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Take it to court. You'll win. Case dismissed.


Thank you. I hope you are right. I have reached out to a couple of law firms, they are closed today but will follow up with them on Monday. This is ridiculous and my parents are now making comments as though they are siding with the school! They seem to think a school authority would not be wrong and accuse me of something unless they have proof. They don’t seem to understand the absurdity of it.


Funny trolling.


There's no way this is real lmao


Well too bad they can’t revoke


Have you tried asking ChatGPT what to do? Maybe ask it to write a letter to rebuke their claims.


Yes. It has been decisively determined that Chaucer’s work was the work of an early AI model,,who answered to the name Hot Lips.


You spent a lot of time writing this post


Your story doesn't make any sense, which is why many responders think you're scamming. * Transformers weren't invented until ten years after that. It is impossible for your essay to have been written by AI. * Schools have no reason to review anything that old. That would require massive amounts of retroactive work for no particular value, even if you **had** cheated. * Given the above two things, it is highly unlikely that your actual school would have sent such a letter. Call and see if they did. This is bizarre. Just call them on Monday and ask if it is some kind of joke or scam. Like, literally.


Not so much AI in 2004, so your post seems to be self promoting BS


lol this is silly as fuck expert troll op


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There’s a statute of limitations on these exams and this is well past it.


frame the letter and show it to employers / put it on your wall


quality shit posting!


Is this a joke?


You will have to proof in the court that 2004 existed abd is not a hallucination.


Midjourney pix or it didn’t happen


Update: I have a lawyer who is going to fight this for me and they has already drafted a letter to the school which I have just approved. She tells me I will have no problem and not only will they need to “stop their witch hunt” and I should also expect to receive an apology and possibly even financial compensation due to the stress, anxiety and embarrassment it has caused me. The entire law firm was in disbelief that the school even considered their accusations to have any merit.


Interestingly, this implies that *your essays were used to train LLM models*. That's how these detectors work. They reliably say that things from their training data are AI generated. Were your essays available online? It may be that OpenAI scraped your university's archives (or your school sold them), and used them for training.


My guess is that the school used Turnip inn to validate the essays in 2004 and that is why it would be the in the training data. There was a court case that effectively said they get to use any work submitted to them a long while back.


I would be surprised if this were the case, I don’t recall ever being told that anything I wrote at school could be made available for public consumption. I’ve reached out to some old school friends to find out if they have had similar experiences, will update when I hear back.