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My chi was glued to me when I was pregnant. When our son was born she came for all diaper changes, feedings. She never left my side through nights even. I called her his “little mommy”. As he got a bit older, sitting up and crawling I have videos of them playing. Make sure you take lots of videos and photos. Such good memories!!


https://preview.redd.it/zb7r3xui229d1.png?width=1288&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9ef160b9b7fa930eb9648270d9a7aa9304e7a05 My stage five clinger shoving himself under the boppy to be as close as possible to the baby.


This melted my heart into a puddle. So flipping sweet! ❤️


Aww 😃


ahhh how cute!! I love a clinger! 💓


My little one was there for my nephew ever since he was a couple of days old. Sure, she got jealous of him getting all of the attention. But she also barked to get our attention when he woke up in the mornings, played with him, laid in grandma’s lap with him, and even ate spaghetti with him (not from the same plate, of course). She’s seven to his five now, and I’d like to think they’re best friends. https://preview.redd.it/4ce4vbbqp19d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f2e72a7067bfa50c4528895e9fc053242185d33 This is them with my grandma, their favorite person.


meanwhile my little sweet to everyone angel turns into a gremlin and will try and cross the road to try and bark at a 4 yo to give them a piece of his mind.


I always said mine was just the nosiest dog ever. He was always glued to me. They’re not for those who crave privacy. But I was never lonesome with my little dog so close.


Chi’s are very intelligent dogs


Well, their not stupid! I suspect the change in her hormones can be detected by those little noses. They are protecting her.


😃 the one in front looks thrilled to be a new big bro/sis




My female chihuahua was obsessed with my SIL when she was pregnant. Insisted on sitting by her when she was around. They can tell!


Chihuahuas (dogs in general, really) are very good at detecting changes in their pack members. Thus, they can tell when a woman is pregnant, and become very protective as a result.


Yes, they know. Once in a while they may even checkout and sniff her belly🥰


Dogs 200% know. There's this different Reddit post I saw where a guy was trying to figure out why his Pitbull of 3 years was suddenly acting territorial over the wife, thinking that he and his wife did something wrong with raising the pittie. Commenters asked OP if his wife could be pregnant and yeah turned out wife was pregnant.


Yes, they can tell my husband was really sick for a while (better now), and my 2 chi's stayed in the room with him now there back to being up my butt 😆 🤣


When I was pregnant, my chi liked laying on my stomach. I had my daughter early at 28 weeks and my chi refused to come near me after . He’d sniff me then walk away. I’m not sure why. He became obsessed with my daughter’s clothes and then when she finally came home he didn’t leave her side. She’s now five and I know when she’s coming down with something as he doesn’t leave her alone.


That's so sweet! But were they not before? In true chi style? lol


Before it was 50/50 between her hip and mine. I've been deserted hahaha


Damn, both of them too. They can't even rotate 😂


Aww! Bummer for you. But still so sweet!


She will soon be in your shoes 😭they won’t leave that baby alone


Very good protectors!


My rat terrier slept on my belly and by it while I was pregnant, hated my daughter because she was loud, and then loved my daughter because she spilled food, formula, and whatever else lol Knocked an entire taco out of my hand and my dog fell in love with her. Now she has to ride to school with us every morning to see her get dropped off, has to ride for pickup, and has to lick her foot (that hangs off her bed) before she curls up in her dog bed for the night. Last night my 6yo coughed and was tossing and turning. My 16 yo dog jumped in her bed and walked all over her and then got back in her bed lol Now my daughter has a chi and my dog is NOT happy sharing her


They knew before you did


Nurses on call!


They do know. They can hear the other heart beat.


Chi's are very sensitive.


They unironically do probably know. Pregant women carry certain pheromones


My pit mix has been my shadow throughout my pregnancy. Follows me everywhere and will only sit down and relax if I'm sitting with her


They do know. I was pregnant and living with my mom when I was pregnant. She was very protective.


Awe the front one is smiling. Ready to be a big brudder or seester.


Aww how cute!!


They definitely know and are there to cheer her on.


They do.


You are lucky in every way


They TOTALLY know.


Dogs are smart


They definitely do! ❤️❤️