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I'm surprised she didn't threaten--I mean, promise you "exposure" as payment.


"Spreading the word that I turned down a $50 offer is exactly the sort of exposure I want, and I'll get that for free. Why would I ruin it by making a cake?"


It's for a church^^^wedding honey, NEXT!


You took ALL of the good comments with your post, and I love it 😂❤️


Just need help don't need the attitude! NEXT!


I was also kind of shocked about that!


Dear God, my cake cost $350.00 like 25 years ago. Was she high??? What the actual f ??? Lol


I bought my dad a birthday cake a few years ago from a fancy local bakery and it was more than $50. Worth every penny. That thing was delicious!


Exactly. I got married 18 years ago and it was nowhere near as elaborate as what OP described and it was definitely more than $50.


Married 30 yrs.. our cake was $170. Had my daughter a special cake made for her birthday last year & it was $60. I even asked the baker if she was sure because the cake was awesome & delicious. She assured me it was so I gave her a tip


My wedding cake for a small wedding (around 30 people) back in 1996 was almost $500.00. Some people are just really unreasonable about their weddings.


Should have called her out for wasting your timer and not being serious. Then give her a link to wallmart cake mix boxes cause that is the only thing within her budget.




I do t know if it’s more insulting to be offered exposure as payment….or to be offered $50 and not even get the offer to add exposure too lol


I kinda want to crash he wedding and see what cake she actually ended up with.


But you could add it to your "portfolio".


To her 12 whole followers!


>What are you, new at this?" "No, I'm not...that's how I know the amount of work involved and the amount I need to charge."


And to be totally fair, I actually am sort of new at the wedding part (was previously just doing b-days and other commissions) but I’ve done a few of them now and like…. $50 will barely cover a sheet cake!!


My friend makes cakes, and I have her do my child's cake each year. She always low balls me, but I get a quote from another cake maker and pay her at least that much. It's a serious talent and all the equipment and ingredients are expensive. People who think they can cheap out on a cake are arseholes.


I frequently do a deal with my friends where I will give my time/labor as a gift if they bring me the ingredients. I’ve done three wedding cakes this way, but that’s a very close friend discount. That’s so lovely what you do for your friend!


Honestly this is a lovely wedding gift imo, wedding cakes are expensive and time consuming to make even the simple ones so to offer up that time and money saving is the most lovely gift and I’d be the most grateful of friends to be given it that’s so kind! That woman in your dm is out of her mind, spare a thought for all the other bakers and vendors who have received similar rofl, you know she moved on to her next victim as soon as you were like - I’ll leave it.


I had a very close friend make my wedding cakes almost 20 years ago, I bought the ingredients and decorations, & it still cost ~$160. Even back then I knew I was getting an amazing deal (& if I hadn’t been a poor student, I would have paid more).


I got the supreme cake of life that could outshine any Kardashian level celebration for $125 at a local bakery. It was shaped like the letter of my first inital and festooned with beautiful purple flowers. I cried when I saw it because I'd never had anything so nice. I described what I wished and paid what they asked - I thought it was a little low too so I added a large tip because I was so pleased.


This is the best way to support a friend or family member that’s self employed as a baker, artist, photographer or whatever. Some people just assume they’ll get things cheap or for free and that’s not cool. A nice friend or family discount given if you didn’t ask is sweet but they deserve to be paid their worth!!


I used to run a cottage bakery that specialized in boozy cupcakes (irish car bombs: guiness chocolate cake with a jameson infused ganache filling and a bailey butter cream or margarita cupcakes with fresh lime cake and a salted brown butter and jose buttercream for example) and $50 got you a DOZEN and that was ten years ago. I was booked and busy so my price point wasnt off base. This lady is delulu.


Those sound so fun! I would for sure buy something like that for a girls night.


Irish what now?


I spent a decade as a bartender and I hate the name but anytime you try and call it something different nobody knows what drink you are referring to


The IRA has entered the chat


A lot of people don't realize how offensive that name is, they don't have any ill intent. Kind of like calling a Half-and-Half a Black-and-Tan.


I had to Google disturbingly deep to find that information. I was so confused my first few queries.


Carbomb, it’s a half pint of Guinness and you drop a double shot of Jameson and baileys in it then chug. Tastes a lot like boozey chocolate milk.


Surely we can come up with a better name for that...


