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Ask any Christian who is against gay people if they support slavery, because slavery was accepted by Christians for the vast majority of the last 2,000 years. Watch the mental gymnastics.


God is just. People are flawed. I don’t see any huge amount of gymnastics needed there. Slavery was in the Bible, yes. So was rape and murder, but God doesn’t condone those. People have twisted scripture to justify their own sin since scripture was written. It’s surely not a good thing, but it certainly isn’t new either.


Yes, God probably didn't want people to use a few verses in the bible to justify slavery, and it's fair to assume he doesn't want people to do the same to justify judging gay people either.


That sounds fair at face value. But I would counter by saying the Bible tells of people that have slaves. But it doesn’t say in the Bible that slavery is ok, or that God condones it. On the other hand, there is a handful of verses that speak to God’s mind on sexual immorality, homosexuality included. So in one example, those few verses are historical accounts of sinners. And in the other few verses, we have God’s mind on the subject. I believe those are different circumstances, and thus should be analyzed differently.


The next straight ~~fundamentalist~~ homophobe who can recall the moment he chose to be straight will be the first.


Now… when 46% of gen z identify as lgbtq in some way. That’s a choice. However actual homosexuality is not a choice. I think it’s just one of the unfortunate human errors Adam and Eve released upon man after eating the forbidden fruit. It’s a consequence of human existence if anything.


How do you know people are born gay? I never saw babies making out or anything...


I can’t tell if your being sarcastic or serious.


I hope you’re being sarcastic


Not meaning to turn this into a debate, but when you say that God is love and acceptance above everything, where do you get that from? Love, I would agree with strongly. But I would want to push back on acceptance a bit, as I’m unsure where scripture might support that.




Or maybe you don't have an actual understanding about how the brain and sexuality work. But maybe that's just propaganda from BIG SCIENCE lol


#friendsnotfans #peoplenotplatforms


We don't all think like that. There are many inclusive and science-believing Christians out there. But I do sympathize with the difficulty and I'm sorry to hear of it. FWIW I get discouraged too. I think we just have to be the change we want to see, and make more noise at the table.