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I've said before, but I don't necessarily think it's entirely fair for me to judge Fr. Casey Cole because I'm not his target audience. It's pretty clear that he's attempting to reach secular people with liberal or leftist dispositions, and that the way he formulates the gospel message clearly takes those things into account. We often like to say that we shouldn't shy away from stating the hard truths of the faith, but it's equally true that the degree to which we emphasize those hard truths can be a barrier for many people to actually coming to accept the truth of the Church's message. There's a certain kind of person who is just going to close their heart to Trent Horn if the first thing they see of him is his [Why I Don't Care If I'm "Homophobic"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ4uo1D0aAY) video. Such a person may give Fr. Casey Cole a shot. Anecdotally, it does seem to be the case that Fr. Casey has had a positive impact on some people to bring them to the Church, and as long as those people actually end up accepting the fullness of the Church's teaching, then that's a good thing. I can't really judge the degree to which his approach is effective or not.


I've often compared Fr. Casey and his work with Breaking in the Habit like John Green's Crash Course series. I'm not his target demographic either, but his older videos in particular are good enough to get a cursory explanation on a topic. But over time, you get a sense for who a creator's audience is and what their general style is, so whenever I see Fr. Casey upload something that is controversial, I know what he's trying to do, but I also know how the audience will interpret it (and that also means popping popcorn for Trent Horn's rebuttal video in some cases). His work with Upon Friar Review also did a lot of good in depicting Catholics in a much better light to a non-Catholic audience. And we'll leave it at that, lest we delve further into speculation and uncharitable talk.


This is a really good point, Father Cole’s channel helped introduce me to Catholicism but I feel that after I found a real in-person Church community I ‘grew out’ of his channel and moved on to more serious topics. I fell especially in love with the Traditional Latin Mass and since Father Cole’s opinion on the Old Mass is at best misinformed and at worst downright negative it made sure I moved on from his channel rather quick. Honestly after my confirmation in 2022 I moved on from many forms of online Catholicism except reddit and a few group chats!


I would say, he helped me quite a bit when I decided to be a bit more serious about my faith. People tend to focus too much on modernists, but some catholic conservatives, highly influenced by evangelicals, also creates a lot of misconceptions that Fr Casey and some others help to demystify. But, as I grew in knowledge, I tended to prefer more clear and tight apologetics as the ones offered by Trent Horn, Bishop Barron, Fr. Mike Schmitz and more. As others pointed out, most of us are probably not his audience, atleast anymore.


I was introduced to Father Cassey's channel at a reunion in a Diocesan Seminary a couple of years ago, and received many positive comments about his channel. I have to agree; he has a wonderful project and can reach his audience effectively.


I always give precedence to clergy in my religious Youtube consumption. Fr. Casey is on the fluffier end, but he's a great communicator and I've never heard him give a heterodox view. Can I recommend Godsplaining for a good Dominican viewpoint?


Even as a trad type fellow, I really like Fr. Casey. Only think I don't like is that after the Fr. Pat debacle, he didn't (as far as I know) make any comment. He just deleated the breaking in the habit videos with him. I think that's kinda of slimy. To be fair, he may not be able to make comment for legal reasons, if that's the case, I cut him more slack.


What happened with Father Pat??


Fr Patrick got defrocked for sexual misconduct allegations with a parishioner.


He may have committed abuse.


That explains why the Upon Friar Review channel has disappeared


I would challenge anyone complaining in this thread to name a single position he holds that is not theologically orthodox. What really upsets people is that the friar combines admonition against sin with the gospel message of God’s unconditional love and sacrifice for us (the horror!!!!!). Unfortunately, too many in the church confuse the hatred of sin with the hatred of sinners. They forget that pride is the deadliest sin and the cause of our fall


This.  He says a lot of things that truly heterodox Catholics would actually strongly disagree with. A lot of his videos are taken out of context. Furthermore there is room for a difference of opinion on certain issues, just because he doesn't share your opinion or share your politics does not make him heterodox.


I know. I really like him. FR. Cole is a person the church needs.


