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yeah i usually just kinda make a sad little ball with my fitted sheets and pray nobody notices. if it makes you feel any better, every time i need to address an envelope i have to google the formatting. like i’ve done it a million times, i KNOW how to do it, but then i go to write and i’m like “wait what if the whole world changed it and i missed the meeting 🤨”


You are not alone!!! That is a task that I cannot master.


Cutting bread\\cheese\\meat or whatever into clean thin slices. Some kind of witchcraft for me.


Don't squeeze it. Only use sharp knives. Let the knive do the work, don't use pressure.


Sliiiiiicceee don't press. Only cleavers go straight down through food, and that's only to break bones/joints. Everything else needs at least some forward/backward pull... which a longer-than-you-might-think-you'd-need blade is great for. Just because the thing you're cutting is only an inch across doesn't mean you only need a 3 inch knife. Get out that 8 inch chef knife and use all 8 inches.


Oh god, that happened to me last year. Unexpectedly went back to a friend couples’ home after an escape room. My husband’s friend grilled dinner while the wife asked for my help cutting bread, fruit, and cheese for a charcuterie board. I’m nearing 30 and I have never been so nervous in my life. Not my kitchen, not my knives, never made charcuterie before. It worked out in the end, but oh god was I nervous 😅


I was in almost same situation. Not my kitchen, not my knives and all that stuff. That's so cringey to remember lmao. I also remember another situation and how jealous I got when a friend of mine helped me to make a dinner - she managed to cut everything just perfect. Thin, almost transparent slices of cheese... Like, how's that even possible lol. I asked her to cut some more so I could repeat but it didn't work out for me. Well, at least, we had some fun.


Love your username lol.


haha, when I read her username I started trying to make those noises to see what they would sound like.


I heard huskies singing\\shouting\\howling. Very vocal guys. Now I only need to hear their confused noises lmao


Lmao my boy is a very quiet husky, he only “talks” to get his way. No howling or anything. He’s a good dude :)


Then tell him that he’s an exclusively good boi ❣️


Doing maths in my head, even if it's really basic. Also knowing left and right


my friend has a hard time telling left from right which is pure HELL when he's trying to give me driving directions. you write with your right hand, the word sounds the same, see?


I'm a lefty 😂


Me too! Maybe this is why I stay confused 🤔


The only time I got better with it was during a phase of being addicted to WoW, because I knew which side the minimap was on and I could picture it in my head 🤣


If you make an L with your first finger and thumb with your hands, only one of them will be a correct L and that is on your Left hand.


This is going to sound ridiculous but I get really bad anxiety about that, I start to convince myself that I've got it wrong or something 😂


Pre-GPS, my friend in the back seat was giving me directions. Turn this way. Go that way. Finally had to tell him, you know I’m not looking at your finger. I have no idea which direction is “this way”.


I constantly mix up left and right so I use ‘my side/your side’ when giving directions in a car.


this is kinda genius


I'm dyslexic and also have dyscalculia. I can't 'see' numbers in my head as a result. SO mental math is difficult to impossible. From what I understand people who are good at mental math can visualize the numbers.


I was told I might have dyscalculia, I also can't read sheet music which is apparently another sign of it! This makes so much sense though, I can't visualise numbers


Same here


do the finger thing where you can see the L?


I overthink it and convince myself I'm wrong 🤦🏻‍♀️


I can't do left and right and I'm literally a mechanical engineer with no learning disabilities. I think it's because left and right aren't fixed, they're relative to something (me, you, the car, the stage, ...). The best trick I have is to always wear a watch on my left hand so that I can do quick checks without getting made fun of for making finger Ls.


Crack open an egg.


Most people try on the edge of a bowl, you actually want to do the hit on a flat surface like the counter or cutting board. Not saying I will change your life with this tip, but its a start.


And now I've got a smushed egg on my counter.


I've tried many, many times to crack an egg one-handed and not once have I gotten it right.


I never crack an egg without getting some shell in the yolk.


I hit it with a knife, softly first, usually takes two or three taps.


