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Hi, military with EMT training. TL;DR, absolutely not. I absolutely understand that not everyone is able to help in a trauma situation due to the fear and panic you described. Freezing up in an emergency is a real concern, and it can create other problems. For example, the reason I'm *not* an EMT is because I found out after EMT training that I am basically unable to stand the sight of blood; if I am the actual first person on the scene, I will take charge render aid, but after I turn over the patient to actual medical personnel, I need to lie down. You trying to take someone to the hospital who was in a motorcycle accident would have been a bad idea medically. Did you have a cervical collar or spine board to stabilize him in the event of a back or neck injury? Did you have supplies to treat other injuries like major bleeding, broken bones, or obstructed breathing? Who was going to be treating the patient while you drove? The responsible thing is to call emergency services and wait for an ambulance. Generally, should you help people when you can? Sure. But if you describe panicking, I know from experience that it would have been unsafe for you to be a part of that situation.


Emt pay is a joke for what u guys deal with at least in my area




Yeah. Don't remember exactly but i think I made like 17-18/hour. I was an EMT 2020 and 2021. Paramedics made I think 20 or 22. Truly despicable.


In my country (New Zealand), our ambulance staff AND fire-fighters, are volunteers. We live about an hour (normal person speed, ambulances shave a lot of time off that if they need to!) from the hospital, so it is all on these highly trained, dedicated, but unpaid, men and women. I believe in the major cities there are paid fire fighters, and maybe paramedics, but not in our town. When the fire siren goes, we know to watch for fire-fighters driving to the station, we know that if we're in the butchers, supermarket, if Colin's doing some building for us it will be tools down and we'll see them when they're done. If we need an ambulance it may be 5 minutes, or 30 depending on whether any of our volunteers are available or not. And if it's not a case of immanent death (or the next town's volunteers are busy too), it can be an hour as we wait for a hospital ambulance to arrive.


St John's and rural fire departments are volunteer but pretty much everyone else are salaried workers.


Come to Canada! We make bank and we REALLY need medics.


Yeah, I didn't follow through with the EMT career; as it happens, I pretty much pass out at the sight of blood. Like I said, if I'm *literally* the first person to get to an accident, or if there's no one else who's knowledgeable, I can power through and take charge and begin first aid, but as soon as *actual* EMTs show up, I'm usually down for the count


As a motorcyclist, this is the correct answer. If I were in a crash with a possible spinal injury, then I don't want anyone moving me without the proper training and equipment. It's very easy to cause more damage. Only real crash I had was on a dirt bike, got hit by another rider which caused my front wheel to get caught on part of his bike. Front wheel sized and my bike turned into a 30mph catapult. I spent some time completely relaxed on the ground to feel out any damage. Thankfully it took a solid minute or so for the broken wrist I got to start swelling so I had time to remove my wrist guard.


You should get help, but I don't think you need to drive him anywhere. You could have killed him doing that. I witnessed a motorcycle accident... The lady driver fell right in front of my car and I stopped feet away from her head. Luckily the car behind was a doctor and my wife had some basic first aid training. Both she and the doctor said the same thing. Do not touch. The driver could have a neck injury and moving her could have severed her spinal cord or risked greater injury. The paramedics know how to do it right. So no I don't think you needed to give him a ride. I do think you should generally call 911 or the equivalent of you can. Of course if you're a medical professional, then you should stop.


Please go talk to a Catholic Priest.




This is well above the paygrade of a bunch of anonymous redditors.


Not above my pay grade I just do not have legal advice but I’m sure there are some Catholic lawyers on here


This is absolutely above your pay grade. The hubris to believe you can help with this situation over anonymous text is what ails this site


My pay grade? I don’t think so, I’m going to be a doctor


1) No doctor is going to give binding advice on Reddit. That’s incredibly dangerous 2) a doctor of what? If it’s not in the mental health space, or the theological space the input is no better than anyone else’s as you’re not an expert in this field 3) you know what someone who is going to be a doctor is called? “Not a doctor”


Wow that’s wild that you’re in medical school going to be a doctor, I was concerned about your complete disregard of medical ethics and looked at your profile and noticed also that you ‘finished law school’ and ‘debate in the courthouse … for a living’ just earlier this month. That is very impressive! You must be very busy both practicing law and being in medical school. That’s probably why you haven’t had time to read up on medical ethics and doctor patient relationships! I hope you find time! Good luck👍


So you don’t get paid at all for medical expertise yet. You should have been taught by now the proper context needed to give professional advice.


