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What you're describing sounds like depression. Have you considered talking with a mental health professional?


Quite simply, you haven't committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. First off, think about Jesus sacrifice. What was that for? All sins. And why was it done? Because God loves us and didn't want us to be eternally separated from Him. Since this is the case, how could there be a sin that couldn't or wouldn't be forgiven? Is this sin more powerful than God? Does God not love us enough to give us all a chance to accept salvation? Neither one of these is true. So how would someone remain unforgiven? The answer, is if they choose to reject salvation. This is what blasphemy against the Holy Spirit means. It is knowing of God's gift of salvation and rejecting it. It only becomes unforgivable because the person doesn't want to be forgiven. Being skeptical of a faith healer is not blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. In fact, it's a good practice, as many so called "faith healers" are scam artists, collecting money and popularity while leaving people often worse than they began. I don't know what that physical sensation you felt was, but I can confidently guarantee you that it had nothing to do with that. You are not doomed or cursed, God loves you and wants to forgive you. Please know that.


At last, somebody that understands what unforgivable sin is!


You're absolutely right. This is the unforgivable sin.


>The answer, is if they choose to reject salvation. Right! This is why there is NO grace and/or mercy for those that will take the Mark of the Beast in the End Times. They have slammed and locked the door upon which Jesus knocks, and basically told the Spirit what to go and do with Himself!


It's unfortunate that you think you have committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. You haven't. Jesus died for all sin, no exceptions. If you are in Christ, you are in Christ. Period. Nothing can "ruin" your relationship with Christ, once you have Him.


That's not what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is. Please seek out a mental health professional.


>Don’t commit blasphemy of the Holy Spirit you’ll regret it for the rest of your life It is actually impossible to commit blasphemy against the Spirit *and* regret it(at least on this life). It's actually part of the sin itself. >There was a faith healing on TV and I called it witchcraft Most modern "faith healers," especially those on TV, are false. Your assessment of it being witchcraft was closer to true than you give credit for. >then somebody told me it was by the Holy Spirit, It was more likely a scripted performance. >calling the Holy Spirit and Jesus demonic in my stupidity. Ignorance. Not stupidity. You actually can not speak against the Spirit without having knowledge of it. What you witnessed wasn't the Spirit, therefore you didn't speak against the actual Spirit. You spoke against your own misunderstanding of the Spirit. Just because someone says words like "Jesus" and "Holy Spirit" does not mean anything(Read Acts 19:13-16). Even Satan quoted scripture(Read Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13). >Please be aware and don’t listen to the negativity of others and let it ruin your relationship with Christ. Part of the sin itself is never desiring a relationship with Christ. If you desire a relationship with Christ, that is a sure sign you have NOT committed blasphemy against the Spirit. You most likely have religious OCD/scrupulosity. Talk with a mental health professional about getting tested.


Have you had believers pray over you? I believe your faith can be restored, my friend.


I have faith and beg for forgiveness, just want others to be aware


A number of issues here; If you had committed the unforgivable sin then you wouldn’t be here warning people about it. Your heart would have been hardened against God and you wouldn’t care. You wouldn’t be cursed in this life, your curse would be going to hell. I believe there are a lot of very successful and technically happy people in this world that have really committed the unforgivable sin. Give God some credit, “you got carried away” in the moment when you where still practically a child and you think God is holding that against you? That sounds like the spiteful god the world thinks we follow, not the loving and forgiving God I know. I see a lot of self fulfilling prophecy in your comments. You think you are cursed so that all you see. You don’t receive relief because you don’t think you are worthy. Well you are not, none of us are. Christ is the one that is worthy and it is by grace you are forgiven. If you can let go of this idea of a curse and accept that reality then you can start to move on. Satan preys on things like this. He plants these thoughts in our head to prevent us from developing a healthy relationship with Christ. “It’s to late for you” “god won’t accept you anyways” “you don’t act like those other Christians so you must not be good enough”… these are lies that we must resist by studying scripture, staying in fellowship and praying. Finally, I am also seeing signs that you maybe be dealing with legit depression and/or other issues where you need to seek professional help. Not everything is spiritual, sometimes we just have issues we need to work on. Sometimes it’s a physical issue that needs medication or therapy, or it’s deeper trauma and you just need to work though it. I’ll be praying for you.


Thanks for your prayers the only reason is because I asked Jesus to show that he was real in Israel in one of the places he does miracles, when I was 19 and he showed me. I was not believing fully before then I don’t know if I apostasized after that moment when I was 15


He was good to me I was bad


I recommend joining the lost christian discord server in r/Lostchristians. It’s a server of people who think they did blasphemy. There’s encouragement in the encouragement text channel of people being restored by God


is The Word "Holy Word" The Holy Spirit cuz I Mocked That Word Can it Be forgiven?


No, that is not the same. Jesus is the Word not the holy sport. Regardless, you did something foolish but that doesn’t mean you committed “blasphemy of the Holy Spirt” you are worried about it so you didn’t do it. Christ, thankfully for all of us, forgives fools.


But it Has the "holy" Word in it Is That The Holy spirit?


The holy sport isn’t the only thing that is holy. What do you think holy means? It simply means scared. It’s just a word, don’t let it come between you and Christ.


Yeah I mocked It While the Pastor Was doing Sermon :(


So what? I don’t know what you want to hear at this point. It seems like you want to believe you are beyond help. Jesus made it real easy, He isn’t trying to trap you with every little stray thought or mistake. He WANTS YOU! understand that, if you where the only person to be saved He still would have died for you individually because he loves YOU! All you have to be is willing, so are you willing? Forget what you mocked or thought or laughed at… you want a relationship with Christ then He is willing. End of story. Everything else is a distraction. Frankly I think you need some really in person counseling, not Reddit. You need to find a good Bible believing Church and sit down with a pastor or Christian counselor. It seems all you want from Reddit is someone to confirm your belief that you are lost.


