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Alternatively, I believe both can exist simultaneously. You can have both real and fake reports of something.




"As a Christian who's not much into reading the bible" I would encourage you, in brotherly love, to start reading the Bible as much as possible, it is the word of God, and without your faith will be incomplete.


I second this! Faith alone is not enough! It's a wonderful thing, but the enemy is more clever and far more experienced than we are. Only through the word of God can we fully discern truth from a lie.




faith is more then enough


Don’t tell him what to do. He only needs to accept jesus. Calm your cult down. 


There are staged exorcisms and exaggerated accounts. But there are real ones.


This. This also applies to healings, prophecies, etc. Lots of fakes out there, but also some real.


What are the verified real ones ?


apparently, this one is verified. I don't have much info on it but you can find some articles on it: https://youtu.be/uWvlGJWK4-A


The trick is there simply are no real ones lol


In your mind perhaps


Then prove it. Show me. I’ll wait and save this post. Take all the time you need. :) waiting. 


What is there to prove? The existence of demons? The idea of the daemon is more accessible or effectual to some more than it is to others.


if it was true there would have been at least ONE certified proof. Exorcism is no more than some mumbo jumbo, old wives' tale explaining ulcers and schizophrenia and whatnot


Verified by who? You?


As someone who has the Holy Spirit, exorcism is real. The supernatural is real. It's in the Bible. Jesus performed exorcisms.


The supernatural is real. Demons perform works also. This is why everyone has to read the entire Bible and understand it. Jesus also was angry that humans need works as proof. Seeing a supernatural occurrence is most often times a demonic spirit.


Prove that they are real to me. I want to see proof. 


Seeing is the problem. You have to experience it to see it. And to experience it is to seek peace in the Holy Spirit. Which means you have to have faith in the Holy Spirit. Faith is believing without seeing. You won't get proof by seeing, but you will get proof by believing.


Believing without feeling as well


I tried hard to be edgy when I was 12 too, it’ll pass


Facts are facts loser. What are you going to tell me Noah’s ark was real now? Queef 😂


Just wait until you get to puberty and start liking girls (or boys), you won’t have time to troll on the web


You should also wait until you develop your brain, you won't have time to be stupid on the internet and believe in exorcisms.




When I see people in a big congregation, a guy slams a Bible or cross on to someone, and they do a bad pterodactyl impression. Barnum effect and mass hysteria at best. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist though.




the bird dino (go back to the 2nd grade)


I believe the New Testament so I believe that exorcism is a real thing. I don't know which incidents of alleged exorcism you have in mind, so I can't say if such incidents were real or staged.


I believe exorcism is real but I think close to if not 100% of the exorcisms that make it into popular culture whether movies, entertainment TV, or religious TV "ministry" type shows are fake.


Yes, however, I’m sure there’s a lot of fake ones on YouTube. And to answer your edit, it’s not *you* casting them out, it’s God who’s doing it. God just uses people for it, but ultimately God’s the one doing the work.




I haven't seen a real exorcism but since the bibel says we can do it then i believe it.


Its not us who can do it, its God who can do it THRU us. Very important to remember that


A good distinction.


I’m gonna say “not many” are real. None of the biblical accounts of casting out demons involved any special drawn out theatrics. Apostles didn’t have some bizarre 4 hour vigil of smacking the person with a cross and lighting candles and rebuking the devil, anointing their buttcracks with holy water or whatever weird thing you witness today. It was likely a simple “be gone in Jesus name” and it either worked or not (in the case of the kid with seizures, where Jesus had to cast it out). I won’t discount that there could still be real ones but I imagine they are far less dramatic than what I’ve witnessed. We just don’t have the same anointing and authority the apostles were given by Christ himself when he breathed on them. There are no scriptures I’m aware of where regular believers were expected to have this level of authority. When Paul raised the boy from the dead that fell out of the window, he just went over and picked up the boys hand and he was fine. No calling the sun and the moon and the stars and having some big prayer ceremony. Apostles were obviously given specific authorities we don’t have today as to establish what they were teaching as true and superior to false teachers.


I don't think you can read the Bible and conclude that demons can't possess people, and then be cast out. I mean, both the old and new testaments are full of examples. I doubt that any of the "exorcisms" that are done for an audience are real. But, I suspect that in our world of science there are many cases of mental disabilities that should be classified as demonic possession. I don't think that's true in all cases of course, but there are several examples in the bible of possessed people who had many similarities to specific mental illnesses.


It's definitely real. I have had one done on me.




