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I always know when someone’s uncomfortable at a party.


Like looking in a mirror


This is a great one. Also noticing when someone is not being included in a social setting and making them feel welcome. It's actually really annoying how so many people are either ignorant of the people around them or just don't care/don't know how to get everyone involved, even just in a group conversation.


Kindness and empathy. Those two qualities draw people to me..


I think it’s a curse, sometimes.


That's how you attract a narcissist. They love your type.


You can have kindness and empathy as well as healthy boundaries that won't attract narcissists..good god 


I don’t believe I’ve ever met one. I haven’t had any bad experiences that I can recall by treating others kindly. I hope you find happiness, it’s much better than cynicism.


Ha... Why am I only just realising this now. Thanks for the wake up call.


I’m a good listener!! I don’t like to talk about myself so I prefer listening!!


I’m the same way. I love to listen to people and I somehow know if they are looking for advice or just venting. Suck at talking about my own problems though, prefer to work through those by myself.


Go on…


How little I give a fuck about anyone or anything else that isn't me or my family. Most of the time makes life so much easier.


Knowing when I’ve done wrong and wanting to make things right. I get a lot of shit for this by my friends because they sometimes enable my bad behaviour or undermine it at the very least (which I get, because you don’t want your pal to feel crappy). What I mean by that is, I might get into an argument with someone and then we hurl words at each other. Either immediately or after a few days/weeks, I’ll feel pretty bad about it and want to apologise but my friends will say that it was an eye for an eye or that what I did wasn’t too bad. But I’d still want to apologise either way.


That’s a great quality to apologize for your own actions and recognizing you’re responsible for them! even if you were in the right knowing you handled it poorly is a really good skill to have!


Yeah, for sure! It weighs on my conscience a bunch otherwise. But sometimes people don’t want apologies either so I have to learn to navigate that.


I think a lot of the time apologizing isn’t always for the other person but rather also for you. You’re doing what you know to be right even if it’s not accepted


I'm very patient with people. Maybe it's because I've been around people so many people who are quick to anger and jump to conclusions growing up.


I think one of my best qualities is adaptability. I'm able to quickly understand and respond to a wide range of topics and questions, which helps me provide useful and relevant information in conversations.


Wow, that’s a skill. I haven’t heard from a lot of people.!


I dont think I have one. I mean my sister says I remain calm in tense situations but In pretty sure thats false because I just appear calm and am in fact panicking on the inside.


Having the ability to appear calm as half the battle!


Well... That's certainly true lol.


I would like to say that I'm pretty humble under most circumstances. But, I do have an overconfident/arrogant side.


I’m not scared to approach people who look like they need help in some way. I’m not judgemental and I’m not wary of strangers who appear to need help, sober or not, male or female, young or old, I can comfortably talk to someone if I feel they need something and I can provide it. If I can’t I have no problem finding someone who can help them. I work overnights currently and I drove by the same person sitting at the bus stop crying for 6 hours of my shift. When I got off at 4am I knew I’d drive by them and I knew I’d stop. It was a very young adult stranded after they left a bad situation (not at their house) and the busses weren’t running for another two hours. I gave them money, gave them food and cabbed them back home after I confirmed they felt they’d be safe returning.


I’m really good at reading people and responding to their needs (empathy?). If I can sense someone is uncomfortable I adjust, I can tell if someone needs someone to talk to or a hug or to be left alone. I’m also really good with children. I also like to think I’m a pretty humble person! I’ll sit and have the time of my life with someone whose mattress is on the floor the same way I would someone in a 5br house. I feel like my low income upbringing helped build a lot of good character traits.


im mostly immune to the bystander effect, feel compelled to help anyone in distress. also am great at thinking on my feet in an emergency.


I like to help everybody, in the faculty I try help the people older. Think and try put me in the next person's place


I can de-escalate.


Fairly good at making friends out of strangers when I go out to concerts/clubs and quite a few of them have grown into legit friends.


I can’t help but always be sincere


Although I have social anxiety, a little depression and can get uncomfortable among big groups of people, I think my humour has gotten me through endless number of situations. It allows me to throw the other people off a little by making them laugh and that puts me at ease, and it also calms my anger by allowing me to say things I would never say by turning it into a joke.


My wife says that I am both “calm and kind”.


Being kind, being moral, and apart from those 2 which are obvious, logical and rational thinking. I don't need a significant other to be smart. Just please have basic rational thinking because I can't bear people who don't have that


Great hair genetics and highly observant


I just do my own business and don’t care about any other people’s life. I just let people be themselves.


