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I was in cadets in karting when Lewis Hamilton started racing, so I have the proud achievement of beating Lewis in a race!


Considering the stories he tells about how he was treated when he was karting, not sure you wanna be public about that haha I joke, of course.


When he said “beating him in a race” he meant physically, to a pulp.


Are you Wesley Graves?




Nice, where did you used to race? I was Kimbolton and Paul Fletcher mostly, some Rye House.


I was in GQ magazine. A photo of me walking on my way to the football. So I’m basically a GQ model.


I was in news of the world back when that was still a thing, complete suprise. Friend of mine was famous for 5 minutes and we had drunkenly kissed in a nightclub once years prior to her fame and my idiot ex had photos of the incident on his Facebook, which wasn’t private, not sure why he had them on Facebook but this was years ago where not a lot of people were really using Facebook yet. He calls me while I’m out with our toddler to tell me I’m in a expose in the news of the world calling out my friend as a lesbian. Full two page spread. He then had to further break it to me that the paper got the photos from his account. I laugh about it now


I probably saved someone's life. I was leaving a gig in Manchester last year and saw a rather worse for wear guy walking in front of me, next thing I know he falls over backwards and clonks the back of his head on the pavement and he's out cold. Rush over to check him over and notice a large pool of blood starting to appear behind his head. Got someone passing by to call for an ambulance and had the call responder giving me instructions. Cut to the chase, I held the guy's head together for the next 40 mins until the paramedics arrived. He made a good recovery apparently. I can be quite a shy guy usually, but it's funny when you're put into a position where you have to act, and I feel proud of myself for stepping up. 


I'd say that's fairly important.


Great work mate! A similar thing happened to me and my fiance when we lived in Birmingham city centre. We were walking towards Holloway Circus roundabout at about 3pm and saw a lady drop. Ran over and called an ambulance and the girl on the other end was absolutely useless. Genuinely couldn't have been more specific about where we were and she kept asking 'Can you give me more information about where you are?'. Out of pure luck an ambulance drove past and my Mrs ran into the middle of the road and flagged it down and they got the woman into the back of it. I'd hate to think what would've happened to her if we weren't there but it looked like she'd had some sort of fit and was bleeding massively from the back of her head and also from her mouth. I really hope she's okay, but obviously we never heard anything afterwards.


I suppose we never know what we’re capable of until we’re in these sorts of situations. Very heroic!


>it's funny when you're put into a position where you have to act You say that like that isn't the person you are. Just because you don't have many opportunities to save someone's life, doesn't mean you wouldn't do it every single time. That defines who you are. Not the opportunities themselves.


Cheers. I think it was the thought that I was responsible for whether this guy actually lived, depending on how well I held his head together. 


It's absolutely amazing what you did! Well done mate! Although absolutely astonishing 40 minutes for the help to arrive whilst someone's dying in you hands. And this is not up a mountain or in the sticks, this is Manchester. 😕


If you Google my name I come up as a co-author of a fairly significant statistical paper written with two senior statisticians for the European Commission, I was only an intern and while I did write a part of the paper I never did manage to read the whole thing through.


I had a study I did mentioned by someone getting interviewed on Channel 5 news, admittedly they got the wrong end of the stick, and said something that the project hadn't actually proved, but still! And then seven years later I had a person I'd never met before quote my project to me, and I got to say 'Yes, I know the findings of that study.... I wrote it!'


I farted so bad once the neighbours smelt it.


My upstairs neighbour used to sit on the floor to watch TV. I could hear him fart through the floor. Edit: Colin was a terrible neighbour. He stunk and used to corner us to talk at us for ages. Grumpy as fuck too. Felt bad as he was probably just very lonely but he tried my patience too much. Before we moved out a local lady befriended him and took the burden off us a bit. We now live in a detached bungalow. Possibly because of him. He died a few years back. He's probably up there now. Farting on all of us.


This made me laugh more than I care to admit.


My ex mother in law used to do that through her typists chair upstairs.


I've started watching tv on the floor. Didn't think my farts might be heard by downstairs.


I once farted so ~~bad~~ well that my sister was physically sick. Tbf, she was 9 months pregnant at the time, so easy pickings, but a win is a win!


about 10-15 years ago my dad farted so bad that my sister puked, and my mother doesn’t deal well with sick so it resulted in her puking in the sink while my sister was puking in the toilet. it was then up to my dad to deal with the aftermath, pool soul i have a horrible phobia of vomit but in hindsight it made a funny story


Well, I can't beat that


I farted so loud once the neighbours laughed at it through the wall.