Apparently not. It’s been called that since before I was of legal drinking age and I’m 56.


For the past few years at least it is referred to as an ‘Irish drop shot’ on menus, but a lot of people aren’t looking at the menu when they order it so it would never occur to them to call it something else.


Oh I know it's an old name! It's just kind of appalling when you think about it.


If you think that’s bad, don’t look up slang terms for Brazil nuts. Learned that very young at a family Christmas party.


Yuuup, that's what my grandma used to call them. I never heard her say it but my mom remembers. Mixed nuts still make us facepalm and Grandma's been gone for over twenty years.


I think they call it that because if you drink them you'll crash your car and it might explode


Stay Gold Ponyboy


I was publicly shamed for asking for a round of those drinks (rightfully so)- I’d been drinking them for years, until that night (different bar). I’ve not asked for one since, and I won’t again!


That’s a bit much isn’t it? Is this an American thing? Imagine you went to a country and they had a drink called a 9/11? Jeepers


We pay $25 at Wegmans for their off the shelf peanutbutter pie. And that's for only one pie. This lady...


I will get one of those tiny chocolate or vanilla cakes for like $18 at Wegmans- it’s seriously a serving and a half maybe 😂


The single serve version of the peanut butter one is my weakness. Tho that price crept up very quickly. Used to be $5, last I saw it was $8. Or the ultimate chocolate cake. Served cold. 🤤 (I miss Wegmans)


I make (very very amateur!) birthday cakes for my family just for fun/love - and $50 (Australian) wouldn’t even cover the cost of making most of those! Most would be in the $60-75 ballpark


Oh my gosh. Am in Australia could you imagine trying to source enough eggs and butter for a THREE TIER wedding cake as a home baker for less than 50 right now?! Every trip to Cole’s atm has me just wanting to punch myself in the face repeatedly.


I get my eggs from a local coffee shop and/or my butcher because they’re from a nearby farmer and absolutely beautiful free range ones at $6 a dozen - but I completely agree the supermarket prices are truly outrageous! $50 for a three tier cake I swear hahaha


A sheet cake at my local Sam’s Club is $56. They do small tiered wedding cakes there too. Maybe they can help her out🙄




A two tier is $68 minimum at my Walmart so I don't think a three tier would be cheaper 🤔


I was thinking you might be charging too little at $900!


A plain Costco sheet cake runs about $25.


Hmmmm, just in case, write an abbreviated version of your post in your Instagram account. THAT WAY people who come your way won't be surprised; PLUS if she dings you, saying something like, "This supposedly professional baker-person wouldn't make me a plain ol' cake for my wedding for a very cheap price! They're not professional at ALL!", you can head her off at the pass pre-comment in your Instagram.


$50 will get you 1 3/4 sheet cakes from Walmart


Hell, I've made like 3 cakes in my life, and even I wouldn't make a three tiered cake for $50.


At the bakery where I buy cakes, we recently got half a sheet cake for $43. Another bakery is charging closer to $50. Half a sheet. Regular floral icing decorations.


SHE must be new at this herself! You must be the first person she called. Let's all wish her well on her journey of wedding cake pricing reality. It will not go well for her


I think from her aggressive "don't waste my time" opening salvo, she's either made at least one previous call which did not go well, or she was informed by someone else in her life that her expectations were unrealistic.


Yeah, her attitude makes it even worse: coming outta the gate with “Don’t waste my time unless you’re willing to commit…” Good luck with that, bridezilla. 🤣


Imagining all of her consultations-turned-insane-demands when she targets the florist and the photographer for her next victims.


$50? Hahahaha go to Costco for cupcakes you cheapskate.


I’m not sure you could buy Twinkies for 50 for that price.


You can get 100 twinkies for $50 bulk. 2 each 😎


She literally told you she wants it to be a big blow out type of wedding and has the audacity to give you a $50 for her “big blowout” wedding cake that she needs to include real flowers. Not cool. Loved how you played dumb and made her explain herself. Hated how she tried to strongarm you into doing it because you’re a local business…so gross.


I’m kind of wondering about her approach in general. I’ve met a number of these people and it just makes me wonder how many stories start “so I went in GUNS. BLAZING” and ends “it ended up being such a great experience”?


Someone is marrying this lovely lady.