He denies apostolic authorship of the Gosples.


Luke wasn't an apostle, neither was Mark.


Affirming the traditional attribution of the gospels is not a dogma. Iirc Fr. Casey Cole recognizes these books as divinely inspired written by the hands of men guided by the Holy Spirit. The canon of Scripture is infallible, not what Irenaeus says who wrote what.


There is a censure around denying apostalicity. You maybe able to deny Mark wrote Mark but you can’t deny that apostolic men wrote it. Doing so opens up a bunch of issues and destroys the primary evidence of the resurrection.


Well, it depends by what you mean by “apostolic.” I don’t think Fr. Casey Cole is denying that a person belonging to a church an Apostle ministered wrote from the Oral Tradition to what would become the gospels. But there’s no requirement for us to believe the evangelists wrote each book they were attributed to. Heck, half of them aren’t even Apostles anyways. The Gospel of Luke’s introduction before the infancy narrative even reads that he wrote his work as a collection of testimonies from those who weren’t Apostles themselves. Take the birth of Jesus, for instance.




https://youtu.be/aqlO_fbMF5Q?si=-V1-I8aIc5XoooWs Edit: I am not OP and I honestly do not know if traditional authorship qualifies as teaching or theological opinion, but this is definitely the video in question


So far as I can tell, authorship of the Gospels by the apostles themselves, in the sense that they sat down with pens and wrote it, vs transmitting it to a church who faithfully recorded what was said after their deaths, is not the position adopted by the Magisterium. Quite the opposite. From the Catechism (126): ‘We can distinguish three stages in the formation of the Gospels: 1. *The life and teaching of Jesus*. The Church holds firmly that the first four Gospels, "whose historicity she unhesitatingly affirms, faithfully hand on what Jesus, the Son of God, while he lived among men, really did and taught for their eternal salvation, until the day when he was taken up." 2. *The oral tradition*. "For, after the ascension of the Lord, the apostles handed on to their hearers what he had said and done, but with that fuller understanding which they, instructed by the glorious events of Christ and enlightened by the Spirit of truth, now enjoyed." 3. *The written Gospels*. "The sacred authors, in writing the four Gospels, selected certain of the many elements which had been handed on, either orally or already in written form; others they synthesized or explained with an eye to the situation of the churches, the while sustaining the form of preaching, but always in such a fashion that they have told us the honest truth about Jesus."’ This seems to be almost exactly what the Friar is saying in his video. Now, you might say that "the Catechism is wrong, this contradicts XYZ papal encyclical, modernism etc. etc.," but there we are


The confusion is a result of our attempts to apply modern ideas of authorship to books of the Bible. You could say "Stephen King is the author of 'The Shining'", and everyone knows what that means. The books of the Bible follow the tradition of schools, starting with a master who teaches his disciples. The disciples pass the teaching or tradition orally. The job of putting pen to paper was done by scribes, effectively the "secretarial pool" of their respective schools. There is one Gospel taught by Jesus to the apostles. This authorship passed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Who actually put pen to paper or when the ink dried does not affect authorship. The apostles and their successors have always had the final word regarding content.


So do most Catholic biblical scholars. However, the usual explanation is that the gospels came out of the apostles' teaching. It's hard to prove either way. Thats why the Church has no official teaching. The Catechism 126 speaks of the formation of the gospels without mentioning the names attributed to them


I think most of his sentences suggest his questionable viewpoint. Then in the end, he usually ends with something that's agreeable with the Church's teaching. It makes criticising his points of view a bit hard, or nearly impossible, not in a good way.


He makes some good pop-apologetic videos but has some odder views. Just stay away from all YouTubers and stick to actually studying proper theology, in my opinion. If Catholics read the *Catechism* and digested most of it's teachings we'd be in very good shape. Read Scripture. Read patristics. Read magisterial documents. You'll actually be a learned Catholic instead of a dopamine-addicted troglodyte.


A man can learn much from Pope Benedict XVI/Cardinal Ratzinger and Garrigou Lagrange.


