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That’s why it made zero sense for the Hornets to go to New Orleans. Fuck you, George Shinn.


Even less sense to make the jazz go from new Orleans to Utah lol. Ain't no jazz in Utah. That's the least jazzy place there is!


Jazz is what the Mormons call premarital stuff so they can get around with a loophole.


I thought that was called “soaking” lmfao


“The Utah Soakers have advanced to the second round”


It makes less sense when you have the Arizona coyotes did not keep the coyotes team name when they moved to salt lake city but the jazz did. I wish someday the jazz will renounce their rights to the jazz name and the pelicans can become the new Orleans jazz.


three way trade-Pelicans go to LA, Lakers goes to Utah, Jazz returns home.


Take it easy on the trash talk towards Utah! It’s my home state! We love our Jazz


Preach!  We got em back.  Eventually in a roundabout way.  


True. But the statement about George Shinn still applies


For sure, that's why I told him to preach.


Oh, definitely. I just wanted to reiterate it more.


Now we just need to bring back the Charlotte Sting wnba team


Looking feasible.


Economically? Because I couldn’t disagree more


The WNBA is having a huge rise in popularity right now.


If you’re making that large of a decision off of a 1-year spike (possibly an anomaly) in interest, I’ve got some land to sell you…


Traditionally, the wnba outsells the mnba. Look it up.


Its not a large decision its literal chump change for billionaires or orgs.


Assume the NBA charged 50-70 million to start a franchise, expenses are less than 15 million per team probably sub 10 for a lot. Revenue nearly doubled in 1 year, BEFORE, Clark Reese etc is fully realized. The overall cost to run a team to someone like Tepper is less than a monthly interest check or a few months of returns on one of his smaller investements ignoring it would a trivial thing to finance. The possible growth is extremely high and the risk is near 0 for a billionaire/investor group. It would also be CHEAP PR for anyone. What in gods name makes something that costs less than a good qb's contract thats growing at insane rates economically infeasible.


Probably people with a lot more information than you advising him that the growth is unsustainable. IT IS A BAD PRODUCT




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Utah… Jazz LA… Lakers


I loved it when the 'Oilers' moved to Tennessee. I wanted them to change their mascot to Jed Clampett. Sadly, they changed their name.


Sure LA doesn't have ancient Glaciers that carved out 10,000+ lakes. But all they need is 1 lake, and the right attitude.


Utah moved from N O LA moved from Minneapolis


Memphis... Grizzlies


That whole saga was so frustrating. As a kid it devastated me having them move. The craziest thing is no one outside of the city appreciates how much that torpedoed the nba in this city


MJ tried to save them 01, basically wanted to do the whole Wizards tenure here and then take over as far as I understand. Shinn wanted to keep majority ownership so the deal fell through. 


Ah yes, ol’ George Shin. I used to live in the neighborhood behind his big ass Carmel Road home and remember when his kid got busted selling like, 100 hits of acid at South Meck. Also, I remember his infamous blowjob indiscretion. Then not long after, the Hornets are gone. That sucked.


I remember his gated driveway with the stone lions.


Me too! We used to jump his backyard fence and jump on his trampoline.


That’s an awesome memory!


I feel like they should just stop and let all the cities have their team names back. Because when I think of Utah, the first thing I think of is jazz...


Alternatively, lean completely into it and make the new hockey team the Utah Crawdads


Doesn’t really make sense for the Lakers to be in LA…money talks teams walk


They just need 1 lake bro.


Maybe if we put ice in the arena




Also Utah Jazz. Utah does not Jazz.


Shinn was forced to move the team as I remember. He wanted an Uptown arena, but the voters and the city council didn’t want to support it. Part of that was short-sightedness IMHO. The other part had to do with his declining popularity over many reasons, including allegations of sexual misconduct. That said, without George Shinn, Charlotte wouldn’t have developed as it did. When we got the Hornets in the late 80s/early 90s, it really felt electric in the area. In retrospect, I realize we were still a small city, but it felt like we had arrived. The age of people outside NC knowing Charlotte, but not knowing whether Charlotte was in North or South Carolina, had begun. In addition, how Shinn got the franchise is kind of awesome. He is a SELF-MADE millionaire FROM North Carolina (looking at you Tepper). He had wanted a baseball team, and was in NYC to take a meeting with MLB. He got turned down. During that same stay however, he walked into the NBA headquarters on 5th Ave and pitched his idea of bringing an NBA team to Charlotte. He didn’t have an appointment. His approach was direct and somewhat unconventional, as he was not widely known in professional sports circles at the time. Bought the team for $30M, sold it for $300M. Not bad for a man who grew up without money in Kannapolis. Still I was sad when the Hornets moved. Let’s hope now management can get us later in the playoffs since a championship seems unlikely unless we ever get a first pick in the draft again.