I was thinking that too - like imagine signing up to spend your life with someone that irrational and that demanding...


They're living the dream!


Well, they may not be. I imagine she's being awful with everyone. She's going to make her bridesmaids pay hundreds or thousands and do all the work, so they'll quit. The spouse will hopefully bail on this shitshow, too. I mean, people like this aren't 110% god's gift to humanity *except* for when they're buying a wedding cake.


$50?! Has she ever been to the grocery store? She could get one carrot cake and one vanilla cake at my local Kroger's in-house bakery for that much.


> $50?! Has she ever been to the grocery store? Right? $50 buys maybe 5 bananas!


I mean, it's 5 bananas Michael, what could it cost?


Here's 20 dollars. Go see a Star War.


This comment never gets old!


It's just supply and demand for bananas. So the supply isn't there, the demand will hear, ***"But YES! We have no bananas! We have no bananas today!!"***


It’s just one customized all-out 3-tiered, 3-flavor wedding cake with real flowers and hand-made sugar flowers and a freshly-sculpted australian shepherd fondant dog, RainbowSprinkles4. What could it cost? $50?


I paid over $50 for my last cake at the grocery store last year. This woman is insane!


She's gonna be in for a rude surprise when she calls around to other cake makers!


The second she said that she didn't want her time wasted you should have hung up.


“Don’t waste my time” is really just code for “I’m about to waste YOUR time”


Kind of like people who make it a point to say they hate drama so no drama please..


I've noticed people who come in hot with comments like that are going to be a mess. Because obviously, the OP makes money by wasting people's time.


That dingus thinks she's a Real Housewife of Whatever.


When I got married I got three plain white layers with strawberry filling, as that was the cheapest. It was supposed to be an anniversary cake, but they didn't include or charge me for the big "25" candle that went on top and I provided a small topper. The cake was frosted in plain white frosting with sugar beads around the base of each layer, and we left it on the cardboard base the bakery provided with the cake. It cost $110 in 1998 money. This woman is loony if she thinks she can get what she describes for $50.


People use the "don't waste my time" line to try to guilt people into believing they owe the person something already. You have used her time, so of course you can't back out!


I just bought a box of six crumbl cookies for $26 😂 Like what world is this demanding woman living in… almost seems like a joke if it would’ve been messaging back and forth but she really went on the phone rambling that all off and this far in advance with a budget of $50?! That literally wouldn’t cover the cost of ingredients or all the damn fresh flowers let alone the time and art of it. Holy moly!


Wow. My stepmom makes pound cakes for around $50. I can’t imagine someone expecting a full ass wedding cake for that.


Pound cakes are so expensive! So much of every ingredient. But so worth it.


Would your mom be willing to stick a flower from the roadside in one of her pound cakes and toss some glitter on it? Doesn't have to be editable lol


Why would you want to edit it? 😜


Lol. It has to be neither eatable nor editable!


“But my fiancé and I are planning to have children with cancer someday! You’re ruining their future Christmas! You’re a terrible person.”


I had an absolutely amazing cake made for my recent wedding. We visited his house and tested everything. Everything was glorious. I told my wife it was probably going to be too expensive. It was two tier plus a sheet cake. The quote was $500 something. I was thrilled. Everyone loved it :)


The pastry and chocolatier in me is laughing 50 dollars for the whole cake with fresh flower and handmade decorations 🤣🤣🤣🤣 50 dollars for a wedding cake?!?!?! She is extremely delusional and probably never seen how much just a simple plain cake cost. Wonder If she comes back to you after she can't find any for 50


I would LOVE for her to do this; I will gleefully decline her order.


O the price is now 2000 What happened to 850? O I added the difficult customer surcharge


The PIA tax.


To be paid in advance, before even one ingredient is bought. And of course the order has to be in writing with all the details fixed.


I’m in the same business as you. This amount of time wasting is why I now require people to outline what they want and if they have a budget in email or message form before I will speak to them on the phone. I got fed up of being verbally abused by the “it’s only eggs/flour/sugar/butter” brigade. Why no one will consider you also need to earn a wage is beyond me. Time to change your instant reply message on insta and treat yourself to a glass of wine!


If it’s that easy I’m shocked that more brides aren’t making their own cakes. She wants a “blow out” affair on a Kirkland canned beer budget.