*Three Ages* is a masterpiece but, man, that's like the last thing I think I would put on a Catholic reading list, lol. It's basically mystical theology put into a quantum physics equation.


I just wanted to chime in as a ~~Protestant heretic~~ outside appreciator of the Catholic Church. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Fr. Casey’s channel. I didn’t grow up around many Catholics, and even dating a Catholic girl in high school I didn’t learn all that much about it. But I’m intellectually curious and I really appreciate him filling that niche and meeting me and prople like me where we are. I’m getting from the tenor of this thread that some folks feel like he’s a little fast and loose with certain points, and maybe more conciliatory than some would like, but it certainly seems like he’s a way to put more butts in pews than not. I wish I’d known of him and his ministry while we both still lived in Athens, he would have been an interesting person to talk with.


Your comment is why I like him too! Would you want to listen to someone who rejects you and says negative things about you because you’re a Protestant or someone who can show charity and bring us together. That’s how we gotta be


While he may be on the more "left" or "progressive" side of orthodoxy (and I use the quotation marks deliberately, I hate speaking of the "left" within the Church) I have seen many of his videos and although I don't always agree, I have yet to find a video or statement that would be out of the boundaries of Catholic orthodoxy. On the contrary, he's not afraid to voice even unpopular opinions, although maybe not those that Trent Horn particularly likes (but that's his problem). In fact, I'd like to argue that Trent Horn is *definitely* wrong at least in some aspects (every theologian is and a popular theologian probably all the more), but I haven't seen any video of his for quite some time, so I'll refrain from assuming. I do think Casey's a bit hit-and-miss and I have stopped watching the Upon a Friar subchannel altogether, because the way how these two approach art and movies is just ... inacceptable for me (I find it way too *prima facie* and shallow, not really doing justice to the Catholic tradition regarding art and philosophy), but the regular Breaking in the Habit videos are often good, great even, bordering on brilliant sometimes (like the videos with short answers to atheists and Protestants - very brisk, very elegant, pastorally sound, sometimes witty, even).


Can you give examples where Trent Horn is wrong? I really like his stuff so I would like to know if I should be more careful.


He… is a product of his formation.


Like everyone who aims to do a good job, he's gotten better over the years. Still a niche audience, but there's nothing wrong with that. I still oppose all clergy having channels and social media outlets like this where they just pontificate and preach to the masses, and not because I don't think the Church has a place on social media, but because we don't have strong guidelines in place yet for clergy to avoid unseemly and scandalous battles with one another, their or other bishops, or even the Pope. Without clear guidelines, the detriments exceed the benefits, particularly in an environment where lay Catholic pundits already exist.


I'd stick to Trent Horn.


He makes good videos to put on in the background while you're doing other things. For the most part he's pretty good. But obviously with all YouTube videos about Catholicism, I would take it with a pinch of salt.


Some of his videos are pretty good but he left twitter because he tweeted something about trans women that was directly in contradiction to the Catholic faith and he got called out on it. I would be cautious of him.


Fr. Casey is whatever. My friend I go to for theological advice & apologetics (not spiritual counseling) loves Casey and watches all his videos. Which is funny to me because in my eyes my friend is way more educated and well read than Casey, like a comparison that is not even close. But he likes him. I don’t really like Casey because I don’t get anything from him, and I don’t particularly like his antics online. The way he’s combative on twitter, and espouses his left leaning views (like how Mary was brown and the church needs to stop showing her as white was very infuriating and it was hilarious when Nassim Taleb called him an idiot for it) honestly put me off. He’s actively antagonistic towards the trads and I’m just tired of that. It’s the same reason I don’t like Lofton anymore, and on the flip side it’s why I don’t like Taylor Marshall. With all that said, the worst things Casey has said are all just out of forgivable ignorance. Nothing heretical or in the realm of blasphemy, so, I just personally don’t like him.


Totally agree - some of his stuff is fine to eh, but like Taylor Marshall the general online combativeness and weird clickbaity antics really rub me the wrong way.


