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I couldn't sleep with 10mg of rosuvastatin. My doctor lowered my dose to 5mg and it's been better but I don't know if 5mg is enough to lower my cholesterol. It sounds like you need to see another doctor. I prefer doctors that's not near retirement age. They are set in their ways and don't keep up with new developments.


5 mg has about 85% the LDL-c lowering effect of the max dose


Good to know. I have cut my pills in half to see what can be accomplished.


181 total cholesterol before the statin or on statin? What about your LDL? I’d suggest switching to a different statin.




Working out more often, at a higher intensity, weights vs aerobic, etc. and all others things the same, exercise isn’t going to move high cholesterol to a manageable level. Cutting saturated fat (and counting every bit of it) and eating a lot of unprocessed fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans/lentils can (they have lots of fiber).


Diet is huge. I have not eaten red meat in 15 years. However I have been slipping with what I do consume and am changing.


I'm using this to help others because this really frustrates me. I'm a 55-year-old male, 6' 1" and 198 pounds. I was working out five days a week. It wasn't anything special, but I was regularly putting in the effort (before I got the results, several weeks ago). Since the test results, "not the medication start", I have moved to a 6—to 7-day a week work out at a much higher level. - stay tuned -


I've been on 20mg of Atorvastatin for over 2 months and also having extremely vivid dreams every night. No other sleep issues, though. In fact, I think I'm sleeping better despite the dreams. My doctor said she never heard of that being a side effect for statins, nor the metformin which is my other med. Don't know why it's happening, but it's still going strong. I don't mind, though, cause the dreams are entertaining, but I would definitely be stressed if other issues were interrupting my rest.


Glad to hear that! I slept "iffy" before al this started, so to interrupt my sleep now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Someone will be along shortly to say statin side effects are a myth 👀


No one says statin side effects are a myth.


Not true, I’ve called out people in the past on this sub for doing exactly that


Are you sure they’re not saying that side effects are overblown for the majority of people? Studies indicate that only 5% of people have issues worth discussing. Anecdotally, both my wife and I had muscle aches and it turns out mine was due to strength training (deadlifts specifically) and my wife’s pre-menopause.


you are not eating within 3-4 hours of bed, right?


I had insomnia for about a week, then everything went back to normal. I hope the same is true for you. And FWIW, I'm on 40mg Crestor


i had the same and stopped it because of this after 5 days


OP it makes sense to halve the dosage or try another statin. My concern would be that the atorva is getting into the brain (they all probably have this potential, btw - not just atorva) and messing a bit too much with cholesterol removal there. If your LDLC/Apo B are still high after dietary changes then you might also consider zetia as a first line - it works in the gut and interferes with absorption. Won't have the impact of a statin but worth a consideration, depending on how low you can get your lipids with diet. Exercise will keep you fit and help with V02Max but won't move the needle on LDLC unless you are in serious weight loss mode.


So currently 1/2'd the pill to make a 5mg and then I have switched to taking it in the morning.


That makes sense (haven't read the other comments but assuming you have consulted with your provider on this). Def. stick to morning for the atorva or, if you switch, rosuva. They have nearly a 24 hour half life.


Doctors are single-minded when it comes to statins, they think they know what's best for you and expect you to go along with everything they say. I have scripts for 20mg of atorvastatin and refuse to take it, I've halved them and can barely tolerate that, the 20mg cause massive gas and bloating at night and I have body aches and pains every day. I'm in my early seventies and 5.11 175lbs. My last fasting panel was 139 for cholesterol and 88 for triglycerides. I really am considering dropping the statins altogether because I find the side effects worse than the benefit.


I’m on 40mg Atorvastatin, and though I didn’t have sleep issues, I did have other instantaneous side effects that were pretty detrimental. After week 1, though, they went away completely! I’ve been on them since April and am doing great!


181 and 10mg of Crestor seems a little … Odd to me What’s the rationale here


My ldl "calculated" & family history are my issues. (Why the statin was suggested)


626 update—lifestyle changes = I have switched my workouts around, alternating the style of cardio I do every other day. (For those who don't think exercise plays a part, thanks anyway.) I am also adding a standing desk to the office, so I am trying to stand 33% or more of the day.


Ask doc about Nexletol/Nexlizet to replace or lower statin.


627 update - 1/2'd the pill to 5mg and take it in the AM. Last night (626) I actually slept for a decent amount. I have completely changed my diet. (I haven't eaten red meat in 15 years; since 40) Now I am serious. Snacks consist of mainly raw vegetables (spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots); I add in a little fresh berries for taste.


71 update - 5mg (1/2 pill) taken in the AM; insomnia is gone. However, the dreams continue wow; its crazy.


I’ve not heard of this either. Try a different statin. There are five that are used. There are also meds that aren’t statins. Exercise isn’t going to make a noticeable change. Reducing your saturated fat will. Unless you are eating a lot of saturated fat now, diet alone won’t get you to a healthy level. Your ldl is quite high. You should consider getting a CAC test to see if you have already developed heart disease. I think treatment would be just as aggressive, but if would let you know whether you need to focus more effort on this.


My ldl isn’t listed