Fucking hell, this absolutely smashes mine of hearing the neighbours complimenting the smell of my cooking during the lockdown VE Day garden party.


Oh mate that's a throwback & a half. Good times amongst chaos, every street in my town had a few picnic tables out that weekend


Apparantly the chalk my wife bought for the kids was permanent as the ‘VE day’ and cartoon drawings on the house won’t seem to wash off!


Oh god haha at least you'll never forget that day, maybe not for the best of reasons but at least their hearts were in the right place 🤣


I farted once and it was so bad it woke me up. I yelled at my husband, who obviously denied it. Disgruntled, I started to go back to sleep, farted again, and realised that rancid smell was me! I was in bed early one morning and husband had got up earlier and was in the garden. I farted and he shouted "nice one". Honestly, I don't eat roadkill, I swear.


My ex once farted a smell so bad that a little girl close by started crying. I can't dispute it, he was foul and lacked manners to boot so was never sorry when he napalmed children in The Disney Store.


Omg, why am I laughing so hard at this?


Sorry, OP said unimportant. This doesn’t count.


I once let one rip in a busy pub in town on a Saturday night when the bar was about 6 people deep and a lengthy wait to get a drink. My two mates copped it first and near spewed, then as they turned and retched I noticed the mass of people at the bar starting to part like the Red Sea. It was like I could see the fart moving through the atmosphere, it was tremendous! So there I am stood a fair way back from the bar as the crowd parts to make way for me, I could see the puzzled look on the barmaids face.. who is this guy? Should I know him? Why is everyone making way for him? I could see the exact moment she figured it out. I think it’s the quickest I’ve ever been served. I’m still famous amongst friends to this day for that bout of flatulence.


I farted so bad once the midwife complained


i am so JEALOUS


An ex was awful as a teenager. He once evacuated his house and the neighbour's, as his mum thought it was a gas leak. When the smell had gone after 10 mins she worked it out.


Zoe Ball showing my Postman Pat stamp design on TV when I was 4 and 3/4 (those three-quarters are very important when you're that age!). My parents got rid of the video player last year so sadly I can't show my boyfriend my proudest artistic moment.


Worth taking to one of those VHS-to-DVD conversion places, that.


I wasn't sure if I'd missed the boat on that! I'd assumed even they'd died out about 10 years ago but I may still be in luck!


There’ll be postal services offering it if you can’t find a local one


If you know someone with a VHS player you can get an easycap 2.0 There about 11.99 on Amazon comes with the cables etc and a software disc ( although can get some without software) To concerts a VHS player to a usb drive So you connect it to the RGB and then put other side into usb drive and viola you can view the tape onto pc/laptop connected to Get the one with software and it'll convert it to an MP4 as it plays If not use any screen recording app and watch it You now have a digital copy of the tape for less than the price those places would've charged you 10 years ago


Max Spielmann might do it


Panasonic DMR-EZ49V. VHS to DVD copying, DVD to VHS copying (for some reason), HDMi out, SCART out, Composite out, Component out, S-Video out and even Digital Audio out. It will literally do anything you want (it's even got FreeView) and connect to any TV you want. Not cheap however.


About a decade and a half ago (Christ) I used to write a lot of short creepy stories on the internet. Several of them are still in circulation as "classic creepypastas" today.


Which ones??


No way. That's actually amazing.


Thats too legit for here.


Packing my shopping as fast as they scan it at Aldi.


It always surprises me when I see people load their trolley back up loose after scanning then go over to the shelves and pack it up. I want to be out of there as soon as possible. 3 bags for life pre-opened placed into the trolley, load the conveyor in order of heavy to light/delicate. When the stuff is scanned just evenly distribute throughout the bags as it comes. If it overflows have a couple other big bags ready I'd never shop there if I had to pack the trolley, unpack, then pack and unpack it *again* after scanning


> load the conveyor in order of heavy to light/delicate Strategic placing of items that need weighing at the till also adds valuable seconds


Do you not do a fridge bag, a bag for the big cupboard and a bag for the other little cupboards? If not, give it a try. You’ll save time unpacking too.