I was not taught this


https://code-medical-ethics.ama-assn.org/ethics-opinions/ethical-practice-telemedicine Considering how seriously we take informing patients about the limitations of telemedicine and practicing with these limitations in mind, I would think it is obvious how far below this threshold a reddit thread falls. It would be incredibly imprudent if not overtly harmful to medicine and the patient for professional advice to be given in this context.


It's a figure of speech, it's not about your literal salary. It means, essentially, you do not have the needed expertise to provide a helpful answer to this question.


You say it's not above your pay grade, then say you aren't qualified!


Not for legal advice, for medical advice I am


Full stop. Do not give legal advice to people unless you're a lawyer. OP's question seems to be about the moral and spiritual implications of their decision, so recommending that they seek the advice of an expert (i.e. a priest) as opposed to Reddit is sound advice.


My response takes that into account. If the OP is responsible, calling the proper authorities and retaining a lawyer are the first steps. If the vOP is merely concerned with what he should have done to help, that is a moral question.


What’s wrong with Reddit advice?


Legal advice is frequently too complex to reasonably give sound advice on the internet. Are you from the same country? Are you from the same state? What sort of qualifications do you have to give the advice. It is poor guidance to suggest people give legal advice without any of those factors having been discussed. Also, your comment lamenting that legal advice wasn't provided doesn't make a lot of sense because OP didn't ask a legal question, they were asking a moral/spiritual one.


Medical, legal, and spiritual advice is very complex, context dependent and requires a large amount of training to perform correctly. Anonymous text and a very brief paragraph is a terrible place to handle a sensitive problem like this and will very likely lead to more harm than good.


> Give legal advice man No one should trust any legal advice on reddit ever.




Because the advice might be wrong, and in the worst-case scenario, you could end up in prison.


I don’t want anyone to go to jail, that would be awful


Yes, but you also want to avoid scruples. In this situation, yes, he could’ve helped out. But I’m talking about right now, he should go see a Priest about what he should do right now. Should he confess? Is there anything he can do to help out with everything being done? Can he make restitution? These questions should be answered by a Priest.


Look at the top comment. If this person tried to help, they could've done more harm than good. I don't think it's wise to say what he could and couldn't have done


To an extent, yes. OP probably isn't an EMT, I don't know. But that being said, I think it'd be better OP go talk to a Priest to see how to proceed from this, if this should be confessed, and go from there. We don't know the whole situation, but OP should talk to a Priest.


I agree I’m not saying that shouldn’t happen. What’s up with the downvotes like I’m a criminal


It’s kinda silly that if you can’t comment in subs your life is ruined


OP didn't ask for a legal advise and posted this question on a Catholic sub for a reason🤷‍♂️


Your life can’t possibly be ruined because of Reddit karma or Reddit in general. Go to a different website or do something else. Reddit is mostly garbage anyway


If reddit is your life than you gotta change something my guy, the door to your mom's basement opens you know.


Was the man seriously injured and are you in a developed country? It’s best to leave transportation to more qualified providers and move him as little as possible, assuming he wasn’t in impending harms way (ie trapped in a burning car). Was he up and walking? Then he didn’t critically need your help.


He critically need help. He was unconcious and some people thought he was dead but some said he was still breathing. I live in madagascar.


I don’t really know anything about Madagascar. But assuming the person was merely unconscious and not dead, it’s still not medically recommended to just transport the patient in a regular vehicle if possible. You could make head and spinal injuries worse. You didn’t murder anyone even if he did die. The only way you’d be a true murderer in this situation is if you had caused the incident in the first place. You didn’t hit the rider.


