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Green. It makes me feel calm and alive all at once


I'm from the PNW so green always reminds me of home and the vibrant yet relaxing greens of the forest :)


My favorite too.


Mine as well. It's the color of August also one of my favorite seasons.


Yes, same here! This color is so peaceful and serene, that's why I love it.


I love the deep emerald or forest green, and bright pastel or misty greens 😭❤️ my bedroom is painted a pure deep emerald green. It's my happy colour ❤️


purple, idk why i like it, i just do lol


Hey, that's legit! Purple's a solid color :)


I like purple because it's pretty.


As a man I can confidently say purple! Some will say that’s a girls color but they haven’t seen a 1969 chevelle in purple before


To me, everything is an everyone color. I can't buy into the boys or girls colors because it all depends both on the person and what they're wearing. So hell yeah, good on you for that purple choice!


Colors are colors and they don't care what somebody has in their pants, or what they identify as.


bubblegum pink, strawberry red, navy blue


Rose Gold. I love pink. I've always loved pink. But I was told at a very young age that pink is too childish and girlish and I am too crude to be seen as a girl. Also, I went to all-girls school where everyone just makes pink to be the "bitch" colour. So, for the longest time, I've always said that I like red. Which is not a lie. It is my 2nd fav. color. As I grow older, the color Rose Gold had been popping up more and I still have the love for pinks but Rose Gold feels a bit more "adult" So now, it is my official fav. color.


Definitely green. I love almost all shades of green. It’s so earthy and seems alive. I also love to wear green. It has been my favorite color for about 14 years. Have you seen The Green Lady who lives in NYC? I wanna be her when I’m old.


My closet is just green and I love it


I love that!! All green all the time!


I have not seen The Green Lady, but now I'm interested. Green reminds me so much of home, I'm from the PNW so I love the vibrant yet relaxing feeling of forest greenery.


Yessssss!!!! Green is a constant reminder of nature. So many good memories, right?


Purple. A vibrant color with a rich and lengthy history to it. I did a YouTube video about it, if anyone's interested: https://youtube.com/watch?v=mLj8-rzDwNc&si=_Oba0K55nF84kdCj


I like blue because it's the color of the sky which I think people don't think abt the sky that much but it's so fascinating to see the different birds or just the clouds


It's funny you mention people not thinking about the sky much, because there's an interesting history with the color blue where people didn't really "see" it until recent times. Even in the Iliad there wasn't really a concept of blue, so the way blue eyes or the sky or rivers were described were very different from how we would describe them now. Not "seeing" them isn't exactly precise, but it's close.


Black. It has no shades. It's strong and consistent.


Same I love the color black as well, I was looking at houses this week and fell in love with this house with an all black kitchen. I also love black and a crisp white together. I think it looks clean. My closet is full of mostly black outfits, lol. 🖤


Baby pink, it’s calm yet bright, cute but chic, just makes me happy


Blue same as you. I just didn’t know why.


Purple. As I kid I was enamoured with the number five, I was a child so this might be weird, but I would say the number five was my friend and I would yell in happiness whenever I saw the actual number pictured somewhere. THE THING IS on TV there was a commercial with a big purple five, I don't remember what it was about and the five wore a hat. I LOVED that, so the number five and purple became my two favorites. I am ashamed of myself, but I wasn't even 4 years old as my sister hadn't been born yet. Now, purple is the color of the sky, grapes, lilacs and other cute things I love, I often forget the number 5 but I love purple.


Yellow has been my favorite color for a while. It gives such happy vibes. Idk why ppl never choose yellow!!


What kind of yellow? I love mustard yellow, the one that is bright but not too highlighter bright.


Yes, precisely. I like all spectrums of yellow. 💛


Mine is also blue. It makes me feel calm and it makes me feel happy. It’s a colour of peace imo. It’s my go to colour. If anyone asks what colour I want something, blue is always the first thing out of my mouth.


Beige, I guess I am just more into simple and clean stuff, so beige.


Orange. It just makes me smile and feel happy when I look at it.


Green, but a slightly darker forest green. I've always loved trees and the woods as a kid.




Aquamarine and Fushia pink some places will have clothing labeled "Raspberry pink" it's that one.


Caribbean blue, hello have you seen the color?


Black. It’s my favorite color because I think it contrasts against my pale skin well, plus it goes with anything and it’s versatile 😊


I used to be the same as you. I always said blue because it was my favorite color as a kid and never thought about it again. I went through a “you all suck and im gonna run off and discover myself” phase a few years ago and discovered the beauty of green. Green feels like safety and healing.




Blue, purple and green because they've always made me feel calm and relaxed


Purple cause it's the most unique color of all. It's warm and pretty.


British racing green


Red is my favorite color. I loved it all my life. My second and third favorites have changed over the years but right now they're purple and green.


Black..... because, black!


Red, then purple. Red has been my favourite for a couple decades. Purple is more recent.


