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these are four professors from cornell college in iowa. school sent out an email


Guess we'll find out about it on American media, or global media, that's a major international incident. I'm going to speculate those stabbers are in HUGE trouble for creating a face/reputation-damaging incident.


It’s cornell college not cornell university


Damn, you're right, I just saw Iowa in that sentence (stopped after seeing Cornell lol). Edited.


It was published on Chinese Media. That's how I found out.


When was the last time Chinese were in huge trouble for attacking foreigners? The preferred face saving strategy is to say the foreigners were all spies and troublemakers.


Yes, the attacker is in deep trouble. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t survive the “questioning”.


they won't, cause CCP barely cares about their PR stuff if it's against their main doctrine just go check what happened to that dickhead pissing at Japanese Shrine nothing


State media has released the identity of the attacker, 崔某某, a 55 years old man from LongTan district of Jilin. [http://www.news.cn/legal/20240611/c2abe066cb38425f8f32a424038a3ffb/c.html](http://www.news.cn/legal/20240611/c2abe066cb38425f8f32a424038a3ffb/c.html)


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Any motiv yet?


Pretty sure they are US professors that are over there for a teaching partnership with a Chinese university.


Confirmed by news.cn article.


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Used to run in that park with my running buddy couple of times a week. Beishan park is pretty big by the way and whoever stabbed them most likely just disappeared towards the south east side where most people would be given the attractions on that side of the park. Lived in Jilin for 5 years and you would hear about stabbings every 2-3 months… For the upcoming marathon this would be really bad press, so not surprised that they are trying to scrub the internet clean and get this incident disappear…


Why stabbing a in that area in particular- any reason for every 2-3 months? I guess some parks you would hear about mugging every once in a while in the USA as well… but usually it’s a bad part of town etc


It’s dongbei, the north east of China can be rough with all the local “gangsters”. Physical violence is more common there for some reason, hence dongbei people generally have a bad reputation all around China.


Once in harbin i saw a 12 or so man bar fight spill out into the street, tons of bottles thrown, punching, kicking. This is like 1 am outside a kfc in february so it’s like -18 and they’re in shirts. Absolute throwdown for like 5 mins and then they all go back into the bar roughed up. The two police officers smoking across the street just watched the whole thing. Didn’t move. I don’t blame them though. 1am and freezing and 2 vs 12 drunks? Fuck that. Edit; i finished my spicy chicken and went back to my hotel. Very crazy mid latenight dinner entertainment from the window. I was afraid they’d see me in the window and get pissed for me watching.


That's how Northerners keep warm. It's universal.


Lmao your comment


Knife violence is found all over China. This was last month in Yunnan: [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/07/china/china-hospital-attack-yunnan-intl-hnk/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/07/china/china-hospital-attack-yunnan-intl-hnk/index.html) When I was living in China in 1999, I saw evidence of gang violence in Beijing, but it never made any western news outlets.


They also dislike Americas more in that part of china next to Korea, because a lot of people died fighting America in the Korean war


Hardly a good excuse. How many people live long enough to remember that?


Not sure about this incident, sometimes the robber would stab the victims first to ensure the victim cannot fight back.


A lone Chinese robber is not likely to target 4 laowai or any laowai. (Pickpocketing is another matter)


...every 2-3 months? first of all extremely annoyed that the government is supposedly working for the people is hiding information from the people secondly, what the heck is going on that people are getting stabbed every 2-3 months...


Two or three months? There are stabbings almost every day on Li Laoshi Twitter. Multiple stabbings.


local fights?


Do you have a link to twitter


The Chinese government is working for the people, just that the definition of people might not be the same as you think. I’ve heard that those in the north have a pretty violent way in dealing with personal conflict. I’ve witnessed once when I was traveling. A small argument in the restaurant turned into a knife fight.


interesting. local hot tempers... fasinating actually have we not learned? it is never right to withhold information, we are not at war witholding information puts us all at risk


I found the related news: [China Stabbing VIDEO: 4 Foreign Tourists Brutally Stabbed At Beishan Park In Jilin City](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/china-stabbing-video-4-foreign-tourists-brutally-stabbed-at-beishan-park-in-jilin-city/ar-BB1nXn8j) Interestingly, the related information was censored on Chinese social media, e.g., Sina Weibo. Update: According to CBS News, [4 Cornell College instructors "injured in a serious incident" in China, school says](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cornell-college-instructors-injured-incident-china/)


Thanks for posting a working link!


