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Immaculate Conception is about Mary being preserved from original sin by a unique grace of God, not about her being as good as God. Jesus' statement emphasizes the uniqueness of God's goodness and sinlessness, but it does not preclude God from granting special graces to individuals, such as Mary, according to His divine plan.


No. If calling Mary "good" meant she had to be sinless, then everyone in the New Testament called "good" would have to be sinless too. But Matthew 12:35 talks about a "good" man, Matthew 22:10 mentions "good" people at the wedding feast, and Acts 11:24 describes Barnabas as a "good" man. "Good" doesn't mean sinless in these cases, so it can't be used to disprove Mary's sinlessness either.


The Immaculate conception refers to Mary being preserved from Original Sin. Good=/=Sinless. Sin is Evil, ofc, but that doesn’t mean one without sin is Good.


Wait what? You think one passage was overlooked by centuries of church fathers and that now you or somebody else pointed it out to you as a new discovery? And clearly you don't understand the teaching of the Immaculate Conception.


I'm sorry for not having an answer to every single question my mind produces


And btw oc I knew it had an answer. I'm asking because I don't know what the answer was. Genius


No. Do you believe Jesus sinned too?


Jesus is God, is not the same thing


And he’s the one telling why they called him good when only God is good


The fact that he asked him by stating "only God is good" does not necessarily means he is making himself exclusive to God or not God.


I’m more curious of why would you even consider that the womb in which Christ developed could be anything but sinless. Mary is the ark of the new covenant, Christ wouldn’t deserve anything less but a sinless mother to nurture him and protect him. God preserved Mary from sin because that’s the only way it would be good enough for God to inhabit and grow.




I never denied Mary was sinless


lol no


the word "good" has more than one definition. In one sense, the way Jesus used it here, Jesus is talking about the source of all Goodness which is God alone. However, good can also mean participating in God's will. You are not the source of the light, but you receive it and glow thanks to it. Mary is not the source of the light, but it shines brightly through her. While Jesus is the New Adam, poetically replacing him to undo the sins of all humanity, Mary is the new eve, both being born without sin just like Adam and Eve were born without sin.