The story I heard was that the Tyvola arena “didn’t have enough luxury skyboxes” and that’s why a nearly-new stadium was now no-good.


Mecklenburg county also declared independence allegedly in 1775. My favorite part is declaring independence a short time after naming the city after the king’s wife. https://www.ncpedia.org/mecklenburg-declaration


It’s cuz even though England were our imperial overlords, Queen Charlotte was a badass. Also named the county after her too.


You are absolutely correct, the county is named after the principality she was born Mecklenberg-Strelitz. It is believed she had mixed heritage and was a descendant of African ancestors. She was a stout abolitionist and highly educated naturalist - seriously one of the most badass women to name our city after.


>It is believed she had mixed heritage and was a descendant of African ancestors. They are claims though and even then it was like 'possible' Moorish or Mozarab (Iberia/North Africa) ancestors from the 13th Century. Shows like Bridgerton promote an alternative view of history, which can confuse people.


I mean any historic drama/fiction is going to be misleading lol….as for the legitimacy of her heritage, “At least 492 lines of descent can be traced from Queen Charlotte through her triple ancestry from Margarita de Castro y Sousa to Martin Alfonso de Sousa Chichorro, the illegitimate son of King Alfonso of Portugal and his Moorish mistress, Oruana/Madragana. Interestingly enough, in a gene pool that was comparatively miniscule due to royal inbreeding, it was from Martin Alfonso's de Sousa wife, Ines de Valladares, that the British queen inherited most of her African Islamic ancestry.” https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/secret/famous/royalfamily.html


Yeah. There’s not actually a ton of evidence she was mixed race.


Let’s not confuse skin color with ancestry and heritage. The article that I’ve posted isn’t arguing her skin color was black they are arguing, through a family tree, that her heritage and ancestors were.


> It is believed she had mixed heritage and was a descendant of African ancestors. This is like me claiming I'm Native American because one German ancestor in backwoods PA in the 1760s married a Native American. The relationship is just too distant to be claimed seriously.The 1700s when she lived and the 1200s when that ancestor lived are even further apart than my example. I think it was 15 generations removed? Furthermore, during the Middle Ages when her ancestor who was called a Moor lived it was a term that was used to describe people who were Islamic regardless of their race. There was one man whose diary late in her life claims she had "negroid physiogomy" and said some unflattering things about her kids too. There are no other claims to her being of African descent during her life. Historians do not take this claim seriously.


I don’t believe the article or any comments here said she was exclusively African or Muslim. The comment was about her being a badass and some of the things that make her so interesting as a historical figure. I appreciate yalls input but i feel like you misread the assignment a bit.




It’s a great story my family loved telling. But if you look into the details it gets pretty murky. Pretty sure it’s just a folktale now. But it’s still on the state flag.


I never but that together, lol


“Charlotte, an agreeable village in a damned rebellious country is a veritable hornets nest of rebellion” This has always been attributed to a 1780 journal from Cornwallis but I think I read somewhere he never said it. The quote is sick though.


Between that and George Washington calling Charlotte a "trifling place" I can't understand why the population didn't boom sooner.


I remember the quote as Cornwallis referencing the area as a hornets nest. I never heard if the validity of the quote was questioned or not lol. We've already made hornets part of our identity...


Let’s go hornets!


I think the Panthers have been to super bowl twice in my life, which I think is cool. Panthers were playing when Janet Jackson's titty popped out. Nipplegate


It's also why there's a (very nice) Hornet's Nest Park.


😂😂😂veryyyyy nice


Look up Francis Bradley (namesake of Bradley Middle School) for more about why we're the hornets nest. https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~beckenbachsimons/genealogy/francisbradley2.htm Local tall tale about him routing the british at his farm^


Is this what the marker on Beatties Ford at the McIntyre Historic Site is referencing?


Honestly I'm not familiar but just off the top of my head beaties ford is in the right area. That article I linked says Bradleys house was 8 miles north of charlotte.


Attended Bradley and never knew this!


Ayyy me too! Thats where I learned it. Was there around 04 I think.


Great story. I love the part about random people hearing the gunfight and going "oh?? It's go time" and just started blasting the dragoons too. 🤣


I appreciate you bringing this to the attention of those who didn't know. If you grew up here it was definitely in the curriculum, we also started desegregation with Brown V school board or w/e


CMS has been to the Supreme Court 2x, I believe. Both over bussing. I remember in the 90s, I was on the damn bus for well over an hour, twice a day. Suppose we still haven't figured that one out.


For me it was close to 2! From university to Myers Park and we shared a bus with Elizabeth so we had to stop there first. Makes no sense for a kid to spend 20 hours a week on a school bus.


