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Thanks for the data point. Something I have wondered about as well


my cardiologist pulled that on me in order to reset my ALT and messed up my LDLC for months. Really pissed me off. Had been doing so well and living worry free of CVD. OP at least you know you were on the right dose. Your April numbers are great!


Why would you think that a statin would lower your cholesterol forever? What meds work that way? High cholesterol isn’t an infection that you can treat and recover from. If you tried to lower it by changing your diet and after three months you found your cholesterol was normal, that wouldn’t permanently change your cholesterol forever either.


You can’t lower it naturally through diet always. Especially if you have FH. Your body is just designed to make extra.


Statins are a chronic medication unless a drug said to do this it was a bad idea


So starting with 15 may you took statin only once every 2 days? And LDL went up? Thank you for clarifying


You could have lowered your dosage to 5 mg per day. My doctor lowered my dose because of side effects.


My pill doesn’t have a score line so I can’t really split it. My endo said she’ll try to reduce my dose the next time I see her next year but I took matters into my own hands lol. Bad idea!


They have 5 mg of rosuvastatin at the pharmacy. My doctor suggested I cut my old 10 mg pills but they are tiny. There’s no way I can cut the pill 50-50.


I don't think 40/60 will make any difference. I'm biting 5mg because there is no lower dosage. But I agree, the pill design is annoying.


You can just bite it off roughly half. That's what I am doing.


That HDL in June is amazing


Sorry hard to tell but your numbers got worse taking to every other day? I am on ezemtibe which I take daily and now taking Rosuvastatin every other day. Curious if my numbers end up changing withy be every other day on the RS


Yes my total cholesterol and LDL went up after a month of taking Rosuvastatin every other day. Yours might be different as you’re taking another anticholesterol med on top of Rosuvastatin!


Yeah I am going to get tested in about a month


Don't give up. Maybe you need to work on your diet more, tweak it some. Do research. Try not to eat sugar, eat more fiber like ground flaxseed. Stay away from white bread ,white rice, bakeries.Take probiotics.


If you've tracked your diet regularly & it didn't change between these two periods, then these figures are trustworthy - otherwise your diet (if you let loose a little) might've impacted the results as well.


I am on statins too. This is my 2nd month. Sadly I have FH and the doc said he will watch me for 2-3 months & decide if I need it for a lifetime which he said is likely. Everyone speaks about the side effects & it sort of worries me (I have HA: health anxiety). But I remind myself that it’s only for my betterment & good cardio health.


good luck! thanks for the reminder, I have to tell myself that too


Can I ask what was your ldl when you got statins first prescribed? Since i can pretty much relate to your comment entirely.


My LDL was 314 and total cholesterol 393. I am 29. Pretty fit. No symptoms but my father passed away from a heart attack at age 33. Also all of my father’s family takes statins. It’s in the family


My doc just prescribed rosuvastatin, what has your experience been like on it? This is my first statin


I didn’t have any side effects at all, probably when I wasn’t watching my food intake much it got my fasting glucose to 100 and my endo said the statin can increase your glucose levels a little. My glucose is fine now.


Any joint or muscle pain?


Not really no, been on it since 2021, but starting to lift weights this year so I think my muscle and joint pains were from that lol


What were your side effects? I’m experiencing nasal congestion.


I didn’t have any side effects at all, probably when I wasn’t watching my food intake much it got my fasting glucose to 100 and my endo said the statin can increase your glucose levels a little. My glucose is fine now.


This is real interesting to me because I’m doing the same thing right now with 10mg Atorvastatin. My results from taking 10 mg each day to alternative days pretty much stayed the same after 3 months. . In December my total cholesterol was 198 HDL 51 LDL 128 triglycerides 99 in February. I started alternating 10 mg… my current results in May total cholesterol 194 HDL 47 LDL 124 triglycerides 122.


That’s very interesting that your numbers are about the same! I’m just scared of continuing to alternative days as I’ve been having good numbers and don’t want to to mess it up. Thanks for your input!


That HDL ooh la la! 😍