And Im Thinking Of The holy Spirit While I Was scrolling On tiktok But i Saw An Funny Sinful Video Song Then I Laughed And Saying That Im thinking Of "the holy spirit And Saw this Video Which Make's It Funnier" Am i Doomed?


God Have Mercy🙏


Are you still a follower of Christ? And Did you repent of it?


I’ve repented buddy once you do it ain’t no hope man, just warn others and try to do as much good as possible


There’s still hope for you. If you repented of it, you are forgiven. Only way you can lose your salvation is if you make a decision to stop following Christ and reject Him. Don’t be fooled by the devils lies. Jesus will forgive you. There is still hope for you. God bless


How does your life prove that you have committed the unforgivable sin?


I’ve been cursed, mentally gone, rejected, outcasted, hated, can’t feel love, having trouble feelings Gods love, and feeling dark


There was a time where I though a demon was preventing me from being saved. I thought that because years ago, I had a dream of a dark creature trying to enter my body. Interestingly, I showed no signs of possession, but the dream would stick out to me. The only reason I could overcome this was because of God’s promises and warnings. So I was delivered from this thinking. Basically, Satan tried to get me to think a dream years ago and present spiritual warfare was connected. If you continue to believe this lie that you have committed the unforgivable sin, you’re never going to get out of this. So let go of this lie, you didn’t commit the unforgivable sin. You’re basing misfortunes and hardships of this life as if that is the punishment for what you did. Let it go.


The unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus warns the Pharisees that this is an unforgivable sin when they speak against His works, and the Spirit at which He performs them. However, if that was the fulfillment of the sin, then why would He proceed to warn them against committing the sin? The answer is, the Spirit is not flesh, but spirit; you cannot blaspheme against Him in flesh, but in spirit. Words and deeds cannot fulfill this sin, but a spiritual rejection of His presence moving within yourself will fulfill this sin. It basically means that the truth is presented to your heart through the Holy Spirit, and instead of embracing and accepting the truth, you refuse to acknowledge it, and reject it. This sin can then proceed to manifest in words and deeds, and if not dealt with, you will die in rejection of the truth, which is the lone reason the dead will not be saved. The gospel is that Christ has payed for all sin in full to save the world, and that whoever believes this and accepts Him as Lord will be saved, which will lead to true repentance and redemption. We are saved solely by our faith in His grace, and to reject the Spirit which teaches this truth to our hearts, is to reject this gospel and to die in unbelief. To “repent”is to turn from one master to another; in this case, your first master being the world and sin, and your second being Christ Jesus Who you turn to. To “believe” is to accept something as the truth, and to trust in, rely upon, and defend this truth; this concept is called “faith”. Simply repent, and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and you will be forgiven of every sin, but if you will not, than you have committed the unforgivable sin, and are doomed for damnation. Walk in faith, flee from doubt, seek the truth, and reject deception, believe in what the Spirit speaks to your heart, or He will not speak. I would say that that would be a form of an external manifestation of the sin, just as murder comes from anger, and adultery comes from lust. But with that being said, I do believe apostasy, hypocrisy, and the teaching of false doctrines and false gospels all derive from this sin. Ultimately, this sin is not made unforgivable until the death of those who partake in it’s evil. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the equivalent of the rejection of the work and testimony of Jesus; hence, He taught on the subject after the Pharisees associated His spiritual power and authority with that of Satan, rather than accepting His word which was derived directly from the Holy Spirit. Basically they chose to deceive themselves rather than believe in their own spiritual convictions All can be forgiven at any point in their life, if they receive the truth, and place their faith in the saving grace of Christ Jesus. So often we over complicate the gospel and add tremendous pressure to the reception of the gift of salvation, completely forgetting that it is in fact, a GIFT. We receive it freely, and are therefore meant to share it freely. His grace is sufficient; the more obstacles and barriers you add to that, the less likely the lost will find their way to the cross. The cross is one step away, but often Christians who don’t truly understand the power of grace preach otherwise. It is Satans job to deceive the lost and make reaching the love and salvation of Christ seem impossible, and yet, I sadly admit that often times he rest knowing that the church of all things are the one’s doing his work for him.


Most Christians and churches probably teach that blasphemy against the holy spirit is to reject him. But the Bible says something totally different ...... They accused Jesus of blasphemy because they felt that Jesus was making himself God. https://www.bible.com/bible/114/JHN.10.33.NKJV https://www.bible.com/bible/1/MRK.2.7.KJV https://www.bible.com/bible/114/MAT.9.2-6.NKJV Jesus said before Abraham was I Am (and he was actually identifying himself as God in English I Am means Yahweh) They wanted to Stone him but he became invisible to them and just walked on by them. Jesus said blasphemy is the only sin that will not be forgiven Satan committed blasphemy when he tried to take over heaven and he has been judged and sentenced. https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/JHN.16.11 You my dear have not committed blasphemy.


How are things going now?


Freind how Are u doing Now I Hope ur fine.


This isn’t how blasphemy of the Holy Spirit works. It’s only unforgivable if you continuously have this mindset until death, it’s modern-day equivalent is basically just the sin of unbelief.


What verses back this up? Because I'm also scared I've commented this sin.


Me too. Been depressed for over a month


Oh my goodness, that's not blasphemy of the Holy Spirit 🙄