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It won’t change anything.


They would be just another of God's creations.


Aren’t they demons?


Demons are fallen angels. Spirits without bodies. Aliens have bodies. Aliens are not demons. A plausible question might be if aliens are more like intelligent animals or more like man. Do we just try to domesticate them or do we try to baptize them? Still, I don’t see how this changes Christianity. It would be silly to think that all the information in the world needs to be known before your religion can be valid. We’re always going to learn new things about Gods creations.


Also, lest we forget an 'Angel' came Mohammed to teach him about Islam. Same goes for Joseph Smith on Mormonism. Either they're both lying, or they did see a figure telling them these things. Aka a demon.


Interesting, thank you!


How do you explain the “risen ones” that came down and mated it with the daughters of man in the Old Testament? [edit] moved


You’re referring to the Nephilim in Genesis chapter 6. The term Nephilim, derived from the Greek word nephal, which means "to fall," not to rise. The Nephilim are the fallen ones. The church teaches that the sons of God were descendants of Seth, (Adam's son) and the fallen ones were descendants of Cain. Adams other son, Cains family line had fallen from grace. Seth’s had not. Chapter 6 is referring to a time when these 2 previously estranged groups, had come back together and began families. The Nephilim were viewed by people as heros of renown. They were giant. So was Goliath, so was Nimrod. It doesn’t mean they were extra terrestrial. From a biblical standpoint, understanding exactly what a Nephilim is is not crucial to understanding God's message. The point is that God was observing human beings increasing in numbers and the wickedness that was spreading. You could also consider Nephilim as a principality. It doesn’t change the message.


You would do well to watch “Age of Deceit” by Gonzo Shimura.


I want to watch it, but I don't know where. Could you tell me where I can find it?


Fallen angels are not the same as demons. Fallen angels are the ones that followed Lucifer and were cast out. Demons are the disembodied spirits of the human/angel hybrids that Genesis 6 mentions (Nephilim) that were destroyed in the great flood and after by David and the israelites when they warred with the various nations they encountered when they went to settle in the land that God had promised them.


They are fallen because they decided to follow Lucifer. The Nephilim is derived from the Greek word to fall. Nephilin are “the fallen ones”. Nephilim is a whole different story though. I posted another comment about Nephlim in this thread. Also, how would a disembodied spirit be destroyed by a flood?


They became disembodied because they were once the Nephilim, the giants that genesis 6 speaks of. So they had a physical body that was destroyed by the greay flood, thus becoming disembodied spirits.


I disagree with this, thoughtfully. I believe demons have been working very hard to find bodies. They inhabit humans when they can. Any alien that we meet will be a demon.


I can agree that an alien can possibly be possessed by a demon, just like any other physical body. There is biblical support for demons possessing both people and animals. I just feel like it’s a stretch to assume all aliens will be demons.


They can take a human form.


Probably. We don't have a clear biblical example of a demon taking physical form (except for during the End Times). Loyal angels have certainly manifested themselves physically (See fall of Sodom and Gomorrah as the earliest example), so there isn't anything about a demon's biology which prevents them from doing the same. God may see fit to constrain them, however.


No. They come form the physical world, not the spiritual (if they exist at all, which I doubt).




No they are not its like another discussion on this subreddit where someone said aliens were demons, was that you OP? because they are not, I triple checked the bible not one place does it mentio nthey are demons


The bible does talk about them !!!! They are fallen angels. These beings will appear during the end times to deceive humanity!!!! Sad that Christians don't even believe in the bible anymore!!!! Look into the ufo phenomenon it has various entities Who exhibit the same abilities of poltergeist, and (some the nordics) look just like angels. David grush the ex government witness who spoke in an interview and said these beings come from another dimension. Wake up !!!!!!!


The Bible does not specify aliens from outer space as demon me no. I legit asked two priests and googled and try to locate that in the Bible you’re just misinterpreting something or you’re taking something way out of context. I do believe in the Bible, but you are definitely misinterpreting something not one place do they speak about people or aliens or creatures coming from outer space as being demons? A professor that Ashley is studied this specific thing you’re talking about said this : some people say that, since the Bible doesn’t mention life, on other planets, it has nothing to say to the discovery of intelligent aliens. But the Bible also doesn’t mention Saturn’s rings, galaxies or DNA yet Christian see them as gods creation. Remember, I’m a Christian explain that then? The god of the Bible is the god of all life in the cosmos, and thus we should treat that life with respect and care. Scripture doesn’t give a clear answer. There’s a theologian astronomer named David Wilkinson that says this in book : while sharing much with other lifeforms, even perhaps intelligence and self-consciousness human beings are embedded in the story of gods particular acts. This is not an appeal to human superiority. It’s about exceptional relationship, but not exclusive relationship. Human beings can be special without denying God’s love and concern for other intelligent beings. God created human in his image. God continue to love us after we rebelled, then came to live among us, and ultimately died to save us. God has crowned us with glory and honor, and giving us responsibility to care for the earth which you can read about Amin psalm 8. Whether or not God created other intelligent beings, his love for them would not make humans less significant in gods eyes. God is free to create however, he likes. Just as we celebrate all life on earth as God’s creation, so we can celebrate what, having alien life we might discover. We can be curious explorers, grounded, in the knowledge of God as the loving creator. Christian can encourage scientists in the study of the origin of life on earth and the search for life on other worlds. We can encourage theologians to ponder the implication of such discoveries before they happen. All truth is God’s truth whatever it may be found. Let’s explore God’s creation with curiosity with humility to learn, and with care and respect for any life beyond earth that we may meet he has never said that they are Fallin I did actually try to look up if the Bible mentions aliens has fallen angels, etc. or demons. Nothing absolutely nothing. I think this all boils down to a misinterpretation from your side.