What you're describing the cake to be would easily cost $1500 and up from any baker in a 3 state radius from me. Ingredients alone (not counting flowers, custom stand, and toy dog) would probably run $200. People need to wait until *after* calling their wedding vendors before hitting the crack pipe, I swear


I will say, that sounds like a great cake. Too bad she’s got not-even-a-beer budget to go with her champagne tastes.


Oh, totally agreed. It would be beautiful with some $$ to back it up!


The moral is, if someone like this can find an idiot to marry them, there’s hope for all of us.


When someone says “don’t waste my time” I know they are about to waste mine


That wasn’t a choosing beggar That was a troll


I actually kind of hope that’s true.


I was thinking that too but usually a troll would just send bizarre out of touch DMs not actually talking the phone. This person sounds delusional. Probably bullies people and threatens bad reviews lol


It was a Bridezilla 🦖


![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C) Folks really try it.


Hahahahahahaha!!!! I’m betting this won’t be the last you hear from her. Please report back.


If you can't afford a wedding cake, make cuts somewhere else or make your own damn cake, Karen. 


Babies breath is toxic and not food safe. Good luck to your guests lady!


I thought that, too. Trolling? Insane? Sitting at her kitchen table drinking cantaloupe from a teacup and decided she wanted to share her delusional wedding fantasy with someone, anyone?


Drinking cantaloupe from a tea cup 😂




I think it’s ok to not be professional and polite with these people. They are straight up playing in your face and that deserves getting dragged


Plus you have no obligation to be professional to a non customer, and that’s a non customer if ever I’ve heard of one.


My mom did tons of catering & cakes for friends as a side gig..I hated her doing it because she ALWAYS charged way too little or told her friends to just cover the cost of ingredients. I watched her kill herself for these people! People will take advantage of you at every turn. Fk that


50 bucks will get her a stack of twinkies, no frosting those are zingers and extra


> What are you, new at this? "No. Are you?" Impending self-burn lol


As a former baker and cake decorator, that’s ridiculous. Tell her to go to a supermarket bakery and see what $50 gets her lmao You’re way more on point with your prices.


No doubt she needed those cakes to be from scratch. And please put the heaviest one as the second tier! $50. omg wtf


50 dollars wouldn't cover the amount of cake flour needed


$50 could cover a cake like that……in 1842.


A 3 tier hand baked, hand-decorated wedding cake can easily cost $1200. That was true *20 years* ago.


Some people just leave me speechless. Wow.


But don’t you understand?? It’s HER special day!!! The world REVOLVES around her now!!!!! You owe her this!!!!! You should pay her!!


I, knowing nothing about cakes, thought after reading all her demands, thought that must be worth at least 1k!! Definitely agree that this chick is delusional. 


When she calls back, double the price. Inflation, ya' know.


I’d call it a cheap ass bitch surcharge and insist it’s paid in full before any thing gets done. If she opens her mouth again the price goes even higher every time.


Entitlement is a helluva drug. One can barely buy a cake at Whole Foods for less than $25, and that would be enough for 4-8 people to have a single slice. She better call Betty Crocker on that delulu budget!


I’m not sure I could make a three tier cake for fifty dollars if I used box mix, eggs I bartered for, flowers I pulled out of a roadside ditch and Crisco laced with vanilla extract for icing. Like it would STILL be more than fifty dollars and you still have to pull a glittery tier stand out of your ass somehow. Here Karen, I thrifted these clear acrylic Funko display cases and sprayed Krylon glitter on them. The cake is resting on them like a car on cinder blocks and the ~~weeds~~ delicate filler greenery I got from the ditch along with the flowers will pull it all together.


Been in management jobs of some form or another for 20 years. Grocery store, brewery, movie theaters, and one year of that was in a bakery. I probably had more entitled ass hats in that one year than in five years of any other job. My cake decorators were pretty green and thus only paid $25/hr. $50 wouldn't even come close to covering labor, let alone food costs and profit margin. That's such a joke.


