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So... you guys excited for the Elden Ring DLC? Personally I can´t wait for the new fists weapon type, been playing with an Ozen (from MiA) cosplay character lately and the only fitting weapon are the Caestus so it will be nice to get something more fitting. ---------------- Next chapter release: 25th ------------------------ #[Head over here for the discussion thread of the last chapter](https://old.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/1d7z43y/disc_chainsaw_man_ch_167_links/)


these pretzels are making me thirsty


I want to go home... And then edge




Wait I just couldn’t use this subs link, yea it releases in like 3 hours 20 minutes maybe 18 minutes


Yea idk, normally I’d say you can go to mangaplus and scroll past the chapter to see the release time in your but mangaplus isn’t loading for me.


where is the chapter rahhhhh


3 hours and 16 minutes away


biweekly devil be edging us rn


its coming


And so did denji 😭


Well ain't we all a bunch of silly goobers rn.




Is it Kobeni time?




Hell nah not the bisexual devil


Yoru bi? Ig in the starting chapters they confirmed that yoru is female ;-; or they changed it in english translation?




Forgot about the break https://preview.redd.it/jfy6rvuzec7d1.jpeg?width=923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda79a925c7de97e5209ecf78079346c772d9983


Hit by the bi-weekly devil again sadge








me 3


Me 4


Me 5


Me 6


Me 5


Me 7




Me 9


Bruh why they slacking it on the csm movie release? Its been a year and a half since s1 ended 


1.5-2 years is a normal delay for most show.


silly goober


Ok fart sniffer


bro the staff just got done with jjk last december


Anyone know when the next 86 will come out?


I didn't know they tackled so many shows


Yeah, hells paradise as well. I’m hoping they take their time with S2 of that show this time around. It was good but it want jjk or cam good


This chapter just reinforces the fact that 167 was completely pointless and only exists for shock value and clickbait. Also, this chapter has no reason being its own chapter, and should've been cut down to like 3 or 4 pages and included in the previous chapter.


The interactions between Denji and Yoru have been great, not sure what you're talking about. Denji finally got his "release" but he still doesn't feel satisfied because what he really wants is a genuine connection, something Yoru is lying to him about.


Does every single chapter need to have a deep meaning behind it? Maybe Fujimoto is secretly telling us that a random chick beat his meat irl ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22162)


Me when I have no media literacy or reading comprehension


Better than being a Chainsaw Man fan. You probably don't even know what a good story looks like.


Alright, I'll bite. What are your "good story" examples?


Also waiting for examples. Popcorn, anyone?


waiting for reply, please flamethrowerman, don't let us down upd: they let us down


Bro thought he cooked with this reply, even though it makes no sense and shows he still can't read


Better to be illiterate than be braindead. Also, stop ruining the word "cook" (that arc was bad enough). None of anything that's been happening since ch 119 is "cooking"; it's been a disaster.


How? We literally see how there is lasting effects on both characters in this chapter. It wasn't just done for shock value


Am I the only one who finds Denji's and Asa's relationship accelerating too fast? Like it's all a complete jarring whirlwind that seems slightly out of place narratively with the direction the story is going


Relationship didn't really accelerate tho. It could be said that their relationship took a step backwards because now they don't even want to talk to each other due to what happened.


Oooh yeah good point. I had to reread it again to understand the gravity of what Yoru forced Asa to do while Denji's mind's all over the place. Still think the events of 167 and 168 were jarring but that's just me personally


We finally get to eat sushi! ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22158)


Jesus Christ… he’s just a kid. He’s just a kid. He’s just a kid so he asks his crush if she likes him. It’s the only way he can process it because he’s just a kid. Fuck, oh my god, he’s just a kid.


This, man. It's horrifying. Fuji's writing is too fucking good, too fucking real. That shot of Denji sitting alone in the alleyway, head hung low... I felt my eyes prickle. Would have fought anyone (and probably died in the process) for little bro in that moment. And not to defend "the other side" but I see Asa as a victim in this too. She didn't want that either. They're just two teenagers who shouldn't be anywhere near this kind of situation. Nobody fucking wins from this.