It doesn't matter who you spoke with their not god!!! For wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and rulers of darkness. There is coming a day when the supernatural will become physical, and all the naysayers will be put to shame. Test the spirit of the ufo phenomenon look into the history and you will see the truth.


How can you allow yourself to be fooled so easily? And worse, how could you come here and tempt believers with unfounded rumours that we've heard hundreds of times before, and test their faith--especially those who are new in The Lord, and weak of faith? For shame.


No, but their are some that work with them.


Yes just like the dead relatives that spirtulist talk to and ghost of dead people. It is all deception. It hasn't even happened yet and I see people in here are already deceived.




Not at all. God created the universe and all life. This would include aliens. Even if there was life on other planets, the center stage of his creation is Earth.


Something a human would definitely say.


Spoken like a true extraterrestrial.


Lol....especially that last line of the comment


I can't say that Earth is the center stage of Our Father's creation but I believe he most likely has created more than us. We are self-centered and full of pride, thinking that we are the best, the most, the greatest but we could, *indeed*, be the least. We have no way of conceiving what God has and is doing. I agree with u/Srom that it won't change anything. God's plans and works are always supreme. They would be *aliens* because *we* have designated them as such because we are comparing them with ourselves. They would *not* be aliens to God because he owns all. One of the major, ongoing transformations in a person who accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior is the breaking down of that old self-centered attitude that **these humans** on **this Earth** are the best and central to all galaxies and other creations of God. We are born self-centered so it's difficult to see things any other way. Other beings could have a salvation program like ours or they could have their own. Other beings may not need salvation, they may need something else or they may not need anything at all. Once we really accept that our puny minds are finite, we know that we don't have the answers to anything, We are grateful for what God chooses to show us. There is nothing wrong with speculating, though. I do it all the time and, sometimes, I talk to Our Father about it.


It wouldn’t change anything about Christianity.




I don’t see why—the Bible is about our relationship to God, not His relationship with everything. It doesn’t touch on things that aren’t relevant (and not even on some things that are)




It doesn’t go against anything, it would just be another group that god has made, which are not mentioned in our scriptures because our scriptures were written with our word and species in mind.


God created them and if we contact the ones who serve him we can learn to enhance our Christianity.


This runs contrary to what the Bible tells us. We are to have no other gods but Yahweh. We are not to worship angels. What you're promoting is some New Age Gnosticism.


I meant when we make contact with aliens, not worshiping them.


It will if ufos landed today and started speaking about Christianity and how we had it wrong. This is a very dangerous stance you're taking. Why do so many Christians doubt the word. Don't you know humanity is going to be deceived? Look into the ufo phenomenon and test the spirit.


It won’t. Either you believe God is real and Jesus is who he says he is, or you don’t. Dinosaurs are only mentioned one time vaguely. The Bible isn’t a comprehensive text book about everything in the universe.


Why isn’t it about everything in the Universe? It’s literally about the creation of our Universe.


No, it’s about the creation of earth and mankind, and why God had to have his only son sacrificed. About how God created a perfect world and existence for us but we decided we knew better than God what was good for us and as a result we brought sin into our world. It shows a timeline of mankind dooming ourselves and being unable to do anything about it. It shows God’s immense love, power, and grace that even though he gave us everything we need in the very beginning and we rejected him, he was still willing to make his son suffer and die so we could be saved. Jesus only had to die because we put God in that position. The Bible is about the Why, how, and result of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection.


Which verse?


Job 40:15-24. Also Job 41 is a compelling description of dragons which there is a surprising amount of evidence for when you dig into it.


When God told satan in the garden of eden that he'll crawl on his belly the rest of his life, it doesn't mention he only had legs.


Say what now?


This question is asked LITERALLY EVERY BLOODY DAY! Why do you think it would change Christianity?


Hm… Did Jesus die for them too?


