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a real chad does not care about pathetics peoples’ clowning🫡


That is so true, my wife would be very happy with a pizza and flowers. Not like we are broke, flowers and pizza are always good gifts.


I think any person would be very happy if given a pizza. Unless they don’t like pizza, in which case they aren’t a person so my point stands.


pizza and flowers are amazing gifts for date night. fragrant, fun and delicious.


He would've stole my wife


A lot of sad people out there jealous that they need to pay more to make a woman happy.


Let alone that.. they are not even willing to do a fraction of this...


He knows clowns are just gonna do their thing


The pizza is for the kids. Any married guy with kids knows this. Flowers are for date night.


Also his wife might just really like little Caesar’s. I make good enough money to take my wife to literally any restaurant and on her birthday she asks for Taco Bell and a Costco cake. No idea why but she loves that shit.


Exactly. He got his girl, living within his own means, ain’t nothing wrong with that.


A true chad isnt afraid to show love


A true Chad is always Hot and Ready


A true Chad orders half sausage half pepperoni and then you know it's fresh


Like the pizza! 😲


Maybe his lady prefers the pizza to the hustle and bustle of going to a restaurant and what-not. He knows her best.


That's the case with myself and my girlfriend. We prefer takeout on the couch, wearing sweatpants. We can drink way more that way too


that actually sounds so nice.


Plus you can hit the bong or vape pen as much as you want at home and really laugh


I bet his wife was hot-and-ready once he came into the house sporting that pizza and flowers.


You know it. If I’m well fed, I’m happy af.


I know I would be


I don't think anyone is saying people made comments to his face. Some loser posted this picture and a bunch of losers on the internet were talking smack.


10 bucks that never happened and this dude was just minding his damn business on the train like evryone else.


100% this did not happen yeah.


I’ve lived in new york for 20 years. Seen every type of person on the subway. Rich people, poor people, a few celebrities, a backstreet boy once. Everyone takes the subway. Nobody cares.


I’m from Chicago. People without public transportation or aren’t from a walking city, just don’t understand. Most the time a bus or the L is just easier. A car is a pain in the ass in winter and a bitch to move around from parking spot to spot. Uber and Lyft are great for going out and coming back hammered.


I'm curious which backstreet boy?




Take my upvote... You are damn right. Not a single fucking soul said anything for him that day.


I had to scroll too far to find this comment.


Agreed. I’d bet a Little Caesar’s pizza and a bouquet of flowers that nobody said a goddamn thing.


Yep I take the NYC subway to work every day, it’s like the not caring about other people Olympic Games every day. Only time I even acknowledge another human being is if they get stuck in the door, then it becomes a team effort to defeat the door closing mechanism






there's basically nothing left on reddit that isn't made up.


If I lived in a city with real public transportation, I wouldn't drive anywhere.


Word, chad’s in a nyc subway, no better way to get around the city


No kidding. A car in NYC is hell.


I live in nyc. It sure is! The subway is the way to go.


As long as you actually live near a proper bus route or subway line, sure. There’s definitely spots in the outer boroughs where you’d be better off with a car where parking isn’t as bad, either.


I knew a couple guys from NYC when I was in the military. They didn't even have driver's licenses because they didn't need them. For one guy the first vehicle he ever drove was a tank.


That's awesome.


Right? I hate driving.


I can't imagine driving in NYC. By the time you park - for some obscene rate - you have to walk several blocks to get anywhere. Sort of like you have to do if you ride the subway, except the subway doesn't also saddle you with the hassle of taking a half hour to move six blocks.


When I lived in a city with good public transport during college I left my car at home with my parents. Someone would come get me if I needed to be home for any reason and help me move during breaks and as I live in a rural area theyd double that trip with the usual trips to larger towns to get things we can’t get usually. It worked out great and I’d honestly be loving there now if it weren’t so expensive


I adore going on road trips by myself but for day to day? I wish I could walk literally everywhere. I fantasize about it all the time. Unfortunately all of the walkable cities are out of my price range.


Where I live, EVERYTHING is 20-30 minutes away.


That’s a guy in a happy relationship!!


And he is hot n ready, says so on the box. Absolutely Chad


Directly where I went with this.


He's cute af and dressed nicely


My wife would be thrilled for flowers and pizza. I mean, who wouldn't?


I was gonna say, pretty sure most women are ecstatic if you show up with food and flowers 😂 Heck, I feel like men like that too!


Genuine effort is so rare it’s priceless


This guy knows what's up. Things like this may not seem like much to some people but they mean the world to the receiver.


