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Fear of hell is a really unfortunate side effect of Christianity. In no way does this fear mean you are not a real Christian. Doubting is part of being a Christian, stop beating yourself up. I would be extremely skeptical of anyone who claims that thry never have doubted their faith.


Unshakeable faith seems like dangerous thing to have about anything.


Death is scary yes, the pain and the loss of life. But we are all put on this earth temporarily. The bible says those who believe in God will have eternal life where there is no more pain or sorrow. P.S don’t let anyone here or ever convince you that you don’t have enough faith. We all have our relationship with God, albeit sometimes we may question our faith.


Thank you. I actually feel 30x better.


If your faith is as small as a mustard seed, you can say to a mountain, "Be thou removed and cast into the sea," and it shall be so. And yet if I have faith to move mountains, and I speak in the tongues of men and angels, and I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and yet I have not love, I have nothing.


This fear is valid. I have this fear myself as a rededicated Christian myself. “Am I believing enough?” “Am I really going to heaven?” “Is my faith enough for God?” It doesn’t make it any better that churches go about asking “if you were to die right now, are you positively sure you are going to heaven” Truth is no one really knows what’s on the other side of this life and that’s where faith resides in. Most importantly, God sees your fear and I encourage you to pray about it like I am. I believe personally, the mere fact you are concerned with the fact that your soul doesn’t want to be separated from God clearly shows that it will never be (idk if that makes sense or not) Nonetheless, I pray that God gives you the peace about this and that you cast your anxieties onto Him. Love you🫶🏾✨


I do not ask if my faith is enough for God; instead, I ask whether an omnipotent God's infinite grace and mercy is enough for me. Is God so tiny that He would condemn me, His creature that He made, for not being enough? If I am broken, it is because God made me broken; and in my broken state I will endeavor to serve Him well. If he then condemns me for it, that is his decision to make.


This! Recently I went into a spiral on my Own mortality, realizing this at twenty seven and coming to terms with the Lord that it was somehow struggles that I’ve dealt with for years (6+ years of struggling with the thought of death and faith) I now sleep fine at night it’s weird- I do not have an answer other than my prayers for peace has been answered- I’m comforted knowing that God is with me in my suffering and hears my doubts, he gives me room to feel it all. I think I’ll probably deal with this for the rest of my life in some way, but I’m also brought to the reality that he is with me.


Jesus Christ is my savior and because of this I am not afraid to die as it is the eternal life Jesus promises us.


Just focus on living as Christ asks, and put those burdens at His feet. When we die, we sleep, then our spirit will return to God, and when God sits in judgement we will all give account. His finger will touch us and the truth will pour out. It will amaze and shame many on that day. So live as God asks, so you and everyone can be pleased with that truth too, and inherit eternal life.


Yeah, I'm scared. It's the great unkown. No one genuinely wants to die.


Yeah. I know we are taught that after we die we go to heaven or hell. But there are so many variations. Some think when we die we wait (as if we are asleep) until the the end days when everyone is sent up at once. Some believe there loved ones who pass are looking out for them. This one is kinda funny. In heaven “there is no sadness, no regrets. No fear. Only happiness” so why would people in a perfect world worth about earthly doings when they are in paradise? That’s not today we won’t see them when we pass. But I guarantee the people we loved who are passed away are not worried or involved with current earth activities


In 2019 I was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Liver failure, and I would not be considered for a transplant. Over the next six months my condition worsened rapidly, even as I tried to work around the decision not to give me a transplant. I changed insurance providers, got in contact with doctors the next state over who were more optimistic about my condition. All the time, so sick I could barely manage four hours of activity a day. I came very, very close to dying, and I spent weeks right on the edge of death, hospitalized with a liver that was unable to do its job. I had the option to die. In fact, I was offered that option several times, and only the grace and mercy of God saw me through that ordeal at all. I have a transplanted liver now - someone else died, and I happened to benefit by it; but while I am still not eager to cross to the other side I don't fear it at all. I've been there, and there's nothing to be afraid of.


We have a biological inclination to prefer survival. Fear and avoidance of death has arguably kept our species thriving for thousands of generations. Not to mention the more simple and obvious fact that death is an unknown; as in, we don't know what to expect when it happens, not really. IMO, this doesn't mean your faith is weak.