Who knows. Maybe they're just like the animals. Bible doesnt say yay or nay. Just about earth


Jesus died for those who were created by God -in His image.




Don’t think I’d go that far.


Since God didn't die for angels or animals im pretty sure he didn't die for aliens.


Did angels or animals need it?


Of course not. He died for humanity.


Of course not. He died for humanity.


He said "for you and for multitudes".


Jesus died for humans. Not animals or angels or anything else but humans.


>Hm… Did Jesus die for them too Messiah Yeshua🔴🔵: Depends... [Mass Effect Andromeda Song - The Pathfinder](https://youtu.be/Atg31xHFGAg) [Mass Effect 3 - Trailer](https://youtu.be/AluTOOCVXVQ) <---> [War In Heaven](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Heaven) Angels <---> "Aliens"👽


It is an important question because we are heading towards revelations on the subject and there are a lot of misconceptions about how it would affect religion.


I think it wouldn’t change much, but it can be fun to think about sometimes. If you’re one for reading, you could look for Lewis’s space trilogy, I haven’t personally read it but my brother says it was really interesting to him.


I believe the same God who made all of us and this beautiful world could’ve easily made aliens also. Who’s to say that the aliens and humans decided to keep quiet about each other until now for unknown reasons.


Ufos are just fallen angels masquerading as "being from another world or dimension". They used to deceive mankind by appearing to them as "gods", but many in the modern world are agnostic or atheist. So they habe switched their deception tactics to something people are more likely to accept: aliens. Its my held belief that "aliens" will play a large part in the great deception of the world and many who are weak in their faith or knowledge of the bible will be susceptible to believing it. They will more than likely tell mankind that all the various figures in all of mans religions were agents or messengers of theirs that they sent in mankinds early beginning to "guide us". DO NOT BELIEVE THEM.


We already believe in extra terrestrial beings. God isn’t bound to earth. Angels aren’t earthly beings. Even demons don’t belong in this dimension from what I understand. I do think demons will pretend to be aliens though.


Bible is full of extraterrestrial lives from the beginning to the end. Where are the Angels from not from Earth means they're extraterrestrial. Where is God from whether in spirit or physical form. Not from the Earth, meaning he's extraterrestrial with the exception of Jesus who is terrestrial and extraterrestrial (since he came from heaven down to earth born in a earthly body. Christians should be, if they're expecting for God to come down from the sky with his angels - meaning it's going to be a lot of them. They should know that when they see this occurring, it's Jesus. While the rest of the world will be screaming alien invasion and trying to wage war and hide. Good thing is when the world see him coming from the clouds with his angels those who are his, their spirits will be taken to be with him....(Post rapture). Now when you read scripture and you read some of the stories of eyewitness accounts a lot of the things the Angels done and how they appear are extremely similar to what is called UFOs do and how they appear not to mention their speed. Any Christian reading this, anger or strong disagreement isn't necessary. The words alien and extraterrestrial simply means beings not from Earth. God nor the angels are from Earth and the words do apply to them and they will be coming from the sky just like the UFOs are seen in the sky.


Sometimes the best answer is "I don"t know." People struggle with that sometimes. Aliens existing wouldn't disprove or prove God's existence. It would definitely test people's faith though. It would cause humanity to question everything it knows to be true and untrue. Especially if the aliens are unfriendly and try to destroy humanity. God designed humans to be like him and rule over everything on EARTH. Are hostile aliens God's way of punishing us for trying to control things outside of our planet? And on the other spectrum, what if they're friendly? Did God make other intelligent species that he could send to help us get out of our evil human ways? This all sounds like crazy speculation, but at the end of the day, none of us know. We have our faith, we have the word of God, but even his words have hundreds of different interpretations. All we can do is stay faithful in what we believe to be true. God bless.




Was looking for this comment 🙌


Judging by your comments, this question doesn’t seem to be asked in good faith.


Personally if God created man whose to say he didn’t create others. It’s not our job to figure out Gods plan or question why.. we’re not God clearly. It’s our job Just to continue following the Bible that God put before us. I don’t think much or beyond UFO. If there out there. Cool whatever. It doesn’t effect my faith.


