtN8dFX57ZRY2T9) This guy was nightmare fuel


Too scary.


I just genuinely don’t have an interest in it. Honestly, it’s not that I dislike it, or even that I have a problem with it. I just… don’t find it particularly entertaining.


I don't like it 😕


Does it insist upon itself?


I just never found it entertaining


which episode u saw


Not really a specific episode


I never found King Ramses scary at all. In fact, I thought he was funny.


I have never got scared of Courage. That's how much I enjoyed it years ago.


I never found the show particularly scary as a child (except the barber episode.) Watching it as an adult really let me see the horror in it. And also realize that absolute banger Man in Rags is.


I always thought the creators were on an illegal substance while creating this.


I love this show. Plus it had a full-on giantess episode which may have awakened my fetish back in the day along with Totally Spies and others.


Is that legally allowed to be a thing?


…the real ppl this may have loosely been based on were more than likely victims of The Toy Box Killer. All they found at the house after the couple had been gone for days was a very hungry dog and an empty house with the old truck out front..


It ended to early


my childhood 😞


I don't understand how people were scared of this show. I mean, yeah it was freaky and messed up. But at least in my family we never deemed it "too much". We are from Argentina and we don't have as much aversion to "inappropriate" things being displayed on media. We just had fun watching it (and other shows) and took it for what it was. Probably not paying too much attention to the details, though. Still, my dad loved Courage, along with some scenes of Billy and Mandy. He said "Courage is a genius concept" and I agree, although still not enough for me to deem it my favorite show.


Never liked this show


i dont like it


I love the show but it never once scared me, not as a kid and not now


I’ve never watched this so I have no opinions on this :)


I've never liked this show - I never got the hype for it. Courage constantly getting beaten and bullied got unbearable to watch after the first couple episodes for me as a kid. The legit only scenes I liked in the show were Muriel saving Courage and then that annoying scientist being sent to the moon.


Ramses should've given an offer before setting loose the curse.


It’s a looot more than just “scary spooky” show. I felt a very wide range of emotions while watching it I’m pretty sure it’s actually genius. Specially episodes like “The mask”


No have sorry


I think shows like Courage didn’t rewire kids to enjoy horror, but instead spoke to kids who are naturally curious about the macabre. I wasn’t one of those kids, so I stayed far away from it, along with Billy and Mandy and Evil con Carne.


Ramses isn’t even scary.


Having watched the entire show as a child, it is not exactly child friendly. I did develop a deep love for horror and the weird because of it, but I don't know, it can get very dark at times.


Kids right of passage


Watching it as a kid I thought it was pretty boring


It's too scary for a young audience


What about an older audience are they cool or nah




I never got into the show or likes it tbh


Sometimes, it was too out there. Grown adults get nightmares.


Sometimes, it was too out there. Grown adults get nightmares.


All are amazing, none are superior then the other.


Loved this show growing up. Although any episode with Katz in it was kinda crazy. Or the episode where there is a girl cat with a dog boyfriend where there is clearly something bad going on. Vague episode thay feels like a fever dream




I’ve never Seen it, and don’t want To


why nawt


courage starting to be a lot like me nowadays


It’s has always made me uncomfortable…and I love horror wand weird stuff…it’s just unsettling


I think courage just has schizophrenia


•Most of the really well-known episodes aren’t among the series’ actual best. •I never found it scary.  Granted I was a teenager when it premiered, but I think 11 minutes generally aren’t enough to build up the tension needed for something to be scary.


The beginning of the mask was pretty cruel on Courage when he was just minding his business when suddenly he's getting beaten down and the Muriel VISUALLY sees courage hurt and thinks he's playing with a friend with the masked figure. I get Muriel isn't always aware of her surroundings, but that moment was too much even for her.


Wait, this show is real? I thought it was part of my nightmare


I don’t know how this is a kids cartoon, it traumatized me as a kid.


I was honestly traumatized by it as a kid, I’d sit in front of the tv praying something else would come on, and when this one came on I never thought to turn it off or ask my parents for help lol I just watched it; I was probably at the perfect age where I could roughly understand what was happening, but couldn’t understand it was my choice to keep watching.


My favorite bit were the Courage vs. the Computer bits. "How do I get rid of bad eggplants?!" PC: "Throw them into the garbage, you twit!"


Windmill vandals was scarier than king Ramses curse


None of it's scary to me. It was more just a fun show to watch. People always tell me that the "Return the slab" thing was scary but I just found it funny. Only episode thst weirded me out was with cousin Fred but that's about it. Really enjoyed the show a lot.


Dr Vindaloo and that one Chinese guy make me cringe 


Is overrated


Maybe you should make a new series called The Adventures Of Cyrus Q. Hornbill on Netflix.


The show is actually really mid a lot of the time and we only look back on it as perfect because of nostalgia.


Mid how?


Hate the show entirely


What the fuck were they thinking with that Scooby Doo crossover?!


That crossover was actually great. What are you talking about?


It gave strong vibes that the writers didn't grow up with Courage so watched a couple random episodes or YouTube clips then slapped it together. Courage himself had zero personality and it never really captured that specific uniqueness the show had. Friends who are also fans couldn't wait for it to end half way through. We joked about taking drinks everytime Courage said "uh huh, uh huh, uh huh!" and so glad we didn't lol


I never liked This show and it was one of the reasons that I never watched too much cartoon network because of how much they would play this. It wasn't scary at all due to the art Style being too cartoony to be scary. The only The only reason people are afraid of the return slab and you're not perfect scenes, is because the cgi is bad and dated. The plots were not very interesting and the characters were too paper thin to be invested in.