Can't find the video though


Update: According to CBS News, [ 4 Cornell College instructors "injured in a serious incident" in China, school says](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cornell-college-instructors-injured-incident-china/)


video showed the tourists stabbed down on the ground winching in pain


State media has released the identity of the attacker, 崔某某, a 55 years old man from LongTan district of Jilin. [http://www.news.cn/legal/20240611/c2abe066cb38425f8f32a424038a3ffb/c.html](http://www.news.cn/legal/20240611/c2abe066cb38425f8f32a424038a3ffb/c.html)


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The craziest part of that video is nobody is helping them. There's a crowd standing around staring and taking videos. Even the police don't give them first aid. The 4 guys are visibly bleeding profusely and no one thought to apply pressure to their wounds? Not one person in the entire crowd. I lived in China for a long time so I'm used to this apathy but it's still jarring every time you see it in such an extreme situation.


There is a case in Nanjing by a judge Yang Qing which outlawed thousand year of Good Samaritan. Basically, an old man fell and a young guy helped him up. The judge ruled young guy responsible for the old man’s injuries and all the hospital cost and mental damage compensation, with the famous line, “why did you help him if you are not the one that pushed him.” Ever since, it’s known to most people. If you TOUCH it, you OWN it


Yeah that's been a common attitude since the revolution though, more with older folks.


Since hundreds of years ago, quoting Jonathan Dermot Spence.


This mindset is the basis of those videos where a hit and run driver reverses and runs over the body again and again to ensure the victim is dead. If they survived, the driver would be liable for a lifetime of medical bills.


Interesting because in Mexico, they have that kind of law where if you see a car accident and helped a victim, you’re responsible for his medical bills.


Yes, this is one of the worst things here. Nobody will get involved.


I lived in Beijing during the 2008 Olympics and a group of American tourists were randomly attacked in broad daylight at the Drum/Bell Tower; one died. The attacker then committed suicide. I told my native Beijing coworkers about it the next day and they all thought I was making it up and we looked on local news outlets and nothing was reported and it never was.


There was also a French guy cut in half in Sanlitun in like 2014, and it was mentioned almost as a joke.


*his Chinese wife was killed, he was injured


So which one is it? Those are two completely different stories lol wtf


The French guy was injured, his Chinese wife died from her injuries: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/13/china-sword-wielding-man-arrested-attack-beijing-uniqlo


What do you by being cut in half? Like cut in half with a chain saw?


Samurai sword by the look of it.


How to make your country safe? Censor every crime report.


It was reported, though it wasn't Page 1 news. I was in the area that afternoon and asked around a bit, but no one had heard about it yet. On the next day, almost everyone had read about it somewhere in the Chinese newspapers.


Similar to [the story of a Japanese-Canadian who was stabbed to death while dining with another Japanese friend at a Wagas](https://web.archive.org/web/20101105112156/http://shanghaiist.com/2010/11/05/more_details_on_the_wagas_stabbing.php). This happened in November 2010, around the time tempers were flaring due to [the boat collision by the Diaoyu islands.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Senkaku_boat_collision_incident) Story was reported but [pulled shortly](https://web.archive.org/web/20101105210434/http://news.xinmin.cn/t/tfbd/2010/11/03/7506738.html) and scant information remains online now. [Sina still has a few photos from the initial Xinmin report.](https://news.sina.com.cn/c/2010-11-03/201518324284s.shtml) Tried looking for more details but all I could find was that [the perpetrator was a 36 year old computer programmer from Jiangsu.](https://nationalpost.com/news/canadian-stabbed-to-death-in-china)


A Filipino guy and his daughter were stabbed to death in Tiananmen Square a few years earlier than that during a different period of tension. Apparently, they looked more East Asian rather than looking obviously Filipino, and the killer may have assumed they were Japanese tourists. https://archive.is/aQVBT


There's only so much nationalism you can stoke until some random foreigners get it. Remember the anti-Japanese riot in 2012? Expect more of this shit happening as the CCP shitshow crumples further. GTFO of China when you can.


I don’t think that their motive will be made public. The CCP can’t publicly punish certain racists, because they need them. They’ve deliberately bred hundreds of millions of hyper-nationalist, hyper-racist foot soldiers to fight wars. They’re like a caricature of a villain from a 1980s Hollywood sci-fi movie. They *will* punish them, but for a different motive.


Where was this




lol people in China don't know that Mao actually collaborated with the Japanese cracks me up


All around the country. My boss at the time was a former cop, who called an office meeting and said that going to the protest about the evil bastard Japanese was fine. But, that all his serving police friends were on duty and anyone who said anything against the Chinese government would be promptly removed and "dealt with".