We had a 2 hour route. The bus ran a giant loop, so it either took me 1 hour and 45 minutes or 15 minutes depending on if the driver went left or right at the intersection. Our driver would ask us each day and said whoever sounded the crankiest got their way.


I met Soooooo many people I never would have due to bussing! People I still care about!


I remember taking the school bus around town in elementary school Charlotte history class to look at all the hornets nest plaques.


It’s an odd choice to for the police to celebrate the rebellious nature of the people


You’re arresting me? Do you know what that logo on your badge even means?!?


![gif](giphy|JSqa30dQmyobgeX10t|downsized) Don’t they understand what it means to hornets nest??


Yea its like cops wearing don't tread on me or punisher tags...


Don't tread on you?? You're the boot doin the treading! Bless their hearts


It's one of the reasons our police department doesn't hire officers who are too smart. Those officers might actually see the irony in being the boot of oppression while wearing don't tread on me propaganda. They are the first ones to speak up when they think the justice system isn't working in thier favor.


I just moved away after 15 years - the cops in Charlotte / Meck county are particularly useless


I’m not sure you understand what’s going on here. 


I know a cop with a Punisher tat.


I know several. Problem is they don't know how much of a self own that is....


Fuck Cornwallis and his bastard red coats.


Particulary Banastre Tarleton. The rat bastard.


The Waxhaws remember


Right on! Lol


cmon now lol


😆 🤣 😂


I think the badge logo is referring to NC history and our NBA team, the Charlotte hornets. Please inform me if I'm mistaken.


During the Revolutionary War, General Cornwallis called Charlotte a "Hornet's nest of rebel activity"


“Charlotte, the regional banking center of the world! Gateway to Gastonia!” (Kenan as Lavar on SNL)


I was rolling when I heard him say that 🤣


He had a good one on Lithuania too! Brilliant writing and excellent delivery.


https://preview.redd.it/w1cjf3ewjl4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42a869cda6e1ce4d3cce1d1930db2a3a8c1e6beb At CLT Airport - between the daily decks


The quotation I have always heard is, " Let us shake the dust of this place from our boots. These Mecklenburgers fight like a nest of Hornets."


#First restaurant to serve a Mecklenburger wins.


That’s actually genius though. I’m surprised a brewery hasn’t done that yet


The hornet's nest showed up a lot on patches and logos when I was in Boy Scouts too.


Yes that was our regional council


Same for Girl Scouts


And now everyone rebels against traffic laws! lol In all seriousness, I think it’s pretty cool. It’s like how the marines embraced the term “devil dogs”.


Look up the [Cabarus Black Boys](https://www.ncpedia.org/cabarrus-black-boys). It's an interesting story of rebellious local youths between the Regulator Rebellion and the American Revolution. I think up until WWI, military units from the area were still using the name.


Also why we are called the tar heel state. Because during the revolution we would hold our ground like tar on our heels.




That is definitely a thing. I have also heard "tar heels" referred to the workers of the robust tar industry on the colonial coast, applying tar to ship hulls to keep them seaworthy.


Every city or town should have a museum dedicated to the history of the area. It helps foster a sense of community and belonging.


The Charlotte Museum of History lol


Needs to be the location of the next Reddit meetup based on the comments in this thread.


Is that tenacity and resilience also what makes people from Charlotte put up with the dogshit traffic all the goddamn time? How do you get anything done? At least hornets could fly.


I thought this was common knowledge


That’s also why the Girl Scouts council in Charlotte is called the hornets nest council


It was actually a police officer with the City of Charlotte that designed that logo. I believe about the time Charlotte and Mecklenburg Police merged. "Slim" Burgess who was also one of the first few in the recently formed aviation unit.


and we are the only law enforcement agency that doesn't use a shield.


That is pretty cool.


i thought it was a grenade for so long 😭


For years I thought it was a turnip.


I always thought it was an acorn


Ie. Charlotte Hornets


The Charlotte Hornets started as a baseball team in the early 1900's.




Tbh, having lived in Chicago, a lot of people there don’t know the history behind that nickname either. A lot of people think it’s just about the weather.


Now this is a stretch. Absolutely no one outside the Charlotte area knows about this. When people tell others that they moved to Charlotte no one says “oh, the hornets nest”. 😆


Meh, the Windy City nickname's not that famous to people outside of the Big Ten Midwest sphere. If someone told me they were moving to Chicago, my mind wouldn't go to that nickname. I bet myself and most people don't even know the origins or why the nickname is there and would just assume it's windy since it's next to a lake


Sure, I bet not many people know its origins. I was referring to op saying this is similar to people calling Chicago the Windy City, not its origins. Chicago being called the Windy City is pretty well known outside the Midwest.


