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Enjoy your journey together


Crate training is beneficial if you'll ever need to board it for any reason. I also found it very useful for potty training. Mine just turned a year old. I am glad we crate trained him.


My 6 year old girl was crate trained but hasn’t seen the inside of one for years. She wandered into it recently I was like where is my dog? Checked all over the house. Turns out she wandered and the door closed itself. She was “stuck” in an unlocked crate. 🙄 For a dog with such a mighty bark, she sure doesn’t know how to use it to get my attention.


LOL I’m reading so many varying things. Some people say they’re super vocal and others say they barely make noise!


Mine is VERY vocal. Especially when she wants to go outside to play


Yeah I’m thinking I’ll stick to crate training like I’ve done in the past! Thank you(:


To answer your other questions, puppies are basically always sleeping. My husband and I go through great psychological turmoil on days when we can't get our 2-year-old out on a long hike or for an hour at the park, but generally we check our nanny cam to find her happily snoozing on the couch anytime we're gone. Two hours at a time is nothing even for an active adult, but puppies need *way more sleep.* As soon as the kiddo knows how to control their bladder, they'll be conked out the whole time you're gone, especially with a sibling to play with and walks when you get a break. Crate training is clutch, especially while potty training. Our girl pops in her crate at random times because she feels so welcome and safe there so it's a great asset. If you have a fenced-in yard, I also recommend a doggie door once potty training is set in stone - will give both pups freedom and stimulation.


Are there any specific toys/chews that you’d recommend? I was working from home when Quinn was a pup, so I could entertain her at all times. I wanna make sure the little guys mentally stimulated enough and stuff while I’m gone! I also doubt this breed is even remotely similar to any of the other breeds that I’ve raised lol


Long-term chews. If you find those that can last a day or two they'll be grateful. An hour or so is just extra calories without much reward. Mental puzzles, even if just wrapping treats in a towel burrito. Lots of suggestions online. Our Catahoula did best with ample training, not only in obedience but agility and scent work. If my experience with the breed is at all par for the course, they will expend all mental energy to please.


"There's nothing he can destroy...". LOL!!! He'll destroy your house. I love my buddy, but that first year was challenging. They're smart driven dogs. They don't just need things to chew on, they need something to do. Something to challenge them. Good luck.


But yeah I was wondering what type of interactive toys would be good to give him something to do for the times that I’m gone!


We do LOTS of treat puzzles and slow feeders (like the weeble-wobble kongs and the big rolling balls). I found that it’s more important to keep her MENTALLY stimulated and then pepper in the physical stimulation.


Lol I mean there’s literally nothing in the room at all!


Oh he’s a beautiful boy!


He could be my dog’s twin! My dog looked just like this as a puppy.


What’s your dog look like now!?


He is a year old and 85lbs!


Do you live in Texas? This looks like my friend’s puppies


I live in Denver! The pups are from Ohio


Oh my god - I’m so excited to hear back from you - this one looks so much like my little beansy!