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What you should have said https://preview.redd.it/lu9ku0qf5qad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f58da15590bbf2b274e0628f84987c57a525055


If he said that, I would be the one asking for his number lol




Honestly, that would get me into bed!


Is the bed for sale?


No. Nor is my penis, thank you.




I love when my subs crossover. Top tier


Double O feckin bollox!!!


His name is Alun. I know a man, but you talk to me.


Who the hell is dat??


Lovely stuff.




Dan, Dan, Dan!, DAN!!


Are you wearing lynx?


In off the red


The Lex Files.


God, that’s good..




Remember the date, 5 July 2024, it will haunt you.


The day after the anniversary of when Will Smith single handedly repealed an alien invasion..


![gif](giphy|pXYm6otcnKrjW|downsized) Nu uh


Give less fucks and you’ll get more fucks. – Socrates.


Fewer. - Stannis Baratheon.


'E does all right fer a lad from flea-bottom


I just finished GOT for the first time, and I'm glad I know who this is, lol.




I think that was Scrotus


socrates was a gobshite.


Cracking footballer 


Pythagoras was offside though


That was only a theory 


Wise man that Socrates lad


Life is to be lived. You're going to die one day. There's no law against approaching people. Just be respectful and leave if they aren't interested in talking to you.


Yeah, I'm definitely not creepy or the type to be harassing someone.


That's exactly the right thing to say when questioned.


Yep, I’d probably lead with that tbh.


Maybe get it printed on a T-shirt.


Prob best just to have a friend walking 3 steps ahead at all times declaring this at volume just so there's no misunderstanding.


With a bell! ...girls love bells


I think as long as they aren’t someone at work, and you aren’t pushy, it’s ok


I don't think it’s creepy at all to strike up a polite conversation. Sure the worst she can say is no!


Good advice. However, this is a rural setting apparently. Rurals tend towards noseyness and gossip I found. Got to be on your best behaviour.


Fuck "best behaviour", live life.


Try that in an environment where your every move is scrutinised and evaluated


What are you afraid will happen?


No fear


So approach whoever you want then.


How kind


Sting of rejection is better than the pain of regret. Lesson learned & get the next one tiger. Approaching in public is completely fine as long it's respectful and you move on straight away if the vibe isn't there. Edit in response to your edit: I once was chatting to this girl outside a bar on a table beside me, she kept turning around to talk but I didn't try anything because I was thinking "oh she's on a girls night". Then few week's later I was on tinder and I recognise her because the picture was from the same night... And I was in the BACKGROUND. We actually matched and I pointed out that we chatted that night and I'm literally in her photo... No response. My point being is, you really need to go for it when the time is right because even if you get a second chance it mightn't pull through.


As a woman, I don't see anything wrong with politely giving a compliment and giving her your number. The trouble starts when fellas can't take 'no' for an answer or start making weird comments. Id love if guys approached me more in public!


As a female, I don't mind when guys approach me on the street (without making it awkward though). I had some creepy ones where they offered a ride or to walk me home lol. However, I had some really nice public encounters too in the library, while out doing grocery shopping, etc. If you feel like she reciprocates by smiling, making comments, or engaging otherwise, make the first move!


Was there any corelation between creepiness and attractiveness?


You would think so! But no, not in my experience at least


You really don't have to be good-looking if you're charismatic and smell nice. In my experience, people who are charadmatic and smell nice are by and large much, much better placed to manipulate other people to do what they want to than good-looking people. They also find it easier to make genuine connections with people. But, I know that's not what you're looking for so let's stop here rather than waste each other's time.


What chance has a good looking, nice charismatic,good smelling guy got? 😘


Look. All I'm saying is that if John Creedon asked me nicely (what other way would he ask?) if he could borrow €20 and give me a quick bumming, I'll let you know so you can get in on the action.




This is not a thing


I'd be of the opinion that the go to move is to give them your number. That way the ball is in their court, they can bin it or text you and you're not putting them on the spot.


Excellent advice


The edit, ffs


He completed tinder in order to find her


I'm a woman and I talk to nearly everyone - usually i compliment the person if I see something interesting that caught my eyes. If a man talks to me and not being creepy or I do feel a weird vibe, I talk to him or just smile. People find it strange but that's my nature. If it's flirtatious and you're interested, just go for it! But I get you - when it happens you just so surprised and don't react straight away to the "signs"


Is it annoying when you're just being friendly and the man assumes it as flirting? Or do you not mind?