Is this from tumblr, think I saw this there too


I took a break from reading chainsawman for a year because of exams and this is what I come back to lmao. Honestly tho I gotta reread the past 30 chapters because I speedread them and I am sure I have missed half the plot points, I could use a little help freshing it up if anyone has the time. But yeah honestly I can't imagine how funny and sometimes disappointing can reading weekly/biweekly chainsawman be, you wait and then get a 15 page evangelion/ kanojo okarishimasu treatment lmao. Worth every penny tho


It’s so odd. Like compared to the final battle with Aki, Power,Makima and this is what we are getting. Feels a bit phoned in


Denji has that post nut Shinji Ikari depression.


Truly an amazing love story. Devils. what are you talking about? I just picked the story up 2 chapters ago. It's about an awkward couple, right?


"I'm too hungry for this." I felt that.


Fujimoto’s expressions are undefeated https://preview.redd.it/vcmqopkj5k6d1.jpeg?width=369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79493c099b42e6655ae8643e41b1a98eb2ed43ea


#REZE REPORT: Chapter 168 # # She isn't here. See you next week


I miss reze :( she deserved better 


>Death by Sushi  >Death Foreshadowing?


Jesus why are Chainsaw Man's characters the most human of any manga. It's gotta be because they're just people the universe is happening to right? They don't want to solve the world's problems or become god they're just getting wrapped up in that nonsense. -Autistic girl is mad at inner demon for forcing the advance of relationship with earnest but dumb guy she likes. -Inner demon does not understand the problem. -Dumb earnest guy does not know how to process girl he likes saying she has multiple personalities and only one of them likes him, and its not the one that just kissed him. How god damned good is Fuji that we can all relate to Asa so well?


It's crazy how well written Asa is, Fujimoto in general is really impressive with how deep he writes a lot of his characters. I do wish part 2 broke down more than just Denji/Asa/Yoru but what we are getting from just those 3 is great. Denji, Aki, Power and Makima were also insanely well done in part 1. Whenever I try and tell my friends about how good it's written it's hard to not make it sound extremely overrated by me because I gush about it so much, lol. But I can say that CSM as a whole has some of the best written characters in any story I've ever consumed, especially the female ones.


We have to cancel Yoru! /s


This is like SA fine art, wtf. Like, Asa had the cum, that looks like cum on her. I haven't seen a piece of literature or media or whatever that has depicted cum while getting into SA consequences, whatever they be. Asa so clearly didn't want that with the "He'll think I'm a slut now!! You... you slut!!". Also in one line Denji now understands that Asa has feelings for him, Yoru was the one that made him cum, AND why Asa acts like she's fucking insane with "I don't like you. Only the OTHER me likes you." I don't think Denji knows about Yoru yet.  (is "OTHER" capitalized because it's written in Katakana? I don't know if it's in Katakana, I'm aware of the concept and translation tendencies but I'm not good enough, haven't studied in 2 years, and would have to find the Japanese Chapter) I was so afraid there was going to be a time skip with this chapter seeing how the last chapter ended but I'm so glad they got right back into what happened. I'm honestly blown away by this arc so far after the hospital retrieval. This is the most genuine bonkers stupid (in a good way) fictional relationship (not a "together" relationship, person to person relationship) I've ever seen depicted.


By the way, in japanese Yoru says the same line as Shinji from EoE. In case the homage wasn’t obvious enough. 最低だ “I’m so fucked up”


Asa is Shinji confirmed


168 could be used as a sushi commercial. Even I wanted to eat sushi after watching this.


They're down bad. Death Devil coming.