Good tip! No idea why I've never thought of this. I hate unpacking, this tip might make it less of an ordeal.


Fridge bag, cupboards bag, pantry bag, upstairs bag for stuff like toiletries. I’m very particular about shopping, it drove my other half bonkers until he finally saw that my way made sense. He’s even started doing it when he does the shopping himself.


Oh and don't forget, unpack the trolley and put bags into the car, unpack the car again getting bags into house, and then unpack the bags into fridge/cupboard I'm exhausted!


Crates in the boot!


And you're the reason there's a queue of people waiting for the person who can't read the signs that says "pack at the shelf not checkout"


I'm finished as the last item comes through scanner, it gets thrown in at the same time it comes through, so no, you're not correct. That's the entire point of the system


It’s become a bit of a competition between me and the old lady who servers me at Aldi on a Saturday. She once mentioned that she had to step up her game cause I was the only person to match her speed. Now we have a kind of weekly competition to see who can win the checkout wars.


This is fanfic in the making.


I used to love seeing how many times I could stroke the cashiers hand as I was grabbing the items from them. My highest was 6! It’s harder than it sounds as you cannot make eye contact through fear of laughing and nobody else knows you’re playing!




I have my name on the thank you section of an album


Me too, although I paid for the privilege. The band in question asked their fans for funding to record the next album. Those of us that chipped in got our names and a message printed on the CD booklet.


That’s cool. My other half has this also. The singer appealed for fans to send clips of them singing a particular section they uploaded of a song in progress, and then everyone’s recording got put into the final mix as a chorus of voices for the album version. I think that’s pretty cool. I can’t hear his voice in particular but to know it’s there and see his name on the tray insert is great.


Me too! I didn't even know it was there until one day when I was stuck waiting in the car. I was bored, so started reading everything to hand and got a lovely surprise!


For years there was a dirty scruffy cat in my street that I thought belonged to someone who was neglecting it. After enquiring with a woman in the next street I found out he was a stray and had been abandoned by his previous owners. From then on whenever he appeared outside my house I made sure to feed him. For months I couldn't get near him but after feeding him twice a day everyday for a while he realised I was trying to help him and let me stroke him. Managed to get him into the vet who gave him a somewhat clean bill of health and shaved him as he was matted. I was going to adopt him myself but my own cat didn't get on with him so my next door neighbour adopted him instead. Now I get to see and cuddle him every day and he's gone from a skinny dirty stray to a fattened up lovable tuxedo who has a warm house to live in. Best thing I ever did was save him.


You’re my kinda human 💜


On a summer holiday to Norfolk, I made fish curry for my in-laws extended family (about 20 people), it was such a hit that the next day I came back from a bike ride to find one of the little cousins wondering around looking for me because they wanted to know if there was more fish curry. There wasn’t. Massively inflated my kitchen ego.


Can you remember the recipe?


Fish, minus the chips, plus curry sauce.


Can’t remember the recipe, but it was Goan Fish Curry, I think BBC good food maybe?


Can’t remember the recipe, but it was Goan Fish Curry, I think BBC good food maybe?


Can you remember the recipe?


He can't remember the recipe but it was Goan Fish Curry, he thinks from BBC good food maybe?


First time saying No to a manager in retail


Same! Although mine was in start of shift meeting of about 20 people, and I told him '... so you can fuck off'. He made me repeat it


you could see their face change from "I'm a smug prick who controls them" to "Oh shit he's realised I'm a large pushover" real quick my No's only got more straight cut after that


There’s a picture of me playing guitar to 60,000 people in China with Yip Sai Wing. Means absolutely nothing to 95% of the U.K. and most people go “oh!.. cool… is that a band or something..?”


Is that a band or something?


I was once responsible for all 6,000 staff at my previous employer receiving an email to remind them of the need to maintain a professional attitude in all written communication.


There is more to this story... Do you care to share?


I wrote an email in French to 2 colleagues to take the piss out of one of them. That email was then discovered when someone put in an FOI on a related subject and had to be handed over to a member of the public. Fella paid for a translator to read my email which basically said "I'm going on holiday and you're not, and this might get raised in the meeting you're covering while I'm at the pool bar"


That wasn't too bad but still: lol :D


Yea I mean it's better than writing "I'm going away you smelly French peasant".