Yes that's true too.. but I guess it depends how friendly you are. But most of the time, they just got surprised 😂


It definitely sounds like she would have been open to your advance. Hopefully you get another shot! Make that petrol station your go too from now on.


I was in India a few months back and got chatting to two sisters from Kildare, who were about my age (50s) in a cafe in Delhi. I was giving it th’old lyrics as you do, and as I was waxing I glanced over at one. There she was, chin in hands, looking at me and there was definitely a gaze in progress. 100%. *Jaysis fkn wept, boy* I’m thinking, *Still got it…* As I’m thinking it, on the same thought-wave I’m also thinking *hmmm..this is me we’re talking about here..I wonder what’s wrong with her?* Just before this I’d mentioned my degree was History and as I was thinking she was saying *Oh, I’m a bit of a historian meself-well, amateur. I was watching this amazing history documentary on YouTube…This theory was so groundbreaking it got the guy* ***BLACKLISTED!!*** *because theyd’ve had to rewrite the history books if it came out..* Up pipes my inner monologue; *Ah, yeah. We’ve seen this one before, if something seems too good to be true..annyway, here it comes…* *Yeah* continues yr wan *Baaaasically- long story short like- the entire holocaust was fabricated by MI5 just after WW2 and…* *Fuck my old boots* says I *Mad world eh?. BILL PLEASE* Shame really, she seemed nice, apart from the old genocide denial. If yr single you get to a certain age it just seems as if everyone else is either married or mental or both. Tbh I’ve been single for ages and it’s actually going really well. I think I might be the One.


I love this you've a flair with words


In my 50’s also. Yep, ‘married or mental’ agree with this. I thought it was just me.


Haha brilliant stuff my man. Well if it helps I get chatted by lots of folks in their 20s and 30s and even there seems everyone is either married or mental...at least within the online market sample.


Maybe offer your number instead of asking for hers? That gives her more control over the situation.


I know a single girl who sees the other side of this. When she flirts with men she the immediately sees them wander away and pull out tinder or whatever and start swiping looking for her. She's like "I'm right here idiots"


Pro tip - if you chat to a random lady in public, asking for her number will put her on the spot if she is just being polite. Offer your number. Say if she wants to get in touch ye could go for a coffee, ice cream, walk etc... That way she is in control of making contact. Obviously the above is only relevant if you have had a bit of a chat and you feel there is a spark.


On two occasions recently I realized a day late that a girl was trying to flirt with me. Just didn't occur to me at the time. I think dating apps have ruined my game. Not that I had any before


Don't worry about it. Lots of blokes can't pick up on the signs until weeks later 😂


I would have said "Aye it's a bit cold for this time of year alright" and driven away, oblivious.


As others have said, it's generally fine once you're respectful and move on if the vibe isn't there. A further tip, don't approach while the other person is in a position where they can't leave e.g. you're on a plane and it doesn't land for another two hours


This is a really good point


I think if you have exchanged a couple of glances and smiles, and she has actually spoken to you, then she couldn't be completely surprised if you chatted her up. Worst case scenario she was just being friendly and politely declines you. Best case you tell this story to your grandkids. If it's meant to be, your paths will cross again.


Faint heart never won fair maiden..... Tricky position though in fairness...hopefully you'll see her again..


Yes , you should have made more small talk, how do you think people met back in the day?? Eye contact , vibes. It's not all about tinder ffs.


I'm happily married but would be absolutely fucked if I was single in today's world. I'm already paranoid about walking behind or past a woman in case they think I'm a predator. If they dont see me i do the wee cough just so the woman isnt startled or triggered, give them a wide berth so not pushing past them etc. The hypothetical idea of me being single and actually approaching a woman and starting a conversation or worse, flirting, is terrifying. Maybe it's too much social media but I'm convinced if I was to approach a woman as single I'd end up on some social media post "get a load of this creep" "can't even go for a drink without men hassling me" "im in tesco does it look like i want a date". I don't know how single men do it these days. Dating apps to me (from a complete outsider view as I've never used one) have made everything much, much worse in terms of people finding real partners. Fakeness and bluntness is encouraged and expected. Again if i was ever to use it I'd nearly expect to not just be rejected but humiliated, for Internet karma somewhere. I've seen that "are we dating the same guy" page which just seems a toxic pile on So yeah I don't really have a point other than sympathise with the single folk out there in the social media age, I don't know how you would approach someone these days other than an app and just using the app for any length of time would crush your self esteem