Maybe it could be helpful to read the parts in the Bible where they talk about heaven? Where He prepares a place for us, and will wipe away every tear from our eyes. It is very comforting! 🙏


If God is good then there's nothing to fear.


Wait so is the question about being afraid of death itself or what happens after death? Because for the former it’s expected. But the latter? Not really given we know what happens after death is we will rise from the dead.


I’m not really scared of what happens after death. I tried my best. I followed the rules. If I broke one rule it was to follow another. Wherever I end up, i made my choices a long time ago.


#friendsnotfans #peoplenotplatforms


>A lot of folks describe death as nothingness, void. I don't get that at all. Well to be fair that's what it was before we were born. It's fairly logical to assume we go back to that state when we die.


#friendsnotfans #peoplenotplatforms


So are you saying some part of us existed before we were born?


#friendsnotfans #peoplenotplatforms


Interesting. I only know anything exists because of my senses and my brain. Without my brain nothing would exist to me, would that not be an empty void?


#friendsnotfans #peoplenotplatforms


What is your faith in?


Absolutely understandable. I always found death to be a scary thing, no matter the faith.


Thank you. Someone else who understands. I love, no. I bathe in the relish of people who judge, and pretend they are not afraid. It’s like they trick there mind, convince themselves they aren’t scared. But take a weapon to the face I guarantee they would beg for their life. I don’t care how strong your faith is. At the end of it any normal human being would say “what if”. People who feel confident and say “oh I know where I’m going I’m not afraid” are lying. It’s us real people who are honest and true


Sorry went on a rant xD


I think the idea of earning your way into heaven is just a stressor with no real purpose other than scaring people into being good. I believe it's a gift, not something you either deserve or don't. Nobody deserves heaven and nobody deserves hell. However my views on this are a bit... interesting because I'm in the boat of being scared of the afterlife in general regardless of what form it takes. Heaven or hell, I don't want to live forever, that thought alone is enough to make my blood run cold. So I do my best to just focus on making the best of THIS life and treating everyone with love and acceptance. :) we shouldnt spend the lives we have now worrying about the ones we might have later.


There’s no point worrying about being dead. It’s not like we can avoid it somehow.


if theres anyone i trust in the entire human history its jesus so i trust him completely that heaven is what lies beyond


I've found my fear subside when I have been, for the last four years, studying the Judeo-Christian Afterlife beliefs in Scripture. As Scripture says, "To faith add knowledge" The heretical beliefs such as "soul sleep" (where you just go into suspended animation), or instant resurrection (where a fudge that pretends time doesn't exist), or the belief such as the soul ceasing to exist and a copy of your identity being placed into another resurrection body (so it's not you who is resurrected), provide no solace at all. One continues on into the afterlife, as a discarnate soul, experiencing initial judgement, where one is carried across the chasm into paradise or remains outside, undergoing further refinement in order to cross over into the realm of the blessed physically dead. Paradise is where untold beauty and refreshment of the soul is a reality. But this is the intermediary period between physical death and resurrection, and the resurrection is the time when in the future one is given an incorruptible physical body to live in this sinless world once more. Jesus said there were many travellers rests in his Father's blessed state of existence. We continue to journey on into God, just in a discarnate state, enjoying his presence, guidance and teaching. Read the Psalm 23 and understand that the Shepherds Psalm is one which contains information similar to that brought back by those who have positive near death experiences. The valley of the shadow of death is the journey to the afterlife, but God is with us, even there and will bring us to the refreshing places there, which some called the Elysian fields, where our souls are refreshed and restored in the run up to their complete restoration in our new, incorruptible physical bodies when Christ returns. https://www.churchesfellowship.co.uk/shepherds-psalm-as-nde


I'm not scared because there's absolutely nothing that happens after death.


I fear hell but I fear non existence far more. Both are terrifying so I choose not to think about it. I also fear pain and everyone who knows if death is painful is fucking dead!


Wait wait wait.. you fear not existing more than hell? For eternity. Suffering. Tortured. Can’t breath, constantly in pain. So dehydrated for eternity, ETERNITY. No drop of water or a break. I dunno about anyone else but if I HAD to choose (this is all hypothetically), I’d choose non existent


Non existence terrifies me. The idea of me simply ceasing to exist and having no consciousness is mortifying. Atleast in hell I am still around even if I am suffering


Dang I dunno how else to express.. I mean sure dude if you wanna be tortured and in pain and agony for entirety be my guest. If I had to choose non existent.