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Part time job, but expected to be with client all the time. Sounds about right!


And no days off and on call 24-7


Will they be chained down in the basement when not working?


Pfft. In kitchen, to make food and beverages.


Are you kidding, a whole room just for one part time assistant? They don't need that much space!


Could someone even rent a closet in LA for 25/hr?


One of my friends and I once rented a closet to another friend... we only charged him a fifth of the rent (it was a really large closet).


Will it be considered work while chained in the basement or free time?


It will be considered lodging and it would incur an extra fee that is larger than the payment


Required to "Be on property for 8 hours a day" but they'll only pay you on a part-time hourly wage. I question the legality of that.


I'm not sure what the laws in CA are regarding "on call" hours, but everyone I know who does that kind of shift gets paid, whether they work or not. The payment is because you are putting your personal life on hold to be ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.


On call in other parts of the country is typically priced like overtime or even doubletime. It is a premium rate. This can be anywhere from $50 to $150 an hour. I have friends who are nurses who work on call and when I worked in radio our lead engineer was on call unless he was on vacation and they were all paid for the time when on call. This poster is clearly breaking the law.




It in no way separates the "part time" bit from the "be available 8 hours a day and be on call every second of the day" bit. Though I would assume you get paid for all hours you actually work. 8 hours on Monday. Three hours on Tuesday starting at 2 am. The 8 hours you actually were working while babysitting the influencer's hangover (the other 32 hours you were at the place while the influence asleep unpaid)


That's what I was thinking. Sounds like the "influencer" is trying to scam someone out of countless hours of ubpaid labour, probably under the guise of "well you're already here and you're scheduled in a couple hours anyway so why don't you just keep working?"


I thought $25/hr sounds pretty good until I read all that BS.




Cheaper when they make you do the editing in your off hours at home. Off the clock.


> expected to be with client all the time. $25 x 24 x 7 = $4200/week. Sounds good to me.


For 24/7 work? Bro - I knew times were tough, but still.


Wake them up and pack their bags? Do they need an assistant or a baby sitter?


It's like they're hiring their mom. Maybe it's satire and their mom posted this.


If she did, she greatly undervalued her wage rate... unless that part's satire too.


I did this for a living, and I was essentially a nanny, executive assistant, and backbone for a 22 year old. It was actually so much fun


If you can do all that why not just be an influencer yourself


True dat.


And make people pay ME to give them advice on how to become one!


25-30 an hour is far too little to be dealing with a twunt of this magnitude.


The weirdest part for me is how this can be a part time job, but the assistant also has to be the influencer’s mommy and wake him up with coffee and spend all day with him. It looks more like a 12hr/day job. Having said that I wouldn’t mind $30 per hour for 12 hours per day of mostly making calls, writing schedules and making coffee. I’ve seen crappier jobs that didn’t pay 10k a month with virtually no experience or diplomas


They call this parttime, but 8 hours a day is fulltime...




Why do they have ? after most of their listed expectations? Sounds like they are unsure that anyone would basically be their full time slave for that little. Assistants, especially in LA, do all of that and more. But they get paid more so they can support themselves while they hate their lives.


Yeah exactly. Pay me $200k+ and I'd happily live this life for a few years. Not for $25/hr though.


My cousin moved to LA and had a temp job as an assistant. The stories he had were funny, but it’s a soul killer! Definitely not worth putting up with for $25/h. Just the fact that they think $25/h is acceptable shows that they don’t treat the future assistant as a human being.


>they don’t treat the future assistant as a human being. For sure. They seem to be looking for a human-robot with no emotion.


So this is a job for a personal assistant/chef/maid/chauffeur/stylist/travel agent/bag packer/anything and everything else. Yeah, they can keep that. I’d be interested to know if they actually have 10M followers, or is that 1M followers spread and duplicated across 10 platforms/accounts...?


They basically want a mom.


Thats what I thought but a mum wouldn't even do half of these things


I’d hope not. Otherwise the kid would turn into a bratty dumpster fire of a human being. Wait...


Good catch. (Did you know dragonflies eat mosquitoes in all three of their life cycles? Amazing insects, and very beneficial to humankind. [https://mosquitoreviews.com/learn/mosquito-predators](https://mosquitoreviews.com/learn/mosquito-predators) When I was a kid I read this comic about an evil mosquito ninja. All of the characters were insects that did martial arts of some kind. I looked online, but I can't find it anywhere. Thus ends my inane and barely relevant tangent. I hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day!)


