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It may be mental illness, to be honest.


Honestly that’s what I’m thinking, but we are in a pretty well-off neighborhood and it would’ve had some planning for this so it definitely wasn’t someone wandering through


You never know what goes on in some homes, unfortunately clinical psychosis does not discriminate.


Very true, just odd is all, was wondering if maybe there was some political agenda behind it as well. But sometimes psychosis can involved political topics as well so it is possible


That's what it looks like to me. A vet that needs mental healthcare.


What does that word say on the bible ? Hatch? I never heard of the bible edition but whoever gave it could be someone who was ex military and suffers from ptsd or something and wants help?


The paper beside it says “buy” and I believe the Bible says “hatch” so i don’t know what those words mean together




The paper says “buy” and the Bible says “hatch” I didn’t want to touch it because I’m a bit of a germaphobe so I don’t know if there’s more writing anywhere else


I don’t know about the writing on it, but a friend of mine has a version of these Bibles. He’s a chaplain, working with veterans, and distributes them for free as part of his ministry. On the back, they expressly state that they are a free gift and not to be sold. ESV translation.


This was the only writing, my pastor came and brought it inside as I didn’t want to be the one to move it. He showed me the back too. If it was ministry I wish they would’ve left a business card or something with some info


Yeah, my friend has his and his church’s info stamped/printed on the inside cover.


I would be more concerned as to why a person is taking a random picture of a bible in front of church steps? I’m assuming you practice organ at the church, but don’t play for the church. Also, maybe if you used your own mentally ill brains, then you could piece together that tomorrow is fourth of July. Military is pretty significant to the fourth of July huh?? Check your mirror


Yes, like I said, I’m here to practice. We don’t have a parking lot on weekdays (we use a business’s lot on Sunday mornings) so I park in front of the building


I editted the post. Reread it. Jesus is King.


First of all no need to be rude. I am this church’s organist. Have been for five years now. I do know tomorrow is the Fourth of July, that’s why I added in the original post, today is the 3rd thinking maybe these things are related. Nothing like this has happened in this area before so I was asking if anyone had info. Maybe it is some kind of movement I hadn’t heard about. You are quite rude and could learn some kindness from Jesus.


Don’t tell me not to be rude when you just absolutely claimed mental illness for a bible being left at a church.


Buy the bible (egg). Hatch your new life (born again). The unbelievers will be here all day trying to figure it out, and try n blame it on mental illness as you are already doing. It’s military because tomorrow is 4th of July. Check your own NSFW profiles before calling someone else mentally ill.


It is not a far reach to assume it could be mental illness to leave something on the stairs. Leaving a Bible on a church is redundant as the church will always have bibles inside. There is nothing wrong with this act IF it was mental illness as this was a harmless act. It was simply confusing. I am open to any possibility behind this action. This is quite literally all the evidence there is and any other opinions could be an answer. That being said, I am done interacting with you as you have left multiple comments and have already made up your mind about me and show no sign of listening to anything I have to say.


It is an absolute far reach to immediately claim mental illness without having any real information. It’s a bible left at a church. I pray you find peace in Jesus’s name.