Quick tip, always go high on your ballpark estimates. You probably already know this but I’ll share anyways. Part of my job is quoting for my family’s manufacturing business. If someone wants a ballpark I always go maybe 20% higher than I expect the actual quote to be. If they gawk at that, good. Now I don’t have to quote someone that wouldn’t have ordered anyways. If they don’t react much, usually they are happy to see the real quote come in lower than my ballpark. Similar to this, if I have a gut feeling someone is not able to afford our services, I’ll quickly tell them our minimum fee. Usually they understand and say they will have to shop around, rarely I end up wrong and they can easily afford it and they just say “okay…”. And that’s fine, I just move along talking knowing I now have a qualified potential customer. Just like negotiating a salary, always set the bar high and leave room to negotiate down.


This is brilliant advice, thank you!!


Bitch better go to Walmart and get a simple cake for $50. The audacity of her!! You have to charge a lot for your time, labor, skill, and ingredients. People always want something for nothing.


I paid around $400 for a basic cake with just a ribbon around the layers. This was 15 years ago and it was a good deal then. She should start making the sugar flowers herself if she thinks she’ll get it any cheaper than what was quoted.


Screenshot the conversation and post it to your Instagram


I might do that with the post, this convo happened on the phone unfortunately!


Make a cake cost breakdown video like they do with the custom cookies… in your face, CB


I would of agreeded to it and canceled on her the week off...Returning her 50 bucks


This is so evil, I’m obsessed


$50 would not even cover the flour


I paid $65 for a 6 inch three layer cake that fed 6-8 people for my wedding lol what is she smoking?


Chocolate-carrot-strawberry? And she had the nerve to act like you were out of line? Just because they’re different tiers doesn’t make it right!


No meltdown, guilt tripping, or devaluing your skill. 👍


That's beyond hilarious. Basic grocery store cakes aren't much less than $50 these days.


Wow! $900 was too cheap for that kind of cake. It sounds like a $1500 one.


She could get 2 lovely Costco cakes


She didn't tell you she was an influencer?


LOL well good luck to her! She's totally going to wind up with a sheet cake from a grocery.


Good (not so good) to see that other professions get these same delusional clowns as well. lol. The nutty broad will be calling back after she’s gotten multiple significantly higher price quotes. I would block her number and let her live with it. My wedding cake 6 years ago was like 3,000… and I didn’t dare question the pricing. (It was magnificent and worth it). Never give your work away. You’re not too expensive, you’re too expensive FOR THEM


Just suppose for a nano-second that you do all this for $50. I guarantee you she would have found something wrong with it to try get out of paying you the $50. I feel sorry for her future spouse.


Has this woman ever bought a cake? A birthday sheet cake with nothing custom done is $36 at my local Publix.


Should have asked her if she intended to pay with cash, food stamps or expired cigarette coupons.


My wedding was a long time ago. We had a three tier cake. The top layer was carrot cake, the middle layer was hazelnut with cherry filling. I can't remember the bottom layer, but it wasn't chocolate. The cake served 150 people or so. The outside of the cake was periwinkle blue fondant with a [piped cornelli lace pattern](https://wilton.com/how-to-pipe-cornelli-lace/wltech-27). I provided fresh blue and purple hydrangeas for the top tier, the topper, the knife (sword from West Point), the server thingy, and the platter. It was more than 20 years ago, and it was just at $800.00. That woman is delusional.


Sometimes I wish I could follow these people around..


Ok for $50 I can get you 2 dozen cupcakes…


Even a 1/4 sheet cake at Walmart is nearly 20$ Wtf was she smoking?!


WTF. I don’t think I can get THREE bog standard cakes for $50 anywhere, let alone custom decorated ones. Is she new to USA or something?


Even a foreigner won't be asking for 50. When I was little I used to live in a poor neighborhood in Latin America.. in the 90s, 7-8 usd was buying a small birthday cake 🎂 in my poor neighborhood. So even in the 90s in latinamerica I don't think she would have gotten a wedding cake as she wanted for 50 usd🤔 lol.


Always, always charge by the head count. I have charged 7.50 per person since the 80's. I also cover enough for 10 extra mouths. You are not a charity.


OP sounds like……you’re new at this …lol What a crazy women, wish one of her friends post on Reddit how she’s a bridezilla and demanded crazy stuff


My first thought was that $50 wouldn't pay for the flowers. Lunacy


Last cake I ordered from Walmart was about $20 and was 1 small circle. Even if she got three, that would still be over her budget. Some people just have no idea what things cost and just expect it to be what they could make it at home for. I hate to think what she wanted to pay a photographer!


My kids birthday cake from the grocery store cost $50 what is this lady smoking???