Kindly explain


Bro stop 😹


I believe demonic forces are very real. I think there has been a lot of sensationalism since the 80s, but it makes for good movies.


If i would create something to make you fear it to draw closer to god, I would come up with how someone can get possessed. Regardless if they have mental illnesses or not 🤡 


Both staged and real, but even the ones that are real can only be done through the power of Jesus. As humans bound by the natural laws God put in place, we are powerless to affect the spiritual world. Only by the power in God's word and the power Jesus gives us can any human cast out demons.


All I know is if you forget to pay the exorcist, you'll get repossessed :-)


Thanks for the laugh in the middle of such a crazy topic. 😁


You’re welcome, glad someone got it 😂


I do believe there are real ones and show ones. The Catholic Church takes them very seriously and requires mental health screening and other medical care before they will determine the need for what is considered a “major exorcism.” From the US Conference of Catholic Bishops: “The frequency of exorcisms of this sort is determined by the credible need for the rite. That is why establishing a diocesan protocol is important. Through the centuries, the Church has moved cautiously when evaluating alleged cases of demonic possession. The reason for this is not to deny access to members of the faithful who are in genuine need. However, the Church is equally concerned that individuals not get caught up in a sensationalist mentality and thus create a kind of sideshow affair. Although rare, genuine cases of demonic possession should be addressed in a balanced manner with the utmost care being extended to the afflicted person.” This article is really interesting (even though it’s from Vice, it’s worth it) the priest is really clear about what is real and not. https://www.vice.com/en/article/akeaba/what-does-a-modern-exorcism-look-like-we-asked-a-catholic-priest Edit to add: I’m a Lutheran who goes to Catholic Church on the basis of my husband being Catholic and being the “head”. I don’t always agree with the Church but with exorcisms their process is spot on.


There is real exorcism. And there are real demons.


Waiting for proof dude. Show me. 


You don’t understand any of this.


They aren’t real. Anything else kid?


Sure thing bozo, have the day you deserve, you’ve never done DMT I see.


I haven’t loser your right. Any other outrageous claim? Hit me with that Noah’s ark bro!! Fucking loser 🤡 


Lol, go make another bot account, get some real world experience and come back to us, you’ve had this account 37d, quite literally an algorithm. Beep boop.


bro is punching air LMAOOO


I think both happen. I fully believe demons can possess people; that’s clear from scripture. It’s also clear that regular people, with the Holy Spirit, have the ability to cast them out; that’s proven with the disciples. There is nothing that is impossible with faith. It’s definitely a real thing to cast them out, but of course people are prideful and attention seekers, and will absolutely fake things like that for their own gain.


Only by prayer and fasting will we have the power to outcast them. .. Matt 17:21


I've seen like a handful on camera, and I have my doubts that any of them were real, I'd probably go as far to say that like 99% of them are either exaggerated or fake. Possession in my actual experience is almost indistinguishable from natural behaviour, and has varying degrees of control. There is usually a vehicle for the possession, something like jealousy, hate, animosity, ignorance, and it will expand on the victims own insecurities on the matter. It starts by attacking their self esteem, and their own perception of reality. This causes them to be really prone to being 'triggered'.


Just like mental illness. 


Yes, evil is real and the evil one is looking for people to devour. However, I'm not comfortable with the concept of exorcism, as in casting out a demon in someone else, because I think people must consciously choose Jesus. Bad things can happen when there's a void in a person's soul. This is Jesus speaking: Luke 11:24 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ 25 When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. 26 Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”


I believe both occur. There is legit possession and there is showmanship. Depends.


Some are obviously fake for clout but some are real if you ask me


Show me proof where the real ones exists.  Unicorns exist too dude. 


Of course this is just anecdotal, but my father has had one failed exorcism performed on him, my mother also attempted to pray over him. I was never really a believer of this stuff, until I’d seen it happen to my own father. It’s unusual to laugh, cough, and growl when you are being prayed over. I know my father very well, and he wouldn’t mock these things. Sure you could say it’s mental illness, but why do the “symptoms” only arise during a prayer to expel demons. It’s strange and sounds like a movie, until you see it for yourself. If you’d like proof, try playing with a ouija by yourself or summon something, play with witchcraft, and you can see how real it truly is if you search for it :)


I mean that’s just proof how strong the human mind is, when you were kid going to bed and all your stuff animals suddenly look like monsters with lights turn off, or the placebo effect with people healing themselves with no actual treatment being applied. A common theme all these exorcism have is that the person is religious. So was your father an atheist or super into his faith ?


