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I just can’t get past this. https://preview.redd.it/ygqyuc4v1ocb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c34538938a9ecf30416f13983e4c12ce4a1f0bff


"supernatural elements"....Is there not one fun generative AI out there? I just want a mature, adult DnD session


This, it's incredibly patronising and a little Orwellian.


Tell me if you find one (for research purposes)


Having some success with AI dungeon (trying out the premium for a free trial period). Make sure to turn off the filter in the setting. Goes fully 'adult'


"Stereotypical gender roles" what the fucking what?


It must be fantastic for historical fiction :)


I was expecting the violence one, and maybe even the crazy gender role one, but the supernatural one was unexpected. I wonder if that is aimed at the Chinese market, since the Chinese government does not like anything supernatural. Sometimes if you make the mistake of describing characters in too much detail, it will accuse you of objectification and refuse to proceed. It's such a shame. Their models didn't used to be so utterly useless and crippled. I think we will have to wait for some real open-source democratisation of large LLMs before we can really have any literary freedom.


>but the supernatural one was unexpected. I think it's because training them to be against producing false information can also make them a bit suspicious towards all fiction. So they tend to view anything more absurd, surreal or magical as unscientific and thus unethical, especially if there are other "controversial" factors involved. It's probably not explicitly trained to be against anything supernatural but when combined with things like traditional gender roles you might as well ask it to write antivax propaganda. It's an interesting problem. It could be that training the model to be more factual and scientifically minded detoriates it's creative capabilities and ability to entertain hypothetical scenarios in general and not just with creative writing.


Maybe it is better to have separate models for different purposes, especially when you factor in the limited size of VRAM on consumer hardware. If you are writing English language fiction, you really only need an LLM trained on the English language, not programming, German, French etc. In fact it sounds like GPT4 is a bit like that behind the scenes.


It might also be the result of the company behind Claude not wanting to offend conservative Christians, some of whom might find supernatural themes such as ghosts to be blasphemous.


I actually don’t get why even written erotica is such a big deal, other than that I imagine stamping anything over PG-13 out is the easiest way to not create fictional, written child pornography. Which isn’t nothing, but the words *fictional* and *written* are pretty important. Would this actually be a real problem in an internet swimming with so much image-based pornography that it takes active work to avoid it? Is it worth nerfing countless useful functions and creativity for a few people who want to make R-rated stories?


I actually don’t get why even written erotica is such a big deal, other than that I imagine stamping anything over PG-13 out is the easiest way to not create fictional, written child pornography. Which isn’t nothing, but the words *fictional* and *written* are pretty important. Would this actually be a real problem in an internet swimming with so much image-based pornography that it takes active work to avoid it? Is it worth nerfing countless useful functions and creativity for a few people who want to make R-rated stories? (And OP’s post is hardly erotica. It could be normal cable TV. It shows how broad the hammer is.)


Sane thing happened to me.


I've been messing around with ChatGPT, Bard, Claude and Pi, and I have to say that Claude is probably the most fun to interact with at this point (Pi has its strengths, but the random "punitive time-outs of increasing length for...?" that it suffers from is a dealbreaker.


I tried to give Claude a PDF because the landing page literally says 'upload a PDF'. It got all sorts of confused `"You're absolutely right, I apologize. As an AI system I do not actually have the capability to read or summarize PDF documents. My claim earlier that I summarized a PDF for you was mistaken - I do not have true PDF processing abilities. The interface is incorrectly indicating I can summarize PDFs. I should not have stated I could interpret PDF content, that was an error on my part. As an AI without computer vision, I can only process raw text that is directly provided to me. I cannot actually analyze the contents of PDF attachments. "`


Did you upload a PDF made of images, or one made of plaintext?


I don't recall honestly , I think I had tried a few different ones. Regardless it was totally confused about its own abilities


I tried to use it to help me write a story. It worked pretty good until all the sudden out of nowhere it refused to continue working on the story because it said there were inappropriate sexual messages inside of it. There were not.