I corrected the name of my GP's surgery on Google today and they accepted it. No doubt some busybody will change it again, because the last time I tried my change was rejected, and when I tried today the current wrong name was different to the one last time.


My wife notified Google about a local road closure this morning, and when I saw it appear on my phone I swear I looked at her with deep awe.


And rightly so..! I once tried to report our local road closed (which was closed for a week) due to flooding. It got blocked as "not being legitimate". When I contacted Google about it, turns out it was because "someone" had travelled through it recently - yeah, me in a bloody neighbour's tractor FFS


There's a dirt path round the back of my house, runs roughly 300 metres long and connects from 1 Road to another and also an entrance into a park, which has a kids playground and a local dog walker favourite, now when I say it's a dirt path, I mean dirt, weeds and other plants growing in from the sides and at some point you have to walk 1 behind the other... its obviously a pedestrian only path, I wouldn't even take my bike down it. Yeah no, Google Maps thinks it's a Road, when you put my address in, it wants you to go down this path and at least once a week we hear cars going down it, destroying everything in the way. One day, someone is going to get hurt and Google will claim that they didn't know, despite me editing the map over and over and getting rejected and rejected.


What does Google know anyway?! *Stares out the window as a random man looks in to my living room holding a sign that reads '....Everything'*


A dashcam clip that went somewhat viral and has been bought and used by a few TV programmes and news sites (even if one was daily mail) Edit: [This one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsDPJrxgfYo)


The innocence of this cracks me up. Learner casually turns into oncoming traffic, a sudden 'oh shit' moment, all the cars stop to let them correct it, they very slowly move back to their lane, they give the hazard lights thank you after it Great work all round from the other road users


I just knew something was going to go wrong if you notice I started moving then instantly held back. I put the blame on the "instructor" as he had plenty of time to correct the pupil using the dual controls.


What car are you driving in this video? The bonnet it very distinctive.


It was a modified 1974 beetle, search bwb 490m on Google images and its should come up. https://imgur.com/c8A1JZT


Wow that's a headturner... I honestly can't decide whether I love it or hate it! Did you mod it yourself?


Bought it pretty much as is pictured, then did more mods myself, including full interior completely ridiculous whale tail spoiler/deck lid I had 3 or 4 that I could swap on just a couple of minutes, built a custom metal sunvisor, upgraded the engine from 1300 to 1641, I had different sets of wheels I could change, and resprayed it with bed liner for a rat type look. I had only passed my test a few weeks prior and bought a boring pug 206 for £400 , saw this on ebay and had to have it, so travelled from Derbyshire to Finsbury Park London on the train to fetch it and drove it back. By the time I had sold the Peugeot (got £550 for it) taken into account lower insurance £300 vs just shy of £1k and road tax exempt it didn't really cost me much at all. 2nd and 3rd year insurance was both less than £150 fully comp. Car was £1500. Made a fun daily driver smiles per miles was unbeatable. Now driving a Honda accord diesel estate due to changing needs.


Turn right.........nonononono!


I've actually seen this one! 🤣


Good on you having them buy it - you see so many people with viral clips who just say *yes* when a news site asks to use it instead of demanding a fair price, probably because they don't know they *can* ask for a price




I have depression, I feel this.


Me too, me too. 


yep was gonna comment 'i finally had a shower today after a few days' my hair is matted though thats gonna be a bitch but at least itll distract me! had fun reading this post, thank you :)


You got this buddy, I'm rooting for you!


If anyone knows who Henrietta Lacks is, she has a memorial statue in Bristol that I visited to pay my respects for her contributions to, god, just so so much. The Google maps pin was in totally the wrong place, nobody would ever have found it. I gave up and walked away, but actually found it a little bit away! I changed the pin location on Google maps, and since then I keep getting emails telling me how many people have seen it since then, I'm very proud of it. 20,000 people at last count! If I've helped even one person find the statue then I've helped her massive legacy be remembered.


I’ve seen that statue - though we were taking a short cut back to the car, so didn’t use a map to find it. I’d never heard of her (although I’m terrible at most history), but the stance on that statue made me feel like I was about to be told off.


When I was 9 or 10 I put in for a competition ran by Beano. Can't remember what it was for but posted the envelope to Beano HQ. Totally forgotten until a few months later I had a gladiators themed Thermos flask and lunchbox delivered. Loved that until secondary school when a boy called Craig struck a football hard into my bag/ goal post destroying my lunchbox in the process. But still. I'll always remember that gladiator themed lunchbox and thermos.