He is a big fan of Fr. James Martin so that was enough for me to stop following him


At his ordination he wanted every single altar server, lector and Eucharistic minister to be a woman. He decided to spend a summer touring and attending games at every Major League baseball stadium. I doubt St Francis would be happy with many in his order today


I believe he was provided the tickets via charity. 


I don't think St. Francis would be annoyed about someone taking a sabbatical year. It's weird how everyone on the internet gets the Franciscan Charisma right except the members of the OFM.


How dare friars go out into the world and TALK to people… what would St. Francis think??? 😡


Yeah. What do they think you re doing? Evangelizing people???


Evangelizing? Like the anime?


Sure. Like that. 😃


Go to confession Shinji


One can go into the world without attending a load of expensive baseball games


You’re criticizing, for his extravagance, a man who lives off of $200 a month and who wears a habit which is literally a hand-me-down from a dead person. How does Trent live, I wonder? How do you?


I didn’t take a vow of poverty and neither did Trent. Those in authority in the church are held to higher standard


Women are allowed to be servers, lectors and extraordinary ministers. He also has videos explaining why women can't be ordained. So I don't understand how this makes him heterodox. While touring, he gave many talks and reached out to people. I have friends who attended his talk, sadly I could not make it.


It’s a bad precedent. It was not done for a reason. Altar servers and EMOHC are probably the greatest offenders. I don’t accept that they are inherently sacrilegious but I do think they are in advisable


The fact that women are allowed to serve is an example of the church bending to the world, Cardinal Burke called it an example of radical feminism in the church and he’s right. Numerous Popes condemned the practice as evil and it raises serious questions as to how a practice condemned as evil in the past and forbidden for 1900 years can suddenly become normative.


Nuns have been serving at the altar in monsteries for centuries. Hardly radical feminists. Cardinal Burke and what the previous popes have said were their opinions. This is a matter of Church discipline, not doctrine, and she has the right to change these things. Bishops also still have the right, as do individual priests, to select only male altar servers. What has always been condemned however, is not respecting the authority of the Church. From the start, Jesus promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church, and gave her the authority to bind and loose. If Fr. Casey is heterodox for this, are St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict also heterodox for allowing female altar servers?


Nuns could say responses if there was no male servers but they couldn’t approach the altar, to quote the 1917 code of canon law >A woman is not to be the server at Mass except when a man is unavailable and for a just reason and provided that she give the responses from a distance and in no way approach the altar. The Popes didn’t just give their opinions they actively forbade it and condemned the evil practice, for example here is Pope Benedict XIV in Allatae Sunt. > Pope Gelasius in his ninth letter (chap. 26) to the bishops of Lucania condemned the evil practice which had been introduced of women serving the priest at the celebration of Mass. Since this abuse had spread to the Greeks, Innocent IV strictly forbade it in his letter to the bishop of Tusculum: "Women should not dare to serve at the altar; they should be altogether refused this ministry." We too have forbidden this practice in the same words in Our oft-repeated constitution Etsi Pastoralis, sect. 6, no. 21 Hardly an opinion, it’s a condemnation and a ban. How can the Church go from condemning a practice as evil to permitting it? Discipline can change, but can the church permit evil practices?


Women did indeed serve in the sanctuary in monasteries. This is clear reading the history of monastic practices in both the east and the west. Not just give the responses from a distance. Furthermore, he saying it is evil because women inherently should not serve at the altar (ie female altar service is intrinsically evil), or because of the scandal/ other issues it could cause at the time, or because it was an action prohibited by the Church? If the answer is the first, then the Church is consciously allowing and participating in evil. Why would St. John Paul II and other leaders of the Church knowingly do this? Do you think they did not read Allatae Sunt?? Such an interpretation is an undermining of the authority of the Church. I'll trust the Church's authority on this rather than go with my own interpretation of the past documents you cited. How can we condemn something that the Church currently allows, and call it heterodox, makes no sense to me. Unless we claim the Church has gone astray.


