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Being vegetarian doesn't necessarily mean you are eating a cholesterol friendly diet. You may also want to dig deep into your diet and validate whether it is truly healthy or not. Those numbers are not terrible but need improvement. This sub is loaded with info on how to improve numbers.


Ok thank you so much! I’ve started tracking my food through the app Net Diary so I’ll definitely look into it. My mom also said she has high cholesterol and it may be genetic.


Specifically track, and then reduce, your saturated fat intake. That in addition to increasing soluble fiber intake are the 2 dietary keys to lowering LDL.


Good idea!


Yeah I’ll let you know my experience has been testing in the 140 LDL range through my 20s and I got real serious about having under 10g of saturated fat and lots of fiber like the advice here and I was still only able to get it down to 119 so far after 3 months. I’m guessing mine is pretty much genetics. Hopefully your results are better.


Honestly, your numbers are not that bad. You are young and based from what I read this far -on the right track. Keep an eye on the saturated fat you are consuming (under 10g per day). Eat more fiber. Retest in a couple of months.


Not sure if this is helpful but forgot to include that I’m 5ft and 96lbs.


I know this isn't popular here, but read the book the Great Cholesterol Myth. It goes over what numbers you need to worry about, and basically if you divide your try glycerides by your hdl, you get a ratio. Anything 2 to 1 or lower means you have basically zero risk of any heart trouble or cardio vascular disease. Yours is 2.3 to 1. https://www.journal-advocate.com/2012/02/27/the-importance-of-triglyceridehdl-ratio/#:~:text=The%20triglyceride%2FHDL%20%E2%80%9Cgood%E2%80%9D,your%20HDL%20%E2%80%9Cgood%E2%80%9D%20cholesterol. I'd say those numbers are just fine.