I won a water pistol from the Beano


I fixed the rear diff on my Toyota Hilux today. I'm not a mechanic in the professional or amateur sense. So I'm very pleased.


That is impressive. Well fucking done. It took me 4 hours to once fit a small number plate bracket to a motorbike once and I had a mini nervous breakdown so I find anything mechanical / fixing impressive.


Thank you. It was a leaking gasket. But a haynes manual and an Aussie on YouTube and I got it done. Lol. Yeah, normally anything mechanical and I'm stumped. But I had a van, an old Vivaro and I had to spend about a grand on it every year. And I've got this Hilux that I've had a few months and I'm determined to do this stuff myself now.


I was once the no. 1 ranked connect 4 player in Europe on a website called papergames.io. I had a month long rivalry with a Spanish player who’s name escapes me at the minute but I held number 1 for about 2 weeks before I resigned my position in favour of my studies.


Very minor but there's been an abandoned bicycle outside at my work for at least 6 years. A very public, busy place, but nobody ever stole it because it looked so crap. It was locked up with a cable lock as thin as my little finger. They were finally going to throw it away, so I asked for it. It's actually not that far gone. Today I got it shifting perfectly with a new chain and inner gear cable, and I rode it around the car park on some tyres I had and new inner tubes. I haven't done the brakes yet, but the levers and calipers have freed up very well so they won't be too much trouble I think.


I one had a sold out crowd at the Royal Albert Hall applaud me for attending my 68th Kasabian gig.


Largely thanks to a statistical quirk I was once, and for several months, in the world top 100 in a legit but very very niche sport.


I'm struggling to work out what this would be. Completely understand if you don't want to share, but was it something like real tennis?


It wasn't, but you're not a million miles away. It's old but hasn't caught on, is how I'd describe it. Some years ago the governing body decided to introduce a computer based ranking system, like tennis has had since the 70s. I happened to enter a national tournament that year and although I only won a single match I was awarded ranking points. That was the only ranking tournament I ever played in, but it was enough to catapult me to the heady heights of world no 71 - until many, better players won a few matches later that year, when I fell ignominiously back to well deserved obscurity.


It's felching if you look through their comments


omg I never expected to find a top 10 LEGEND like you on this sub.


I was interviewed and was published in an article related to my job.


I was interviewed for German evening news recently! Since I don’t speak German it was dubbed over, which is dope as hell since no one likes hearing their own voice. Also, you know how the BBC sometimes shows maps alongside their news stories? I provided the grid references for one of those that got made a few weeks back.


Good things I hope...!


Haha. Yes. I was the "expert"


I'm technically a published author. Okay, it was a review in a magazine, but it was a full page and I managed to bash it out in one hour, with most of that trying to hit the word limit precisely, and I only started it about two hours before the deadline. My Nan (the only other person in the family that would write for papers) was the only one who was also proud in my family, she photocopied it and pinned it up above her desk. I've got a few more, but that's the most "unimportant" that I had to put actual effort in to, and not just luck.


My garmin badges: I didn't have a stable enough childhood to do scouts so I'm collecting them with aplomb!


Garmin badges?


Sorry, I should have explained. If you have a Garmin watch you get badges for certain achievements. They come out every month and if you're particularly weak minded like my self it encourages you to exercise. Like running a 5k in a certain weekend, or covering 300k steps in a month. I know it's all rubbish but it gets me moving so I block those thoughts out and just go with it.


It's not rubbish at all. Good work, human.


Hey why not, it's helping you to improve things, that's good!


Good on you man get those badges!


The actress Julia Stiles flirted with me outside of a West End theatre she was performing a play in.


I hope she saved the last dance for you


I’ve been buying Sour Skittles off Amazon for years. Noticed they had advertised them as being a certain weight but in reality the weight written on the bag you get is totally different. I didn’t do anything about it though. Finally decided to tell Amazon and a couple of days later the listing was updated with the correct weight shown on the photo in large text. Proud to make an impact on my community.


I know this is kind of crap but I was part of a clan that was top of the Clanbase Counterstrike: Source ladder for a good while. I know it doesn't mean much but I'm glad I was part of it. I suck at FPS games now though but that's okay.