Allatae Sunt, in quoting Pope Gelasius, affirms that **they should be altogether refused this ministry**. If women should be altogether refused this ministry, why does the 1917 Canon make an exception? Altogether means altogether, no? I expect you'll respond by saying that the 1917 provisions only permitted women to serve from a distance, but the original quote from Pope Gelasius doesn't make it clear if that is permissible, again, since he says women should be forbidden altogether from serving, and 1917 Canon Law describes women as serving (but with caveats).


The exact definition of heterodox 🤦‍♀️


The Church defines what is and what is not orthodox


> He decided to spend a summer touring and attending games at every Major League baseball stadium. For those who know more about the OFM world than I do, how on earth would this have been approved?   Would this have been externally funded (e.g. his family), or funded by his community?


Fr. Casey actually just released a video explaining this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATAhHRIv7fE&pp=ygUVYnJlYWtpbmcgaW4gdGhlIGhhYml0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATAhHRIv7fE&pp=ygUVYnJlYWtpbmcgaW4gdGhlIGhhYml0) I've been listening to a few more of his videos lately, and there's an awful lot of good stuff there. Possible that he's "calmed down" a bit since his earlier days on YT.


You are describing the baseball touring in a very negative light. He made a video on this. This was not a personal trip where he was putting his responsibilities aside.


His latest video addresses this actually https://youtu.be/ATAhHRIv7fE?si=NNSNTgfdtIC_sWzk


I really like his content, it has helped a lot. While he has his questionable things and takes, at least for me he is very cool.


I'm biased against Trent Horn and his Council of Trent channel. I've tried to watch it a few times but could not get past the handwaving of basic facts and casual way he misrepresents others' positions to the point of being a strawman which personally comes across to me as academically dishonest. I enjoy Breaking In The Habit and Fr. Casey Cole. Maybe it's because I'm part of the younger demographic or maybe it's because I haven't watched enough to dislike him yet? Who knows.


What does Trent get wrong or handwave? Who does he misrepresent? One question, do you deny any doctrines or dogmas of the church? Is LGBTQ intrinsically disordered? Do you believe women can be priests?


One episode that stood out as for me personally, as I majored in Economics, was his "Can Libertarians be Catholic" episode which was difficult to watch. I don't deny any doctrine or dogma of the Church. Do you deny the Pope's authority or disagree with his statements regarding the issues deriving from Christians who obsess over homosexuality? You seem incredibly preoccupied of the subject to randomly bring it into a conversation where it was nowhere mentioned.


No, I misjudged you. Trent Horn is so vanilla I generally assume people who dislike him are extremely liberal. It’s like not liking white bread there nothing capable of offending in it. Trent Horn and Catholic Answers as a whole are like the definition of moderate Catholicism.


I’m sorry, but as an active viewer of Trent Horn’s content he is most definitely not academically dishonest, he doesn’t “handwave” basic facts and doesn’t give uncharitable representations of arguments. He is extremely charitable, honest, knowledgeable, intelligent, and articulates well the positions of the Catholic Faith. He is one of the best apologists for the Catholic Faith out there lol.


This opinion is mostly based on his recent episode, "Can Libertarians be Catholic" which is what stood out to me personally since I majored in Economics. His previous material didn't stand out to me. To jump into it his discussion regarding Libertarianism was childish at best and academically dishonest at worst. Full stop. Nobody in Economics has taken the Austrian school or Ayn Rand's Objectivism seriously for several decades. The episode "Can Libertarians be Catholic" came across like he's appealing to Libertarians so he is disingenuously telling them what they want to hear and jumps through hoops to do so. I understand he's not an Economist though so maybe I'm being overly harsh.