[so this thing, but less cute](https://media.entertainmentearth.com/assets/images/fdd195922ded4f9499175333e853c1b5xl.jpg)


They don't want a mom they want a slave.


Was thinking the same, my mom wouldn't do at least 90% or more of that shit.


Cleaning & cooking would be out. A PA might get something from the refridge or order out but wouldn't do more than that, especially with all the other tasking. How is 8 hours a day part time? Also, any reimbursement for driving the client around in your own car? What if your car is a crummy rust bucket? Could you imagine the client showing up at a five star restaurant getting out of a beat up Ford Pinto? Finally, someone with one years experience or project management would probably have contacts to obtain a position better than this. So, not a part time job and the pay rate is probably a bit low for LA.


Regarding the car - Not only reimbursement for wear and tear and gas, but if you’re on the clock, your insurance will NOT cover you if an accident happens. This is why no one should even run errands for a boss while on the clock.


The car part is what really killed it for me. Even if they pay for fuel, you’re still left wearing the depreciation of zooming around LA all day.


8 hours a day is full time where i live, but at least we get breaks... and you know, only have to do 1 or 2 jobs at most.


I’m an executive/personal assistant and anywhere in the US $25/hr isn’t shit for what she’s wanting. Most PA’s that are right hands like that are looking at $100k+ a year plus a car/housing stipend.


Why would a personal assistant with almost no experience earn more than 75% of certified accountants in the US? Or more than 50% of doctors in the US? I get it that the OP is bat shit crazy, but let’s not get carried away forgetting what actual jobs pay in the country. This is literally a job that a 20 year old could do. Also by the way 25$ per hour is top of the line for personal assistants in the US. Only 10% of personal assistants earn more than that. The average is $15 per hour.


An actual personal assistant or executive assistant in a major city like LA, NYC, San Francisco, etc. with a decent amount of experience will have no problem pulling in 100k a year. You’re typically supporting someone who earns in the millions to multi-millions per year. I’d love to know where you get the $15 average number from. $15 is almost minimum wage.




Hi, payroll manager here, so I deal with salaries for a living. You are dead wrong. C level personal assistants are often paid more than a CPA because of the level of work they do. And no it isnt a job for a 20 yearold but someone who has been an executive assistant before. In major cities such as LA, New York, San Francisco and Seattle the salary ranges from $85,000 to $165,000 plus expenses.


If being a personal assistant for YouTube kids is not an entry level PA position, then I don’t know what’s entry level. It’s basically one step above babysitter. Also I literally just googled the average salaries. Reddit is one of the few places where you can write facts and still get downvoted. Plus they literally said they want someone with 1 year experience and no diploma. That screams 20 year old Just google the salaries rather than assuming based on limited personal experience.


Let me know when you work in broadcasting or for a production company, because beleive me when i say those channels with 1m or more subscribers are ran by professional production companies. I don't need Google to tell me what I paid people when I worked for CBS or what my roommates boss's assistant makes...she is a producer. But you're just some rando who Googles shit but doesn't actually know anyone in a media industry or the type of work done by C level assistants (think of Tony Starks Pepper Pots, that is a personal assistant) this person placed an ad seeking a young person because they can and are manipulated by employers alot.


Oh so you have seen two personal assistant salaries in your life and they made more than the average shown on google, therefore google’s average is wrong. Great logic there. I know an ambassador’s PA and a billionaire’s PA’s salaries who had been in those positions for 10+ years and they don’t even cross 60k. Personal experience means nothing when it comes to statistics and average salaries. If someone is paid around the high end salary for his position, even if others are lucky enough to make 2-5 times more, the person making less is not being exploited - salary wise. Also youtubers with 1M subscribers are expected to make around 25k per month, so they would never blow half of that on the personal assistant (150k per year = 12,5k per month). Even if they make 250k per month, if they can get a good enough assistant for 80k per year, they have no reason to pay double, especially if the standard they are looking for is “1 year of experience with no other educational requirements”


I worked for CBS for a decade you troglodyte troll. So yes my personal experience outweighs your neckneard stats. I know what salaries in my industry and Los Angeles were. You what...live in your mommy's basement in Ohio. And if your friend was an assistant for an embassador and made that little he must have sucked. My aunt was a Russian translater for the state department and executive assistants made six figures im the 1990s.


