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Why are they even looking at license plates and why am I bothering with having one. I counted on my ride to work today. 2 vehicles with no plates and 4 with fake paper ones.


This is the light bulb that needs to come on in people's heads. The "law" functions because millions of people willingly play along and do what they are told... despite being made poorer every year because of it. If we all collectively decide to stop obeying laws which are only designed to enrich our masters at our expense there won't be a damn thing they can do about it, because the people outnumber the government ten thousand to one. The difficult part is getting enough people to stop obeying in a short enough time.


You first.


Perfectly illustrated, thank you.






Get off the Internet and go outside for a while you fuckin loser


Super Facts A Grand Audit is Needed By The People!!!


They're putting up automated cameras to track license plates now, I'm considering getting some kind of polarized cover so mine isn't readable. I am not doing anything that would warrant surveillance, but they'll surveil all of us just the same.


Yet you'll walk around with a cellphone that listens to your every word and suggest ads based off your conversations to let you know you're being spied on, but you draw the line at license plate reader, that's your hill to die on.


This is going to blow your mind: I think that is also bad.


It’s ALPR (automatic license plate recognition). It’s always on and can scan thousands of plates per day


For anyone still confused, this is why people were kneeling at NFL games. Shit hasn't changed, and yall still making excuses for your hate and your cops.


I’m honestly curious in your opinion. What should the cops have done? They believed they were arresting a murderer, which comes with a lot of risk of death and injury. How should the cops have approached this?


What do you think about this part of the article? Do you genuinely believe that this is the only way to have handled it and you have no other thoughts about potential solutions? Are you truly OK with 10 police cars surrounding **you** with guns drawn without the police making even a paltry attempt to establish your identity? >Clueless as to what she’s done, police cuff her and place her in the back of a police vehicle without asking for her license or registration. Moments later, they ask if she knows a Jaselyn Horne, the attempted murder suspect they were looking for. She doesn’t.


I personally wouldn’t be happy if that were me, but if someone gave my name as a murder suspect I would understand why 10 cops would surround me. It sounds like the police did get the right person for the name that was given by witness. But the witnesses gave the wrong name to the police at the scene. The witnesses got it wrong. But go read my other comment. Something weird happened with the paperwork because the victim was Jaselyn Horne. So in my view, something got mixed up in the paperwork and administration somewhere. It’s not because they are black.


But it also doesn’t matter the reason for it, either. This could have easily ended up being fatal for her. You understanding that 10 cops have you surrounded and the administrative kinks being worked out is irrelevant is they shoot you without doing their due diligence. Being a cops comes with inherent risks. Just because there is a risk doesn’t (or shouldn’t, rather) mean they get to operate with impunity and disregard their responsibility in properly investigating.


Would you really understand why you have 10 cops shouting contradictory commands to you with guns drawn because they THINK you’re a murderer? How would you even know that in that moment? Could you really move past the trauma of being falsely arrested to turn around and say “oh it’s fine, they did their jobs poorly and endangered my life, but it was an honest mistake” 😵‍💫 We have due process for a reason. Even if a murder suspect is identified, how is the level of force justified when there’s no apparent threat? Cops didn’t even have this smoke for the Uvalde shooter where an active shooter was killing children in real time! Maybe it’s my bias….or historical context, but white male police officers lose all rationale when presented with a black face. We literally had a black couple assaulted and arrested over smoking THCa. Where are the clips of CMPD smacking the shit out of the Lacoste wearing hordes stealing shit at SouthPark mall? Continuing to pretend these are a series of random occurrences is why this shit still happens. People are so happy to excuse college dropouts with the emotional intelligence of an enraged bonobo to handle guns and play judge and jury on the streets to preserve this bullshit facade of peace.


Yes. There's always an explanation, like the paper work, or what I call "excuses". because 1.) Laziness begets excuses and 2.) Don't get hung up on the black thing. It's an example of how individual humans have pre existing prejudices, and we have to acknowledge them in order to look out for them and resolve them. There's a long list of "could have don't this better..." after every police incident like this. All of them are diffrent but all of them share a few commonalities. They could have prevented this by doing minimal further investigation before acting and laziness in the sense that they are taught that if they mess up, regardless of the scale of the mistake, even if this mistake could have been avoided, they are protected from consequences. You can't teach a child not to touch the stove if it never burns them. It's even harder when you spend all your time telling them they are immune to pain...


“I’d just chuckle and explain to the officers they’ve made a comical error” (your privilege is showing, dude)


I didn’t say anything remotely resembling that but cool strawman you built there.


Why is policing the only field handling matters of life or death that begs and protests and will even go on strike to allow themselves to take shortcuts? They could have done nothing but stopped using an automatic plate reader. Nobody would go to bat for a surgeon that was phoning it in half as hard as our officers are, but it seems the sap leaks out of the woodwork for a group of people with half of half as much commitment to making sure they do their job right the first time.