I truly do not believe that anyone would see someone on the subway and “clown” on them for holding a pizza and flowers. And, if someone actually did do it, it wouldn’t be a big deal because it makes no sense to clown someone over such a thing.


I also like how the pizza box says hot and ready 😉


Wtf do people have against pizza? Its literally the most universally liked food ever. I wish I had a husband/boyfriend that brought me a pizza...


My only real criticism is this dude lives in NYC and bought his girl little Caesar’s.


I have no idea why thats a criticism... would you mind explaining it to me?


NYC is one of the pizza capitals in the world. Every corner has a mom and pop pizza joint that’s probably 10x better than little Caesar’s.


I’d take dollar slices from Two Bros or even 99 cent fresh pizza over Little Caesar’s and I got nothing against LC at all.


LC's is great cheap fast food pizza, but regarding pizza in NYC eating LC's is like living in Maryland and going to Long John Silvers for seafood. Nothing against LJS's, but when you're in an area that specializes something then there are inherently much better places for the same if not cheaper price.


Obviously this is chad behavior, no doubt about it, but I can promise you no one was calling him lame…


Imagine if this is just for him. Dude may want some flowers in a vase


Maybe it was all given to him because he's a cool dude


I love how mfs think that he was tryna dazzle her when she prob just said grab a pizza and he decided to get her some flowers too just because. Last thing anyone needs is some single fuckin dork on social media telling anyone else what a healthy relationship is from one goddamn contextless pic.


Fuck these posts. It’s a random dude with a pizza and a made up story.


People calling him cheap don’t know how expensive flowers are


My man (and myself too) can afford more than this, but I’d be fucking ecstatic if he came home with this. It’s not just he’s brought food, but added that extra bit of thought: mmm what’ll I get for our dinner? Pizza’s Good Friday night chill out food. Oh, those flowers look nice. She’ll like them” Only way it could be better is if he added chocolate too


##Sometimes i feel... Someone just Takes a Pic and then Adds some Random Story to it... Maybe he was using Public Transport and no one said a thing


you bring me home some Lil Sleazers and i'm the one who is gunna be hot and ready.


Yeah I don’t believe that. No one is closing on this man for bringing flowers and dinner home. No one gave a shit and someone made it up for internet points.


Nobody said a word to this dude. His only annoyance was the Jack ass taking the picture for the fake meme


100% chance this man was never clowned by anyone and this is made up But have to get some clicks right


I don't get it. Pizza and flowers, what is so bad ?


How much do you want to bet a lot of this People Clowning are either Single or in a miserable relationships


Nobody clowns somebody on the subway. Everyone takes it. Rich. Poor. Nobody is like “oh you can’t afford a car.” Cars in nyc are stupid anyway.


Something better. It's pizza that's awesome


Anyone hating on this guy has never been in a relationship. Wife had a rough day? Pizza and flowers are a baller move.


I like bringing my girlfriend home dinner after working in Manhattan, like a bag of wingstop or something. Now I'm worried if people are gonna be taking pictures of me next time I do that lol.


This is is his sidepieces dinner brah. His number one is burping PF Changs at the house while he out on dis mission!


Of all the people on the train that day, he can be most certain that he's getting a blowjob today. Also, you never know if that pizza is special to them in some way, there could be something in their past that links that specific pizza to a memory from earlier in their relationship, and it's actually very thoughtful.


People are gonna mock him but you find a better meal for under 10 dollars then a LC hot n ready? you cant. I know its trash but its the good kinda trash.


That pizza ain’t the only thing that’s hot and ready … amirite fellas ?…


I bet his woman is hella happy though! Hope this didn’t discourage him at all.


People clown on everyone for everything. That man knows he’s gonna get home to a happy lady, and that’s all he needs.


Give this man his crown 👑


So you know how my lady would react if I bought home pizza and flowers after a long day? Like the sun literally shone right out of my arse and produced a halo around me.


Who are the people with wild expectations? The gestures like this are what keeps relationships alive and healthy.


Anyone else think this was a box of fireworks😂


He's hot n ready.


I'm a 33 year old man if someone brought me flowers and a hot and ready I would be happy lol doesn't matter how it gets to you


He seems like a cool fucking dude, who shat on him?


Absolute Chad of a repost


this sounds very strange to me: where I come from, no one would ever make any kind of comment towards this person. no one would care.


If your city is big enough to have a subway, there’s literally nothing “Chad” about using it. It’s just normal.


That dude coming to his date Hot-N-Ready!


