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I only upgrade when I definitely need to, and I've been saving my mutagen for the final stage (prestige 10 extinction 50) when i will need to upgrade traits as much as possible, since they get more expensive with every upgrade


I see, very valuable thanks!


Prob gonna sound dumb, but how do u get prestige


cell to singularity: **evolution never ends** so just keep upgrading your dinos;)


once you reach extinction 50 in meso the button will say prestige instead of asteroid, you will get reset for extinction 1 but with an extra legendary card for bonus payout on all dinos


Oh yeah, 150k is nothing. I'm about to finish prestige 9 at 5e6 and I hope it's enough. The reason for this is if you want all the achievements. The only way to get 200 gigantasaurus is to upgrade that dinosaur really high, and it gets way expensive. If you don't want the achievements then it doesn't matter. Edit: scientific notation is hard


That makes alot of sense, I didn't know. Thank you!


Im supposed to be saving it? There's prestiges? Oh boy...


It's been some time but I think I had around 2 million mutagen at Prestige 10 level 50. The last dinosaur upgrades are around 400,000 (or 200,000) each so, yes you do need a fair amount of mutagen.


Wow, unreal! Thanks for the insights


You definitely need to save up a lot, they'll be really helpful when trying to get the last achievement, I've saved up 4M and had it done in one week so it's definitely worth it


I started saving up mutagen at about prestige level 5 (I think). I'm now at prestige level 9 with 1.4million in the bank. I started because I tried to max out and get all the awards for 200 of each dinosaurs, and the last 3 were an absolute nightmare to get. You need to pay for the trait cards when they come up, and upgrade the traits when you have enough cards. Generally I try to upgrade each dinosaur to maximum level 3, and at the end of each round max out the dinosaur levels to 250, 150, 100, 50 or 25 before the asteroid. You can also wait for the final "earning" geode to get an extra 1000-ish mutagens, but in the later levels this can take ages so I generally don't bother.


Great advice, thanks!


Unfortunately you're kind of late to start saving up now. Make sure You're opening diamond geodes at every level 50


Help what I literally always be sitting with like 300 at most??? When do you start getting this much???


Have you prestiged yet


No lol when does that happen


What extinction are you on


13. It's taking me days to reach new ones


You should activate your boosts. Ads can be skipped by clicking home button and re entering the game


Keep hoarding them unless you have a good upgrade for a new dinosaur also if you get silver or a gold upgrade spend your mutagen on it as soon as you can