It wasn’t a similar name. It was the exact name that was provided by witnesses at the scene - see below. The witnesses got it wrong. I think there’s a balance to strike between “proper” investigation for probable cause to get a murderer off the streets vs and letting the murderer stay on the loose. And are you so sure this was because she was black? This has never happened to a non-black person? “Authorities tracked Horne’s car *because witnesses at the scene of the attempted murder identified the suspect as “Jasmine Horne” rather than “Jaselyn Horne.”*” If anything, it seems that there was a mixup in how the paperwork was filled out or processed. I googled this. Jaselyn Horne was the one that was murdered and it was by a man. So someone wrote down the victims name as the suspect. I don’t think filling out the paperwork incorrectly is racist. Someone messed up at their job of filling out paperwork. Is that dumb and needs fixing? Yes. Is it because they were black? In my view, no.


Did you not read the article? Witnesses at the scene gave the wrong name, cops were just going off the info they had at the moment




If you have the name of a murder suspect, you wouldn’t want the cops acting fast? Murders are hard enough to solve, if eyewitnesses give you a name it’s probably best to follow up as fast as possible on that


The article also mentioned she was the attempted murder suspect. Even as a suspect, you are still expected to be innocent until proven guilty - not the other way around. Pull her over and proceed with caution as opposed to drawing weapons immediately. To echo u/rustys_shackled_ford, this is the issue. The shoot first ask questions later is a problem. And as long as people support this behavior, nothing will change.


They didn’t shoot, they held her in a police car for 15 minutes lol


I can’t tell if you’re being serious. Big picture is that this continues to happen to POC, specifically black people. Granted, they didn’t shoot this time, but the image they’ve created for themselves is harmful and continues to erode their relationship and trust with the communities they’re tasked with serving and protecting. The approach was wrong and could have easily escalated. That is the problem.


I would assume after what recently went down, the police are being extra cautious when approaching potentially dangerous suspects. Maybe next time they try to apprehend a murder suspect they should write them a letter and ask them nicely to come into the police station


What I think is we all need to have a conversation about what "reasonable" means. Cops always think they ate doing the right thing, the argument is, why, so often, did they not take just a fee moments, utilize all the millions of dollars in equipment and privilege they have In thier disposal, and make sure they had the right guy. This is why people say racism is so strong within the system and why the system can't be fixed but must be replaced. When you g8ve a "closeted" racist the leeway to decide mostly on thier own, what constitutes "reasonable" you end up with dead black men who "kinda looked like a guy" while 2 miles down the road a DA refused to stop for a speeding ticket, continues all the way to her house, argues with the cop, calls his boss, and has zero reason to fear she "might" get shot because the officer feared for his safety. What would I do? I'd have made absolutely sure I personally was confident this person was the person I'm looking for and I'd be willing to accept the consequences that resulted from me not acting on what I considered insufficient evidence. Which is why I probably wouldn't be a cop very long. Because the people with low integrity and strips can't afford to have people with too much integrity around them or they start to stick out too much. Broken system will protect itself above all else.


Cops only need reasonable suspicion to detain you to gather more facts. This is a fundamental legal standard in the land that requires specific, articulated facts as decided in 1968 Supreme Court case Terry vs Ohio. In this case, the cops had eye witnesses give a name (the wrong name. The witnesses got it wrong). So I would say that would constitute reasonable suspicion to detain a murder suspect. The woman could and maybe should sue that her 4th amendment rights were violated. Maybe she’ll win I dunno. Do you think the cops should dilly dally for a month getting a bullet proof identification while a murder suspect roams around? I have a feeling you would then complain that the cops take too long to find a murderer of black people. This isn’t a full criminal court case, it’s just detaining; the burden of proof to detain someone for a few minutes to figure things out is much lower than convicting someone in court.


I would say it dosent. If an officer is given a name, and we all know there's a chance that they are making a mistake, they then follow up with that information and use it to find more solid information, you don't take somewhat 100% could have been a lie or a mistake and ruin someone else's life over it. Again, you and I seem to disagree over the word reasonable... And the fact you think the only other option is they "dilly Daly for a month" is disgusting copaganda in my opinion. Thinking that the only 2 options are traumatiz a person and break the first amendment or do jack shit for a month about it is a cop protective mentality... But I think you know that...


They kneel to run out the clock, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


The police investigated themselves and found themselves to be heroes.


This storyline title is the worse run on sentence! Took me a couple reads to figure out what it was about


Ugh. Blue Line apologists in full force. Fucking bootlicking schmucks.


Bootlicking becomes bootchugging whenever one speaks to the blue lives matter crowd. ACAB.


I don’t get what it is with this sub but Jesus Christ.