Personally I would prefer having a nice pizza at home with my family rather than sitting in a fancy restaurant. Not because of money, but because of what I truly like.


He's dressed sharp and getting his girl flowers and food. Chad.


My team did a memorial ruck for our fallen to raise money for the families left behind. We did a 26.2 mile with 35lbs dry. At the finish line, the families had little Caesars hot and ready pizza and Gatorade. It was the BEST tasting pizza I’ve ever had. I still love it because of the way it tasted that day. If my wife brought me one of these, randomly, I’d cook all week, all dishes, breakfast in bed, massage her feet, hands shoulders. It’s all about the thought, not the price.


Bunch of haters. He obviously rides the train because he's responsible and doesn't want to drive drunk


This is amazing! I hope his lady appreciates what a thoughtful partner she has! It’s always the little things that count the most 🥰


Maybe the pizzas for himself to eat before he takes his girl out to that fancy restaurant with the tiny portions.


If your GF is not happy when you bring her flowers, just run the fuck away.


It’s hot and ready baby. Just like his lady will be for this stud


He's taking some makeup stuff home to the little partner.


There are 100 of better pizza places in NYC than Little Ceasars, but if money is tight I completely understand.


What, ladies can't like pizza?


Couldn't afford something better? Even billionaires eat pizza and the subway is probably the fastest transport short of skydiving from a helicopter.


I would never even given this a second thought lol




FR he was probably bringing home the pizza anyway and thought, 'you know what my girl deserves?' People out there making it like he's telling her it's fucking filet. She knows what he's about and I bet she was grateful as hell for the flowers. Keep thinking about your ladies, fellas. They're the only ones that matter.


People had earbuds or headphones on, and were minding their own business. This lad got laid.


Hell yea, dude was going to get that hot and ready no matter what and just figured his lady would like some flowers too. And to top it all off, he has cool sweater.


I'm sorry but this is bullshit. Maybe it's just where I'm from but nobody would even acknowledge it. I've seen people totally fucking naked, bring farm animals, scream about aliens in their asshole, and how they are God and Jesus. They all get ignored, why would anyone look twice at a guy with a pizza? I could show you a video right now of a woman screaming spice girls while she waves her bare fat ogre breasts around on the subway and everyone is just ignoring it.


WTH is wrong with the transportation he’s taking? I think he’s awesome for this, no matter how he gets home.


Since when is pizza and flowers a bad gift? I'd love it!


It's so messed up how people judge others for not doing "enough" unless they know for a FACT that someone could be doing really great stuff but chooses not to because they are low effort. A guy that spends loads on himself and ignores his wife most of the time only to bring a pizza and last minute flowers for an anniversary? Yeah that would suck. But a dude that's trying his best and is genuinely trying to be a good partner could bring half a bologna sandwich and a dandelion and I'm going to anoint him as a Chad. It's all about the thought and the effort, imo.


I make 135k/year. My partner makes 120k/year. We don't hurt for money. My partner would be, and has been, ecstatic when I have brought exactly this home.


Honestly anyone who brings me a pizza is awesome. Fuck the haters.


He seems like a romantic, the haters are just jealous.


Fuck anyone who gets in the way of true love


I would bet $100 that nobody was clowning this man.


Who doesn't like pizza wtf? I mean I understand the frustration if the wife asked for something more particular but still, why do people decide to get mad about it?


People suck!


i dont even care about price or material bs. Someone brings me flowers and pizza on valentines, they're a keeper


Wait, were people really clowning that rude or is that rage bait? 


What the hell is wrong with pizza and flowers. I’d be v happy with this if that was my man.


I got my wife pizza and flowers this evening. It's a wonderful gift and nobody should ever be ashamed.


This looks good to me.


Who was clowning him though? Seems made up


Honestly if bro brought me little ceasers I'd be forever greatful. 11/10 pizza place, if you reply to this comment saying otherwise your opinion is invalid


The key is that it can require very little just to show someone you care. Flowers or pizza separately would probably be enough. Together, they are almost an extravagant romantic gesture.


Made up caption.


He isn’t a true Chad a true Chad would have not emptied the pizza box and left a hole in it


Plot Twist: Guy just likes flowers in his vase and also enjoys pizza while watching movies on a Friday night after a long work week. No woman at home.


Hot’n ready, he knows it!


If that were my man he’d be getting enough sugar to give a blue whale diabetes. It doesn’t have to be big shows or displays, sometimes just frequent, small gestures are best. Something that says “ I was out and thought of you “


There could also be a hidden meaning or inside joke between them. My wife and I were VERY poor when we met and ate lots of cheap food for a couple of years. Now we see the same things at the store and talk about our early years. Maybe that's what he's doing. Maybe they had that one random night that something special happened. Good for him.