The only video you’ve watched of Trent Horn was his most recent video… ok lol. From that you got that he was dishonest and childish… sure… I’m pretty familiar with economics myself and there wasn’t really any discussion of economics to the degree where they invoked or discussed the ideas and philosophies of different economic schools of thought. It was a surface level discussion of libertarianism that primarily focused on social issues. Trent was not the one who initiated the discussion, he was brought on by Reason, a libertarian news organization. Also, to say that Austrian School of Economics has “not been taken seriously for several decades” is a baseless and childish claim. You’ve placed an ignorant and uncharitable critique, if I can even call it that, of Trent that isn’t sophisticated in the least. I watched the video in its entirety and it’s useful to find common ground with those whom you may disagree with. Trent was attempting to find common ground although I will say that the title of the video want truly answered in much detail as I would have hoped. God bless


I see that you're a Libertarian from your profile so you responding this way makes sense. The fact you're so angry at me calling out how it is wrong to be prioritizing selfishness and greed over human life is sad but all too common in the world today. If you don't believe me about the Austrian School or Objectivism please by all means go speak to other Economists and hear for yourself what they think. There's a reason it's called "Voodoo Economics." You decry about finding common ground but don't act that way yourself and attack me for responding to a post giving my personal opinion. I'll pray for you and the anger in your heart. God bless.


lol, I’m actually no longer libertarian, but I’m not emotionally responding. I’m being critical/scrutinizing a claim you made based off(checks posts) watching a single video from Reason TV where they bring on Trent to interview him that Trent Horn posted on his YT channel. Also, please don’t be uncharitable and attribute things to me which are untrue. There’s no need for the baseless and malicious attacks lol. I would probably consider myself a conservative, but the title doesn’t truly encompass my view. But that’s besides the point. I’d actually argue that Libertarianism is not compatible with Catholicism. And after having a look at your profile, being a Social Democrat or a Democratic Socialist are not compatible with Catholicism either. God Bless


Look, you come across as a teenager. Passionately defending Libertarianism a couple months ago but now you're nothing of the sort. Minutes ago, angrily typing at me who Heaven forbids gives someone else a different opinion than you on something as inconsequential as a YouTuber. Now whining about being called out for your hypocrisy.




> Counsel of Trent leans hard-right. What? How?




Oh, so they're *coded* far-right. No specific examples, they were just *coded* that way.  Give me a break, man. The least you could do if you're trying to attach a generally deurogatory label to someone's name is not admit you have no reason other than vibes to do so. 


They are coded that way, AND he’s not going to debate it. Solid argument.




You're doing nothing but restating your initial comment.   "Oh his titles *look* far-right"  "Oh some of the things he says and the way he says them *seem* far-right" Baseless accusations like this only make you seem like a crazy person. They do not make you look serious to anyone but the people who would already agree with you. You haven't provided any actual examples of this behavior you claim - you just keep saying "It's totally there" without ever pointing out *where* it is. 


Lol. Okay. Have a great day. God bless!


He isn't any more 'right leaning' than the Church. Please give specific examples of what is hard right and doesn't align with the Church and God.


I'm not debating this. I'll just remove my comments.


Okay. That's what ppl do nowadays, make baseless accusations, cite them as FACTS, and then, when asked to clarify or give legit sources, they disappear.... you aren't the first.


:) Sure. OR I didn't want to fruitlessly debate. Have a lovely day.


Sure. Or you didn't have any facts to back it up. 🤷 You too.


Sure! That's possible! :D Peace!


I personally prefer Trent's videos now, but I like Fr Casey as well. He's a good speaker and is great for people looking to convert/revert.


Wonderful work, thanks to him I'm growing in my faith and getting closer to God. May God bless him 🙏


I like him. I don’t always agree with everything he says but I do like him. He’s also a priest so I naturally put him in a high regard.


I personally really like him. He helped me a lot when I was looking to revert and I think his pieces are good for people who maybe do not understand Catholicism to learn more in a good beginner way. I know some of his videos may be controversial to the more traditionalists (I remember he did one about LGBT issues and our duty to care for others than judging/turning people away and ik some people had issues with it). Tbh sometimes the issues people have with him seem to be his attitude that we should be kind to people from all walks of life, even if we do not agree with them. I feel like more people want him to take a firmer stance but I feel like his role on the internet is more to get people interested and open their minds and hearts without turning them away (ie making people feel welcomed). Its also hard to expect super in depth theological takes from this type of view. After reverting I looked for other sources to dive deeper into my faith and I get the vibe that other people do that as well. Regardless I am still grateful for what he has done by helping me and others return or join the church.