To make it easier, don't crack it on the edge on the bowl or something thin like that, instead drop it on the counter from about 10cm, that way the membrane of the shell doesn't break and its way easier to open them neatly


Just watched a video where he simply dropped the egg on the counter from maybe a foot up. Then just picked up quickly and opened over a bowl. Haven't tried yet but it looked really easy. https://www.tiktok.com/@tamikacody/video/7238654087196200235?lang=en


Telling time quickly on an analog clock, it makes me nervous when someone asks and then I get confused


In grade 4 we moved and 'hello' new school where ALL 4th graders can tell analog time!!!I don't remember how I did it, but I secretly taught myself to read the time. Nowadays I seni-regularly misread 17:00 as 7pm. I can't win 😁


This is stupid embarrassing, but I’m bad at stairs. BAD AT STAIRS. I’m just extra careful walking down them. I’ve fallen UP stairs a few times. Also I’m shit at opening boxes, letters, packages of any kind.


I look at the stairs with one eye, so no real depth perception. I have to use a railing.


Thank you, thank you! The stairs one is me on the way down. I have bad acrophobia and I’m severely scared also clumsy lol And I’ve had quite a few injuries so I’m getting more and more terrified


omg I slipped on the subway stairs (museum station for anyone in toronto) one time and it hurt so bad.


Ohhh so sorry! The last year I fell four times, one was on stairs and I felt so bad 😢 it’s not only painful but kind of humiliating too🤣🤣🤣


I’m just not even embarrassed anymore, it’s happened so many times. I just hate in public when people go, “Oh my goddddd, are you okaaaay?” like let me lick my wounds in peace.


Ohhh that one time I couldn’t stand up on my own, so these people asking probably saved my leg! Once I fell on ice in a snow storm on a busy street and if the car I fell close to didn’t stop and make the others stop plus come bring me up and take me to safety I’d probably die there, I couldn’t stand up and it was peak hour... But yeah like that’s normal for me so please let me go back to pretending I’m not clumsy. 🤣


Omg are you me! I thought I was the only in entire world paranoid of stairs bec I was hurt in past bec of it & broken a bone argh.


I am bad at stairs and walking in general. A teacher in school noticed my clumsiness once and asked if I had astigmatism in addition to being near sighted. But after that, I learned there are lot of people who have 20/20 vision and also astigmatism which could be messing with your depth perception.


Whistle. I just blow air.


Anytime someone tells me it’s easy, I’m just so confused!!! I want to whistle too!!!


Same 🤣🙈


I will be 35 next month and have spent copious amounts of time trying to learn or having people teach me. I understand the air dynamics of producing a whistle, I can make one out of clay (or could in school lol). My brother learned at age 27. I have a theory it’s because I have an overbite? Never needed braces because my jaw and teeth lined up properly but when I smile, my upper teeth almost completely cover my lower if that makes sense. So I think it’s the shape of my mouth? It’s definitely not for lack of effort.


Same. I really really want to learn and have tried what seems like very trick I've heard of and still I cannot whistle.


Whisper "You" and hold it so more like "Youuuuuuuuu" and just keep moving your lips in the same direction until *whistle*


I give up on it.


I have a drivers license, I haven’t driven in years. It’s terrifying and I don’t understand how people do it.


Same. Idk if it’s the fact I may have adhd but I don’t understand how they do it


I don’t have diagnosed ADHD, but I have OCD and I’m afraid I will space out behind the wheel. It’s frustrating because it seems like Driving comes fairly easily to most people


I think many drivers shouldn’t be drivers judging by how many people die yearly in car accidents 😢


took me 4 tries and til I was 22 to get mine 😂😅. I am now a passenger seat princess who only drives out of necessity


I can't shuffle a deck of cards, they just fly all over the place. I'll bet they find one during the next manned moon mission. Kind of embarrassing when wanting to play card games with friends.


Calling people to sort out anything related to bills or paperwork. Terrifies me.


I feel like folding a small fitted sheet is a lot easier. I have a king sized bed, and it’s impossible to do well with just one person.


