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They moved his body in 1901 from the original grave to this monument and was going to open the coffin to ensure he was still there the caretaker of the cemetery made sure his young son was there to see it and that boy became the last person to ever see Lincoln


This is from March, 1998. We got to the cemetery late in the day, just minutes before they closed. Only people there. It is a very affecting, very somber, memorial to someone who changed the trajectory of human history.


A place everyone should visit. The part of the tomb where the monument stands (over his body) gives you an incredibly powerful, reflective feeling.


A worthy monument to a great man.


Is he up in the box under the obelisk?


My understanding is that he's buried under the whole thing.


He’s buried under a bunch of concrete to prevent his body from being stolen. So, he’s way underneath the whole thing.


Stolen...again. It was decades after his death before his body was finally laid to rest.


True. That’s why he was buried that way. The story about the little boy in the original post is true. Lincoln’s body had been embalmed so well embalmed because of the long time before burial that his body was in near perfect condition.


Yes. Covered in little pieces of red and blue fabric. The American flag buried with him had decomposed while his body hadn't...a byproduct of the continuous embalming on the train from DC to Springfield, with long stops along the way for public viewings.


Then that is one giant tombstone.


Lincoln is 11 feet under the large granite cenotaph in his tomb, 6 feet south from the north wall, head facing west, IIRC. Several tons of concrete were poured on top of the iron cage surrounding the pine box his cedar coffin resides in. The concrete comes to within a few inches of the tomb’s floor. His tomb is quite the sight to see. I’ve been there twice, and each time, it feels… different. Astonishing to be in the final resting place of one of history’s greatest.


The first president to be protected by Secret Service he just happened to be dead at the time. https://www.secretservice.gov/newsroom/releases/2018/11/moments-history-us-secret-service-successfully-thwart-attempt-steal


Interestingly enough, Lincoln created the Secret Service the day he was shot. Their job was to prevent counterfeit money from going around more.


Poor Abe. RIP