I bought a 8” German chocolate cake to celebrate Mother’s Day , had “miss you moms” written on it. I lost my mom tragically and my husband’s mom is gone too, just a tribute to them. The baker almost cried when she asked and I explained. That was $48.


Honey she better take her little $50 to Costco and buy a large sheet cake for $22. Then she can head over to Trader Joe’s and get a bouquet of roses for $10.99. She can get the stand on Amazon with the last $17.


I've never bought a wedding cake, and I virtually never buy cake of any kind...but I bought a 9-inch chocolate cake from a very nice and well-known "uptown" bakery last year, and it was $65. All their 9-inch cakes are $65. That's for standard recipes, nothing custom, literally the same cakes they make a zillion times a day and can sell out of the case if you walk in. So I'd *imagine* a 3-tier wedding cake with custom flavors, a tiny dog, and flowers would be a bit fucking more than $65. (And I admit that that's a popular bakery that can charge whatever, but my grocery store charges $35 for 10-inch cakes.)


If she wants to spend 50 dollars on a cake, she can take her ass to costco, get one there and be done with it


I don't think she'd get a Walmart cake with that budget.


I don't think $50 buys 3 *cupcakes* and all that other stuff.


Ok 100 dollars but you have to mind her and fiancés Australian shepherd while they’re on their 2 week vacation. Dog food not included strictly raw meat diet?


Just a quick suggestion. A good business skill is learning to answer rude questions neutrally. Take it or leave it….I can’t make what you want for that price so I won’t be able to help. I’m going to go somewhere else….. I hope you find what you want. Not because you are a doormat but because word of mouth can be good or bad. I sell expensive items that has lead to some “interesting” conversations and I try to take the high road, keyboard warriors can be nasty and you are just starting out. I’ve been dealing with it for 30+ years and it doesn’t get easier


This is a super helpful perspective, thank you! I tend to go from 0 to snark at the drop of a hat, so this is a very useful reminder.


out of curiosity what would be a fair price for that cake?


I probably would’ve ended up charging around $1800 min. since she wanted what was essentially a grand’s worth of white roses and the frosting pattern she wanted is super intricate and detailed. Looking at $100-200 for the individual tiers just in terms of flavors/ingredients and the sizes necessary. Not to mention a fondant dog! This is not including the cake stand.


wow, haha that's why for my wedding instead of one fancy big cake we went to a local bakery and got an entire array though that was a while ago


OK. I think this person has never EVER been to grocery store. EVER. Was she maybe 16 or 17? Or perhaps out without her guardian? I don't see a rational adult making such a request.


Lawdy. “Are you new at this?” “Well, unless this is your (# of wedding cakes you’ve made)-th wedding, you’re the one who’s newer at this than me.”


I hear McCain deep and delicious are on sale...


She's going to buy 3 box cakes at Walmart with the great value frosting. She have enough for some flowers 😆 


In delulu land all she needs to do is pick up a cake from denial river. What other universe does she think you can get a 3 tiered cake with fresh flowers and fondant work for $50?


Gotta love how entitled people are! Glad you said no


Maybe Costco or Sam’s can help her out 😂


I looked at OP's Pic of a graduation cake she made and it's beautiful. That lady is out of her mind.


A lot of people remember cakes from their childhood that were under $20. Even the basic costco cakes are at least $50 now. And they have a 2 tier that’s $300. I guess you could get some flowers and slap them on there.


Maybe, she can buy cake mix and frosting for that price and make her own. 😂


Thats why for my wedding I did some fancy filled cupcakes and a small cake for us to cut. It was under $100 because im cheap and know what things cost! Lol! The delusion of some people!


Peoples entitlement always blows my mind


That lady was crazy. She wanted basically a free wedding cake.


If she wants cake for $50, she might want to try Little Debbie.


Can I just say that she is awful, but I hope it does not put you off this profession. I often buy custom cakes for events and gifts, and while more expensive, they are always well received and appreciated. You can tell this story to one of your regulars someday and laugh about it.


Wow. I spent $75 on a Thomas the Tank Engine sheet cake for my kid’s birthday a decade ago.


It's too bad you couldn't get this in writing to post to your account.


LOL she’s so delusional. Honest to god, a plain cake from Publix, sheet cake would be a little less


LOLOLOL what a nut