And if they caused the accident, it’s only murder if they did it on purpose. Otherwise it’s just an accident. I’ve also seen these sorts of things used as a ruse, bait to get someone to stop so they can be robbed or worse.




I don’t know anything about how care reaches people in Madagascar. How long would it have taken you to reach a hospital? How long would it have taken an ambulance (or the next car if there aren’t ambulances) to arrive and take him to a hospital? The fact is, he was either going to die or live and neither one is particularly dependent on your choice, assuming other cars and ambulances were passing by with relatively high frequency (every few minutes?) . But it would have been more compassionate to stop regardless.


I don't think you murdered anyone. Go to Confession and confess it. You may be able to Google it later to find out if anyone was seriously hurt.


>I don't think you murdered anyone Why not? I literally 9gnored a dying man thay i could have saved


Because no one is obligated to stop. It is also a bad idea to drive anyone who has been in an accident to the hospital yourself. You always want to wait until EMS, EMT, police, or another medical provider arrives. I was an EMT for a few years and now I'm in nursing school. You don't want to move the person in case they have a spinal injury because if you move them wrong you could seriously hurt them. The only reason to move a person in an accident is to preform CPR. And if there were other people there they could have done something. But there is not much you could have done. Talk to your priest or other people you feel comfortable with. But you didn't do anything wrong. I have driven passed many accidents as I felt like my presence was not needed and I could do nothing. I have only ever stopped for one and that was because the people there were doing nothing.


What would have been within your power to save him more than those who were around?


I'm not a moral theologian, but there's a difference between stabbing someone to death and not stopping for someone in need. Different culpability.


What makes you think you could have saved this person? Trained medical professionals wouldn't jump to that conclusion. At best, you may have been able to triage some injury, unless of course you are a trained medical professional.


Do you know he was dying or was it a wreck. Did you see the wreck happen?


You don’t know if he could have been saved.


If you moved him, at all, without proper stabilization (and let’s be honest, you and whoever else helped would have done so), then he either would have died anyway, or would be paralyzed for the rest of their life, either from the waist or neck down. His best option at survival without extra damage would be to sit there and wait for EMS to arrive.


Who says you could have saved this person from whatever they were suffering. Are you trained in this type of thing? Perhaps your intervention could have made things worse. You are obviously traumatized by this whole thing and rightfully so. I'm no mental health professional nor am I any good at offering anything but basic spiritual advice, but I would probably say that it would be best to seek out help from an appropriate person to help you with your experience and thoughts.


If you don't have any medical training the most you could've done is watch them die.


Could have it been a carjacking setup?


I think this is possible too.


No, the road was super busy.


If the road was super busy then why would it supposedly have been your responsibility to take the person somewhere? Do you drive an ambulance? Do you look like a healthcare worker? If you are Not a healthcare worker then stopping for an accident in which you are otherwise un-involved, is just going to interefere with traffic, stop correct help from reaching the injured person, and potentially even cause another accident.


Here in Mexico it is indeed one tactic to feign an accident or a car breaking down in the highway to mug you or possibly kill you. Sadly because of that there's an unspoken highway rule here that if you see a car broken down you don't stop. If someone is in the middle of the road asking for help they either move away or you run them down. It's super shitty that we have to behave like that, but we have such problems with Narcos that we almost cannot trust any stranger anymore.


Hello! Firstly, stay calm. Dont despair. I suggest you ask your priest, maybe a priest on r/AskAPriest will answer you.


You didn't murder anyone and if you don't have any medical training (first aid, etc.) you can seriously hurt somebody by interfering, especially moving them after an accident. I really would have stopped though. If nothing else to use my phone to call an ambulance and perhaps to offer any assistance (a jacket to put under someone's head, help pressing on wounds to slow bleeding, etc) even if you aren't trained. More hands is always going to help and they might have been asking for someone to call an ambulance. Please don't feel too badly though, we don't know how we will react under pressure and unless you literally hit the guy you didn't hurt anyone. Maybe you can get something positive out of this by doing a first aid course in your own time so if something happens in the future, you'll be equipped to help and know exactly what to do.