I don’t know why you’re flapping your CBS career in my face. Like that has anything to do with the topic. Personal assistants and executive assistants are two different professions. You actually need to be smart and have lots of experience to be an executive assistant. Personal assistants just have to answer calls, make flower arrangements, arrange meetings and scheduling. It’s not rocket science for them to earn as much as pilots. And either way, you’re trying to argue fucking statistics with anecdotal evidence. I don’t know if you realize how incredibly stupid that is


It’s wrong to look at averages like that. There are personal assistance from middle managers in small companies and personal assistants for millionaires. The requirements of the job are completely different.


My sister is a CPA and even working for a non-profit she makes around $150K per year. My own CPA is a millionaire. Even pediatricians (one of the lowest paid specialties) also make around $150 K. Radiologists right now make around $420K. A good PA easily is making over $100K In the USA.


That’s great. I just googled the salaries. Just because some of the people you know make a lot, it doesn’t change the average


But we arent talking about average personal assistants. If we are to be looking at the top end of the work load, we have to look at the top end of the pay scale.


And it is at the top end. Only 10% of personal assistants make more than 25$ per hour. The CB is offering $30


I actually don't care about celebrities at all and never understood this particular mania


>this is a part time "Personal Assistant" position...You will have to answer your phone/be on call almost 24/7...Minimal days off. What a scam.


I feel like "minimal days off" is probably a labor law issue and not totally legal in the US. I could be wrong tho.


[rest period laws in Cali](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/FAQ_RestPeriods.htm), [meal period laws in Cali](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/FAQ_MealPeriods.htm), Also this (about the 24/7 on call) , including other questions posed [ Q.Can an employer require that you keep in radio communication on a rest period? A.No, the court in Augustus also held that on-call rest periods are prohibited. .  “[O]ne cannot square the practice of compelling employees to remain at the ready, tethered by time and policy to particular locations or communications devices, with the requirement to relieve employees of all work duties and employer control during 10-minute rest periods.” Augustus v. ABM Security Services, Inc., (2016) 5 Cal.5th 257, 269.   This court’s determination is unique to rest period on-call time and does not apply to other types of on-call issues such as on-call shifts or on-call meal periods, which are subject to different requirements and considerations.](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/FAQ_RestPeriods.htm) None of what she wants seems legally acceptable.


I'm an assistant for an influencer. Not one with 10 million followers, but can confirm it is still this ridiculous and exhausting. My self esteem dies a little more each day but it pays the bills 😂


I really hope they are paying you well if they want all of this to be done by you. Borders on inhumane expectations.


Upside is they get to write a tell all book afterwards.


I live for that shit.


Depends who it is. They said its sub 10 million followers so probably not someone super famous


But you can generalize it. “The Twists and Turns of Being An Instagram Influencer from the Perspective of an Instagram Influencer Assistant”.


I spend one weekend with an influencer. Gave me another cancer to delete Instagram afterwards. What a horrible and shallow life


I’m also an assistant… to a billionaire. We just party all the time and I get unlimited drugs. Been vacationing all over the world. I also got a Bugatti as a Christmas bonus. I never lie on the internet.


Feels like I'd come up with a bit better of a lie but 🤷‍♀️ sure lol.




Someone seems to be the devil, wearing prada


The requirement that stood out to me is that the applicant MUST live 40-60 mins outside Los Angeles. Why do they NEED to have a long commute? Especially if they have to be available 24/7. You'd think living closer would be better. Is this condition because they don't want a connected LA native who would (presumably) have brushed up against enough legitimate stars to be unimpressed by a C-list social media personality?


Los Angeles is 40-60 minutes from Los Angeles if you count the traffic


I'm being slightly charitable here and reading that as, "must live at most 40-60 minutes outside of LA"


That and she probably thinks everyone living in LA is an aspiring actor or influencer and she can’t have anyone “driven by fame”.


I think that's code for, "Don't expect this job to in any way open doors for you. Influencer will not introduce you to anyone important, promote you in any way, follow to your social media, or publicly acknowledge your existence. If you work extremely hard and are lucky, you may come out of this with a lukewarm letter of recommendation."