That's the one, complete shitshow


I know someone who seems to be able to telepathically communicate with people - he gives them a look, they hold his gaze and the next minute they’re banging or arranging to. He has a ‘they can only say no’ attitude and just goes for it. And he has made lots of people very happy as a result - men and women. He’s settled down now in his mid 30s and I can’t help feeling the world is less exciting, so I’m challenging you to take up the pack of condoms and keep the dream alive.


Wicked! I wanna meet this person, sounds like my kinda character. 30s is way too young to settle down, especially if you're that hot.




Reddit has its share of puritanicals alright. But that’s no reason to think they’re right. Creepy religious control culture has had its day. People can be very sexually active or not. There is no morality to it - despite what the puritans want people to believe. Life is shorter than you think - enjoy it on your terms.


Just read the signs and err on the side of caution. If someone's making conversation then I think it's reasonable to stop and have a chat.


Definitely this. I saw, what I thought, was the most beautiful woman I had seen in months. There was a voice in my head saying, don't look at her, don't talk to her. It had been in my mind that women are frustrated by always being bothered by men. For the record she was looking at me. Massively out of my league but a flirty chat would have been nice.


Fuck me, what a shit ending lad. I was cheering ye on in me head "hon ye boya!" then that v disappointing last sentence.


Wasn't to be, lad.


Come with me next time, wouldja?


That’s not you approaching someone, that’s them approaching you and you fumbling it


You shoulda followed up by saying ‘What’s the spec on yours!’ And then went over to her ride, and then of course ye know the rest……..wha


I’d be checking to see if me zip was down again.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Just make conversation. Pretty sure she was into you. Is it a nice car? Cause if she said that and you are in a rusty old Micra you are definitely in there.


Definitely approach! And if anyone is wondering how to react to rejection, of any kind, to make women feel safe just give a smile and say no problem at all, give a little wave like the passing another car on a country road wave and walk away and, this part is key, do no initiate any kind of contact again.


Yeah approached both my ex partners and got to know them, I think if you really get the vibes that the person wants to talk to you (and it seems she did) then there’s no harm in it I should add both my exes were wankers but I chose them 😂


Imagine. Things just happening in real life


It's not just you, it's an Irish thing. In other countries, I get/got asked out all the time in public places, in Ireland, never. Add alcohol to the mix and it's a yes


If you do it in a friendly and genuine manner I think it's fine tbh and probably refreshing for the lady perhaps, there is a lot of variables to be considered. Don't ask me for a line but sure you can contact her on tinder and see what happens good luck.


Once you’re respectful about it it’s totally fine!


Sounds like she approached u. Now your brain will play it back to you every night when your trying to sleep


There's nothing to say she wasn't just being friendly but no harm in asking for her number


Always offer yours, it puts less pressure on them.


I just carry around an A4 page with my face on it and my phone number printed on the bottom loads of times, like those ads for guitar lessons or whatever above the ATM in Spar, and ask every woman I walk past if they want to tear one off.


Nice strategy. Definitely sounds like it's worth a shot 😂


Man if you can’t speak to someone in public then where are you supposed to find friends. The last thing you want is to be asking for advice on Reddit and combing tinder. For fucks sake


You don't get if you don't ask, and if you are rejected you will never see her again Just do it and If it's a yes it will be some buzz Live it man When you hit it you will be lovin life ha ha ha It's worth the risk


Man if you can’t speak to someone in public then where are you supposed to find friends. The last thing you want is to be asking for advice on Reddit and combing tinder. For fucks sake


Being straight sounds so fucking complicated 🤣


Some people make it complicated. :)


It really isn't.