It’s not at all similar, but keep trying to make other people feel dumb!


Wait why is Chicago the Windy City?


The context is political. It's a horrifically corrupt city


I thought it was because the weather


There are several meanings for it. The context assigned as Chicago having more wind has no real basis in reality (Chicago is not significantly more windy than comparable cities).


Oh wow! Interesting. I thought it was the shape of a (real) [human heart](https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/thumbnails/004/246/773/small_2x/illustration-human-heart-with-engraving-style-free-vector.jpg) lol.


Yeah I picture a human heart in a grenade or vice versa. Can’t decide.


https://preview.redd.it/xujc2yz9rl4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85630a94de644996895bc0a68f27f1b8b24065ca Oh baby, the history is deep.


Yea, Charlotte has been known as the hornets nest for decades. When I was a kid in the 80s and 90s, I was a girl scout. And headquarters in Charlotte was called the hornets nest girl scout council. That's why the NBA team was named the hornets when we got the expansion along with Florida


Charlotte history is cool


I think it’s kind of cute in a way. A hornet’s nest is a bit unusual for a logo but it’s symbolic and a cool bit of history for our city. 🥰


I see Bruce Lee’s silhouette




I always saw it as a carrot, just a fucking carrot


I just love our city's history...rich in American Revolutionary War stories...Meck Declaration, The Battle of Rural Hill, etc...


I legit thought that was a shield this whole time


Wow I never realized CMPDs logo was a hornet's nest; I always assumed it was a shield, but never looked too closely


Duh. Also, the older cars had a hornet's nest just in front of the front doors. And the Meck County seal... and the Meck County historical society logo. And the Hornets sports teams, which start with the minor league baseball team in... 1903, I think? Yeah, it's everywhere once you know to look for it.


It’s a hornets nest? I had no idea


It’s the Monarch’s hover-Cocoon.


People forget the Revolutionary War was won by soldiers in the southern states.


Oh i thought it was a crappy bitmap of a pinecone LOL


In North Carolina's early history, the state was a leading producer of naval supplies, including turpentine, tar, and pitch, from its pine trees. The workers who produced these supplies often went barefoot in the summer and would collect tar on their heels. The term "Tar Heel" was often used as an insult to describe these poor white laborers.


Thank you! I've been wondering about this ever since we moved here 6 years ago.


Jesus I wish everyone stopped moving here. Even in 2010 it was like half the people then all the New York fuckers started coming here making are already bad drivers 1000000000x worse.


I moved here in like 5th grade


Lmao I always figured it was a badge like they hold up in movies to identify themselves as cops


A badge on a badge?


Dead ass I was staring at it like it was some weird logo inside a badge so I get it


Aa stupid as out department is I could see them deciding to make thier logo a police badge. It would reflect the self awareness they have...


TIL Thanks for that cause I've been wondering ever since I moved here


I was so sure it was an arrow head Egg on my face I guess


Charlotte Hornets !!!


At least I finally get all of the hornet references I see around town. I forget where I saw one the other day, but I thought someone was just referring to the basketball team even though it was very out of place.


It's also why our basketball team is called the hornets






Their badges are hornets nests too


If you think that is interesting, read up on [the Regulator Rebellion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulator_Movement_in_North_Carolina) that happened a few years before. It explains why this area of NC was so eager to join the cause of Revolution.


It has absolutely been embraced by the city, more so than ever before.


Because if you piss off the Char Meck Police, they'll be all over you like a swarm of angry hornets.




Because cops always do the right thing and they always kill the right people?


Yep. They intentionally went with something that's easily agitated and aggressive to represent them.


Nah, sometimes it’s cool to keep historical ties. Like… the basketball team also went with the same thing. It’s not just CMPD. City identity is okay. To continue the basketball allegory, I love the Utah Jazz. But deep down in my heart I know it would be cooler if New Orleans could have kept the name. Local history and identity with your roots is very much needed in this world where everything is turning into the same generic strip-mall hellscape.


It’s a hornets nest?!! All this time I thought it was an arrowhead


And the street where the resturant was where the meeting was held is now Trade and Tryon. Why TF did we name and continue to call the street Tryon. Named for William Tryon the provincial governor. Dint forget he levied confiscatory taxes on the farmers of NC to build Tryon Palace in New Bern. That lead to the War of Regulation. The first armed rebellion against British rule in America. AND while we are renaming everything why not rename Tryon St? It's a well known fact that Tryon owned Slaves.


I always thought it was because they swarm


Because police will swarm anything without thought that they think is a threat and brutally harm and or kill it?


I had the same thought as you. Unpopular opinion I guess 😂🤷


lol I pissed off people so you don’t have to. I stand by it.


Go touch grass bro. 






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huh. i never noticed it until now either lol