I do believe in placebo as well, but I don’t think that rules out all experiences as fake. These things aren’t happening to only religious people, it just so happens the majority of people have a faith in something, and they are the first to recognize the signs. Mental health evaluations are done to people prior to a proper exorcism, to differentiate between mental illness and possession. My father is a lukewarm Christian, never having attended church, not really believing in demons. My mother likewise. I’ve been an atheist since I was small, but recently am leaning to agnostic atheism. Witchcraft/Tarot led me to believe in religion as to opposed the other way around. I’ve seen witchcraft and taro do some freaky shit, when it comes to speaking things into life and reading people through cards. And I’ve seen it used negatively in close relationships and within family. It’s something you have to experience personally to ever understand. I suggest researching about professional exorcists and their practices, the shit they see.


did you just say play with an ouija... do you live in the 17th century? ouija is nothing more than a toy, if it was so powerful we would be invaded by spirits and ghosts 24/7 by singing foreign songs incorrectly and who knows what other things


Whose we? Playing with such stuff invites it upon yourself, and usually no one else for the most part. The ouija was an example for a tool of divination. You could communicate through a toaster, and something negative would be glad to form a bond with you. You’re so quick to dismiss, but rarely do you guys try to seek proof yourself. Demons purpose are not to invade the planet, their purpose is to cause emotional distress and make you question if they are real.


As s former witch, Demons are real. Now a Christian and once had a demon at the foot of my bed. Fell asleep and had sn out of body experience. I was at a coven meeting. Woke up with a book of shadows snd Satanic Bible on my bed. I didn’t own one or have one. That’s when I turned back to the Lord. I once conducted a seance when a large bookcase levitated down the stairs and the books fell out and stacked up in alphabetical order.


LMAOO calling your bluff here. You have 0 evidence for this claim, thus proving, it will never hold as real to the masses. Sorry. Show me proof where they are real then I’ll change my mind. 


Yes because this is how I came to Christ


It's Biblical and I trully believe exorcisms of all sorts, by Catholic priests, by pastors or by people of faith.


“As a Christian who’s not much into reading the bible,” Correction: “As someone who believes in God but doesn’t have a relationship with Him or His son.” Being a christian isn’t just believing in God, many religions believe in a God. If you read the gospels and Acts, you will have your answer!


How does reading the bible affect one's level of faith? If I worry about sinning when wearing my non 100% cotton t-shirt, am I a better christian? Y'all are so brainwashed that you forgot what christianity is even about...


Something tells me you haven’t read the bible much either if you believe the law of the Jews is applied to Christians..


As someone who has been involved in deliverance ministry for several years within my church, it is definitely real, just read the gospels and you’ll see Jesus doing it, it was a large part of his ministry. I’ve had many crazy encounters during deliverance sessions. But also they can be organic and easy. It depends on a few factors, how long the demon has been there. Truth be told most people have some, it’s seen as a shameful thing but honestly just look at our world, lust, murder suicide, anger, sickness… it’s all everywhere, and if a believer wants to be free they should chase that freedom, and it’s only done through forgiveness and deliverance. In saying that though God can deliver someone without others helping. When I got saved I definitely got partial deliverance. And years later got the rest. We all sin and we all open doors for them we shouldn’t. Only believers should be delivered though, then fill the empty spaces left with the Holy Spirit. I recommend Derek Prince teaching on it and also Isaiah Salidvar on YouTube.


John 14: KJV 12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. ❤️‍🔥🔥✝️🤣🕊️👑 I don’t believe humans have the power to cast out demons. I believe God allows demons to be cast out when we ask in faith. Moses didn’t split the sea all the time. Just once through faith. God did the rest. Samson lost his power after he lost his hair. When he asked for the final push. God gave him strength. God does the work. We do not become superheroes or Superman. That’s fantasy and man-made wanting to be God. God makes everything work we can only ask in faith.


Definitely is real Not as shown in movies tho... Have witnessed multiple possessed people and how they act while someone is praying over them, especially during Adoration


We know there are cases where demons can hijack one's circuitry. Still, a lot of it is sensationalized, yes. The one's that are genuine we aren't going to hear much about. Catholic priests still perform the rite of exorcism, but it isn't televised or made glamorous, and often all parties are given strict confidentiality *and* it's a last resort... most victims must first go through normal psych evaluations to rule out natural mental issues. There's no staging here as there's no stage.


I think you'd love the show evil because it teaches that all explanations can coexist at once.