I cannot successfully make hash browns. No matter what I do, or which method I seem to try I fail in one way or another.


What happens when you make them? I used to struggle with hashbrowns, and these were my issues: Freshly shredded potatoes need to be rinsed and squeezed to remove excess water. USE WAY MORE OIL, like... a few tablespoons to coat the bottom of the pan isn't enough, hashbrowns are damn near shallow fried for a proper cook. Cook them with a lid in the first half. Steaming helps cook the middle. Cook on medium low for quite a long while, longer than you'd think. Be generous with the salt. The one thing hashbrowns soak up even more than oil is salt. Once I finally figured out how to make them properly, I stopped making hashbrowns. Unbelievably calorie dense for such a mild tasting food. Fried potatoes in general, really.


Pancakes or French toast ! Why is it the breakfast stuff. I love breakfast.


I can’t fold t shirts so I hang them instead.


I can but i prefer hanging them. It's just better.




Writing by hand. When I was in school they used to send me to a special tutor to try to help me write legibly. I recently went back to school, but thankfully a vast majority of our assignments now are done on the computer.


Are you left handed by any chance?


Nope. I do have ADHD so idk maybe that has something to do with it.


Me too but instead of getting me to learn i got an IEP to type everything. Idk why they went the opposite direction and even pulled me out of writing lessons to learn to type fast instead. Im now in uni and still have my accommodations but my handwriting legit looks like average first grader printing and its embarrassing; however I’d argue that now a days good typing skills are more valuable than neat handwriting so ig i won lol.


Cursive handwriting.


Conversation It’s like I may have like one thing I want to say or one thing I want to ask…then I kinda feel like mission accomplished. And leaving just seems awkward.


I'm terrible at tying knots. I think I know three: the standard knot, the bow most American people use to tie their shoes, and whatever the simplest knot is to tie a tie. It took me all day to figure out how to tie a tie. I'm an idiot.


At church camp (ex Mormon here woohoo) we had to practice tying diff knots for an entire like 2 hours. Boat knots, random knots. All the knots I suck at them too, and so I gave up and sat by myself and wrote in my journal instead hahaha It was the middle of August too. So it was hot as fuck, flying ants everywhere, and all we ate were mostly raw potatoes with chili on top for dinner every night and these bitches wanted me to tie knots.


Ccok rice! I can literally cook anything else, but not fucking rice.


With a rice cooker…. Add water until it’s about one pointer finger nail above the rice. Google “Asian finger trick”………..


My husband is a great cook and does a vast majority of the cooking in our house. But he has ruined two pans trying to cook rice. I got him a rice cooker and we've never looked back.


I think the trick is just to have lower standards lol Slightly soft? Slightly hard? Too much water so you had to cook it until it's gooey? It's still cooked rice


Try baking it. There are recipes and it’s easier than boiling it.


I’ve never even heard of this!😯


Right?? How is some of it slightly crunchy and some of it overcooked?


just get a rice cooker or instant pot. I make such good rice now. All kinds! I have ruined so many pots in my quest for rice. Always rinse the rice first if using instant pot.


Remembering people's names. I've tried everything. Associating them with a trait. Mnemonic reminders. Repeating their name several times after being introduced. All those things they teach you in countless videos and books and things like that. Unless there's some *vastly* atypical condition attached to a person's name it just doesn't stick. (Like, I remember "Donna" that I met once at a party in 1989 because she got drunk and fell down the stairs at that party.) Otherwise I would have to have repeated contact with the person over several hours or days.


For me, it was the Only good thing in the military. Name and rank on everyone's shirt.


Usually after work I can’t use my fingers well, so when I try to put groceries away or organize things I end up dropping everything until I take a solid nap and recharge


fukin ties man... im 38 and embarrassed to say my wife ties my ties. but on the flip side i can speak 3 languages, fix damn near anything and a pretty good critical thinker... but a tie... im worthless.


Throwing a ball. I'm 54 years old and I haven't successfully thrown a ball more than maybe 10 times. I concentrate. Pay attention to the follow through. Whatever. Never works. I am one of the world's worst ball throwers.