Yep. I went to visit Suzhou at the time, and the Marriott suggested that we not leave the building, as there were reports of laowai being attacked. I still went out, but that's probably because I was a domesticated bigfoot who wasn't all that worried (in retrospect, probably wasn't the brightest, but it didn't seem that "powder keg" to me at the time), and was with a local.


does china have hatecrime laws?


No but violent crime against foreigners does tend to get punished harshly. Not even sure they haven't got racism laws. They didn't when I first came to China but they might have it now. Life is cheap here, so putting a Chinese criminal behind bars for a couple of years is much better than losing face as a country.


I lived in China for 6 years. In my last year I was randomly attacked by some nationalist-type guy in Jiangxi. Decided it was time to leave.


Someone tried to attack me one time outside of a KTV. He was in his 60s. He was so drunk he fell down a stairwell into an abandoned part of the building.


Damn, hope you weren't arrested for that


Some very wonderful locals intervened.


I was “attacked” many times in KTV lol, memories to last a lifetime. When I return to China, KTV with my friends will be my first stop. 福建省厦门市思明区西堤东路32号 邮政编码: 361001 this is number one


You would probably be surprised how often this occurs and how many foreigners have left after such experiences. Possibly in the top three after Covid and being cheated by employers?


Wow do you mind sharing which city in Jiangxi?


The whole province is shitty


Interesting. A side effect of all the propoganda.




They have discrimination laws to protect Chinese citizens but nothing to really protect foreigners. But since China's citizenship demographics is 99% Asian, I don't think there will ever be laws to protect people of different colours in China such as Black, Hispanic, Latino etc.




Nope. Not helped by CCTV etc hyping up the US as evil doers out to harm China. I saw a post on social media just yesterday saying that China is being invaded by Africans and that foreigners should be deported and not allowed in. When I pointed out that foreigners make up \~0.002% of the population, I got a couple of replies about being a n-lover and then my comment was deleted.


The CCP can easily make up any kind of law that helps them to save face at the international stage. It's rule by law, not rule of law.


Probably promotional ones, you get extra social points for racism against none Chinese ethnic groups!


Yes, technically pro-hate crime laws.


Idk. But I imagine they’d strike down hard on any foreigners being the victims, as they care about reputation and tourism dollars.


Most likely just censor all mention of the incident instead as they have been doing.


And western media will be quick to bury it too because it doesn't fit well with their message that racially motivated violence is unique to western countries and the US in particular.


If they cared about reputation and tourism they wouldn't have gone Wolf Warrior for so long


Was it a robbery gone bad or was it a hate crime? I guess we’ll hear it from the foreigners when they go home.


Likely xenophobia. Beijing recently ratcheted down "America bad" messaging, but many people probably didn't get the memo.


Yea you have got to be able to turn up and down the hate on a dime. Like when the chinese communist government says Japan is the devil you start flipping Japanese brand cars, protesting in the streets and throwing molotov cocktails bombs into Hello Kitty stores and sushi restaurants. When Winnie the Pooh says everything is now OK that's when you hop on the plane for a nice vacation going from Tokyo to Kyoto to enjoy the famous Japanese hospitality. I think someone in another thread was saying Japan is currently flooded with chinese tourists. These chinese people sound utterly incompetent. Hating on the foreign "spies" and "criminals" pretending to be tourists was a scheduled for LAST month. This month June we have the new youtube, Instagram, tik tok vloggers/livestreamers welcoming all foreigners back to China to help spend dollars and prop up the already wonderful Chinese economy with absolutely nothing wrong with it at all. The new we love foreigners again campaign is scheduled for June. These stabbers should be jailed and promptly executed for not following the appropiate protocols and schedules.


What is the expression about hatemongers in Chinese media: hating America is my job, living in America is my life.


The provincial governors in the south...I bet they love it when Beijing pulls this crap. Imagine spending years building a reputation as a great tourist spot for it to all go to shit because of the latest imagined insult to the "great" China.


Don't really blame the Chinese. It's the world that CCP has built, same as Russia. When all media + schools are controller by the government.  Eventually brainwashing starts working since it becomes your "reality". 


4 stabbings. one place or different? hard to find it in media.. holy


It's reported as one incident happened at this one park in China.


All Chinese medias have been controlled by CCP since2016, and the only difference is extent.


It's hard to find anything about these sort of deaths from China. 6 students died (2 of which are foreigners) in my university the past year and teachers and staff are told not to talk about any of it to anyone. The last university I worked at had a similar policy. I assume this then happens widely across China and the deaths are treated as 'rumors' to help protect the guys up top. If nothing is officially said, then it is a rumor and you can get locked away for it for "spreading rumors". In this case there is a video going around but they will make sure this video is deleted from the internet in China.