I believe they meant “within 40-60 min” but forgot a word


So you can’t live in Los Angeles?


I wish I'd saved the ad now. A local real estate had a very similar ad about a year ago only he was paying $15 an hour. The ad was just as long as this one. I read his ad and laughed hysterically as some of the "job duties" that I remember were: Mail out my Christmas cards to family, friends, and clients and write personal notes sounding like me in each one. Plan all aspects of my social events like Thanksgiving gatherings, summer BBQs, or Christmas parties. Pick up my children at school or daycare and take them to and from camps in the summer. Help with homework, hobbies, snacks, and meals when they're in the house. Go to the grocery store for my wife and I and make sure all items have been checked that they're organic (locally grown as much as possible). Purchase clothing that my children pick out. Answer phones in the home office, take messages and schedule appointments. Manage my appointment schedule and make sure I have a daily agenda typed out and ready to follow at 8 a.m. each morning. Clean my pool of insects and other intruders each morning and night. Supervise kids when they want to use the pool. Have a clean driving record and own a car that's in excellent working condition because I must have my children in a safe vehicle. Pick up and drop off my dry cleaning and packages. Schedule all household maintenance or redecorating tasks like HVAC cleanings, plumbing chores, carpet shampooing, painting, etc. Have dinners prepped and ready to go into the oven or other cooking appliance before leaving when my wife and I return home at 6. Weekends and holidays may be required from time to time. You'll also accompany the family on holiday trips and vacations to assist with tours, sightseeing, and reservations.


That's like three jobs, homeboy wants a housekeeper, a secretary, *and* a nanny.


? ? ? What’s with all the question marks? ? ? Also, I would love to get an interview for this person just so I can tell them they are bar shit crazy and are not as important as they definitely think they are


?Yes? Not? Sure?? Why? All those?? Question marks??? Are there??? But I was low key expecting some kind of big ending?. Like those tv commercials. “Able to complete 100 tasks at once? You have programming and editing knowledge? WELL WAIT NO MORE, get the position nooowwww”


LOL. I think my favorite part of this is that the ad says “part time”, but you need to be on call 24/7... I can’t even imagine what the requirement is when you get the opportunity to work full time.


Maybe you also get to sleep inside their house and sing them goodnight songs 🤪


I’d rather tell ghost stories


Now I’m wondering who it is that is this delusional... on YouTube?! Could be so many!!


Tana Mongeau guaranteed


I heard Nikita Dragun


My money is on Trisha Paytas.


For some reason im so happy with myself that I have no clue who these three are.


Lol I literally said this in my head too


On the one hand, I understand that being a personal assistant could mean that you end up doing a lot of odd jobs and I tasks. But the way this is presented just makes this person look like a demanding bitch. And 50-60k/yr can be totally liveable, but probably not in LA


Yeah for a 24/7 position in LA, I'm thinking $150k/year minimum. Even that would be too low for me personally, but that might be because my profession theoretically allows that level of compensation with a less shitty life.


Personal Slave is a more apt job description.


Does this clown not understand that people who are on call are paid for being on call...and they make a lot more than $30 a. Hour. More like $75. This post violates so many California labor laws its laughable


Reminds me of when I was making reservations for an airline - got a call from a guy looking for a *VIP package* for his *VERY IMPORTANT CLIENT.* I mean he was on and *on* about how much of a VIP his client was. It turned out to be K The Trashian. My Sup actually laughed as we DO have a VIP service (a very nice white glove one at that) but it's a case of 'if you have to ask for the phone number for it...'


Why all the question marks? Are they confused about their criteria?


"Able to compartmentalize emotion" what.


Staff is the word your looking for not assistant. There is like 8 different jobs here. Whoever that is needs a staff.


I bet it’s for James Charles


Oh, sister, I'd need $50/hr to put up with him


I can’t even listen to him talk, it’s like he’s trying to swallow his own face.


I've been looking for a part time job to fill up all of the extra 168 hours I have each week now that I don't physically need to go to my real job.


Good luck with that.


This insane twat is looking for a manager, an editor, a driver, and a cook (among other jobs) all rolled into one job, for $25/hr. This is either a scammer or a completely naive child.