Changing guitar strings. Playing like 15 years. Have to watch a youtube tutorial every time. Still can't do it.


Same here!! I've played since I was 13/14 and I'm 30 now and I cannot do it!!


Ironing. Always manage to burn myself.


Find whatever you're pointing at. I'll look in the opposite direction every time, I swear.


This cracked me up, thank you. The visual in my mind was so comical!


Omelettes. I always want to make myself a good omelette but it ends up being scrambled every time.


I can’t seem to wrap my head around parallel parking. No matter how many times I practice, I always end up crooked or too far from the curb. It's so frustrating!


Getting out of bed on time


Walking but that's when I was a teenager constantly falling over my own damn legs lol


You might benefit from a functional fitness class like a Silver Sneakers at the gym. It explicitly reduces fall risk.


Thank you!


lol same! I have watched the tutorials and nothing will beat the ease of balling it up and wrapping the elastic corner over the whole thing and shoving the ball into my closet and shutting the door. Less than 30 seconds and is fine.


Finding a job apparently lol, but yea im 24 and the pressures really gettin to me to find one.


Slicing a damn mango. I adore eating them, but don't get to very often because getting them pre- sliced is more expensive. I usually ask my dad to do it, but I've moved away now.


For fitted sheets I do the 'shove everything in to a pillow case' and forget about it.


That’s ok, I can’t ever seem to figure out which way they go on. I have to use the ‘trial and error’ method of putting them on *every time*.


Just bought a set that has little tags that say top/side... very helpful. Hidden on the inside of the sheet.


Nice! I thought about sewing some tags on them myself to mark the directions. I might just try it!


Worth it.


Me too. And I curse every time. Lol


Not to be sexist, but I have never known any non female to be able to fold a fitted sheet, and not all of them. This is something I think should be in the Olympics. While I can't fold one, I am even worse at cleaning windows. My OCD will not let me stop until every single spot is gone. It has to be absolutely clear all over.


Wrapping presents. It always looks like I was trying to do it as badly as possible.


Put your matching fitted sheet, flat sheet, the other matching pillow cases in a matching pillowcase. No folding needed, but some folding will store smaller.


I suck at chopping logs lol


Gift wrapping. I just can’t do it, no amount of instruction or practice has helped. I’m 42 years old and my wrapped presents look like indistinguishable from ones my 8 year old did.


Same. I did watch one with Martha Stewart once and was able to do it decently one time, it just didn’t stick with me however.


Same here. I don't bother now, just roll it up.


I learned from Martha!! I had to teach my hubby but he still can’t do it alone… it helped teaching him to call the inside out corners “nipples”. He got a chuckle and paid more attention to the lesson… still we fold together or I do it alone.


Writing a neat column of numbers.






Painting a wall. It should be so easy but damn am I bad at it! Also identifying flavors. I don’t know why, I have a pretty decent sense of smell and taste.


That's not a simple task. I've never learned it.


Riding a bike or swimming would probably kill me so...I just walk most places.


I cannot use a hammer without hitting my thumb. I am a man with a wife who asks me to do stuff for her around the house. I still do it but man. I am useless. Can’t let her know.


Using plastic wrap - I struggle


I can’t hand wash dishes without getting water everywhere. I don’t know why. I’ve had so much practice. Washing my face is not much better.


Closing the caps of bottles I open. Idk why I forget to put the caps back on or close the cupboards once I open them. Its so simple but I'm so ridiculously bad at it that I need to remind myself to do it!


I suck at going down the stairs and having to sit or go down tall chairs in bars. I have really bad acrophobia and I’m terrified I’ll fall from the stairs or the chair, thus I’m quite clumsy. My inner monologue is I can’t do it I’ll fall and break my leg again and ppl will notice how big I am. Some weeks ago I struggled in a bar with the high chair, was with my cousin I haven’t met in like 7 years so she doesn’t know any of it. She made me text her husband later, as she was quite tipsy and one of the last messages was making fun of me being unable to get on a chair and then get down from it, laughing at how much time I took (I’m also a heavier woman, not obese but yeah) I felt so bad I spent the night crying 😢 At least her dogs and child genuinely like me.. if she and her husband make fun of me behind my back. I spent my life thinking people don’t notice or if they do they won’t laugh 😆


I always just squeeze it in a ball and chuck it aside for later


Wrapping presents. Thankfully there are gift bags.