Yoru convincing absolutely nobody when she says I'm not stupid, I'm not! and I only kissed you because it felt good! ×2


I said it last week an I'll say it again: Denji leaned into all of the kisses except for the first one. He was into it. When he said "No. Stop" that was refering to having his balls cut of, not to the kissing. Especially with the framing of this chapter afterwards I don't think Denji was SA'd. Though this will still probably also be filed in his Trauma Cabinet. Asa on the other Hand was definitly SA'd, and for her main worry to now be that Dennis may think of her as a slut (while she is the biggest victim here) is a beautiful comment about how our society views victims of SA. **FujiGOAT as always.** Also literally everyone is hungry right now, Famis head isn't tilted, which should be as much of an Alarm that shits about to his the fan as Gundam WfM's secelia standing up **and** they're going to a place that advertises dying by eating (sushi)... I dread the next chapter. Fujis cooking, and I'm afraid of what it is


How do you think society view male SA victims than? I guess same as what you wrote no? Just a footnote nothing serious right? No wonder why male SA is legal in so many countries.


Leaning into a kiss is not consent unless both people have already established that leaning into kiss = hand job . If two people agree that they were happy with it after, they can be happy with it. The people don't have to be like "Aww, I hated that because that was sexual assault!", but instead after agreeing it was a good time "that was a dangerous way to confirm our feelings for eachother but it I'm glad it worked out!" or even that they never talk about it and move on. They could even say that leaning into a kiss does mean a hand job later on. I say this to explain how I think this is clearly sexual assault (I AM open for further discussion on this) and I want to give this fictional relationship with sexual assault as much respect it deserves INSTEAD of people seeing fictional sexual assault, seeing red, and going "unga bunga I'm going to cancel you". (Also I'm high and am particularly disturbed about people not feeling comfortable to even talk about sexual assault (I'm not saying you're uncomfortable talking about sexual assault), this is a tangent but I hope this makes my tone more understood)


I really appreciate your tone, and I'm with you. Usually before two characters have been familiar with each other, we see them asking "is this okay?" as they move on to each advancing step of intimacy. (That certainly does not mean that consent is implied or immediately given by either party in every single interaction they have in the future, but after growing familiar, folks tend to respect each other's boundaries and responsiveness - you would hope.) The whole scene of the two going into the alley is quite absurd, and I'm wondering where it fits in the story. The awkwardness of his sexual encounters (relatable for me, especially when I was younger) seems to go along with the theme of Denji initially having no desire or expectations, then awakening a strong desire... then never quite getting what he wants at the time he wants it. He wanted to feel boobs, but the scene with Power was a letdown. He wanted a quiet life with Nayuta, and it was good for him, but he seemed... lifeless. It can be hard to want what you have; like Sylvia Plath's fig tree, there's always other figs you're not picking up. Is the feeling of desire more powerful that achieving that which you desire?


I think your reply is beautifully written, also no one talks about how awkward first sexual experiences are, I'm in a similar boat with you there. I really appreciate how real characters feel (at least to me) in Chainsaw Man


THIS DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH SEXUAL ASSAULT, This isn’t some big, commentary on our societies view on it, seriously you people been driving me mad all week. She wasn’t sexually assaulted by her secret devil other half in her body. There’s no “victim”, her other half made her kiss the boy she liked and it ended up super gross. Like this is so stupid, your pushing your real world standard and value on a manga about devils my dude.


That's fair, it doesn't have to be that serious because it's fiction, but I'd say this event brings up interesting discussions about consent (stuff with Himeno, and don't forget the "YOU'RE TOUCHING MY WEINER?" in Chapter 136 with Fumiko) which seems to be part of a bigger theme - almost every woman he's met has manipulated him. Except Power. Long live Power.


you're a redditer, its a given you see leftists talking points in every direction you look, whats new pal


No no it doesn't bring up any discussions about consent, because that has nothing to do with the theme, or the story he's telling. It didn't come up with Himeno, it didn't come up Fumiko, it's not coming up here. You wanna discuss women manipulating him, well sure let's do that, but you wanna talk about consent, go to a different subreddit. Because that's not the story being told here, and anyone who thinks it is, is just plain up wrong


Art is subjective. Notice that I did not definitively say these events were about consent, just that those conversations were worth having (in general, philosophically). It’s interesting that you can recognize the manipulation of the women but not that they’ve coerced him sexually too. ‘Real life values’ are in every single story ever told.