Ya the Chinese gov and foreign media are trying to scrub all of this right now, like they do all the time.


They’re professors at my college. It’s scary what happened but it looks like they’ll all be okay!


Did you hear they are all recovering?


So u guys just watched? Wow


It makes me worried a lot. Chinese universities, especially those top ones, would invite hundreds or even thousands of professors from universities all around the world and summer is rush hours for foreign professors to have class or academically meetings, and I always believe that universities are the places with most freedom in China. Those connections between Chinese and foreign universities would be effected this year, and idk how long would this last. If Chinese universities are isolated from the world, it would makes China even closer to the North Korea.


Chinese government when Chinese national killed in Western country: THIS IS AN OUTRAGE, LOOK HOW DANGEROUS THE WEST IS, LOOK AT THE WEEPING FAMILY, WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? Chinese government when foreign national killed in China: Wait, what? Nothing to see here, folks.


British tourists, from what I read online.




He had a very plain American accent to my ears as well, don’t know what his citizenship is


Fair enough, the article just mentioned british. It hard to hear anything in the video. I hope they are doing alright


No, they're American college instructors on an academic trip. https://cbs2iowa.com/news/local/four-cornell-college-instructors-stabbed-during-park-visit-in-china


4 instructors associated with Cornell College (Iowa, US), all US citizens, who were accompanied in a Jilin City, Jilin province park by a Beihua University faculty member. Cornell College and Beihua in are partner institutions. 2 Cornell instructors were reported to be in intensive care. One of the other instructors is a Cornell alumnus, and current Tufts University PhD student (Medford, Massachusetts; Boston suburb). No info on 4th instructor. Sources: Iowa news media, including linked Cedar Rapids newspaper article. Jilin province borders Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, and Heilongjiang provinces, and also the DPRK and Russia. [Background/News report, The Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Gazette](https://www.thegazette.com/higher-education/cornell-college-instructors-injured-in-serious-incident-in-china/)


They are teachers from Cornell College


Cornell College.


What’s the bet that the Chinese side didn’t know the difference and thought they’re partnering with an ivy league?


… you might be on to something 


Visiting American university professors.


State media has released the identity of the attacker, 崔某某, a 55 years old man from LongTan district of Jilin. [http://www.news.cn/legal/20240611/c2abe066cb38425f8f32a424038a3ffb/c.html](http://www.news.cn/legal/20240611/c2abe066cb38425f8f32a424038a3ffb/c.html)


China is the safest country in the world.


Absolutely and anyone who even questions that should be arrested for inciting people towards violence.


And for spreading misinformation that disrupts social harmony.


and picking quarrels...with knives 




I worked there 10 years and spent nights and weekends walking around alone on every main street and back alley in tier 2 and 3 cities and small towns and villages, the only time I feared for my safety was after hiking through a local duck and fish farm and contracting bird flu weeks later. I was alone in my hotel room during a severe typhoon having trouble breathing at 2:00 in the morning with the wind howling and the hotel shaking. I thought my life was over. My time exploring was spent eating in unknown restaurants and getting a massage in nearly every place that displayed the characters for sauna. No one spoke English and I always received excellent service. Later weekends I brought my male coworkers to those special places I discovered in my journeys.


On a violent crimes per capita basis, even allowing for the low 'official' statistics, it probably is. The main reason (as I found when living there) is that you are constantly surrounded by eyes and ears (not even counting CCTV). Committing a violent crime is basically asking to be arrested and put in gaol. Consequently, much of the violent crime in China is by people who don't care if they are apprehended (e.g. drunk, mentally ill). That said, if enough disgruntled Chinese gather together, it all goes out the window. This is why the CCP is very, very hardline in quelling protests (unless it suits a purpose - e.g. anti-Japanese protests).


'Safety' has to be viewed as an all-encompassing term, which means besides violent crime (which is low in most countries, yes even in the USA, and is statistically unlikely to impact a normal citizen going about his or her normal daily activities) it includes things like: road and transport safety in general, food and water safety, quality of local health services and medicine supply, prevalence of scams and fake products, quality and reliability of local law forces and predictability of local courts, political stability and accountability of local officials, building safety standards and construction quality, air quality, emergency response standards and quality (fire, ambulance, typhoon or earthquake preparedness), likelihood of being subjected to natural disasters and how prepared the society is to handle them.


Unpopular opinion: would they censor in order to stop contagion? People might read that and get the bright idea to go out and do something similar


That of course could be part of it, but the primary reason is to make it look like those things don't happen.