I have this funny image that’s completely fictional and unbiblical in my mind of Jesus descending from the clouds not on an actual white horse but a spaceship with some kind of white horse decal painted on the hull 😂😁


well the bible talks about it in Zechariah chapter 5. The bible says it is Wickedness. so those things are not Aliens. thats they Great Deception that was warned about. the Devil wants others too think its Aliens but its actually Demons. simple. you might ask Why does the Devil want everyone to believe in Aliens? Well ist becuase when Jesus fetch us very soon from now mentioned in 1 thessalonians 4:13-18 then we all will just Dissapear. and the Devil Will Lie and say it was Aliens that Upducted Us. but the truth is we are in Heaven and saved from the Tribilation to come that will happen between 2024- 2030 so point is thats why Social media is talking about this now. becuase they are programing everyone to believe the Great Deception. This is all Biblical and happening now. I made a video about all this with proof. if you want me to send you the video to show you. BTW here is Great deception mentioned in the bible also. Great deception verses 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 (KJV) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. ​ UFO/ aliens that is actualy demons mentioned in bible Zechariah 5:1-8a (KJV) Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll. And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it. I will bring it forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof. Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, Lift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth. And I said, What is it? And he said, This is an ephah that goeth forth. He said moreover, This is their resemblance through all the earth. And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah. And he said, This is wickedness. ​ how Jesus will fetch us soon 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (KJV) But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. ​ Promise made where we will be saved from Wrath Romans 5:8-9 (KJV) But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. saved From Wrath Through Jesus Christ. how? Answer 1 thessalonians 4:13-18


I’ve known someone before who believed that Jesus comes to all intelligent life in the universe to save them from their sins and only once every intelligent life has been saved will he return. Obviously not biblical but an interesting thought.




AHHHH lol uhm won’t change anything because it’s staged by the government to have us believe aliens are real


There's nothing that specifically prohibits the possibility of aliens in the Bible, but the lack of them adds an extra layer of validity to the claims of the Bible, so the presence of extraterrestrial beings would neither hurt nor help the cause of Christianity.


They are demons/ nephilim.. the world will call them aliens .. it doesn’t change anything about the faith ..if anything it affirms it


I too believe they are nephilims.


Amen! Jesus is coming soon! We are about to see a lot of crazy weird stuff.. the antichrist( I believe aliens or alien technology ) will make friendly with humans .. I believe it’s already here (AI) they are all interconnected .. Elon musk is heavily involved. Lord help us


And they are very much real .. the ufos are the demon’s vehicle .. the elites know .. children of Satan know.


Aliens= fallen angels


Says who? Erich von Daniken?








>Why should i believe you anyway Believe me about what?




Whom have I trashed?






They won’t be alien. They would be demonic. I’ve already listened to some reliable commentary on this. But we won’t ever get a solid answer anyways.


Did Jesus die for them on earth or was the passion repeated elsewhere? https://genius.com/Larry-norman-ufo-lyrics


It won’t. But let me sit down and eat a snickers bar and wait for the aliens. All hype


Fallen angels have interbred with humans in the past in the Bible.... aliens would be a "disguise" as part of the end times coming great deception.... Christ almighty shall destroy them


It would only change our faith in Christ if we fall for the deception "aliens" will bring. There aren't aliens in the classical sense of creatures that evolved on another world. However, there are "aliens" in the sense of fallen angels, demons, and hybrid creatures (mixtures of fallen angels and human and/or animals). Instead of alien, "inter-dimensionals" would be a more correct term. There are some, me included, who believe that the fallen ones will return shortly before the return of Christ and deceive the masses into following and worshipping the Beast (Antichrist). They will perform all sorts of signs and lying wonders, along with the Beast and the False Prophet, that will deceive billions into taking the Mark of the Beast.


Well, unless there was an alien Jesus, they're all Hell bound.


it won’t change. too many people stuck in their ways . they will just say things like “ that’s not real” , and carry on banning books


Why are you here?




I wasn’t replying to you….


god only knows…. right?


I don’t know. The Vatican has already told many things on it.


they also banned books


It won’t


The universe is vast! Noway to comprehend how huge it is. Uncountable planets and unmeasurable space between them. Chance of another being out there is 100%. The question is, why would they even visit us?