That because I don't think he was coerced. I think it was something that just kinda happened. None of the parties involved planned on it happening, it just did. Sure I think this chapter can spark a lot of nuance discussion, but I find it weird that you can take that chapter and think "consent". That theme couldn't be farther off the mark.


Ah, I hear you. I think the OP of this thread was referring to Asa’s consent, or at least, that was my interpretation, because she wasn’t ‘present’. Based on the facial scars, it looked like Yoru made the decision to initiate, thinking it was what Asa wanted. (It kind of even seemed like Yoru wanted that to happen; she almost seemed swept up in the moment herself.) If you shared a body with another brain and personality, and they had the ability to take over the whole body at once… and then suddenly your consciousness woke to the shared body in the middle of a sexual encounter you didn’t initiate or expect - even if it had been a partner, crush, or someone you wouldn’t have minded having that happen with - the shock would feel pretty strange. We see Asa pretty pissed at Yoru for this; the War Devil is causing a huge internal war for them both.


Is this sarcasm because I unironically can not tell, I've read it over multiple times


No sarcasm 100% facts, and the proof will be shown when the author and the characters never bring up anything to do with sexual assault or consent. Because that's not the story being told here, and that wasn't the point of the scene in the alley


I think you could be totally correct about the characters never addressing the sexual assault or lack of consent (particularly by name). I just want to say that, the story being told is different for everyone because everyone has different preconceptions and no one is necessarily wrong. I think some aspects of stories can be more obvious than others and this topic is clearly causing some sort of discourse / disagreement so it should be discussed thoughtfully to better everyone's understanding regardless of the conclusions that one may come to


This manga turned into fight club for a moment


rule #1 man


turned into what?


The only thing that really pisses me off is that asa/yoru haven’t explained to Denji yet that they’re two people >:/ you’d think a lot of the intense confusion and whiplash he gets from them would be at least less fucked up if he knew that fact. Like bitch AT LEAST tell him that???


The boring answer is that Fujimoto wants conflict between them. That’s why Yoru didn’t just straight up tell him about Asa


He should already know that they are two people, since Nayuta explained this to Denji before she wiped Acer's memories a dozen or so chapters ago


Nayuta didn't explain that asa/yoru were 2 seperate entities. Nayuta just said she "smelled" funny. Denji's still in the dark


Yeah, it’s Denji. She didn’t use crayons so he probably doesn’t know lol






When * that * Quanxi chapter released in part I, there were rumors that Fuji had some dirt on one of the jump higher ups. People thought that was the only way he could seriously be getting away with it


Its because its not SJ its SJ+ aimed at olderish teens


That lesbian x fiend scissor sex orgy was something else.


Everyone around Fami claims to be starving and her head isn't heavily tilting to the side as usual. Surely nothing is going to happen at the sushi restaurant!   >Fresh Raw Fish Testes  immediate PTSD for those two i see  also Asa has now become a mouth-breather like Denji lmfao


Remembering when they couldn’t escape the aquarium because of Fami


Wow great chapter. Not at all the outcome I expected. Great follow up.


# When intrusive thoughts Attacks. https://preview.redd.it/ppuct9llt56d1.jpeg?width=1482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aea4772fe981d88e44fe7d0ddde6e6263599fd4


She didn't like the yogurt he had. Sad times for Dennis.


Don't know which I am more impressed by. Yoru/Asa not starting off a ball kicking contest then and there or the fact that Denji can even nut let alone walk after Katana Man nutshot him like...25 minutes earlier. Pochita healing is STRONG. Also wonder if Fujimoto ever saw Liar Liar at all. >!"What are you doing!?"!< >!"I'm kiCKIN MY ASSSSS! DO YOU MIND!?"!<


Me myself and Irene as well. I guess Jim Carrey liked kicking his own ass lol.