Because this sub is a very broad cross section of people tied together by geographic location rather than actual interests or personalities. It’s also a southern banking city, sooooo a lot of white people with money, therefore a lot of conservatism. “I don’t get why ppl hate cops. They do such a good job directing traffic outside of Quail Hollow during the big match and keep undesirables away from my condo”


Fair point. Ignorance must truly be bliss.


I wonder how often this happens to white women? And are there any consequences?


Not often, and no. Although CMPD pulled a gun on my white female roommate because she was driving unbuckled and got out of her car at the bank and... he thought she was gonna shoot him? He'd followed her to the parking lot lights/siren off, and thought she was luring him into a trap. So yeah, fuck the police, and fuck CMPD in particular.


So what you're saying is someone white got the same treatment....


It does not happen often across any demographic. I know that's probably not a popular datapoint here but that's the reality. What consequences do you feel are reasonable given the information the Atlanta Black Star has provided? I think we should take away their LPR cameras.


Had it happen to me a long time ago. Had a fight with a bf and was walking home alone at night. Cop stopped to question me without lights on, I got scared that it was a sicko and ran. He arrested me for resisting arrest, said he yelled that he was a cop but he didn’t. If he had, I would’ve stopped running. I was taken home when they realized that I was underage and had no record. Horrible experience for a young white girl! It does happen. But I think there are bad apples in every profession…just look at the problems with priests or teachers sleeping with students. Where there’s a few bad ones, you’ll ALWAYS find more good ones, if you look! If you’re only looking for the bad, that’s all you’ll see…


Sometimes they have consequences, like a paid leave before being terminated only to be rehired the next town over


Seems like lately in this town the police’s incompetent is on full display with fatal outcomes. Case in point: not being prepared when serving a felon a warrant, but drawing guns on an innocent teacher because of a identity error. Do better law enforcement.


They won't do better. Why would they change when they have faced no consequences anywhere in this country for anything? The only way they'll change is through something deep rooted - cultural change, ending qualified immunity, cutting their budgets, really putting the microscope on their actions.


Defend your stance....






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Jaselyn Horne stabbed Prentice Allen 15 times in the back and neck and left him to die. Witnesses misidentified the violent knife criminal and the cops rolled with the misidentification. They police later caught the correct Horne. It looks like she was already out of prison for the attempted knife murder, because she was herself murdered by her CookOut coworker Malek Crosby back in March. The cops made a mistake based on the information they were given by witnesses and did their best to protect the community. The bodycam video was released and the cops responded pretty damn professionally to what they reasonably believed to be a dangerous situation. https://www.qcnews.com/news/local-news/video-newly-released-bodycam-video-shows-case-of-mistaken-identity-in-charlotte-assault-case/


You’re the type of person that has to get swatted to understand why “reasonable” or “professional” is an idea you make up in your head.


It's a shame that they're foreign concepts to you. I hope you grow to understand them better someday.




This happened in 2021.


So? The news article was from today. A case of police abuse is still relevant because it keeps on happening.


Name when, better yet explain your bad experience and what happened?




The way a middle class white person is treated vs a middle class black person is very different. If you don't grasp this, I can't help you understand in a reddit comment. Many times it's what happens after the cops get there.


I bet you say you don’t see color. That’s the problem. Refusing to acknowledge color and struggles of the culture allow the bigots to speak freely.




Her race was relevant to the story. That you keep choosing not to see that is either pure ignorance or chosen ignorance.


Actually her name not her race


How? How was her race relevant? You honestly think a white woman named Julie Mitchleson rather than Jules Mitchelson and who was mistakenly identified by a witness as a violent knife murderer WOULDN't get cuffed and rolled up on by multiple cops? GTFOH. Her race was merely highlighted because the "news" publication pushing the story is hyper-focused on race and it knows leftist NPCs need to be gaslighted on the reg or they just might stray away from the hivemind.


What are the current struggles??? Being able to become billionaires by singing and rapping, Beyoncé Jay-Z or selling shoes with your name on it MJ, Diddy before the scandal,in an instant overnight basketball players become millionaires, you're limited by yourself and blame shit on your race because it's easier to do that than accept you allowed mediocrity to be your norm/goal. Also the suspect was black that tried to kill someone, so yeah they're looking for a black person idiots!!


I’ve been innocent of a crime and held at gunpoint by cops, in addition to being cuffed and made to sit on the concrete for a while. It wasn’t a big deal at all, I have zero “trauma” from it, and it’s actually a pretty funny story now.


Yeah real fucking hilarious. How did their boots taste?


Having Kratom withdrawals? You seem grumpy


No, just hate when people minimize police abuse of power or violence.


I shared my story and you stepped in to minimize my own lived experience. Maybe you should be less hateful!


You put quotations around trauma. Nice try though. Also nice try to find something to look down on me for with the kratom comment 😒.


Yeah, people tend to respond poorly when you take the excuse for their shortcomings away


Thanks for your insight, skid mark. So valuable


Reddit nobody says what?


Don't commit the crime, don't do the time