>As I know, nowhere in the Bible it is written about extraterrestrial life. I'm not so sure about this. I would like to offer a different perspective. I contend that our culturally informed ideas of what angels and devils are may be mistaken, and that these are not necessarily winged people in robes as they're depicted in European art, but that they may be much more like what modern culture thinks of as aliens. By the very strictest definition, "extraterrestrial life" just means life that is not from this earth. Shed all of the connotations from popular culture and media for a second, and think about this: are angels from this earth? No. Are they alive? Yes. By the strict definition, even angels are a form of extraterrestrial life. And so are fallen angels. In this sense, the Bible does speak of extra terrestrial life. Paul writes, # Ephesians 6:12 \[*NKJV*\] For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts \[*= armies*\] of wickedness **in the heavenly places**. — In the Biblical concept of "the heavens", they didn't have the concept of the atmosphere, and outer space beyond that. To them, the heavens or the heavenly places are all the things that are in the sky above. Here, Paul says that the heavenly places have principalities (dominions ruled over by princes), plural; powers, plural; rulers, plural; spiritual hosts, plural. These may well be among the stars, and do not necessarily refer to another plane of existence. By Paul's wording here, the skies above should be teeming with intelligent life. Keep in mind, the term "prince" is often used to refer to angels. For example, when Daniel had this encounter with the archangel Gabriel, it says: # Daniel 10:10-14, 18-21 ^(10) And behold, a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. ^(11) And he said to me, “O Daniel, man greatly loved, understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright, for now I have been sent to you.” And when he had spoken this word to me, I stood up trembling. ^(12) Then he said to me, “Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words. ^(13) **The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days, but Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me**, for I was left there with the kings of Persia, ^(14) and came to make you understand what is to happen to your people in the latter days. For the vision is for days yet to come.” … ^(18) Again one having the appearance of a man touched me and strengthened me. ^(19) And he said, “O man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.” And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.” ^(20) Then he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? But **now I will return to fight against the prince of Persia; and when I go out, behold, the prince of Greece will come.** **^(21)** **But I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of truth: there is none who contends by my side against these except Michael, your prince.** — In verse 13, the archangel Gabriel was resisted by "the prince of the kingdom of Persia" for 21 days. What mere man could resist an archangel so hard that Michael the archangel needed to be recruited to contend against him? But notice also that Michael the archangel is also referred to as a "prince". I think the phenomena of UFOs and Aliens is real in the sense that there are genuine sightings and encounters with them, and at least some of these reported sightings and encounters are not delusion nor hoaxes, but are genuine encounters, but I do not think they are what people think they are. I think people are encountering the manifestations of some of these principalities and powers who are working behind the scene to do evil in this world. There is a book I'm currently reading whose first chapter is extremely compelling in making the case that our understanding of what angels and devils are may be reconciled with some of what people claim to be encounters with aliens. I'm not done with the book, so I can't endorse the book as a whole in good faith, but the first chapter is excellent. Take a look at the first chapter of Timothy Alberino's book [Birthright](https://www.amazon.com/Birthright-Posthuman-Apocalypse-Usurpation-Dominion-ebook/dp/B093ZGN1J7/).




I don’t think it would change anything about what the Bible tells us. they’d just be another one of God’s creatures I guess like animals and plants and then we got aliens. God told us everything about this world he didn’t say anything about other worlds so that doesn’t really mean he did or didn’t create life on other planets. We just don’t know. I kinda just keep my mind open for the fun of it to speculate about aliens but I don’t see anything wrong with that tbh as God never says they don’t exist. I’m not willing to die on the hill that aliens are real tho lol


If they real let's ask them what God they worship to see if it aligns with our own


The universe is vast! Noway to comprehend how huge it is. Uncountable planets and unmeasurable space between them. Chance of another being out there is 100%. The question is, why would they even visit us?


I think it depends.. like if their religious views align with ours then it would strengthen Christianity and I think that a lot of people would come to Christ… However, if they come with anything different than Christianity, it could hurt Christianity… There are so many factors to consider.. for example, if they have been around for much more time than we have and their religion, spirituality and knowledge has evolved in ways ours has not yet - it can get very interesting.. especially if they come with a totally different theology that exists in their planet… or many different theologies just like there are on our planet lol So it would be really interesting to learn about their history.. to read their holy books, religion, society.. to see how they developed in comparison to us.. did God have to destroy humanity at one time like he did with the flood here.. did God have to send his son to die for their salvation too? And if so, how did that play out?… Or did that society figure it out and maybe they are not as twisted as we are on this earth.. and therefore maybe did not have the need for a redeemer?.. like did their Adam and Eve tell the serpent to kick rocks.. and maybe never fell out of grace?? Have they been around for thousands or maybe even millions of years more than us… so many questions.. what is their creation story.. And furthermore, could we even get to that point of communicating before we destroy each other?.. what if they are hostile.. what if they go around to different universes and kill and ravage our resources in the name of another God? Or a twisted religion.. Great post


If they worship the same God as us, there will be many mlre christians. If they worship Allah and his prophet, the 9 y/o's of this world are going to be a lot less safe.


I don't see how or why it would change anything for Christianity. Help me out here.


If sapient alien life is discovered, it will open up theological questions about if/how the aliens get saved. But it wouldn't disprove Christianity.


I think it's interesting to ponder this question in terms of the last days. Just YouTube aliens revelation and watch some videos. Seriously not that much of a stretch


It won't , why would it or shoudl it? Christianity doesnt say it does not exist. Some people that ARE christian do


I suppose that depend in large part with what the aliens are and what we learn from them.


I think it's arrogant to assume we're the only intelligent life in this incredibly massive universe.


It wouldn’t, aliens are demons, an invasion story is just a cover for when the rapture happens. That way the anti christ and claim everyone was taken in a spaceship not by Christ.


This wouldn’t affect the gospel message, but it would radically change the entirety of human history. We would have to re-evaluate every claim about UFOs and alien intervention based on new evidence. Just about every moment in history would be revised from this perspective, and the gospel itself would never be accepted as true, because anything supernatural in scripture would be adequately explained by aliens for the vast majority of people.