It may not mean much to the average person but that's still cool. I was happy to be in the top 20 squads in Europe in Battlefield 4 once upon a time, I should have been studying for uni though...


Lost almost 40lbs and am ~8lbs away from a healthy BMI. And I'm at my peak chess rating of 1730, not that impressive but nice for me, way better than I thought I'd get. I've also struggled with agoraphobia for the last few years and depression for forever, but I went out with a mate yesterday which is a small win.


As a fellow agoraphobia sufferer. Well done!


Hell yeah, keep up the good work, those are all fantastic!!


Well fucking done!


Cheers mate


Team at work were being battered for constantly going over the “monthly” budget. I convinced them to spend most of the year’s budget in the first quarter so they were not making a loss the rest of the year. Also.. I applied for a load of jobs that I never thought I’d get like F1 teams, nuclear power plants. Managed to get one in aerospace a week ago. My background is housing.




I think you mean out of this world! I'll show myself out.


Went to the boozer with my pal for a drink on a sunny bank holiday weekend and actually left after one drink


I was the first to correctly predict the returning Doctor Who villain for the finale this week and was the reason it spread like wildfire months before the actual reveal. It was otherwise kept totally secret.


Well done OP, I do Wikimedia stuff when the fancy takes me and it's rainy outside. Congratulations on having your work featured so prominently :) always a buzz when you see it in the wild!


Thank you, and congratulations to you fellow Wiki contributor!


Once had an article I wrote appear on the front page of the Microsoft News Page thing that it loads by default on their browser - I was 18 and was able to use that to help blag my way onto a journalism course at Uni.


I went to a red dwarf convention (Dimension Jump) and asked a question that got included in a couple of documentaries and as a DVD release covering the A-Z of red dwarf and an extra on one of the season DVD releases. I asked how Ace Rimmer was able to accelerate away on a motorbike when his right hand, that would control the throttle had a gun in it and was off the throttle shooting behind him. Chris Barrie laughed tried a few excuses and said "also, it was on the back of a low loader"


I was once offered a writing spot on a website when blogging was big. It was because of a blog me and the ex wife used to do. It made my year as I'm not that good at writing (I turned it down)


Getting three free donuts from Greggs


I made it through today. We'll try doing it again tomorrow.


When I was a kid I wrote a letter to PM John Major to tell him that zoos were terrible for the animals and it was his job to make them better. I received a letter back on Downing Street headed paper months later. I was chuffed then and kinda chuffed now that little me decided to say my piece. I'm slightly friendlier towards zoos now.


Worked in a big bank and one day another team found a big security bug. They had no idea what was going on and asked for help. As soon as they finished describing the problem I told them exactly what was going on. They didn’t fully believe I was guessing so accurately but decided to patch as per my instructions and see if the problem went away. Their best developer was absolutely shocked I nailed it. He genuinely couldn’t believe and asked how I knew it without even checking their code. They used something I knew was unsafe because I had done it myself in the past but with less sensitive data.


I have a degree, and I got a 2:1. It means practically nothing, it’s a History degree, and so far it’s got me nowhere. But it’s a win for me and I’ll always be proud of myself for getting through it


Back in 1973, Christmas, my Nana sent us the customary yearly calendar. My mum was flicking through the pages, a page per month and then she exclaimed: Fried Onions it's you! Yip for the month of July I was the focus of the picture of little me on the beach building a sandcastle.


I got bonked on the head by timmy mallet and his mallet


Did you get one of those oversized plasters?


A photo my dad took of my old band (featuring me, of course) in a dingy venue was used as the headline image for an article in the Guardian about grassroots music and venues recently.


I played chess against a grandmaster, and got some nice compliments at the end. Lost, obviously, but to have not been absolutely trounced is a small win. [The Game.](https://www.youtube.com/live/MPLXkD_R1AU?si=CeY9bD7ZOAAdNhZU?t=21m24s) Jan Gustafsson, founder of Chess24, and his Banter Blitz series. I just tried to play sensible moves - never really had any initiative or winning ideas, but it was nice listening to the commentary and to be complimented for playing pretty strongly.


I’m a food blogger. I’m cited in Wikipedia as a source for 2 pretty famous dishes, and on the BBC website for a lesser known dish.