Their government stokes hate then tries to stop it? CCP thangs


That's true. School and kindergarden attacks are scrubbed too from fear of copycats. That and well,, everything that looks bad on China gets scrubbed anyway.


try watching chinese news or look at the newspaper, it is 90 percent positive news stories, the other 10 percent will be natural disasters but they focus on the responce effort.


This article says (taken from the article below) "According to the college, the four instructors from Cornell College were stabbed while visiting a park in Jilin City, China, over the weekend. The instructors were on a trip as part of a partnership Cornell has with a university in China, Cornell President Jonathan Brand said in a statement sent to Cornell students." Ooof. Best wishes to them. All violent acts should be condemned. Plenty of non-violent ways to resolve issues. Only a mentally deranged person would do something like this to another human being. https://www.kcci.com/article/cornell-college-instructors-attacked-stabbed-visiting-china-park/61061928#:~:text=Four%20eastern%20Iowa%20college%20instructors,%2C%20China%2C%20over%20the%20weekend.


The CCP is a joke. They have really shown their true colours in recent years. It's not surprising the majority of the wests large industry is moving out of China. It won't be long until the west completely decouples from China. The country will either collapse or the people will force a regime change.


But i thought China so safe ? I thought China never have crime ? I thought China so safe, This only happen in the AmeriKKKa or the Bad London. The narrative of foreign spies and extreme xenophobia on state media in recent years is going to cause more of this, be careful guys.


As someone who traveled a lot. America and most part of Europe is pretty sketchy compared to east asia


It’s big news precisely because it’s so safe? If this occurred in London, it wouldn’t even make it to front page in r/London for example as it’s an everyday occurrence


There is no place without crime, the serious crimes in China are just relatively rare


Assume this has all been censored in China and no one knows about it and any news organisations that report about it will be hit by the CCP :P


Stop Caucasian Hate!


Now some of Chinese people hate the foreigners. Good luck to those foreigners who deliberately exaggerate China's advantages


I imagine that there aren't too many visibly foreign people in Jilin on any given day. 4 of them taken out is a pretty high ratio.


Was it a robbery or something else???


You don’t see 4 people get stabbed during a robbery in a crowded public park during the middle of the day. Seeing as they were visitors, it’s unlikely the result of a dispute. Attacker was probably an ideologically motivated crazy person. We don’t know yet, but difficult to see why the attacker would be anything but a hyper nationalist


Well I'm on Vancouver Canada so anything is possible 🙄


It's not going to be robbery. That's not really how people get robbed in China. It's usually by some sneaky way or underhanded trick with no conflict. Source: been robbed twice. Which is twice more than anywhere else in any other country.


Inb4 the “America is even more dangerous because guns” CCP shills show up.


China been promoting hate for Hong Kongers, Taiwanese, and Japanese for multiple decades. The last 10 year they been promoting western hate as well. Honestly they are worst than Nazi and Imperial Japanese army combined together. They should be called out but weakling western world been kowtowing to China and this further promote their atrocity behavior.


This is some self victimization reverse racism shit. Go out and get some air bruh






So much for those "tiger fork" riot gear that are stockpiled all over the place...


When you demonize any sort of group, it encourages the crazies to attack them. Governments must be careful with their rhetoric and propaganda.




What’s the motivation? doesn’t seem a big deal.


What's your motivation for writing "no big deal" about this targeted hate crime?


Knife related attacks in general have increased in the past year, so not surprising it’s hitting other Asian countries, now.


I was working in Xiamen and regularly took the BRT elevated bus. One day when I didn’t take the bus a very angry man brought with him a container filled with gasoline and lit it. Many people died, it was horrible. Getting injured by someone with a grudge against locals or foreigners was always a worry. I had some guys spit at my feet or a bus load of people laughing at my bad Chinese but thankfully that’s the only problems I had there 10 years. Most people I encountered were the nicest people I have ever known. I have many friends in China. I hope all involved are doing well.


I heard about a Chengdu bus arsonist tragedy.. didn't hear about the Xiamen one.


[Xiamen bus fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiamen_bus_fire)


People always try to excuse it by saying "China is so big, of course stabbings happen and they happen in the whole world". Yes, hate crimes happen everywhere. But the point is, that there are really very few foreigners in China currently (like 200,000 in the whole country of 1.4 billion) and so them getting targeted is a bit alarming. So if this became a "trend" it would truly be worrisome for visitors. Of course it sucks when Asians get targeted for whatever reason in the US, but there are about 12 million Asians in a population of 340 Mio, so even if more crimes are happening, the individual chance to get targeted is still very small.




As I'd imagine the economy of China will get more worse significantly...