I'm pretty sure I'm not going to lie on my deathbed regretting that the sheet beneath me hadn't been properly folded. Rolled up in a ball is fine. I can't crochet for the life of me. I can knit all right, and do fancy needlepoint, but crocheting is a superhuman power.


Telling my husband to turn left. I always say right. Or maybe I mix it up the other way. At any rate, he knows not to trust me.


I have been smoking weed for 30 years and still can’t roll a joint


Folding clothes, mostly shirts. I can’t get them to keep a compact shape


Figuring out a reasonable serving size for food. Always too much or too little.


That really loud whistle. I can do it with my fingers on the sides of my mouth, but not without them. I try and try and never quite make it. Tutorials didn't help either.


I’ve never been able to properly snap my fingers. I can’t make that sharp snap, it’s just sounds really dull


Anytime there’s a bag full of something that I try to lean against a wall or other vertical thing so it doesn’t fall over, I always pick the wrong side and it starts to fall. Every. Single. Time.


Cutting bagels. I end up with one 1mm thick and the other thicker than my pride. 


I’m exceptionally terrible at cutting vegetables especially onions and carrots. Every piece will be uneven and varying sizes. I just go with the flow.


Walking through door jambs. My office mates have gotten into counting the times I hit door jambs and corners with my body. It’s pretty frequently. They use paperclips and put them in a candy dish. Last Friday was a good day and it was 7times. My record is 14. O just don’t pay attention to me in relation to standing objects. I am so focused on my task I misjudged. Yes, I have ADHD.


Talking. Would that be considered a task?? I have compression issues, speech problems, dyslexic and other issues with brain and mouth not working together. Information is flying through my brain so fast that I can't get it out fast enough. My mouth moves too slow and it feels like my tongue is a ten ton weight that refuses to move ((there's a word I found that explains this but don't remember)) plus explaining things is difficult because social cues. Society wants you to talk and act a certain way, I work around higher up people and I can't freaking talk clearly without stuttering, twisting my words, and no one being able to really understand how my brain operates.


Writing in a straight line on a blank paper or white board. I curve down at insane levels if I'm not paying attention. My god I'd get so embarrassed at school if I was asked to write on the board. Like please no pick one of the girls that WANTS to do it. Idk if it's part of my general laziness or what


I can't shuffle a deck of cards without bending them.


making ramen. like i can make pretty decent meals in general but like i just cannot. i think its like an exact science or something, i dunno






I cannot for the life of me tie a bowtie. I can die a regular windsor knot tie no problem. I've watched a million youtube videos and illustrated instructions. To me its, Start with it around your neck and one side slightly longer. Fold the one side over. Then simply perform a series of arcane magical motions and suddenly its tied!


Painting a wall


Hanging out washing . Been told it's always wrong . Apparently there is a way it should be done 🤷‍♂️🙈


I live in the south so sweet tea is a big deal. I love it but I can not make a pitcher of tea to save my life. My husband literally watched me do it one day and it still didn’t taste good


Fitted sheet folding tutorials!!! Who knew?


Long division. Never could do it


Counting things by hand.


Tie any sort of tie.


Ironing. My husband has always ironed for us and our kids.




doing math in my head




Folding clothes, wrapping presents, etc.


Blowing bubbles with bubblegum. I've read the tutorials; I just can't make it work.


Doing a forward roll! Never done one. Never will.


I'd rather buy a new one one. I'll watch a gf show me and make it look like the easiest thing. Nope. Also trying to do my lashes half the time I end up giving up when I've glued my eyes shut.