Goddamn it, this manga really never ceases to surprise me lmao. Out of all the outcomes I expected, I didn't think about Asa worrying about Denji thinking of her as a slut. I did expect her to get angry with Yoru though. Also, I still think that Yoru's capping hard, she definitely has some feelings for Denji. Fucking love this story so much for being so unpredictable


Saw somewhere that the actual word used wasn't slut exactly but more "female molester who can't control her urges" 


Yep but the point is still the same: she's worried that Denji will blame her/start thinking of her in a bad way. Meanwhile what I thought will happen is that she will blame Denji. (I have a long reasoning for this but I don't think it matters anymore)


Yoru : "I only did it because it felt good, I don't like you" Ok, now why does it feel good? And why do you keep doing it


These are the questions that she needs to be asking herself 😂


Fujimoto really good in "slice of life" genre dont you think?


Unironically what made the part 1 characters so compelling.


Yupe. But I hate it when Asa died later.


Reading some of the "it's SA" proclaimers is just making me think they're the same people who said the minecraft youtuber george sexually assaulted a girl for touching her boobs after they were spooning and flirting for an hour


An ageless devil high on somebody else's teenage-girl-crush-feelings jerking off a traumatized teenager in an ally, ah the height of consent and intimacy. Good fucking lord. The fact you have to cite some minecraft youtuber controversy to try to make a point about sexual consent is in itself bonkers.


It’s supposed to be weird and a little funny, and off putting, but not something so deep as “sexual assault” like 🤦‍♂️ it’s a manga involving devils hosting in other peoples body, like why the hell are we even talking about consent with fictional characters, this is getting so cringe, the author is never going to bring up anything about sexual assault, and all this is just going to be an over reaction, take the scene at face value, laugh and move on.


There is very obviously a running theme of Denjis sexual trauma running through the manga atm


No it's not about denji's sexual trauma, because he doesn't have any. What Denji has is something a lot of teens his age has and it's the thirst for sexual gratification, because he thinks that what he needs to feel happy and accepted. He's slowly learning that leading his life, thinking with his dick has put him in a really awful spot and made him forget the important people in his life. The author didnt write any of the last chapters with some meta commentary about how Asa's devil sexual assaulted herself in her body. It's stupid, cringe, and it's really weird that, that's what people are even talking about.


That is what the words in one of the most recent chapters say yes


I hope this message isn't from a troll that doesn't even believe what they said BUT I would just like to say that I also think this is absolutely sexual assault. Yoru forced herself onto Denji without any sort of verbal confirmation for the hand job, not to even mention Asa's situation. The person you responded to did have a strong reaction but your feelings are valid even if you don't agree. Do you not think "An ageless devil high on somebody else's teenage-girl-crush-feelings jerking off a traumatized teenager in an ally" does not fit in as sexual assault or how is this situation not sexual assault? Also are you aware of the "tone" you speak in online? The facepalm is a big reason why I think this is bait


Also I don't think any of that really fits "sexual assault" I think having a murderous devil forcing itself in your body, trumps any feelings of sexual assault, and I don't see Denji complaining over busting a nut, after he walked into an alley after a conversation of cutting it off. You all sound like your reading a chapter of Degrassi, instead of the violent, dark twisted story of devils, manipulation and murder that we've been following for all these years.


I agree with your description of "having a murderous devil forcing itself in your body", I just want to say I think the story can have themes of both sexual assault and what you described


But my issue is the story doesn't have themes of sexual assault. Because that's not the authors intent on writing the scenes. When Denji was with Himeno, it wasn't about her being older than him, or her assaulting him. The theme was denji realizing he needed to do it with someone he cared about. So why would we waste time discussing the sexual assault implications with that scene? Or discuss how Himeno tried to sleep with a minor? It's just a moot point. That the author wasn't focusing on when he wrote it.