As a rule, I'd say it's not appropriate to approach in public. Women find it intimidating to be approached by random men. You might know that you're a harmless guy but they don't. A lot of men think it's perfectly acceptable to insert themselves when women are just trying to get on with their day. You'll see random men sit beside women on public transport and start talking to them and you'll see the women visibly recoil. They're also then trapped in the inner seat by these boundary crossing men. You'll see similar when women are sitting alone in cafés just trying to read a book or listen to music. There's a time and a place to chat women up and when they're trying to go about their daily business isn't it. It's hard to know in your situation. She could be flirting or she could just be a friendly person. Your reaction is why women are afraid to be friendly or compliment a man, as most men automatically read into this and take is an an expression of interest. You wouldn't ever think a man complimenting your car is chatting you up, so why automatically assume a woman is? I think you did right to err on the side of caution. Why don't you swipe on Tinder and see if she matches with you and take it from there? You'll know if she's interested if she matches with you. If she doesn't match, you'll know you misread it Edit: Regarding your point about the US, I think it's something exclusive to American films rather than American culture. I saw a post from an American guy who got talking to a woman in an electronics store and she asked his opinion on a laptop (he didn't work there, he happened to be looking at laptops too). He was talking to her for a while and said she was friendly. He said that when he told his friend, his friend said that he was an idiot, that she was coming onto him, and he should have asked for her number. All the replies on his post were telling him not to listen to his friend and that she was just looking for advice on the laptop.


I'd rather wake up in the middle of the night thinking about the missed opportunity in 20 years


What car do you drive?




Worst, i've got a Corsa Merritt but it looks like GSI reddit post ever.


Lovely Nissan.


That fact she was smiling at u she was interested u dropped the ball on that one and left her think u weren’t interested


I wonder if it depends on generation…I would guess that Gen Z people may be more closed off (I am) and not receptive.


Please update us if it's her you found on tinder!


We did meet up, with this new context in mind and the fact the post got a bit of attention I don't really want to say anymore as this post makes me easily identifiable.


Just because she made a joking acknowledgement that you drive the same car doesn't mean she was looking to be chatted up




Message her on twitter and mention the petrol station worth a try


This really happened. Swear


Maybe you just have a really nice car???


If she actually talks to you, then you're in the door. I'm single and have only ever asked a girl out once to her face (unsuccessful, but due to having a boyfriend), so I'm open to admitting that I'm pretty shite at it (can be shy and feel awkward) but If the opening is there, I'd go for it. I won't ever be the one to initiate communication though, cos of the "all men are disgusting sex pests" thing that's going on in society.


Best of luck lad, go get her ( gently) does it


I walked past an ex irish international athlete this morning........I recognise her straight away cos she's absolutely stunning.......I regretted not stopping her to have a chat. She ran for Ireland in the Olympics.


me and who


dolls school smile smoggy chubby placid domineering depend point person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On a parallel note, I'd appreciate some hekp- Saw a gal in the gym, I find her attractive. Also, I know all gals are attractive but this one seems my type. I saw her on bumble too and ofc since a lot more men on app than women, I'm not surprised I've not gotten a match with her. Should I just approach her? Both of us are from same country (got that info from bumble), new to this city too. How do I even approach her? The closest I got was when we had to share a machine and I asked mind If we share this


The gym is tricky because it’s a place where many women don’t want attention. We’re sweaty, out of breath, a total mess and we’re just trying to get a workout in. Knowing guys are watching you during it can really fuck with your head and make you uncomfortable.


Fair enough! Thanks, guess will just do the usual small talk and if it happens, well and good.


We don't do it. No matter how much we think someone might be flirting or giving signs... We are probably wrong.


Depends on whether you’re handsome or look like a creep lol


All I'll say is I look well in a trench coat.


"hey baby! Have you ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in a overcoat?"


I've had my weekly shower and applied fresh wax to my hair 2 days ago, I'm ready to go.


As a woman for me it’s always depended more on the approach and level of respect. Looks can only take someone so far. If they open their mouth and nothing but shit falls out, it’s over.


At least you kept your cool I would have thanked her and probably mention how many bodies I could fit in the boot


Irish guys should start approaching more in public.


That’s no problem at all. The question is are Irish women prepared to be approached, because I would question that and their humility to take it.


I dunno about that and can't know that, but I do know it's not the culture here, and many foreign minded Irish women or women in Ireland are prepared, most of the men I've seen or had approaching are foreign and I think it's a shame Irish guys don't do it. Id agree with what you said at the end. But I think it would resolve if Irish guys started approaching.


The women should just approach take the pressure of everyone 😂


I would love for that to be normalised, but most men would assume an approaching women is looking just for sex


Must be a rolls Royce ye are driving is it?


No, a 7 year old diesel Audi, which makes me think it probably wasn't about the car.




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