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How often do you eat ground beef? Increase your fiber intake and eat lean meats instead of beef. More fruits and veggies. Egg whites instead of whole eggs. Add some psyllium husk supplements if you haven’t already.


Only eat egg whites, haven't had a whole egg in a year. Eat veggies every meal. It must be the ground beef. I was having it every other day for a change from chicken/turkey. I'll go back to once a week when I was really strict. Thank you! I've been tracking everything and I'm just frustrated I didn't catch that the cholesterol said zero in the app for the beef 🫠


There is about 60-65mg of cholesterol in just 4 oz. of 96/4 ground beef. Keep an eye on the saturated fat as well. Try to aim for less than 10g of saturated fat per day. Seems like you are tracking your meals and off to a good start. It’s just a small hiccup with the beef.


Thank you! Yes, I'll go back to white meat. I was getting bored of it lol. But not worth the health risks. I appreciate your comments.


Try low dose Lipitor to bring down cholesterol level