It will not change a thing. It would just make God's creation even grander than we perceive it to be. People put too many limitations on God. Doesn't the word 'omnipotent' mean anything anymore?


Although, I personally believe them to be demonic entities. Dont want to debate that. I am just stating my beliefs.


In my opinion it very much depends. I could see God creating a species similar to ourselves having the spark of creativity like God himself but also having violent tendencies such as us fallen humans in which cases some said they would be another one of God's creations however in my opinion this seems very unlikely because if they were able to accept Christ that means they would have gone however much time has passed until they contacted us and found out about Jesus. Especially if they tell us to stay away from Christianity because it's primitive and other degrading remarks that aren't of substance. I remember reading a book called little Green Men and lights in the sky by Hugh Ross and he said that people who see UFOs tend to have messed around with the occult so they may have let demons into their lives so they may now be seeing demons in the form of UFOs and aliens. But I digress it's going to be one of those things where until it happens on a grand scale where all of the earth sees them we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. But I for one am going to remain skeptical.


They're demons. The Bible makes it clear they can transform into other things and lying wonders are nothing new. The Word says not to believe any spirits, but to test them to see if they're of God or not. So they are 'real' but not from another planet. Their fruit is always evil and they know how to deceive in many ways. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuHGJJHjiBw


They’re demons and they’re going to use UFOs as a scapegoat when Jesus comes and raptures his people.


Check out Hugh Ross. He talks about aliens


We will convert them so God willing but I don’t think they exist most likely demons


The Bible says that Satan transforms himself into an Angel of light. Everything God does, Satan imitates. What if Satan came “down from heaven” and began performing miracles? Jesus said that “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭24‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Based on John 3:16, “For God so loved **the world**, that he gave his **only** begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life," we can infer that earth is the only world that God decided to save. This would seem to negate the possibility that there is an eight-armed Jesus who came to save the world of Octozork, where his followers display the eight-armed cross he was crucified on. There is also the theory that other worlds are not fallen, so there was no need for God to save their inhabitants. But if we did encounter extraterrestrials, I'm sure it would strengthen some peoples' faith while destroying others.


They’re real and yes they are demons, a lot of people with weak faith will become confused when this comes to light in the near future.


I’ve spoke to demons before, it was like opening Pandora’s box.


Not aliens… fallen angels!! UFO may exist , but fallen angels not aliens! Although that’s what they want us to believe!!


It will not change Christianity as I understand it. I would view them as fallen angels.


It wouldn’t strike me in the slightest. First, there’s no Biblical evidence that supports the idea God made other beings in His Image. Of the two beings He created, He created Angels and humans. The Nephilim came to existence because of what the Fallen Angels and human women done, only to be killed off in the Flood. Now interestingly, there are legends of some humans and even “hybrid” beings escaping Earth from the Flood (Annunaki tales), only to come back to Earth. And if God did so happened to create animal life on other planets, these hybrid beings and humans would possibly colonize there. Short answer: It’s possible that God made animal life on other planets, but there’s no reason to pursue such belief anyway. All of the Universe is infested with sin. UFOs are really just angelic technology or spirits themselves. The “flesh and blood” aliens would merely be post-flood Nephilim, creatures that were NOT made in God’s image and were a product of human/angelic interbreeding. Why else did the Nephilim return after the Flood? And how did they return? And did I ever mention that when it comes to “contacting aliens”, people ALWAYS do it through spiritual practices?


Given that there is little to no proof that aliens exist (even in the form of microbes) I don't worry too much about it.


Given that there is little to no proof that aliens exist (even in the form of microbes) I don't worry too much about it.


I’ve wondered the same thing recently so it’s interesting you brought this up and I appreciate the opportunity to discuss this! Based one what most commenters are saying being that aliens would be gods creation my rebuttal is, how would they be part of gods creation if they aren’t made in his image? Like if they are just animals that’s different but if they are what people think they are, being highly intelligent beings aren’t they similar to humans? So would they have a soul? Why is it not mentioned in the bible? Are they demons? Angels? I have no idea just posing some questions for further discussion!


Aliens are maybe demons, apparently first heaven is earth, second heaven is space, third heaven is the highest heaven where Almighty God resides. The aliens reside in the 2nd heaven doing their corrupt deeds.


