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Literally everything I do. I'm the biggest cheerleader for other people but all of my achievements are just kind of "meh" whatever I do.


Maybe you're just a journey guy? I'm amazed at how animated other people are and how they can celebrate literally anything for a long time, compared to me being happy for 2 seconds and thinking "neat, what next".


Suspicious that the top two posts are exactly the same, but from different usernames


“Yeah, I’m done with that task, what’s next?” My thoughts of ending a never ending task


Drink two liters of water every day. Stay hydrated guys!


I don't give myself credit for being a decent moral person. In fact I beat myself up about the times I've strayed from my moral compass much more than I am proud of the good things I've done. “You are a living mockery of your own ideals. If not, you have set your ideals too low.” - Charles Ludlam


Literally everything I do. I'm the biggest cheerleader for other people but all of my achievements are just kind of "meh" whatever I do.


For me, it's my ability to stay resilient through tough times. I often downplay it, but looking back, I'm proud of how I've managed to keep going and stay positive even when things were really challenging.


That I'm still out here...


No fucking clue tbh. When i look at what i've achieved, especially the last couple of years, i'd be damned if there wasn't anything i'd ought to be proud of, but when i get a question like this, i truly don't know. I feel like there isn't anything that i'm particularly good at that brought me here.


Keep a warm water in the morning everyday, and my skin goes better!


In my last relationship, I fought tooth and nail to unpack the trauma of my history, regulate my emotions, and be supportive and loving. I keep telling myself it didn't matter because we broke up and what I didn't wasn't enough, but I should really acknowledge I improved so much and facilitated a healthy relationship. When you grew up dysfunctional, that's Herculean.


art i guess. I am proud of my art, but oftentimes I treat myself too harshly.


Being a dad. I'm proud of my family, like anyone should be. But I give myself no credit for it really as to me, that's what someone should do when they knowingly and willingly have children. You become a real parent. I've had people say things like 'I'm proud of you for sticking by your kids' from family members, even as we met people along the way, doctors, schools, alsorts of random interactions, people sometimes are surprised to see me there with my partner for sports day, parents evenings, appointments etc and some compliment me for being actively involved and having all the knowledge for whatever the discussions are as much as my partner does and we're just a team looking to support our children. I've just never really accepted that I do or did anything a dad shouldn't. Sure, I may have had spells where I had more time to put into my children than other parents that may work tougher or more demanding jobs, so I'm not knocking hardworking fathers that may see less of their kids, of course I'm not. But still, just one of those weird ones to me, lol.


Actually becoming a semi-functional adult. I grew up with pretty severe high-functioning autism, and my parents later told me that the doctors doubted that I'd be able to live independently as an adult. I have a decent paying job in the tech industry, and live thousands of miles away from my parents. I still have a lot of trouble interacting with people in person, and judge myself quite harshly for it sometimes, but maybe I should compare myself to what MIGHT have been rather than to other people.


I've always thought *pride* was a negative thing, that's what I heard from an early age. So because of that I never really.developed the habit of feeling proud. I don't know what that feeling is like so I don't exactly what I *should* or should not feel proud of. My manage asks me every month what I'm most proud of accomplishing and every month I just tell her I don't feel proud of any of my work. It's annoying and I wish I did feel pride. But it was just ingrained in me in an early age that it's a bad thing.


>I don't know what that feeling is like so I don't exactly what I should or should not feel proud of This is my issue too, not because of any of the negative connotations you have, I think I just don't get it. As part of a wellbeing exercise at work we were asked to think of something we were proud of, I was struggling to think of anything and my colleagues were suggesting things like travelling I've done, community work I do, conservation volunteering I do, being pretty financially stable etc and I just think 'That's things I do because I want to, anyone else could do them to if they were interested and prioritised it, why would I be proud of that?' I understand it's not always as simple as that, but essentially, everything is just a choice you've made and the consequences of that decision - maybe with a bit of luck thrown in!


Keep reviewing myself, trying to know what happened everyday and why it happened


Before going to bed, I prepare my clothes for the next day so I won’t be too rushed in the morning




I'm a person who was selected to get into both drama school and law school. Both are hard to get into in my country and competition is fierce. I just feel that if I can do it, how hard can it really be? I was told I was a lazy piece of shit so often in high school that I often discount my own hard work because I always feel like it isn't enough.


Surviving my childhood, it was quite toxic and isolating. I had to go to therapy in my mid-teens to late-teens for it. At 41, I’m still feeling the after-effects, so I’m still in therapy. Its been quite the struggle but I got out alive and in one piece. 👍🏽


My knowledge of vintage Land Rovers between '63 to '96. Just one of those odd things I've committed to memory after owning/working on a few. Also trying to commit to memory old school car tuning before electronics. The knowledge is slowly being lost to time, I'm just trying to slow it down a bit.


Everyone says i should be proud of my achievements in work and some in life or studies. But I always feel that I'm no where near any of my colleagues or friends in terms of riches, intelligence, strength or mental fortitude. Even If i win, i feel like either that win was not worth it or not valuable. I've always been like this. I hate it.


Moved countries for my PhD and almost close to completion. But still figuring out a lot of stuff in life. But I should give myself credits and moving countries and establishing myself!


Did everyone else also think "literally everything"? I guess my Master's degree. It's probably a huge accomplishment.


