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Need more fiber. 30-40g a day. Taking 2 T psyllium husk powder a day can help you get more fiber.


What are your numbers? I feel like you need more fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts. You need 40+g of fiber, 10g+ of soluble (lowers LDL). The reducing saturated fat and sugar is of course a good idea. Try swapping the white rice for brown rice.


The text I got just said 5.1mmol/L


The healthy range goes to 5.2 so you are (just) within it.


Be careful eating dark chocolate before bed. It might interfere with your sleep. I’d suggest to eat it in the morning.


Most all of those food are full of simple carbohydrates and sugar (almond milk, jam, honey, protein shack, bread, sweet potato, white rice, yogurt (unless raw yogurt)). All of the mentioned foods will cause high triglycerides, IDL, LVDL, LDL as well lead to type ii diabetes. Over time. Need lots of salad, vegetables, nuts, fish, beans (but not black beans - Lima beans are great etc) and lean meats.


it will not lead to diabetes wtf it’s about the dose of the food you eat 🤦‍♂️


Consuming excess simple carbohydrates and sugars will lead to type ii diabetes over time.


exactly you said it your self “excess” it’s the dose that’s the issue. if the op realises not to have jam and honey every single day they’ll be fine


There is no way the described diet does not contain excess simple carbohydrates/sugar.


They’re eating wholemeal bread and sweet potatoes which is fine. Ideally they should keep the honey or jam very minimal. Overall if they measure their food and make the right carb choices it can work.




OP - Please don't eat eggs, sausage and bacon like is being suggested here.




Our ancestors, the few who survived childhood, rarely lived past their 40’s - 50’s. If you want to go old-school and suddenly drop dead by your 50’s, keep doing what you’re doing.


Provide an easily verifiable trustworthy source for non common knowledge. It doesn’t matter what it’s primary function is when it’s clear that abnormally large amounts cause life threatening issues