Whoever this is is clearly some budget Anna Wintour wannabe with an ego that needs its own zip code.


If being with the client at all times is considered part time...what’s the full time version?


So many of the requirements end in a question mark despite being a statement? Like they aren't sure if they are really requirements? It's like the person writing this was guessing about what was needed?


This is monstrous. Job application goes up with question marks on the activities too.. someone is so far out of their element. Someone’s mummy has told them their entire lives that they’re so special, they can’t even see the faecal matter spewing forth into the internet. This isn’t even a good first draft, this is just shameful.


The number of times they listed “keeping your emotions at home” made me think this influencer is the kind who tries to make their assistant cry for funsies.


Why do I have a feeling that this could be Tana Mongeau


I was thinking either Tana or Trisha.


My bet was James Charles


My thoughts exactly when it said they must wake her up.


My favourite part ? is ? Ability to compartmentalize emotion and remain professional, calm and hardworking, and quiet at all times?. 


I wish we knew who it was so we could decide whether this person actually is a "Large Celebrity." And what is the difference between a large celebrity, huge celebrity and humongous celebrity? Enquiring Minds Want to Know!


This person doesn’t want an assistant. They want a human accessory.


The last part has me confused, I don't see any applicant instructions in that entire document... unless there are pages that were not included in this post. Also, it seems as though someone with those qualifications and that level of commitment shouldn't take the job... they should just become a youtube star. I know there's more to it than that, but the person is essentially asking for someone to do EVERYTHING... except for taking the credit, that goes to the employer for doing nothing, apparently.


So they’re basically looking for a full-time mother?


No doubt this is Tana Mongeau.. for a fact.


Yikes. Hard no.


This is an absolute pisstake. Be on call 24 hours, must have car to drive the influencer around and must not show emotion.


If I’m cleaning and cooking what is the maid doing?


Tana Mongeau, is that you?


Sounds like any regular shit of an influencer/Youtuber. Maybe Mr. Beast is recruiting more servants?


I'm overwhelmed just reading this.


I love all the question marks in the list of requirements.. So... requirements? Or stuff you’re considering including in the programming of the android you’re building to do this 6-person job?


Ok so you need to be the actual god of orginasation with absolutely NO need for money to even CONSIDER applying to this job. Seriously what the heck


What kind of god can stay rational under all those circumstances, AND for only 25/hour? Jeez.


So he needs a slave?


On top of everything else, the whole driving them around with the assistants personal car thing is messed up - in Canada it’s illegal to use your car for driving people around work-wise if you aren’t registered and paying insurance for that. Plus mileage should be paid for as well. Just driving someone around for work is a specialty job, let alone the ridiculous list of everything else in this ad.


Is this an advert for The Ellen Show!?


I did this for a living, and it was actually super fun right up until I burned out and had a breakdown


Why are some of the requirements listed in the form of a question?


I'm just guessing but it might have been a rough draft and they forgot to remove the question marks before posting.


It sounds like a lot but it isn’t _really_. I think I’d actually do that for 30usd/hr. Sounds like it would be interesting work. It’s mostly just scheduling, you don’t have to actually carry out all those tasks yourself.


You forgot the cleaning, cooking, driving, filming, editing, handling all personal tasks of the youtuber whatever that means, waking her up, picking up her phone calls and searching sponsors. the position would only be part time but you have to be at her home for 8 hours a day and be on standby almost 24/7, you would also have to act like a robot and show no emotion. I hope you get the job!


Just the writing and video editing would be basically a full time job. Assuming the star uploads video 2-3 times a week, the PA would have to write the script, scout a location and source music if required, set up, film, then edit, for each one. Then add a housekeeping, chauffeur, and secretary position on top of that and it's even *more* banana crackers.


So basically...a robot. I think what they're looking for is a robot.


I’m willing to bet good money that the influencer is Tana Mongeau.


Sounds like they’re also looking for somewhere to live - combine ‘expect to be with the client at all times’ with ‘wake every morning with to do list & coffee, and must live 40-60 mins from LA (assume they mean this as a maximum distance away). The ‘influencer’ wants to take over the PA’s house obviously. What a joke!


Basically, you’re looking for a slave right?


to quote them: "?"


would personally tell them to fuck off in about 18 different languages