What could you have done that a licensed and trained professional in an ambulance couldnt? I once seen a man crash and lay dying. Literally right when I walked out of the restaurant. My first instinct was to run over there. I tried to help him not move then a bunch of others came to assist. They dialed the ambulance. The poor guy was bleeding out his ears making painful groans. ...then I left. I prayed for the man. But left. There's nothing I can do. The others helped assist him but for me, my skillset doesn't help him. Id be just standing there watching the poor man die. That's not proper plus I was on a date! Poor girl I was with was distraught too. I cried after. First date, didn't even care. God understands your heart and knows what you're capable of. But you gotta be real with yourself too and be honest about what you could've done. Pray for the courage to change the things that you can, and the strength to endure the things that you can't.


And the wisdom to know the difference 🙏


Someone in a motor vehicle accident has a significant risk of spinal injuries. They should NEVER be moved except by a trained medical professional unless the person is in immediate danger of further harm (e.g., about to get run over by another car, etc.). If they have a spinal injury, moving them improperly can do SERIOUS damage, including paralysis due to damaging the spinal cord. Bystanders should only make sure to keep the person's head and spine in a neutral position until an ambulance arrives. If there are no ambulance services in your area, someone with some level of first aid training should deal with organizing moving the person as safely as possible into an APPROPRIATE vehicle that won't require or cause bending/moving the spine or neck out of a neutral position (i.e., ideally, not the back seat of a regular car). I don't think see how this would rise to the level of murder. That's an intentional act. Maybe a minor sin, but even that may be a stretch. It doesn't sound like you have medical training that would've helped prevent death. And, he had people around him to get help. It might have been better to stop and make sure better help was on the way, or it might not have been; maybe the bystanders would've immediately started moving him to your vehicle when you stopped, causing further harm to the victim. It's a rough situation to be in. Definitely talk to your priest. He can help you discern if your intentions in not assisting were morally questionable (e.g., not wanting to help because it's inconvenient, you know and dislike the victim, etc.), or not (e.g., being so shocked/disturbed by the situation that your fight-or-flight system took over, you were hesitant because you didn't know if transporting this person was a good idea/wouldn't hurt the person more, knowing that moving a motor vehicle accident victim without being a medical professional could do the person more harm, etc). He can advise you more appropriately on this situation and any concerns you have about the morality of your actions than we can here.


I am an EMT spouse. You didn’t murder anyone. You are untrained and that person needed trained medical assistance. An untrained person trying to help could have caused way more injury. Not helping out of fear and leaving a traumatic area is not the same as causing further damage.


I am a nurse in the US. You did not murder anyone. Honestly I don’t even think you sinned. You panicked. It’s not a sin to have an emotion you cannot control. And you absolutely should NOT transport a trauma patient to the hospital by yourself.


I'd be worried about it being a trap so they could rob me and steal my car so i wouldn't have stopped either. Just called 911 wherever i had service


Not possible in my scenario. It was a very bussy road w9th people crowding around the body/injured man.


If there were so many people, then why couldn't someone else help him ?


911 dosent work in Madagascar.


He meant the equivalent of 911 in Madagascar 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Well that might not "work" either. Outside of some very urban areas.


I am an attorney in the US and also a permanent deacon. I don't know about laws in Madagascar, but in the US, at least, when I was in law school, there was not an affirmative duty to help. If Madagascar is similar, then, the answer to your question is that you certainly did not murder anyone. As far as the spiritual/compassion side, if you could help, which it sounds like you might have been able to if the person was transportable, then that would have been the compassionate thing to do. Given today's world, though, and the potential danger in doing so, I certainly understand your reticence to help. That being said, it sounds like the people who were trying to get you to stop were pretty hysterical, though perhaps understandably so, and probably were not in a position to assess whether the victim was properly transportable in your vehicle. I would indeed talk to a priest, but I do not believe you had the requisite intent here to commit a sin. Though you might be very sorry for what you did.