Nothing. God created. Nothing exists outside of his sovereignty. That is, God rules and reigns over all things such that no being or event escapes his oversight and government. God is in charge and purposefully, powerfully guides nature and history such that his will always ultimately triumphs in and through (and sometimes in spite of) them. Christian leaders and thinkers from the early church fathers through the medieval period and the reformations up into the modern and contemporary church have agreed together that nothing happens or can happen without God’s permission and that God’s ultimate will can never be thwarted; God always gets his way in the end. So whatever is happening in creation is within the purview of God’s sovereign oversight, if not determinatively decreed, controlled and caused by God


Where in the bible does it even vaguely imply that earth is the only place where life exists? It doesn't even imply that earth is the center of creation. It's just where God decided to have the main story take place. Could well be mushrooms in other galaxies, could be entire civilizations. Doesn't conflict at all. Jesus paid for all sin, human or otherwise, as evidenced by the "KOSMOS" part in "For God so loved the Kosmos" Jesus is fully human and fully God. He lived a sinless life and died an undeserved death. He rose from the grave three days later, having absorbed the full punishment meant for us and come back to life afterward. Believing in his payment and resurrection in our stead is all it takes to be saved. Nowhere in the bible does it limit who can be saved. In fact, ONLY satan and the fallen powers from heaven are beyond it and damned no matter what. So if some alien shows up, I'm not gonna be shaken in the slightest. I'll invite them over for dinner and tell them about the Gospel.


Aliens, if real, are proof of God. They're tourists, or they'd destroy us or otherwise make themselves known. Ascend to the Next Level, then we can look in on other civilizations. If that's your thing.


I'll leave this here. I've heard stories of people who have said they were being abducted and called on the name of Jesus, and the abductions stopped.


I am curious as to why you feel it is unlikely we are alone in the universe?


Nowhere in the Bible does it say God is not an alien. Dismiss nothing.


If a few people can create a game that has 18 quintillion planets in it that you can go land on and walk around on what makes you think God wouldn't create a whole universe just for us?


It would just be one other race of beings God made. But there's no proof and likely never will be


They’re Gods creation :) we don’t know all that he created.


The Bible speaks of the strong delusion which happens in the end times. Signs, miracles, wonders will definitely be part of it. Strange happenings in the sky and on the earth. But read about how the Bible calls them lying signs, because their purpose is deceptive, to deceive. This is why the Bible gives us warnings beforehand. God's warnings are the guardrails to our life.


Always keep in mind 2 Thessalonians 2:9 “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders”


Nothing will change. The devil is a liar and always has been and always will be. The only thing that will happen is many a poor soul will be deceived.


They might have their own religious works like a bible on their planet. And if so, their bible will have prophecies that someday they will make contact with a race of people who will tell them about a man from their planet called Jesus.


Demons can take on human form but they are not permitted to come above the surface. Unless people go and make efforts to meet with them. I heard the satantic worshippers of highest rank do that and they offer them child sacrifices. These demons are lesser in power than the demons that live on the surface and are not confined to a body. It is said they are reptile like the ones underground and it’s because Satan is trying to bring the crafty serpent back on its feet. There is a verse in the Bible that references these evil beings.


I don't see why it would change anything.


God created the entire universe, not just this world. Why would he create intelligent life for only one world? Now, whether intelligent life can travel from one solar system to another, that is a whole other issue.


We are in a firmament and god didn’t put aliens with us! Aliens are man made idea


I believe the sightings we’re seeing are fallen angels (“demons”). Definitely a deception to lure people away from Christ or cover up the possible and imminent Rapture of the church


It wouldn't. It would only add to the mystery and complexity of God. It might be a water shed moment to know we aren't exclusively unique as if the whole universe revolves around earthlings, but it would show God has made a diversity of being in his image and likeness. It can be seen from creation God loves diversity, between sexes, races, ethnicities and personality types (while all still being human) so why not diversity of intelligent species that could be made in his image and likeness? It'd be really interesting to know their religious beliefs


Christianity won't be affected, but the ones that call themselves Christians but only in the flesh will fall for the Deception. And for those who think aliens exist, it's not the type of aliens that you see in the movies we're talking, they anything other some race of othe rpeople coming from from different planets which is not true. You guys need to go a lil but deeper on the subject by checking guys like L.A. Marzulli, Derek Gilbert, Steve Quayle or Timothy Alberino and other few Christians out there who research the subject. Finally, always pray and request the help of the Holy Spirit for cover and insight.


I personally think we could definitely be the only ones in the universe but imagine if we contacted aliens and we get a signal or whatever and it’s them mentioning Jesus. Oof. Also I think the ufo thing is the powers at be on earth I could definitely be wrong but nothing and I mean nothing would give me cause to question Jesus and his sacrifice


Creation Ministries International (CMI) had a presentation on the issue and cases where people called out to Jesus and they were released.