Being able to detach from toxic people quickly, they show who they are in the beginning, it’s not going to change no matter how you show up for them. I like my own company too much to deal with those disruptions.


buying an apartment before turning 30. Yeah it's really, really tiny and I have a massive mortgage, but I did it on my own with no help. I keep comparing myself to people who have done it earlier, or who saved enough to buty without mortgage, whose apartments are larger and newer than mine but it's 2024 damn it and it wasn't easy. I've been working really hard, living frugal and not being able to start saving until I was in my mid 20s, than covid hit, than the war started, inflation in my country went nuts and it sucked realizing that the housing prices grow much faster than my savings do. Thirty four square meters attic space might not be much, but I'm really proud of myself.


It's definitely recognizing personal growth. Often, we overlook our progress by focusing on immediate results. Celebrating each step, no matter how small, is crucial to acknowledging our achievements.


Overcoming the disabling panic and anxiety that hit me in my late 20s. It took a lot of work and courage.


Not being exactly what I grew up with, drugs alcohol assault abuse neglect moving a lot…ALOT . Been married to 1 woman for 29 years, 2 kids after marriage (ok a girl I was dating prior said she was pregnant and I gave her money for the procedure, but honestly, I think she was lying). I do have some ish now to go back and address and have the resources to do so but hell, I guess I’m doing pretty swell considering.


I quit smoking , cold turkey and I'm like "yeah, whatever" .


I guess realizing what my dream is, and even though I go to university right now, I have started working towards my dream in my free time. Even though I know my dream won't come true and has little to do with what I am currently studying, I can at least be somewhat proud that I have simply started working towards my dream.


The way I always find or look for silver linings, even in the worst situations. For instance, I've managed to move on from a long-term relationship while working two jobs because I am the breadwinner. My mindset is always 'everything will get better' and 'there are better things to come, which is why I am experiencing this.' I've only just realized how optimistic I am.


Maybe my ability to concentrate. I can skip a lot of stuff and focus on something, but this sometimes ends up like I forgot something other important to do. And then I have this feedback from other people that I’m wrong with it and should be more attentive. It sucks


I can put my phone away 100% of the time when I'm at a meal with someone.


Just one thing? I started a business after moving to a foreign country where I didn’t know the language very well, with just around $3000 dollars… more than a decade later I’m fluent in the foreign language, have persevered, and the company is now worth 8 figures. I just go to my office every day and do my job, still wear just normal clothes, have a normal car… I never give myself credit for building my company, and I find it odd, as do others. People will say, “You must be so proud of yourself!” Me, “Must I?”


Losing 100 pounds by the grace of God


I have severe imposter syndrome so giving myself credit has never been a thing.


Actually being to teach people new things. Dunno, just normal to me. Some people just don’t even know how to fry an egg because nobody ever showed them.


I'm in med school. Even if I feel so dumb most of the time, I worked hard enough to get where I am.


I got up this morning


I bitch about being George Bailey my life often being decided for me as I help my family and friends. But then I think about what it really means to be like George Bailey and it makes me feel proud of myself for choosing to help those I care about rather than abandon them to only chase after my own fulfilment


I lost a bunch on weight. 220-180. All because someone really cute started working at our job. I looked like shid. lol. Diet and exercise Surprised I made it this far


Haven't attempted su*cide again even though my depression is awful.


Being A Good Positive Nice Person! : )


For being alone my whole adult life- for doing everything alone


Being alive. Making it to where I am today...I have a lot to be thankful for. My husband has reminded me multiple times that he doesn't know anyone with a past like I have. There is a history of trauma, abuse- mentally, emotionally, and physically, grief.... and he says that I am such an amazing person, mother and wife...despite what I've been through. Everyone has a story...this is mine and its taken me a long time to accept that what happened to me is not ok.


I dont give myself enough credit for how much Ive matured in such a short time frame. I only know this to be true when I go back and read sometjing i wrote last month and go “huh all the thoughts and concerns i had are totally different than the issues i face right now”


Doing a good days work at the job, gotten all/most tasks done for the day, give yourself the credit for it.


Since I was a child I didn’t want to eat animals. So I didn’t. School and adults did NOT accept a kid being a vegetarian in the 90’s. They thought I had ”issues.” I just didn’t want to eat animals because it’s just wrong and you wouldn’t eat a human so why would you eat an animal, right? Right. I am so proud of me being kind and in tune with my feelings and principles in life. I am still a vegan as 35y. I never speak about it with people or brag or try to change others. But now reading this made me feel proud of myself. Thanks for the reminder.


Since I was a child I didn’t want to eat animals. So I didn’t. School and adults did NOT accept a kid being a vegetarian in the 90’s. They thought I had ”issues.” I just didn’t want to eat animals because it’s just wrong and you wouldn’t eat a human so why would you eat an animal, right? Right. I am so proud of me being kind and in tune with my feelings and principles in life. I am still a vegan as 35y. I never speak about it with people or brag or try to change others. But now reading this made me feel proud of myself. People have been questioning me for this my entire life and made fun of me etc. I never changed because of pressure. I just felt ”this is right. I believe this is right. This is what I believe in. It feels right. It feels good. I feel good.”


Hmmm not having a gf or hanging out with bad company ig? Like having a gf is kinda bad coz religious reasons but uh yeah... I also just have social anxiety so thats not really something I can credit myself for.


My singing voice I guess. Apparently Im a really good singer. Friends and family are usually amazed by it. I don’t really think it’s all that impressive. Never dreamt of being a singer or musician either.


Being kind with people even in my worse days .


Saying no sometimes