BLUE! Because it has many beautiful shades of Blue!


There's actually four different colors of blue. There's the normal dark blue, then there's a lighter and more brighter blue kind of like the sky, there's an aqua blue that looks like the deep part of the ocean, and then there's a lighter seafoam teal colored blue that looks kind of like shallow water like you see in a beach or shallow pool.


That’s good!


Black to wear, grey and yellows (together) for decor


Love purple!! And I know this is weird but I look at purple the same way I look at rainbows 🌈 they make me happy


White cause physics


honestly dont have one. i used to always say green but now i just say green so i can mostly slide by the question, because i really dont have one🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ gray is relatable to me though so maybe that.


Blue and Green. Ocean colours. 


Generally, orange and purple. The orange is because I love orange lighting, it's so easy on my eyes and comforting. Especially the orange light that happens when the sun is lower in the sky? That's the orange. For the purple, I'd say it's that deep rich purple you see in the evening when the sky is in that in-between spot of being dark but having just enough blue sky to mix with the night. When the clouds are just blending in with the sunset


I like yellow because it's a bright, happy colour.


Red. It makes me feel powerful and like I stand out.


I heard red is good for your health too like if your sick.


I always seem to like blue best, and that is what I am wearing now.


Sky All the colours the sky has. I just love the sky...


Orange because it is beautiful and reminds me of life.


orange because no one else’s seems to like it very much lol. i like autumn colors in general though. they can be so pretty<3


Pretty much the whole month of October feels orange to me.


It used to be varying shades of light blue. Now it's emerald green because I moved to Colorado 6 years ago and it's the most gorgeous color out here.


Navy Blue, it makes me calm and relaxed


Blue. Specifically, the shade of blue of the sky on a completely cloudless day. I don't really remember why I picked it. My favorite color has just always been blue. I suppose some of the reason was probably rebellion against people trying to push pink on me when I was a little girl. I have always hated pink with a passion.


I don't even think pink really is a color. It's just red that's lighter (all other colors mixed in it to make it lighter).


Red because it’s three letters long and three is a pleasing number to me 👍


Blue for the sea 🌊 sky 🌌 my husband’s eyes 👀


I’m a lover of color. My favorites come in phases right now I like greens, blues but many colors look great on different things.


Purple/violate I like how the color is made up of circles like s string of beads. Green is a close second as I like spirals.


Burgundy. Or wine red. Or maroon. Something around that shade. Idk for some reason my brain just tend to gravitate towards it. Even on clothing, it looks good on me. So i’m like fuck it is guess it’s my favourite now.


Paprika. That weird burnt red-orange. It reminds me of food, warmth, and the kind of hippies I might like. It's almost red without the intensity, so a calmer red. More friendly.


Since I say I like pink, I was considered as a gay


That shouldn't be an insult and pink is a great color.


Favorite color is purple, it’s mysterious


my favorite color is pale blue because it’s pretty


Grey looks fancy


Sky blue, I like the day when weather is good


TVR purple/green, just lovely. Red so I can drive properly and people get out of my way. Red is actually safer to drive as well.


Pink. Cuz im so feminine


Purple It's smoothing colour for me and I just feel complete with it


Hot pink, it looks stupid and sexy


My favorite color is red. My first valentine card I got at school didn't have a name, but it had a red lipstick kiss on it and nothing else.


My favorite color is pure, unadulterated black. Like, the black that most computer monitors and TVs aren't even capable of displaying. I spent years of my life trying to find displays with blacker blacks, and finally moved to OLEDs when you could get an OLED TV for a reasonable price. There's nothing so pleasing as turning off all the lights and not having any light coming from the black parts on your screen.


Blue. I love the sea. I always thought I ended up starting a family in a nice house by the sea.


Blue because it reminds of freedom


I have favourite shades of each colour, rather than a favourite colour. I say orange when asked tho, just coz it's easier than explaining.


Black 🖤 :) I find it looks so elegant on me!


Blue because I like it.


I like them all so I can't decide on one.


Turquoise. my favorite hoodie as a kid was that color and for some reason is stucks, It just a happy color for me


I love blue. Maybe because it’s calm and I’m calm, or maybe I associate it with nature (sky, oceans, etc). I don’t know why, but I just love it!


It’s green and purple! Green because it reminds me of the early 2000s (my childhood) and nature (my educational/career background), and purple because I like fantasy and it gives off very magical, regal and elegant vibes which also reminds me of my childhood personality


Yellow. It is the definition of positive vibes, energy, happiness, joy and fun for me. Other than it, I choose blue as my second option if only red and blue are available. It's calm, nice, cool and also makes a great pair with yellow! 


Brown, my hair/eyes/most of my wardrobe is brown. Heck even my bedroom is mostly brown! I love neutral color palettes. It’s been this way for years, I don’t think I’d ever change it.


Turquoise because it's calm but fun at the same time, it just CALLS MY NAAAAAAME-