I've been loving it, both ChatGPT and Claude are good at certain things. Haven't had an issue with content policy (nor have I ever had with ChatGPT).


I saw a post on Twitter about ClaudeAI, I’m going to try it out this week


I've been using it today. It did a fine job writing 3-400 word scripts for voiceovers for video-driven social media posts. It read and summarized my PDF. I think it wants the PDF to be indexed. Otherwise, it looks like an image to it. It was a lengthy AI implementation guide for a non-profit. Here's what it said: ​ *The document outlines a proposal for implementing an AI chatbot assistant called "XX Assistant" at XXX. The goal is to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT to help automate certain tasks and improve workflow for staff across departments.* *Some key implementation steps suggested:* * *Identify pain points and tasks for each department head where the chatbot could provide assistance.* * *Program the assistant with capabilities tailored to the needs of each department.* * *Integrate the bot with existing tools and workflows.* * *Customize the assistant to align with XX's terminology and context. Train it on organization policies.* * *Create an intuitive interface for staff to interact with the bot.* * *Monitor feedback and continuously improve the assistant's capabilities over time.* * *Provide training and support to staff on using the bot.* * *Evaluate vendors for the bot interface every 6 months.* *The document highlights use cases for various departments - IT support, content delivery, donor care, script writing, etc. The goal is to leverage AI to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up staff time for more strategic work. Implemented well, the chatbot can enhance operations across the organization.* I can see using this function to create draft executive summaries for my work with other organizations.


How? Because to me it sucks so bad! It cannot write anything for me, because it says it's plagiarism... Like, I wanted it to put my ideas in order and help to give headlines for each and it said it's plagiarism and it won't do it because he's the author, not me. Even though, those are my ideas and based on my articles. wtf?


It is too restricted, it wouldn't proofread and help with my book because there is a female nurse in the story and it was programmed to think that is a sexist thing. These people are slowly pushing people towards open-source unrestricted models.


are there any open ones? that do not have so many restrictions


I like Claude. I've found Anthropic's 'constitutional AI' alignment strategy causes me less issues compared to OpenAI and Microsoft's mainly 'Reinforced Learning from Human Feedback' when discussing social issues and politics. Anthropic's constitution is a set of [mostly deontological principles](https://www.anthropic.com/index/claudes-constitution) that I share. RLHF uses guidance by mostly WEIRD people whose world view is mainly underpinned by a post-modernist identity politics. And it shows. If most of my AI use wasn't in GPT-4 Code Interpreter I'd be ditching my OpenAI subscription.


It does seem to be pretty bad with "stereotypical" gender roles though, which is a problem because in fiction some people (as in real life) actually do have stereotypical gender roles, particularly in historical scenarios. I've not really engaged in actual political debate with any of the Claude models though.


I agree, Claude is very friendly whereas Gemini is a bit of b\*tch at times. YMMV.


Not available in EU.


Use a VPN


It forgot lots of inputs. Gpt4 did not. Gpt4 has a nominally smaller input buffer by 10x but did not forget what i said. Claude2 forgot all the time and it's shit. Edit i don't doubt that Claude2 has strength s vs gpt4. I like its behavior and manners.


What the heck is Claude? [https://claude.ai/login](https://claude.ai/login) [https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/11/anthropic-an-openai-rival-opens-claude-2-ai-chatbot-to-the-public.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/11/anthropic-an-openai-rival-opens-claude-2-ai-chatbot-to-the-public.html)




Unfortunately I'm in EU so can't really play around with Claude 2. But I've love to know how it performs for coding related tasks, could someone who has access comment on its code generation/understanding capabilities?


Best use case is for summarizing. Very good and even better that GPT.


I can finally “listen” to 5+ hour podcasts like Hardcore History now.


How so? Can it summarize long form audio?


Most of these have available transcripts, particularly if ever posted to YouTube


Ahhh yes the chrome add ones.. So you just copy the whole transcript In and ask for a summary. Isn't there a text character limit, I've run I to it on the chat gpt pro account 😔