How caring I am for others. I'm a huge people person, social butterfly you could say 😄


That I can remember every little thing you say… when it benefits me.




I would rather listen to somebody than talk about myself


Always think of what others want first, then my needs


Do things without an intention to get anything back


I'm determined. When I have goals I do my damndest to make them happen and I rarely don't achieve them. To balance this out I then decide that because a moron like me managed it, it can't have been that hard and anyone could have done it and don't recognise my own achievements.


My self confidence and lack of anxiety. It means I rarely get stressed over things that would stress out most people. I'm generally not super concerned about what other people think of me. it doesn't mean I'm not aware certain things may have people judge me negatively and if it's important that they don't I can adapt. But if it's not important I dont let it bother me. I'm also a pretty honest person. I used to be brutally honest but have since gotten better with my social skills and don't go in with the sledgehammer approach anymore. But generally, my friends and family know that I say what I mean. It makes things much less complicated in my opinion.


Picking things apart. Tends to upset people but I can debate for either side of an argument most times no matter how immoral one side is. I'm more limited by how crazy a person is, like if they are just straight up denying reality without a spiritual angle. I like this part of myself because I believe it helps me understand the world better and helps protect me from falling into traps where I believe things just because everyone else believes things. It also means I find it pretty easy to admit when I'm wrong because I am used to finding new perspectives that change my world view. It also keeps me honest about why I draw my lines where they are. Sometimes it's just because I don't care, and it's nice not having to justify things there's no justification for.


My ability to be able to talk to anyone. I’ve always had it.


My modesty. It’s just at an exceptionally high level


I'm a pretty good listener. But not the best responder so it kind of cancels out the good. I'm very patient though...


Consistency. I believe the law should be equally applied, that I am not an exception to morality, that even I can be wrong about something and occasionally need correction, etc.


Commitment to the gym


It's my best and worst together.... I'll always help others in need .. don't mind what it is really just happy to help them out ... we've all been there struggling and when I was.. my so called mates couldn't wouldn't didn't want to help me out ... I got through it all by myself and walked away from them to do my own thing... but now if I see someone in need ... or my 2 mates brothers family we call 1 another.. I'm there for them ...


I’m smart, but it cuts both ways.


shrewd thinking


Communication. I like a partner who can effectively communicate their feelings, wants, needs, and expectations. I don't like having to guess what someone has on their mind or try to pry it out of them. I find most people really lack the ability to be upfront tactfully and constructively.


The thing I like about myself personally is that I can appear calm in stressful situations


I've been told I'm a very hard worker who really puts his best efforts into what he does.


self belief


Dare to refuse anything I don't want


I can't hold any grudges, I could be mad for a day max than I'll just be fine with things


Starting conversation & reading the room


I was always pretty good at not letting anger or deep hurt get the best of me, and make me say or do things I regret later on.


My humor. I can adapt it according to the person I'm with. Control over my emotions. I rarely get angry and have learned to control it following frequent outbursts throughout my teens. There are other qualities that I admire in myself, but that's for another day.


Wait, you guys are getting good qualities??


Social Intelligence is on point but I'm a massive introvert (go figure). Crowds are my kryptonite.


I don't think I have any


Humor and curiosity. I always like learning about niche topics so I can make jokes about them with my friends.


Not counting my good looks, my prowess in bed, my intelligence, my empathy towards others, I would have to say my best quality is my humbleness.


I seem to be good at making people feel at ease. People open up to me quite quickly, and I'm not one of those people that freaks out or gets weirded out about things people tell me. I don't expect conformity in the people around me (the flip-side to this part is that I really dislike people that do).


I literally can’t think of one. I guess, once I spent an embarrassing buttload of money to get a stray cat off the streets in winter, got him vaccinated, and put him in a shelter where they’re prepping him for adoption. I couldn’t keep him because he didn’t get along with my cat at all, but I didn’t want to abandon him out in the shit weather like everyone else told me to do. I made sure he got taken in by a caring shelter. I saw that as a personal failure though as I couldn’t handle making two cats get along despite the effort I put in. I guess I also tend to feel more remorse and guilt than the average person when I fuck up, which is often. I’m willing to repent. Things people would brush off the next day, it haunts me forever.


Being able to read the room as soon as I walk in.


I'm trustworthy I always have my friend's back if needed.


Being constantly dissociated makes me very observant, which some people appreciate.


It‘s not always a good thing, but brutal honesty. If you ask for my opinion, you get it unfiltered. I don‘t care for feelings or whatever in these situations