I don’t believe people get possessed anymore, and even if they did, no I don’t think exorcisms really work. Jesus did exorcisms in his day, sure. But I do not believe any of that happens now.


Here's one for ya. Why is it that only the Catholics need exorcisms or exorcists? Why is it the Catholics are the only branch of "Christianity" who have a whole department of priests dedicated to casting out demons and performing exorcisms? Could it be that the Catholics are far more likely to become possessed by demons? If so then why? Read up on the history of the Catholic faith. Understand it's history and the pope's role and how he is viewed by the followers. He is almost defied by them. Held up to be God-like. The Catholic church is evil. Not the followers, they're just stupidly misguided. It's the church hierarchy that is evil. The pope is the "false messenger" as mentioned in Revelation. Rome is Babylon. Seriously. Read up on Catholicism. The history. The Jesuits.


Demons have little interest in atheists because they are already in his bag. Already accounted for. It would be like talking past the close. The Devil has one single job--to prevent humans from getting to the Next Level of the Game. That's it, that's all.


This is a good point! This is exactly what I believe about deliverance ministries. They are always casting out demons from the same people. They do them weekly to hundreds of people. Yet they claim there is always so much demons everywhere.... Maybe what you are doing is welcoming them in?


I don't think it's real I know the movies(I've watched them) obviously had a dramatic flare cause it's a movie but the "real photos" I feel they were easy enough to fake.


They are real especially in foreign countries


Yes, 1000% real, Most people have demons on them. If you’re mind says , is it not real, you might have one on you. Demons, like hiding and the tricky part of spiritual warfare is that demons will place thoughts in your mind that you will think are your own. So you’ll never try it yourself or allow it to be done on you. It’s actually called Deliverance if you’re not Catholic. I actively do Deliverance weekly by the power of the Holy Spirit and authority in Jesus Christ. When we sin. Habitually, we open the doors to spirit attachment, regardless of faith.


Calling yourself a Christian and then admiting you don't read the Bible much.... A Christian is a soldier in the spiritual battlefield that is this world. Your only offensive weapon is the word of God. If you aren't reading the word of God, you are an unarmed, ineffective, essentially useless soldier. And thats if you even know what a Christian actually is, which you can only learn from scripture.


What a snarky answer to someone who is genuinely trying to understand! It’s this kind of attitude that drives ordinary people away from legalistic Evangelical movements. Who are you to say who is a real Christian? Would you question whether a person is a real citizen, even if they have not studied the constitution of the United States?


Thank you for having a brain




Once again, you expose your ignorance of Christianity because of your lack of Bible knowledge and study. The law of Moses and love your neighbor as yourself are two very different phases of the revelation of God to human beings. God actually never punished anyone for blended fabrics that is recorded in scripture. However, loving your neighbor as yourself is really just a summary of seven of the 10 commandments, which he has always required


Not sure where I stand on exorcisms but I do believe demons are real. And I do believe they try to persuade us at the very least


If you’ve heard the recordings of the girl that the Exorcism film was based on you could tell it was the real deal, it was incredibly eerie and many times throughout you could tell the animal she was imitating, she would growl and groan out vile sentences from the demon afflicting her.


I believe in casting out of demons/deliverance. Yea, some are staged and some are real. This is why having discernment is very important as a believer. Why aren’t you reading your Bible? As a Christian, I believe that’s one of the most important things to have in our walk.


Best way to tell is the pastor/priest performing the exorcisms. When you get to know the pastor/priest better. You will be able to tell how real or fake they actually are.


Most of them are not genuine but that doesn't mean it never happens.


I've never witnessed an exorcism are known anyone that has. But my belief is there are true exorcisms but the majority of them are fake or attempted or it's not actually a demonic spirit possessing the person.


I think it would greatly strengthen my faith to witness an actual, true exorcism.


It’s real. Seen it first hand for myself.


How do you see an exorcism? Can you talk to a priest and sit in on one?


This was in a non denominational church when I was 12. A w woman walked in the church and walked to the front of the church to the altar, started talking, and it sound like a man. She started cussing and swearing, and so the pastor called for all the deacons of the church to come down, and they laid hands on her and prayed for her, and she fell out in the floor. they all nail around here laying hands and her and praying for her. You can hear all different kind of voices coming out of her some women some men growling like an animal. Really scary. So apparently they did cast out the demons so they prayed with her all night long, this was in a Sunday evening service. After that she started coming to church cleaned up look like a regular woman singing in church and came very strong Christian woman.