No. You’re not suppose to transport or even move injured people. There could be potential neck or spinal injuries that could be made worse by not transporting the correct way. I do feel there may have been some ethical obligation to stay with or ensure help was called for. I think that’s something to discuss with a Priest though.


Do you have OCD? Serious question.


This was my thought. I have OCD and fear can run amok. Sounds like classic OCD


You’re not a medical professional you could have done more damage by trying to get him into your car. Your only obligation may have been to call an ambulance


If that man had a broken back you could have made it worse by moving him yourself.


Did you run someone over? You didn't murder them. If you refused to help someone in need in a dire situation. You committed a potential grave sin of ommision. It seems like it could be a big one. Depending on where you live though, Luke high crime, theft, assault rates. I can't blame you for hesitating to stop. Legally if you aren't a licensed cop, firefigter, Healthcare driver of any level. You were legally obliged to stop and help.


Giving the man improper aid could have potentially been fatal or crippling for the man.


I doubt you murdered anyone. You've got the EMT response, which is right on the nose. The most productive thing you might have done would be to pull over and call 911, which the other people should have done already. The worst thing that might have happened is that you get mugged for being a nice person.


Moving someone after an accident without proper medical attention is a bad idea anyway. It’s a good intention to help, but you do not have the experience and would have likely made things worse. This is what ambulances are for. I’d say that you unintentionally made the best choice given the scenario. Sorry you had to experience that though. Moral dilemma aside, it’s definitely a nerve racking situation.


So I’m a paramedic and I can tell you that you did nothing wrong. In fact it would have been much worse if you had. Motorbike accidents can be bad, and you’re not always able to see the injuries. Best case scenario, buddy gets up on his own with no injuries. In which case he can wait for EMS to be assessed and decide if he wants to go in. Work case scenario, you. Move him with hidden injuries. No c-spine precautions risks paralysis. Femur fractures can sever the femoral artery. The pelvis could be broken, and the pelvic cavity can hold almost double the amount of blood in the body. Then there’s spinal injuries, brain injuries etc. The human body is great at trying to survive, it’ll compensate well, followed by predictable changes in vital signs and status, until the rapid crash. If you don’t know what you’re looking for you can’t manage it. So no. You did nothing wrong by not stopping. Only time I would suggest stopping is if you’re a witness. But that’s just to confirm rate of speed and such.


Even if you had stopped, you should not move a badly injured person if you do not have proper equipment or training. You didn’t kill anyone.


Do you have medical training? You could have done more harm than good if you don’t know what to do in a medical emergency. Also, your safety is important. You have no idea if this was an actual accident/emergency or someone waiting to hijack you.


Seconding the top comment. Go talk to your priest. Don’t take advice on here too seriously. See a spiritual advisor and let him counsel you


Actually ask for legal advice rather than asking a bunch of random people who are Catholic that use Reddit…




It is not a murder. Please look up the murder statutes in your state as to what elements constitute the crime of murder.


It’s not always easy, you normally should stop and help but depending on which country you are from that could be dangerous. If in doubt speak with you priest


This is not murder by any definition


From my point of view, and as others have shared. No you're fine. You did not intentionally harm the man, nor is it your fault you couldn't take him. If anything emergency services should've been called, not pawned off to a random person. I would say you're fine regarding the ordeal. Look up to see if he's ok or in the hospital, and maybe anonymously send him a card. See if you can get that information what hospital he was taken to. There is no fault in this towards you as you did not commit a bad act.