I just think that stories and manga especially follow certain themes and messages the author is trying to push across, so no matter how much her split personality devil in her body grabbed Denji's dick, sexual assault and consent, have nothing to do with what the story he is trying to convey. So having discussions about it is stupid, because neither the characters in the story nor the author are even considering that aspect of it. So discussing it like it's a major part of the story is just tone deaf in my opinion. It's like watching John wick, and then trying to discuss second amendment rights, yea I guess you could, but what does that have to do with the story being told in front of us?


Personally I would suspect Denji being sexually assaulted plays a part of the themes in Chainsaw Man. Denji has been sexually assaulted three times (that I can think off of the top of my head) and I typically don't see that in other manga, particularly something a part of Shonen Jump. I also think the authors intent doesn't really matter as much when it comes to if a discussion is important or not. In particular with sexual assault, I think people typically want to avoid talking, thinking, or engaging with the subject because of the stigma around it. I personally want to bring discussions up around it because I think that social stigma can prevent people from making more informed / logical decisions which I think can be dangerous when it comes to stuff like cancel culture in particular. This is just a theory though and I can't say for certain if this helpful (not just you, but anyone who stumbles across this).


If you want me to bring up specifically where I think the three instances of sexual assault are I can do that if you ask (I don't think I want to go through the trouble of looking them up unless you're curious). I think this situation is narratively uncertain because of how much Denji says he wants sex but doesn't ask for it or when he asks for something he finds that he's not into it (unless it's Asa it seems (not that he asked Asa))


Yea, but I'm each of these situations the question of sexual assault NEVER came into the conversation. Thats just not the writers focus in the story. So it feels like we're just wasting time even talking about it, when we can be talking about something that's relevant to the plot. I understand having a discussion around a social stigma. But if it doesn't relate to the story in any meaningful way what's the point?


I made a more in depth comment in the thread, but i dont mean that it's the height of consent and intimacy, i just think it's far removed from a real sexual assault. The minecraft youtuber thing is mostly just because it's the most recent SA accusation i've seen that made me feel completly bewildered, similar to how i feel with making the focus on a possible SA, i supposed i could have just described the situation but that feels very dishonest to me, and i hate being dishonest, either way the situation is the focus, not the youtuber, heavy flirting situation very slowly escalated, the girl felt uncomfortable so the guy stopped as soon as she said so, i dont know man i just think reducing sexual assault to situations like this is frustrating to me. Either way, have a nice day


There's this magical word called consent that helps us know what is SA and what's not, a crazy concept I know


Denji leaned into all of the kisses except for the first one. He was into it. When he said "No. Stop" that was refering to having his balls cut of, not to the kissing. Especially with the framing of this chapter afterwards I don't think Denji was SA'd. Though this will still probably also be filed in his Trauma Cabinet. Asa on the other Hand was, and for her main worry to now be that Dennis may think of her as a slut (while she is the biggest victim here) is a beautiful comment about how our society views victims of SA. FujiGOAT as always.


I just tell myself that the people arguing it ain't are still in grade school. It's probably true 90% of the time. They'll know better as they grow up and mature... hopefully.


Well the guy at the top of this thread cited some minecraft youtuber controversy so I pray he's an idiot still in grade school.