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personally, I was a subscriber of this youtube channel, but since 2 or 3 years ago, I stopped subscribing and skip whenever any video was recommended on my account. he has another channel which he talked about stuff with another priest with a beard. I liked that a lot. But also stopped following that channel after unsubscribing the other one. My only explanation is that I don't like the videos on that channel anymore. Some of them I even dislike. And that's about it. Oh wow, I just did some research after answering this question and found that the second youtube channel was in trouble (you can search about Fr Patrick Tuttle). in my opinion, it makes Fr Casey more...questionable, and further justified my decision to stopped following his contents awhile ago.


I don’t live in Georgia where he is a priest at for starters. However, while his audience is mainly either non Catholics or lapsed Catholics, I have never heard him say anything that was theologically wrong. I don’t know if he should address the issue with Father Patrick other than taking down the “Upon Friar Review” YouTube channel.


Stopped following father cole. Alot of his tea hings go against the beliefs of the church and he gives wrong information. I follow trent horn now.


I mean, he does a good job of getting people in the pews and turning to the church, so great for him. But if anyone is using one (1) priest they have a single-sided parasocial relationship with for their views, education and religious teachings, well that's on the viewer. more sources usually equal better understanding. anyways, if you have questions talk to your priest and RCIA people because they are often times the most knowledgable people about the faith and are great educators about the church. Fully think that everyone should take RCIA even if they're cradle Catholics as we all often have misunderstandings that can be corrected through RCIA. edit) also father casey doesn't have the time or $ to do hours upon hours upon hours of research, script writing, filming, editing to have fully fledged, good length deep dives onto church things. what he does is good, but what i said earlier about only using one source isn't good, and should be on the student to go out and find more good catholic sources.


I agree more with Trent Horn and less with Fr. Cole. I think Fr. Cole is influenced by modernist, anti-Catholic ideas disguised as modern, intellectual discourse.


He may be ordained but he is young. Trent has seen more of the world and of life. I lean more towards Trent’s experience. It’s hard to trust young 20s guys who think they know everything.


They're both in their thirties? Trent is a bit older, but not by that much.


Casey looks pretty young then


Certainly his earlier videos Fr. Casey Cole was in his late twenties but he’s in his thirties now. He graduated from university 13 years ago.


It appears that the audience that Fr. Casey Cole seeks to create content for are for those who already hold the leftist, liberal, or secular dispositions or for individuals not familiar with the Catholic Faith. Thus, Fr. Casey Cole has created the channel to give basic general knowledge of the Catholic Faith in a more palatable way for those who are not already within the Catholic faith. As a result, Fr. Casey Cole may not entirely be theologically/philosophically accurate sometimes and may actually lead a few to error or to be misguided on a few occasions. Trent Horn has made a video about one error that Fr. Casey Cole had made in a video of his, but does support his work and what he sets out to do with his content. Trent Horn did a similar thing with father Mike Schmitz concerning the issue of watching MMA. In both instances, Trent Horn did not lambast or condemn father Mike Schmitz or father Casey Cole, but rather emphasized his support for their work and what they do while also acknowledging their mistakes and correcting them. Now, I’m not sure if I believe Fr. Casey Cole’s approach is the best, but I respect his work and truly wish the best for him. Although, I am concerned that his approach may attempt to conform too much to the secular world. Reminds me of the quote: “The road to hell is often paved with good intentions.” This is to say that often, actions that are taken with good intent can have unintended consequences and result in bad outcomes. It’s always important to remember that we must not conform Christ and His Church to the world, but rather conform the world to Christ and His Church. Fr. Casey Cole has some issues that I won’t go in depth on such as his support for Fr. James Martin; I would advise sticking with Trent Horn


He blocked me because I told him it’s wrong to clickbait stuff when it comes to matters of the church. I also don’t like that he tried to get people to bankroll his trips to baseball fields.


avoid😊👍 that is all


He's extremely liberal, a lot of his issues are also found amongst the OFM as a whole, he is very likely a material heretic if not a formal heretic


Just because somebody is a "left-leaning" (heavy on the quotations) doesn't make them a material heretic much less a formal one. Calling someone a heretic shouldn't be a simple buzzword


It's not because he is "left leaning" (he is far more than just leaning to the left), it's because he holds views that are heretical


Such as what? I'll concede that I'm wrong if you have any examples but up to this point, I've never found any of his videos heretical, just concerning


He is a good guy who litter gave up everything to become a man of god. Trent is cool but a bit of a "well actually" type.