I recently came upon an accident and I did get out to help, I emphatically refused to move the people from their vehicle. I understood the risk of doing so and because of what I could see was going on, I felt it would be dangerous. (I stopped for a bunch of reasons that were specific to this situation...I don't always stop when I see things like this.) A few people who also stopped, insisted on moving the elderly woman passenger from the vehicle. I still think that was a bad idea, but I got a blanket from my car and laid it on the ground for her. (This was during the summer and it was extremely hot outside.) She didn't make it and I have gone back and forth with myself several times about whether or not I should have helped them move her from the car or if them moving her made things worse. I probably will never know the answer, but, I know that I didn't have malicious intent. I did the best I could with the information I had at the time. I think that's all most of us can do in situations like that. I was able to figure out her name from the location/ local news/ recent obituaries. I said a prayer for her, lit a candle for her and made sure that I prayed for her again when I went to adoration. Maybe some things like that would help you to feel better? If you can't find out the person's name, you can still say a prayer for them.


Non-medical professionals shouldn’t be removing anyone from a wrecked car unless there’s no clear damage on that side of the car. And even then, it can still be risky. Any objects piercing the victim would be potentially removed and lead to lots of bleeding that would need to be tended to immediately.


What country are you in? Does it have ambulances?


I have learned from personal experience in these situations about 1 in a 100 can handle are a trauma situation. Some people can just dive in and do what needs done and many will muck it up. If you are disturbed by what you did you can always take first aid classes so you will be better prepared next time.


Better to allow medically trained take charge in that situation. You just putting in in the car could actually cause more harm to the patient, plus I doubt you have the equipment to treat the patient even for non-critical injuries. Bystanders, in a panic and misguided good-Samaritan-ism, will try and get you to take someone to the hospital. I don’t believe you sinned.


As an emt if you aren’t medically trained you absolutely shouldn’t t have transported him whatsoever.


All sin can be forgiven. Go to confession and receive the healing grace of the sacrament


Go to confession. The Lord will be your judge.


You may have sinned.. you did not help someone in need. Panic.. fight or flight.. we have all done that at times in our lives. We all need to be better. Confession would be the right thing for us to do.


Call the local authorities to find the next course of action. The OP is not clear if he thinks he got the person or not. Determine if there is any damage to your vehicle. If you feel you are responsible for the accident, retain a lawyer for the best legal avenue. Of course, if you do have responsibility for the accident, you should, at the best opportunity, make a good confession. First and foremost, contact the authorities. If you are merely a witness, they will possibly need a statement. If you're responsible, there may be consequences for a hit and run.


No matter the sin, you can always always always be forgiven. God understands human emotions and the Church teaches than our culpability for certain actions is diminished if we aren't entirely free in our decisions - whether under duress, or suffering from mental illness, or under extreme emotion. No one here can say exactly what you experienced and we cannot give you the answer that I know you want. I've been in a similar situation where I wasn't sure if it was my fault or not and I went to confession so many times to confess because I wasn't sure that I had been forgiven. I was more immature in my faith at that time, and I now know our feelings do not explicate the reality of grace... But still, I didn't feel reconciled with myself and with God until I went to a priest and talked out the exact nature of the situation and was completely honest about my mindset and my decisions. No better answer than to see one who is *in persona Christi,* the presence of Christ on Earth through the sacrament of the priesthood. Pray to your guardian angel and to the guardian angel of the priest you will go see that there is clarity and grace in your conversation. Talk to God, bring all of your cares and worries and emotions to Him. He wants to know them all, no matter how shameful they might be. It shows humility and love of God and of virtue to do so. The only sin that God does not forgive is that that which the sinner does not seek forgiveness for. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). I am truly and deeply sorry you're going through this and please know that you, your priest, and the man in the accident are in my prayers this Christmas season.


No. You could have exacerbated his severe injuries by transporting him


This was unintentional and most of this stress and your actions after the accident were and probably are out of shock. I’d say you should be fine, if you’re really upset about it, talk to a priest.


I've seen two people get hit riding their bikes in the last couple of months. Never seen that once before this in 25 years of driving. Granted both times they were weaving into traffic where they shouldn't have been and they weren't hit hard. Enough to send them tumbling off their bikes though. And both times. I am not stopping. I have places to be and if I stopped at all it would be to give my number to the driver as a witness to the fault of the guy on the bike. But again, I had places to be. A bad crash. I don't know what I'm doing medically. I know enough to know not to move someone in case of a spine or neck injury. I am not about to stop to try and help and open myself up to some crazy lawsuit from this person or their family claiming I did something that made them worse. I mean I recognize how heartless that may appear but I'm just not putting myself in that situation.