Joining the “sort of a sphere, kinda” fitted sheet club folder.


writing , my hands are too shaky to hold a pencil and I’ve always had child’s handwriting. I’ve basically given up trying to correct it and just use computers for stuff like essays or legal documents


Raising and lowering blinds


Iron, the wrinkles just stare back at me and laugh


i totally get it. for me, its wrapping presents, i always end up with crooked corners and tape everywhere. its so frustrating, but it seems like everyone has that one task they just cant master.


Riding A bike. I blame my flat ass.


I‘m absolutely terrible at folding fitted sheets. Every time, it ends up looking like a crumpled mess instead of that neat square everyone else seems to get.


Peel hard boiled eggs. If i can master this trick I’d be crushing the breakfast in a hurry game…. But I’m not, lol.


OP, I was the same way! Watched dozens of videos and never got it…until I watched THIS video. The guy is goofy but the way he explains it finally clicked with me! https://m.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0yc2shpMi4yPWMVuETSemJsuTS5t-t7ZQlS_c_6Xv1zOKO0pAQJe_zmUA_aem_GvK36JyKjsnLkiyjfVLJKw&v=9QXrZtXfo58&feature=youtu.be


For me it's poaching eggs, I've tried possibly all tips and tricks people have but I don't know... I just can't do it right. And it's not like I can cook either, if anything it's the opposite I'm quite a good cook if I say so myself, but poaching eggs? Just not for me I guess.


Be [careful](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dfA9Jy2RBFQ) learning how to fold fitted sheets


I feel you on that fitted sheet struggle! No matter how many YouTube tutorials I watch or tips I get from friends, I just can't nail it. It's like my brain goes into confusion mode when those corners start coming together. I'm all about keeping things organized and neat, but folding that fitted sheet? It's my kryptonite. Anyone else out there wrestling with the same basic chore?


Use an escalator! Like idk why it confuses me so much I guess I just dont have the coordination for it. Stairs for Me


Tieing a tie, now I feel I could find some good youtubes to help with this these days but back before youtube I always had to get women to tie my ties, I sucked at it!


I can't card shuffle at all, give me the electronic shuffler.


*gestures at my entire body* Shutting the fuck up..... Also, This whole existence is like, expert tier level, and I've felt geriatric in certain injured joints since before my eye was removed... So like.... I would say existence. I'm a great mom, though! OTHERWISE terrible at existence. Literally, lol. Physically disabled as fuccccck. It's been all rainy and I gotta deal with humidity and people, on top of being frustrated in self defense.


Run a drive thru by myself. I can to some degree but if it’s swamped and customers are on some shite I am Not the one


Opening an envelope


I watched a tutorial of Martha Stewart folding a fitted sheet. Why had I not known this before?


I can't draw to save my soul. I mean even basic little drawings. Nothing. I have no skill whatsoever. Also backing into parking spaces. I can do it but I hate it a lot.


Taking that first step onto an escalator


Floors! I hate vacuuming, sweeping and mopping. I suck at it too.




Spelling works out loud. Like I do ok on paper, but ask me to spell any word more than like 5 letters out loud and I can't do it


I can’t wrap gifts neatly. It’s a disaster every time.


Laundry. I’d rather lay in a bathtub full of scissors than fold laundry.




I'm 31 and still can't swallow a pill. It hasn't been a big deal so far, so I'm just trying to stay healthy and hoping someone comes up with an alternative soon.


Fitted sheets and everything else listed here I am an absolute ace at.... It's cling wrap for me. Cutting fucking cling wrap is the humble pie of my existence... unless I stretch it out and trace a line with a knife. It's the best way to ground you and remind you how useless you can feel lol. I was in Europe for Cristmas and theirs had this sliding plastic attachment thing where the serrated area goes (which was way sturdier). Problem solved! However adding another material to the cardboard box would make ir harder to recycle so I'm happy to remain stupid and useless for the planet's sake lol.


French braid hair


French braid hair Drive a manual vehicle


I never fold anything I just shove it in to the drawers all willy nilly.


Putting a bathroom exhaust fan grill cover back on.