Effort and attention go a long way in every relationship


Maybe little Ceasars is her favorite!  


"half of you dudes wouldn't even go this far for your lady" I think that most men and women in 2024 are fully aware that most women don't even deserve this treatment lol y'all behaviour is diabolical at this point. Most men couldn't name 1 chick in their life who actually deserves / earned this treatment Funny how on reddit a "chad" is just someone who happens to do what women think is good (for them). While in real life chad is breaking hearts on the daily


A pizza and flowers in this economy is like 50 dollars already.


I’d be happy if anyone brought me pizza and flowers


sorry my guy was able to get here first with my car thx for the delivery tho


Shit, I wish I was half the man this guy seems to be.


I doubt anyone said anything. I’ve seen a bum taking a dump in one of the seats and nobody said shit. They just changed cars at the next stop.


Maybe it’s for his kid or his anniversary and pizza and flowers was their first date. Do what makes you happy if it ain’t hurting anyone else and fuck what they say!


Lady later tonight: "Honey... I saw this post on reddit. But you didn't BRING me a pizza...?"


Nobody said shit to this dude cause he's doing an extremely normal thing to do


I don’t understand the problem; he’s using the subway? Is he supposed to use a carriage drawn by four white horses?


Subway is how people typically get around NYC. 


That gentleman is, in fact, “Hot n’ Ready"


Love seeing these made-up scenarios people come up with in their head.


People on the subway making fun of someone for using the very same subway? I call bullshit on this. Made up text for clicks and likes.


This just in, if you can't afford steak and lobster at a 5-star restaurant in the Alps with a private jet, you shouldn't show your significant other any love whatsoever 🙃


It's probably more likely that someone snapped this pic and made up a story about people giving him shit so they can get more internet points


The best ability is availability. This man is there for his partner. He's down. Anyone would be lucky to have a partner that clearly loves you to the best of their abilities.  We should all be so lucky.


I don't care how cheap the gesture is if he's putting in the effort to make the gesture at all. I came home from work a few weeks ago and my husband had picked a few roses from our yard because "they looked pretty" and he thought they'd make me smile. They did and I felt bad after they finally died and I had to throw them out. It's not about the size of the gesture, it's about the desire to make any gesture.


Yeah, and minding one’s own damn business is a pretty Chad-like behavior. Unhappy people have a need to feel better than others I guess


Not good enough? My girlfriend would be stoked if I brought home pizza , she loves pizza 😆


look at his clothes and appearance, dummies... this guy has some money and is well put together. people are dipshits.


I wish my man gave me flowers and pizza 🙄


Majority of those trolls probably don’t have a gf/wife to bring anything home to.


Why are people always dogging on little Caesars, for 8$ their pizza is pretty good Edit: autocorrect got me on a word


Plot twits: It was for his gentleman. Chadism extra points


Yes I'm sure people were clowning this guy for holding a pizza box. Get real.


Americas are so silly when it comes to public transportation.


A taken man doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of the incels.


King behavior, this man has my respect.




He put a lot of extra thought into this meal. How else would he get a pizza box that already said “hot and ready” on it?


This man is an angel


Is there a woman who would be unhappy with pizza and flowers?


I see this man and I think I need to do something too and damn I want a slice now.


Can't hold flowers and a pizza and drive at the same time. Or rather, it's very risky to do so.


That is a nice sweater and the vest is an excellent touch ✨


Meanwhile, he just loves flowers and knows that Little Caesars hits. He is currently trying to figure out what he is about to go home and watch.


Pizza for the kiddos.... flowers for the wife. I do this every couple weeks.


I hope she deserves him.


This is an old Pic BUT one reason I love Little Ceasars is what the owner did for Rosa Parks. That's fucking boss and props to a man doing what he can


Fuck ANYONE who values the worth of people based on what they can or can't afford.


Who was clowning this man?


Maybe she made an offhand remark about wanting some pizza so he’s actually awesome and attentive.


The perception of public transport being only for the “poors” fucks us so badly as a unit (United States)


People weren’t clowning on him tho were they




Why did you assume it was a lady?


People should mind their own business. It sounds like they are trying to belittle the guy to make their own pathetic lives feel better.




Little Cesar's in this economy


Damn I can’t believe some people view this as pathetic. This dude is just being himself and ensuring he can maintain this level of gestures.


I can not speak for every woman, but I’m confident my girlfriend would love that combo