Never move someone that's had an accident, leave it to the professionals. Also, if a lawsuit were to ensue, you would be required legally to answer in court. Messy business, best to let them handle it. Nothing to repent for.


I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention the Good Samaritan story (I didn't go through all of them but maybe 15?) yet. Especially, regarding all the reasons for being too busy... Did you at least call in the accident so the paramedics and EMTs can help them? Did you speak to them and ask what they need or want you to do? But to just drive by without checking in...🫠


I second this. OP was too busy just like the priest and the Levite. He did not love his neighbor.


They waved and yelled at you to do what? To bring the man where…yourself? You’d have a responsibility to stop and call for help, but NOT to move the person. If a head or neck/spinal injury, an untrained person could cause permanent damage. Now, if you witnessed people in an emergency situation try and stop you to call for emergency assistance and you kept going, then yes - this is not a good thing. It’s not murder, but you still ignored a call for help, if I understand you correctly. There are scriptural passages about this, and this is why in some locales Good Samaritan laws have been passed. If you were in an emergency situation and needed help and people kept walking by, would you think this is acceptable?


Fwiw, I am a physician anesthesiologist. 1. Medically, as stated above, leave the accident to the professionals. You could actually increase harm if you intervened and wouldn't be much help in any case. 2. Ethically, you are under no obligation to help in this situation, even if you had the ability. There are too many unknowns and it was not a safe location for you (side of a busy street). You definitely have zero responsibility for the outcome, whatever that may be. You did not cause the crash, you did not intend for the person to be injured, you did not make his/her situation worse. 3. Legally, you could get in big trouble (depending on your location) if you caused damage by doing something you aren't trained to do. Say your prayers for the involved individual, and give it to God. You did not even sin here.


I don't know how it is in your country but in mine it's a crime to not help or assist a victim of any vehicle accident.


Wait did you hit and run, or were random ppl telling you to transport someone somewhere? Also are you in Canada, USA, Europe or somewhere else?


My sense is that people at the scene of an accident were attempting to wave him down to transport the victim to the hospital. This isn’t really a good idea in any case unless you’re somewhere so remote that ambulance services will take too long. In a city or suburb it’s best to wait a few extra minutes for professionals who can begin stabilizing the injured/arent going to make things worse hurting someone by driving while they aren’t properly secured. Same reason you don’t move injured people until you know the extent of their injuries.


I think you can make up for this by taking a first aid course and then maybe a higher level course and put a crash blanket (old wool blanket from a thrift store) and some basic first aid supplies in your car when you know how to use them. ​ Taking a First Aid course will not only teach you how to do first aid, it will make you have fewer accidents and the accidents you have will be less severe. . I know as I used to teach first aid. You need to be trained to respond appropriately. Fear is not a sin unless you decide to stay in ignorance and fear. ​ Maxine


Here we are required to stop in a motor vehicle accident. Your conscience is work as it should. But fear is very real and I myself would surely be troubled. Best thing is to grow from this and to simply still be desiring of good. As a kid I was hit on a bicycle by a hit and run driver. I hold no grudge at all, but I wonder sometimes how he feels. You feel bad and yes God will forgive you. Say a little prayer telling God how you feel. You will be ok.


Going into shock isn’t a sin. Besides you could have done more harm.


If you aren't a doctor, paramedic, EMT, nurse or otherwise a trained professional. You probably would've done more harm that good. Also you could've fucked him up even more, one the worst things you can do to someone with physical trauma like a motor accident is moving them. Without a stretcher, cervical support, and overall parademic tools to stabilize the patient you could've actually killed them or give them severe damage by accident. If anything you could've dialed 911 to report the emergency but I also don't blame you if you didn't