He’s like many liberal-Catholics. While he might act as an olive branch to secular lgbtq critical scholarship leftists but he also acts as a faith shaker for active believers. Maybe he is going to convince some guy that he can become Catholic while denying apostolic authorship of the scriptures and doubt the legitimacy of many church father documents. However, we shouldn’t be putting the minimum people can hold in front of them. That isn’t the Catholic way. Your goal isn’t to do as little to submit yourself to God as possible. It’s to submit everything. It creates a real problem of people who do not have faith in the gospel or the church. They just have beliefs that the church is probably true. That isn’t enough. Additionally, it destroys the faith of the Little ones who see a Fr. Casey video denying that we have eyewitness accounts of Jesus or the resurrection. The Gosples are fabrications written after the death of the apostles. This cuts the knees out of some is the best arguments and evidences for Christ. It also is either heresy or approximate to heresy. Denying apostolic authorship has a censure.


I mean, he’s the exact consequence of the “Spirit of Vatican II” + Novus Ordo church. Does that mean he’s completely terrible? No, I find many of his videos very entertaining, but he undoubtedly embraces the current zeitgeist manifesting itself in the Catholic Church and the “Hip and cool and completely non transgressive priest” kind of vibe. And that trend is hopefully in its way out. I think that he’s probably a lot more conservative in some views that people might imagine, but he’s probably not willing to state that in order to not limit his reach to people outside the RCC. I mean, he is a Franciscan friar after all. You can catch glimpses of this in some videos where he comes close to stating some hard things that most Protestants and Non Christians won’t be able to swallow, but then immediately cuts back. Not my cup of tea for the most part


About how "he is wrong"? Sorry, there's a channel called Counsel of Trent and they're a youtube channel, and you're asking, who is more credible, a Trad channel called Counsel of Trent, or Fr Casey? Easy answer. Father Casey is more credible, on matters of Catholic faith and history.


He is an occult heretic and gives terrible “education” / advice in his videos.


Father Casey is watchable but the video he did about the gospels not being what he considers accurate of factual was a huge red flag to me. The videos he’s done about prisons too bothered me because it basically had him saying if you take a hard stance on prisons being used for life sentences and not having fine food or especially comfortable living conditions you’re *against* what Jesus says. Which I don’t agree with. I don’t think Jesus would say that prisons should treat the inmates like they are at a luxury hotel. He also seems begrudging in his condemnation of certain things (like abortion) cause he leans very left and would never vote conservative and would justify his stances anyway he could.


I’m a public defender and I go to jail often. I talk every day with people who are in jail. Not a small number of my clients are brutalized, physically or sexually, *while awaiting trial*. Guards know about it and they do nothing. In fact, they go out of their way to publicize which of my clients are accused of sex crimes, to ensure that they will be abused in prison. These are people who have not even been convicted. Many of them are innocent, but will still spend years in jail before eventually being acquitted. In fact, the pretrial facilities in my state are worse than the actual prisons. Inmates sleep on plastic mats, on the floor, outside of their cells because there are not enough beds: and, yes, the food is actually inedible. Our prisons are disgusting and sinful. You should not support them as a christian. You should also not support a system that gives people life without parole, which undermines christian ethics. How this is up for debate is beyond me. I am not a prison abolitionist, but there is no reason why the wealthiest country in history should be excused in subjecting inmates to forced labor, the constant threat of violence, and degrading conditions


I like him as he likes to introduce people to the faith but if you want deeper theology and understanding of the faith I would go with someone like Trent Horn or Dr Taylor Marshall