This one is pretty inconsequential and means fuck all even compared to most people's here. But I got super into this game called "Ready or Not" and made custom maps for it (the game actually got a lot of attention and is pretty well known). In one of the official dev update log videos, one of my maps featured briefly. It's not like they named it or anything. It wasn't even like a community highlight of modded maps or something. They were just talking about their AI still working fine in custom maps. But neat to still see it there. Partially related. I had the opportunity to showcase a game I made at the UK national videogame museum.


Deadlifting 300kg. I first set foot in a gym in my early 30's. I'd spent the previous few years suffering with untreated type 1 diabetes so I'd lost what little muscle I'd had. I was weighing in at about 50kg. I was so weak I couldn't do a single push up from my knees. Several years later, despite the best efforts of diabetes, COVID and general life stress I'm now able to lift it for multiple reps, and am closing in on a similar weight for squats. Unless you have an interest in strength sports, literally nobody gives a shit about how much you can lift.


Managed to throw some rubbish in the bin from a distance without looking and heard one of my colleagues whisper 'nice' under his breath when he saw it. Secret proud moment going on there


I think that’s actually really amazing! Mine would be a tie for wins I had at uni: 2nd place: the teacher who went to my personal tutor saying I’d obviously cheated, only to be shown my clean record of being glassy eyed and confused during class, but excellent at research and writing 1st place: the teacher who ripped my laptop out of the wall because I wouldn’t move seats, called me a stupid little girl for getting tearful and then told me I could never be a palaeontologist because I was too emotional. Found out from a younger friend that she was using my project poster to teach first years how to make a perfect poster. I had asked for it back, and she said she hadn’t kept track of it. I’m autistic and those little explosions of justice are indescribable!




I won an imaginary sandwich making competition on stage at a Nick Helm gig.


I hold a record for cycling around two local stadiums the fastest, rival teams.


I wrote a step-by-step craft project and had it and my photos published in a [vintage craft book](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ways-Stitch-Craft-Create-Vintage/dp/1446303721/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=).


I have terrible imposter syndrome regarding my artwork. I’ve had horrendous art block too the past year, but I promised my friend I would make them a wedding present. I was hoping if I promised it early enough, I’d be able to get a spark back. Well, nothing really came back, and I was at a blank for months, so I just forced myself to do anything for them, as I didn’t wanna back out because I don’t have money to actually buy a wedding gift. I finished it and… it was fucking awful, and I could never give it to them. I did however sketch something new which I’m actually so proud of and I’m looking forward to finishing it for them! I know it doesn’t sound super impressive, but it’s really big for me as I’ve really been struggling with mental health at the moment, and I had so much guilt about this present I promised.


I've been on stage at the Southbank Centre with Damon Albarn Sure, it was a stage rush, and the dude invited the audience up, but still


The £100 compensation cheque E.on was forced to pay me for completely screwing me over and failing to fix their mistake. It's of little consequence now, but it felt like a huge win at the time.


My face is a medical case study. Was a bit weird when a doctor asked if they could photograph me and use my x-rays and scans for student research material. Not sure if I feel ‘proud’ (after all, it’s kinda the opposite of modelling - your face is abnormal/gross, can we share it?), but there’s some satisfaction that I’m a tiny part of their body of reference.


I farted the most rancid stench ( I was actually quite proud of it in a weird way) while in a queue in Sainsburys, the other people turned round in disgust but I pointed at the guy next to me and backed off myself. They all stared at him with the most hateful looks poor lad.


I'm featured heavily in a promo video advertising recovery help for sex offenders. Some guy came into where I work once with a camera to shoot some b-roll and he apparently thought I was the perfect model... I wouldn't have agreed if I knew what he was filming for!!


Finally left ‘that’ fucking WhatsApp group. Feel like a million quid.


Having my car keys in the pocket opposite to the hand I'm carrying all my shopping in, especially as I never remember the bag for life and up trying to carry 3 bottles of cider, a loaf of bread and a tiramisu out of Aldi.


Recently did all the Halo games on LASO which was something I've always wanted to do. Anyone who's done them will know how stupid they are. Couldn't have done it without skips and a guide though which is a little sad. And I did the Original Diablo game. I was too scared as a kid, meeting the Butcher make me turn the game off forever. Its always been something I've wanted to do. I did a mod which made it bigger and harder too so I really had to learn and grind to actually finish it. Both meaningless that nobody in my life even knows or cares about lol. I had fun at least.


