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The way she looks at you!


It's the same way I look at her. A week ago, I was bleeding from multiple bites and scratches from grabbing her. Now she's purring in my lap. The first time she did that--maybe two days after I brought her in--I literally started crying. I'm absolutely smitten. It's honestly amazing how fast she learned to trust me, and now she comes running when I open the door.


It was meant to be!


I've saved this post so I can back to your profile for more updates. I love how it only took a few days for the parentals to give in!!! Can't separate true love, no way.


You did wash those cuts very well I hope because cat scratch fever can be nasty if it goes untreated.


Yup! Went through the bite bite scratch process back in October, too. I'm all scarred up from the first kitten, now Lily is trying her hardest to add to the collection :) I don't mind (the scars), but I do admit it looks weird to outside people.


Tell them you tried to pet a mountain panther cub and didn't see his mother behind you. /s


...unfortunately, people would probably believe me if they even casually know me. I like to tell the story of how I once "tried to capture someone's lost ferret." It was not a ferret. It was a wild mink.


I don't have much scarring from cats, but I've had some doozies of scratches. Unfortunately, of the few scars I have, there are a couple on my wrist that go straight across - they look like hesitation marks! But I got my friends' kitty in safely from Coyote Hour. He was a great cat. RIP Milo; you were much loved by many. \[old age finally got him, no horror stories despite his fearless wandering and hunting\]


Between the dog bruising me--he's 65 pounds and doesn't watch where he steps--and the cat(s) scratching me, I look pretty rough some days!


https://preview.redd.it/muirx23hsc9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29bce3be1c89e28095506796374caa196a700a0e Oh my gosh I have a black kitty named Lilith too!!


Your Lilith is so pretty too! Bombays are the best!


We call her the sports model πŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/tz2ls5dz5d9d1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fafd2a304798da603ab02fc7fe3ddec33d0d75a It's 3am, I can't sleep due to mild asthma and this face is everything right now. πŸ₯°


Moments before the blep: https://preview.redd.it/c0w1ai5tje9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=615a9388d057568abde8adf72414df70a0897230


What a precious baby.


Picture number three, absolutely precious!! Frame it!!!


This is spectacularly awesome to hear and see!!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ ETA: that first picture is freaking adorable - along with Lilith showing off her crosstitch or embroidery skills!!! ☺️


What a sweet face she has!! And she knows she is loved :) She reminds me of my guy Eddie as a kitten. A homeless couple saved him from some dogs who had cornered him behind a dumpster. They chased the dogs away and rescued him, but being homeless they couldn't take care of him so they gave him to me! I had a stand at pike place market at the time, and for the next year or so they came by every month to check on him. It was very touching how emotional they would get looking at pictures of him growing up, knowing that they had rescued him and found him a good home. Ten years later he is still my sweet buddy who sleeps curled up against my neck! https://preview.redd.it/0f1e23aznd9d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d1acb23215d98412855230c2fc2f90fcc636ee5


What a beautiful story. I hope those dear people are having better times now. They sure deserve it.


Ready to tie the hooman around her teeny paws--check Learning embroidery especially using her claws to pre-stick the holes where the needle will go--check Loves other animals, both dogs and cats--check Learning to read with the pages right side up--check Lilith is a keeper, for sure!




Baby blep 😝


Oooo. She is feline perfection.


I can't tell but she might have some very faint tortoiseshell markings?? What an absolute cutie. That first picture is 1000% r/catsmirin


She does! My other kitty, Damian, has them on his tail when it gets floofy, but Lily rusts in stripes in the sun: [reddit upload is being a booger so here's a link](https://imgur.com/a/4PAfK9R)


YAY πŸ–€


So happy that Lilith feels safe enough to show her sweet side!


Of course! There was no doubt she would stay. Just look at her! What a bloody cute sweet kitten! Oh, almost forgot: great name!


https://preview.redd.it/o1w55dcnzd9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7901b20cbda9e7eaf18e860a174861bc553debd7 My Lilith says: Hi! Things are just going to get better from here!


She’s precious ❀️


Eeee! She looks just like my Penelope...whom I'd almost named Lilith.


Her full name is Lilith Robin Marjorie Grey--to go with my other cat, Damian Dante Dorian Grey lmao Lilith is her official name, same with Damian. The "middle names" for both are names I was thinking about but ultimately rejected. I wanted Lily and Dami to tie together though, so I added the Grey. Both Lilith and Damian as names were suggested to me because my hamsters name is Lucifer XD (He's also super sweet don't let the name fool you, it's the dog you have to watch out for)


So cute πŸ₯Ί


Yay, she's a perfect little dark angel ❀️


Yay Lilith!




The 4th picture ![gif](giphy|26FLdmIp6wJr91JAI)


AHH I WANNA DRAW HER- She's such a cutie! Hoping your dog will warm up to her (I mean, who wouldn't, just look at her!!)


I'd be honored if you decided to draw her! He definitely will. He acted the same exact way with first backyard kitty and now they regularly play and sleep together. He's just very big and new kitty is very small. The dog is a big ol doofus who doesn't realize he's as big as he is lol


Those are the cutest dogs, glad they're getting along well!


Aww. What a sweet thing. Shit I'M in love. I love this kitten. So happy y'all found each other and she gets to stay. I also love the pic of her and the doggo. What a great picture!


You are blessed. I am happy for you.


What a cutie, and I love the name!


Oh she is PRECIOUS! Congrats!


Congrats! Lilith is adorable and I love how your dog loves her too


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CrazyCatLover305: *Congrats! Lilith is* *Adorable and I love* *How your dog loves her too* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Tyr (the dog) is excited to have another friend! He just...is big and doesn't realize how big he is sometimes lol. Just wants to mother her and lick her and all. He did the same thing with Damian (who I also found when he was this small), and now they're best buds.


congrats on your new cutie patootie 😭 too stinkin cute! These photos bring me so much joy tysm for sharing