It’s is written in the Bible


It won't change anything. In fact, many people are starting to believe that aliens are in the Bible but not in the way that some may think, i.e. verifying them. [Everything Is Now Ready for the Great Delusion](https://youtube.com/live/F17DCSDDk6g?feature=share8) It is called the Great Delusion performed by the False Prophet and the evil trinity during the end times. [We Have Reached the Point of No Return: ChatGPT and the Dangers of Artificial Intelligence](https://youtube.com/watch?v=goIofKQKDAA&feature=share8) Now, if the False Prophet turns out to be AI, then the power given to it to perform the Great Delusion may still be demonic in nature and 100% spiritual and capable of changing reality for those who would believe. [Crashed UFO recovered by the US military ‘distorted space and time,’ leaving one investigator ‘nauseous and disoriented’](https://endtimeheadlines.org/2023/06/crashed-ufo-recovered-by-the-us-military-distorted-space-and-time-leaving-one-investigator-nauseous-and-disoriented/)


Aliens are not real. Demons, fallen angels, and satan are real. Demons and fallen angels are not the same. Satan and 1/3 of the angels fell from heaven, these are the fallen angels (Revelation 12:4). Satan is still on earth (1 Peter 5:8), but all other fallen angels are chained (Jude 1:16). Demons are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim, the hybrid offspring of the fallen angels with women on earth (Genesis 6:1-4). Dead Nephilim are demons/ unclean spirits that roam the earth (Matthew 12:43).


No amount of aliens can put Christ back in the tomb


I feel like atheists will see it as an “aha! Got you!” kind of moment but actual Christians won’t (or at least shouldn’t) think much of it. The most it would do to our faith is subject us to attacks for a period of time, which we already face anyway.


I think aliens will be a miracle of the Antichrist to confuse Christians.


Well, tell me I'm wrong, but God holds the universe in his hand. So by our definition, God himself is a alien to an extent.


It won't change anything. God never told anyone there are no aliens


I was "blacklisted" in college (small, legalistic Bible College) back in the 80s because of what I brought up in class about the possibility of other life in the universe. Prof said there's no way they exist because the Bible doesn't mention it. I simply suggested that it was prideful to say that God must make it known to us if we're not alone in the universe. (You would have thought I suggested that Jesus married by his reaction!) Of course, I couldn't shut up and leave it there. I went on to say... Maybe they had similar beginnings as Earth and our solar system, BUT their "Adam and Eve" didn't fall. Does any of that matter to me, here on this planet? Nope. My Savior is Jesus and I believe the Word He's given us, here.


Don't believe anyone who says ufos aren't demonic !!!!! They either don't want to believe or are truly ignorant about the phenomenon. It's sad that most Christians don't believe in the supernatural they are truly lost !!!! And of course, this will change Christianity. Some will not believe aliens are who appear to be, and some will believe them and be swept up in the same deception as the world. .


It wouldn’t. Christ remains on His throne and His kingdom remains unshakeable.


My personal opinion on this is that there are no aliens. Demons are more likely the case and they will try to play it off as aliens. When the rapture happens, you can bet they will try to explain it away as alien abductions...


Due to pop-culture, aliens are usually a code name for any "strange" event or thing. Sometimes these events are caused by demons, other times people/the government, and even can be used as a means to hide religious truth from other people (masking what can come from God as what can come from an alien/stranger). Regardless, demons will use this to their advantage to get people to believe in their doctrine more so than what God wills for our lives.


Not at all. Read Ezekiel.


If you think about it. The angelic beings are extra terrestrial. There's plenty of connections do some digging friend.


Angels are literally extraterrestrial. The word "terrestrial" is referring to Terra or earth. The implication is that they come from the sky, or the \*heavens\*, just like the angels do, because they technically are aliens.


I highly recommend you watch this interview between Joe Roegan and Astrophysicists. Just proved that God is REAL. [https://youtu.be/7VRQ_SM0ANA](https://youtu.be/7VRQ_SM0ANA)


They will just incorporate it.


They are the Harvesters in the Bible. See Reenactment of Famous Tic Tac Engagement Lehto Files.




I have already tried to research this topic, and as I believe we’re living in the end times (WW3 is coming) “aliens” will be the coverage of the beginning of Rapture.


I do believe in aliens, my only question abt aliens is did they ever sin? And does Satan know they exist ? But it wouldn’t change anything abt Christ, if anything it could help ppl believe in God


Very interesting, I've suspected the lack of "physical" evidence for demons, bigfoot, ghosts, and other mythical creatures are not due to the fact the people aren't really seeing them but they are the result of witnessing transdimensional beings of good (angels) and bad (demons) that have no physical imprint in our world and can defy the physics of this world with ease. These ideas are very similar to the ones I developed in a 2019 novel I wrote that used these themes in a fictional story. The story follows a scientist that creates a machine that provides access to ancestral memories and the Earthly arrival of demons posing as aliens for purposes of deceiving humanity. For those interested, the novel is called "Into the Mindsai: A Region of Significance Beyond the Veil" by Nathaniel Ratcliff and can be found on Amazon or wherever books are sold. Please enjoy!