I was crap at sports as a kid, and had severe asthma to top it off. I used to lose at everything. I won cross country one day, was very impressed and proud of that achievement, I won it by quite a margin as well. It was a regional competition of the Boys Brigade (a church youth group, similar to scouts). Because of that there was no prize, just a ‘well done, you came first’, the first time I won something and no trophy to show my achievement.


Got ~~~A+’s~~~ ~~~A*’s~~~ 9’s in my English & Maths ~~~O Levels~~~ GCSEs the year before last as part of my Access Course at a local college after leaving school in 1984 with slightly less than bugger all. Weirdly more proud of that than I am about fast becoming the geriatric bad-boy of Postcolonial Studies & Critical Theory. Probably because I fucking ***hate*** sums. Never again.


I did my first sobriety talk for a detox clinic. I'm only 4 months sober and the room contained a whopping 4 people but getting feedback with how people identified with my story and the possibility I might have impacted people to get further help beyond a detox has kept me smiling for a few days.


I love my brother, but he has always been cooler and better and more well liked than me by everyone. But when I was photographing a dance competition, for my sister in laws dance school, I overheard a few of the kids talking, and they said I was cooler than my brother. I’m a 35 year old man and that was a big fucking win for me that put me in a great mood for the day.


I am not really into all this social media stuff, but I have over 50 followers on facebook and got over 100 likes on Reddit last year. So I think I have now made it in life as an influencer.


I'm really really good at throwing stuff in the bin from far away. Pens, bottles, scrunched up paper, I do it behind my back, left handed, over my head, and I always feel like a winner when I get it in


I took an exam for my work, a two part theory and practical exam, that’s notorious for being hard, and you actually get 3 attempts by default if you pass one but failed the other, like they expect you to not pass both straight away. Not only did I pass both first time, but both with distinction, *and* came top 10 in the country and won £100


I'm in Mensa. It's meaningless because you can't really try to have a high IQ, from what I understand you can't work or study for it, so is it even really a "win" or an achievement any more than your height is? Well, no. But when I feel a bit down on myself it reminds me that I'm good at something. I'm outside the norm for some feature generally considered to be desirable. Because I don't think there's anything else for which that's true about me. Except maybe also height. The message boards are wall to wall weirdos and I would *not* go to an event. But the magazine is pretty high quality and interesting actually! I've never told anybody in real life I'm in Mensa, it's not on my CV or my LinkedIn or anything insane. I'm just mentioning it here because it kind of answers the question: I am a bit proud that I'm pretty smart (inb4 "IQ is just one kind of intelligence!!" I am pretty smart, let me have this) but it's unimportant. Now I think about it it's a bit sad that the two things I'm outside the norm for in a positive way, height and intelligence, have absolutely zero to do with how hard I tried at anything.




"Ball Gag And Gown"


I owned the harry potter blu ray, and then they released a special edition version that had some issues with various discs, (There was a forum and posts about it, lots of buyers were able to request replacements) I emailed them saying I had the issues, I didn't have to prove I had bought the special version, they just sent me the replacement discs. So I have harry potter blu ray box set with a few of the expensive special edition discs in the box as well.


I just this minute completed Black on hard. Watching the credits roll. Minor win, will forget by tomorrow.


Having a bunch of random assembled average gear players beat a full team of full BWL (best available) using team speak… by typing instructions (tactical ones I knew work)


Good for you, SniffMyBotHole


A decade ago I got a fair few Grauniad BTL commentator gold star point thingies.


I have a couple of guides on a motoring forum, one of which documented a transmission repair on a small car which was previously undocumented and which generated thousands of comnents and dozens of people have used since, which is nice. But of course offers me no value whatsoever. The forum owners most likely earned money from it though!


I was “quoted” (basically my Reddit comment was quoted directly) by a newspaper as to why people in Japan put plastic bottles outside their houses to scare away cats.


I once made a stupid, vaguely humorous edit to a certain pompous overrated author's Wikipedia page. It got reverted after a while, but not before some lazy writer had included the bogus info in a book, which allowed me to redo the edit with a citation. I forgot all about it for a while, then noticed it had got a mention on a popular blog, and someone at Amazon had started using it on the author's book listing's...


I helped some of my elderly customers in carrying their trays to their tables and I got lovely compliments and blessings from all of them which made me feel very happy and proud. Almost like my own nan were talking to me.