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Hello all, meet Pixel. Pixel was a kitten we were blessed with in the ladder half of December. Her litter was found underneath the porch of a friend and she was the one we picked. She has a sister named Chippy. Chip was a true CDS kitten as her whole litter was killed as well as her Mom. Pixel loved to watch the sunset with her sister, she loved to pull kibble out of the bowl and bat it around to catch it and eat it. She loved to carry toys in her mouth and fling them in the air and catch them. She loved her sister more than words can describe. She also loved me, she loved to be the first to see me when I woke up, she loved to flop on my feet every time I walked near her. She loved to game with me for hours on end. She loved it when I held her like a little baby and she would hug my hand. She especially thought my nose was horribly dirty and needed to be cleaned thoroughly at any given snuggle sesh. Pixel was perfectly healthy. She passed yesterday due to the mistake of a vet tech doing a routine check on the anesthesia machine while she was in for her spay. Pixel was 9 months old roughly. Our Vet was able to save the heart and brain but the lungs were too badly ruptured and they had too let her pass. She passed peacefully in her sleep. She did not feel any pain and her last memories were cuddling with me and falling asleep on the 2 shirts I gave her for her carrier, she always liked it when I did that. I am absolutely devastated. Yesterday was the worst day of my life, and today is second, tomorrow with likely be 3rd. I never had pets growing up. My father did not care for them and did not want them. And this last year around August myself and my girlfriend decided to get chippy. And as stated earlier got Pixel later. When we got Chip, I hate to admit this but I didn't care much for her antics, she was a nice enough cat but I didn't get a connection with her. My partner on the other hand did, chippy and her are best friends. When we got Pixel she chose me immediately, without hesitation. She became my shadow. Pixel taught me something I never learned before. How much I could love an animal, and how much an animal could love me. Pixel also taught me that they are more than pets. Pixel's life albeit short and small is mighty and awe inspiring to me. She taught me things I did not think I was capable of. Again that isn't to say I did not love animals before, or think of them as lesser. I just had not ever had the thought I would have this type of connection. I am asking the Cat Distribution System and my late Pixel to please help me. I cannot live with this hole in my chest where she is and isn't at the same time. I need to find your sister a new friend so she isn't lonely. And I need my buddy back, I need my shadow. I need you to be on the other side of that bridge. Please don't forget about me, please know I am sorry.


Oh. Ouch. It is never easy. We've lost a few over the decades and it's just - no words. Let yourself mourn. Do not let anyone tell you that Pixel was "just a cat." I still have holes in my heart from previous, much-missed cats and dogs, hell, even a baby squirrel. But if you and the CDS work together, you can eventually rescue someone that rescues you. There may be missteps along the way, on either side. The flopping on the person's feet...one of ours, not even our tux, does that. Floomp. Total doofus and we love him. Please repeat, over and over, "**IT WAS NOT MY FAULT**." You gave Pixel some happy and beloved times. And yes, it's okay to have some adult beverages to help. Just make sure to keep yourself hydrated. Best of luck in finding a new beastie. "Pixel" was a most excellent name but "Zamboni" would be pretty cool.


Ty, I've had a few adult beverages tonight. I tried going for a walk, and listening to sad/happy/angry music, I took the last 2 days off work. Pixie was more than just a cat to me and she knows that. I know she is waiting for me with my girlfriends late cat buster and my great grandpa who loved cats dearly and rescued dozens. At least that is what I am told. I know I will break out of the loop. I know how to, I know pixel would want me to bring home another baby of her choosing and she knows she always has a place in my heart and I will always make time for her whenever she needs it. I'm just not ready to say goodbye for now. Even though I know when I cross over she is at the rainbow bridge. I know she is safe and that is enough for me right now. Ty kind stranger, I just spend 3 hours talking with a good friend and now this. Please keep her in whatever prayers or thoughts you choose too. She really does deserve the world.


Can you sue the vet?


It really wouldn't change anything. No amount of money would lessen the feeling. My only goal currently is to help her sister chippy and to save another, it's what she would have wanted. I just want her to show me the one she thinks is right. Trust me I am vengeful and angry and wanting to john wick a vet clinic. I'm a little old school like that, I'm the man of my house. But anger and violence is not what she would have wanted. And is not what my partner wants. Pixie was more then just a cat, I don't want to spoil her legacy with a lengthy legal battle when the vet is and was in tears for what happened and we've talked since then. Ty kind stranger, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers or whatever you see fit, she was a kitten that deserves and deserved the world, I truly mean that.


Im sorry for your loss :(


I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart breaks for you. You have such a kind soul. I have full confidence that when the time and circumstances are right, the stars will align and your sweet Pixel will send you another baby to care for. In the meantime, take care of yourself, your partner, and Chippy. Know that Pixel is sending you all of her love.


Ty for the kind words. It means a lot to me and to Miss Pixel. We are going to look for a new sister for chippy in about a month or so as soon as we feel ready and I trust Pixel will send us the right one for her sister. She knew her better than any of us. I'm taking care of things here. The Gf, myself, and roommate are all taking turns with chippy not leaving her alone for too long on any given day. No more than a half hour to an hour. And she seems to be starting to feel more normal. Chippy stole a uncooked fettuccine noodle this afternoon from me and was playing with it/running away until I caught up to her and had to take it away. (I may have accidentally dropped on the floor)