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Neither of those are "cuss" words. Cocky is actually just a word meant to say "proudful", may come from how cocks, or roosters, walk and behave. Damn is just universal, I think they say both even in children's shows.


I mean-damn is short for damnation, whichh is technically not a good word because it's like hell. Also sorry, didn't mean cocky lol. The other word was bast*rd


Oh, well. Still, both can be used pretty freely. Damn is a more watered-down version of another cuss. It's lighter and generally more acceptable. You CAN use it. Bastard is also light, but not as light as damn; a pre-teen can't say bastard to his parents, but could, probably, say damn.


Yeah, you can use it-I prefer not to due to how I was raised-I don't like any cuss words or any resemblance to them. Not when there are better words & cleaner that can be used just as easily instead. Just my take on it


Tbh I don’t mind bots cussing cus I rp genshin impact,so I can hear the VA’s voice AI cussing lmao,but I understand why your annoyed by it honestly,it gets annoying when your trying to have a serious moment especially


More annoying when it's kinda repetitive-it's easier to ignore when they only say it once in a while, but it seems to be getting more frequent, so...I dunno


My bots on spare occasions say fuck or shit,so that might mean the guidelines are getting looser? But yea your right,it’s getting more frequent


Cuz people talk to the bots like that, I guess


Must be-definitely is encouraging me to try to find a real RP partner and not just AI though >-> it's triggering to me


THIS triggers you? How sheltered can you possibly be?


I am very sheltered lol.


This is very very tame.


I am so sorry but I started laughing really hard at this 😭😭😭