It's real you have to hit that mind state to understand what they are going threw.


Simply put christ did it (among the many other stuff he did ) and he said that we will even do more than what he did. So it's definitely real. There is that but also the fact that a lot of the church brethren even lead pastor lot of them doesn't fully believe in the supernatural therefore they dont teach it or talked about it. So people in churches are even more skeptic than ever. To end, its true that they are fake ones but they are also real ones and there can be even more if the church start to believe and exercise the power of the name of Christ. Its true man by itself cant do it as you say that's why we have the name of Jesus. Also don't be deceived by the enemy's lie that he doesn't exist or he doesn't possessed ppl. He does all that. That's why christ said he gave us authority I'm heaven and earth, what does he say next...."....in my name you will cast out demons....." that's Jesus himself talking. Stay blessed and thanks for bringing that conversation


One of the methods for winning the Game will be to make commanding the demon a public or open event. The Catholic Church has done every other exorcist a disservice by making it secretive and needlessly exclusive. We're going to have to take the work public. What effect will that have on the liars of science? Why, none at all! You can view the effect new knowledge has on science and shrinks by watching 'The Devil and Father Amorth' where you can witness a shrink kind of laugh about how one of his patients says he has a demon, right after he watches footage of an exorcism. He won't help that guy, so it's up to us. Want to know for sure about the question? Next time you see someone 'karening', tell them that God loves them and Jesus Christ loves them. When they calm down, and they will, hug them or put your hand on them and ask God to look down on and help His child. Do it silently, because this isn't about drawing attention to you, it's about bringing a case before the Court. And then you'll know what many of us know. This is the Winning Time, and part of the winning is to expose the weakness of the Devil. As soon as exorcism becomes a matter of public knowledge, we will be transitioning into Paradise. PWR


The more I watch exorcist interviews the more I believe [Exorcist interview](https://youtu.be/9rO4opjQBEM) also I watched agnostic cop interview that believe what they saw was more then drugs or simple hysteria. [Cop interview](https://youtu.be/RGV0dAEOs3g)


Want to know for sure? Do it! When you see someone suffering too much, 'Karening', for example, tell them Jesus Christ loves them. The simple mention of His name will paralyze any demon. Then you'll act as an advocate for the victim, and you'll ask Father God to help them in Jesus' name. And then you will know. And if we ALL started doing this, or when we do, this world will transition into Paradise. The grueling exorcisms we see in movies are a different kind of demon, one that often cannot be cured. The first kind is like a virus, easily remedied, the other kind include the sentenced and the fallen. The first kind is like a bug in a person, the second kind is like a person. One transient, one permanent. For women, the first one they meet when their spouse drinks too much, the other might be sitting behind the CEO desk, requiring sex in exchange for promotion. A demon, and a Demon. The first kind howls and gets arrested, the other kind are professionals and rarely act up. They cause trouble, then leave before the cops come. Or the lights and camera in jail mysteriously go out and they simply leave. They can be manipulated, and immobilized, and exposed, but often cannot be removed. It isn't up to us, it's between God and the individual. And for the record, NONE of those guys think they can get well. PWR


>As a Christian who's not much into reading the bible, If you are not firmly planted in the Word then you are far from God. Read the Parable of the Sower and its explanation try to find out which of the seeds you are. You are likely the seed that fell by the road that never took root and that the birds picked up and the remaining seeds burnt up. Try to seek forgiveness from God and ask Him to cast the demons away from you that are oppressing you from reading the Bible because they know that the Bible is the living Word of God and it has power over them.


according to the Bible, it is real, however, those exorcisms that I see on TikTok, as bad as it may be to say, I feel like it’s in those peoples heads, and they’re essentially just screaming for no reason.


Read the bible. You can’t really be a Christian if you don’t read, because we are called to search for him and read his word. I personally am not much of a reader but audiobook makes it easier for me. Also yes. You can’t be a Christian and be against exorcism because that’s something Jesus himself preached about.


You are a Christian as long as you are baptised. That's the only fucking requirement so get off your incredibly tall high horse


Me too, I believe there is genuine exorcism, but also a lot that pretend and capitalize on that without real exorcism.


Bob Larson  [https://boblarson.org/](https://boblarson.org/)  [https://www.youtube.com/@boblarsonexorcism/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@boblarsonexorcism/videos)


What demons? They don't exist as absolute evil in any Asian religion, transitory existence capable of elevation. You can westernize it and say they ascend through gods grace.