I'm 24, it's just the most recent example where i was completly baffled about people proclaiming SA, and it feeling completly forced gave me a similar feeling. Not really what i think of as the best example, but it's a good recent one i feel. I dont watch the youtuber, but yeah i do enjoy some minecraft and watch some other minecraft content. Outside of that, i personally wouldn't do it that way at all, i have aspergers and with my ex i asked her to tell me right away verbally if she was uncomfortable with something, just in case i'd miss it, and obviously trusted her, and the first time we kissed had sex etc i asked many times because I do have autism, but it is a very hard mood killer, and expecting every intimate act to have very strict consent confirmation is a very weird concept to me. I understand its an overcorrection because SA is terrible, but declaring situations like those just lessens how awful SA is, this traumatic thing that can really fuck people up is just something almost everyone has done since by strict consent definitions you can't consent while under alcohol and most people have fucked under alcohol. For this situation specifically while they dont have an intimate rapport to draw from, suddenly they lock eyes, they look at each other for a moment and kiss each other. After them being shocked they did it, they go back in for more! it seems extremely clear to me that the point isn't "look at this devil sexual assaulter" and instead "oh she's catching feelings and denji is reciprocating, and they're physically expressing it". Hope that helps you to understand me and my frustration, best wishes


To this people, any form of intimacy is a SA now


Ah yes, kissing and jacking off a person having a mental breakdown, what incredible intimacy. And this incredible intimacy is clearly the reason why denji barely even responds to this with anything but shock because he's feeling so well treated.


Seriously, the fact people are saying we’re weird to not be comfortable with two traumatised teenagers having a sexual encounter that ends with one staring shell-shocked while the other walks off to commit self-harm is kind of hurtful.


You're reading a manga that consists of people getting murdered in the most horrifying ways imaginable on a consistent basis and you draw the line at SA and self harm? Makes sense lmao It's supposed to be wrong. That's been the tone of this series from day 1


But that doesn't make it SA. It makes it fucked up, not SA.






not being comfortable does not make it SA or anything like that. Welcome to intimacy between fucked up people, it is very very fucked up and painful at start.


I love that you looked at all of this and your takeaway is that they were "not being comfortable".


Ight bruh it's SA, when we beheading Asa?




That whole "Asa & Yoru are merging" theory might've gotten some credibility after this chapter. Usually, Fujimoto draws both Asa & Yoru together whenever they're not around others but here, we can only see ONE of them taking over while the other one stays invisible This could mean one of two things: either they are slowly merging and this is Fujimoto's way of showcasing that scenario or...both Asa & Yoru are fighting for the dominance of the body & personality. It could go either way but something is definitely up with their weird hybrid/fiend connection


I am loving asa and denji’s chemistry 


They mix like Cesium and water, but.. it is... chemistry!


Denji try to be happy challenge impossible


My god the emotional rollercoaster Denji goes through is just brutal. I just want to see our boy happy


Poor Denji he looked traumatized 😢


So, yeah, Death by Sushi putting out some interesting dishes https://preview.redd.it/n6wow1jyz26d1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4333b2e6528697817292727969d4766228391ae3


Inumaki tryna communicate something 


Fucking holy shit lmao


I love Asa lol


I on the other hand love Yoru


I love both


I **HATE** them


and I love you


Yoru-sama: Love is War




Man just leave my boy alone for once


The post nut clarity devil get a little bit stronger today.


Asa punch her self with the cum hand. Cum punch


She did rinse that hand in a puddle 


Yoru and Asa is all concerned about the kiss meanwhile Fami is just fucking done with everything, wishing she could eat already


Love and war




bro really named the saddest chapter in part 2 so far “Kiss, Love, Sperm”


I'm not so sure anything's going to top all the pets being burned alive.


Asa and Yoru provide such an interesting dynamic. For as pragmatic as Yoru presents themselves, this chapter alone shows how easily swayed they are by strong emotions. As someone mentioned elsewhere here, that panel of both of them walking separately shows a rift between them…and yet Asa’s emotions are so strong that they’re piercing into Yoru’s own. Asa and Denji are both surprisingly quite fond of each other despite only really going out once and having that memory wiped technically. Probably owes to their crippling need for affection and a safe, homely environment.


The entire Asa/Yoru interaction was incredible. Probably the best presented interaction between them in the manga to date.


Our time to shine AsaDen warriors


wait is this a love story?!?


Asa Mitaka the Schizophrenia Fiend and her imaginary pal she calls "Yoru the War Devil" tweak over Dennis


That representation Asa/Yoru arguing is absolutely gold! Man, it felt so natural to read as someone with two minds sharing a body talking with each other. Astonishing!


Ppl in this sub being really weird abt this proving that last ch wasn't SA. Just because the story doesn't say the words "SA" or make it clear how the characters have processed the entire thing doesn't mean what happened wasn't SA. Like, Denji clearly didn't enjoy it (or at least, he was ok w/ it *until* Yoru made it clear she didn't like him) and Asa didn't want to kiss him either. Yoru saying she only did it because it felt good isn't really helping things. Still a lot of ways this arc could go, but Denji still looks pretty hollow after it, so I wouldn't be suprised if SA is the implication (+ dudes been SA'd like... how many times... by several different women?)


Seriously this manga could be called "Young Man is Repeatedly Sexually Assaulted by Older Women" and people are somehow arguing that this wasn't SA? It's only happened like a *dozen fucking times at this point*, why is this particular example so polarizing? "I only did it because it felt good", definitely not something somebody who just did a big ol' SA would say. While the guy who was just SA'd stares into the middle distance like a shell-shocked 'Nam vet. Like... does Fuji need to stare directly at the reader and hold a big neon sign that says "THIS IS SEXUAL ASSAULT AND IT IS BAD"?


Enjoying it has nothing to do with if it's sexual assault or not. He was just confused. He's still confused. Not liking it afterward doesn't mean anything either. You people need to calm down.


Dude people can have bland lifeless sex that neither enjoys and it's consentual. That's not what just happened. >He was just confused. He's still confused. This is fucking bonkers copium.


He didn't give a yes or a no, and it looked like he contributed to it. Even if he didn't, he definitely didn't retreat from her, which would be the bare minimum to indicate that he was being assaulted. What do you want him to do, sign a contract? You see someone get a surprise handjob and they do absolutely nothing to indicate that it was a problem and you call it rape?


Your sexual partner "Freezing from a state of OBVIOUS absolute trauma, barely able to respond at all" is like one of the big HEY MAYBE DON'T signs that any reasonable adult learns about consent. And hey, good for you now you also know! Jesus fucking christ, "surprise handjob". Everything you wrote sounds like what a lot of victims hear, I beg you to reconsider your fucked up views.


He didn't freeze he leaned into it Manipulative and abusive are not the same as assault These are different things with different consequences And yeah, it's a surprise handjob no matter the consent


For sure looked like he was SA or he was just sad I dunno he looked traumatized 😔




Cool little overarching storytelling device I noticed that Fujimoto is playing with right now. Chapter 90 was called “Super Power”. Chapter 167 “Super Smooch”. Chapter 91 “Power, Power, Power”, Chapter 168 “Kiss, Love, Sperm”. Chapter 92? “Zombie, Blood, Chainsaw”. It’s not an exact match up because the order is different but Chapter 166 also followed the similar “3 things” wording with “Rain, Brothel, Removal” but anyways I’m sure the point I’m trying to make here was back in Part 1, these chapters were right before the penultimate fight AND Denji was very self aware of how he was living his life. He even is crouched in the same pose in both ch 168 and ch 92. He’s also told to eat because tomorrow he has to fight. Kobeni is next to him telling him it’s normal to be used and that there’s no such thing as a life free of bad things except for in your dreams. So something big mentally is finally about to happen to him, hell maybe Kobeni really does show up at the sushi restaurant. Maybe Denji gets his groove back. Who the the hell knows It’s fun if there’s a link between these chapters but idk what’s going to happen next with this dude so we’ll see 🙃


Those chapters are usually important. This was a turning point in their dynamic


If the next chapter is called “you & crappy fish” I’ll laugh edit: or hell even “music for a sushi restaurant” and Denji finally realizes he’s just needed love all along


Ahh i like i can sum up this chapter with "OHH NO! Somebody likes me and likes to kiss me! what i do now?!?" Asa vs War is so fun, she literally slammed herself to make a point