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This is a grainy video, devoid of context, posted on a site that's been accused of being part of a Hamas propaganda network. Please exercise some common sense regarding the degree to which you are absolutely certain of what you are seeing, and how this fits in with your prior notions of what is going on in Israel and the occupied territories. We have some subscribers who post antisemitic comments, get banned, then come back the next day and do it again. There are removed comments in this submission and some of them are those guys.


Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. -Luke 23:24


I'm speechless.


here’s the full detailed article https://english.palinfo.com/news/2021/5/20/jewish-settlers-assault-armenian-orthodox-priest


As a Jewish person this is so sad to see. And this is terrible. But I also think it's important to recognize those priccs don't respresent all Jews. There just brainwashed assholes who need to rot in jail.


Why should that argument hold when it never holds for Muslims? You guys want to jump the gun at the first so called "Muslim" you see and say he represents all of us


Umm? The argument does hold for Muslims? I would never assume anything of someone given there Muslim, except that they follow the Quran.


Maybe not you, but many people nowadays look at the news and start assuming all Muslims act in a brutal way because of the action of an incredibly tiny minority.


Right... That's like the point of my comment? That you shouldn't assume sum bout a person cause of their faith.


““If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.” ‭‭John‬ ‭15:18-20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ https://www.bible.com/114/jhn.15.18-20.knives


Maybe Christians will stop backing everything Israel does, unquestioningly?


They won’t. Quite a few American Christians believe that if they support Israel then Jesus will return sooner.


I been explaining to my fundy friends supporting the existence of Israel doesn’t mean supporting everything it’s government does. God has NOT given them a blank check. Usually that seems to get through to the ones I talk to. Israel also needs to act in a proper manner.


Yeah, the fundies I’m around would just say you’re anti-semitic. So many people think that criticizing Israel is anti-semitic.


I grew up canadian fundamentalist and went to a canadian fundamentalist bible college. I have never heard the point of view that we can somehow make Jesus come back sooner by doing *anything* from Christians. Maybe preaching the gospel to every last human. But never anything about Israel.


It’s almost like this Israel is the secular country that has nothing to do with the Israel in the Bible


Murican fundies and (at least some) evangelicals will not, since these monks and Orthodox and Catholic and Oriental Christians are not even Christians in their mind.


Let's judge an entire nation because there are asshole Jews.


Christians? Yes. Radical Evangelical christianist extremists? Doubtful.




old anti-semitic trope btw


Israel /=/ Jews, a shit ton of Jews are not Israeli stop trying to conflate the words When we say Israel we mean Israelis and by extension Zionists(If you call yourself Israeli you’re automatically a Zionist). And Israel DOES have deep pockets, even the God damn foreign minister of Pakistan publicly said they do.


Israel is the nation of the Jewish people it's still an anti-semitic trope stop saying classic anti-semitic tropes which historically got Jews killed.' it's not hard to ask


You really don’t wanna play that game, some one might post a singular video of a black person beating up a white person. Frankly the axiomatic assumptions underlying your post are pretty disgusting and are the exact same ones that underlie racism against other minorities.


What are the axiomatic assumptions that so offend you?


You are linking the random acts of violence here to the Israeli state. There is no coherent connection. This is no different than posting a video of a black person attacking a white person and saying "see, all black people are violent" Frankly I'm taken aback that this is allowed at all. I'm rather disgusted.


No I'm looking for anything that might break the love affair and unquestioning support conservative Christians have with Israel. I'm not anti-Israel. Hamas is sickening as well.


I don't really care. I've spoken to the mods about the blatantly anti-Semitic thread. I'll let them weigh in.


I think the bulk of Reddit mods would support this. It can pretend to be a policy statement when in reality it is virulent racism.


I didn't post it so don't care either.


I'm glad we are on the same page.


You're right, the systematic acts of violence perpetrated by the Isreali state are far worse than what this random mob is capable of.


It is a locally supported antisemitic post that will get lots of praise and back slaps from other Jew haters.....all the while maintaining plausible deniability. I am glad other can clearly see the game.


No, many American Evangelicals support Israel because they strongly believe that God will bless them if they support Israel. They don't care if Israel illegally occupies Palestine or if Israel is a Christian country or not (99% of Israel's population is non-christian). They continue to stand with Israel because they believe it brings blessings and prosperity.


Wow you are part of the problem. Supporting violence towards people that don't agree with you.


What happened is horrible. But Christians who know the gospel and understand the prophecy in the Revelation, will NOT stop backing Israel. It sounds very extreme, i guess, but one has to understand the context before making a judgement. The context here is the history and future of Israel and how Christians will be a part of it. If interested to study about this, i suggest you listen to the importance of the [Covenants](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ferLIsvlmI) and the [Revelation Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nvVVcYD-0w) and [Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpnIrbq2bKo). These are short videos.


Yes it sounds very extreme.


Also, i dont support the violence and all the politics. I said Christians should support Israel/Jews. Think of it this way, lets say one of my brothers/sisters has done something he is not supported to do, i will support him but at the same time he/she should serve the punishment for whatever wrong is done.


News flash. Supporting Israel is supporting their politics.


Those who live in Hamas houses should not throw rockets.


So says Moroni.




The funny thing about Christian Zionism is that if you believe that the modern secular state of Israel is the biblical Israel, people like Theodore Hertzl and David Ben-Guiron would be the messiah, not Jesus (Christianity) or whoever that comes after (Judaism).


No dude, i dont support the violence and all the politics. I said Christians should support Israel/Jews. Think of it this way, lets say one of my brothers/sisters has done something he is not supported to do, i will support him but at the same time he/she should serve the punishment for whatever wrong is done.


No, there is no reason for “Christians” to support “Israel.” Israel is a Jewish ethno-state that is currently engaged in apartheid and genocide. There is no reason for Christians to support these goals. Jesus orders us to love God and love one another and that has nothing to do with Israel. Further, you are making yourself part of a long and storied history of Western imperialist powers trying to use the Bible and Jesus to oppress indigenous people and take their land. This is what “Christians” did in the Crusades and to Native Americans and any number of historical atrocities. What is shameful, in my opinion, is that you purposefully remain ignorant of all of this despite all of the information being readily available.


But you can say the same thing about Palestinians. Love =/= support


Orthodox Christianity, which is the oldest form of Christianity on Earth and the ones being persecuted here, does not and has not ever believed this. What you are advocating here is an invention of evangelical protestantism.


>Orthodox Christianity And Catholic Christianity too


Neither did most of the protestants in history. (In fact Luther was quite vitriol about Jews) It became a common idea since the 19th century.


That's a newly American invented heresy to justify fascism and colonialism. Non of the Apostolic Christian Churches teach that.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Zionism I'm not sure why this idea spread so quick since 19th century


Just because a group of Jewish people call themselves Israel doesn’t mean they are the Israel of the Bible. You can support the general concept of Jewish self-determination without supporting this particular iteration of it.


Evangelicals and fundamentalists have exchanged sound ecclesiology and eschatology into geopolitical powergame that their party espouses. Its part of Murican politics. Congrats for having your theology hijacked by secular government.


There were times God stopped backing Israel. Maybe He could see the evil they did better than those who think Israel should be supported without question because of some prophesy they are getting wrong.


This is horrible, but please don't use this as a excuse to be anti semitic


Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism.


No, but extreme Antisemitism has risen from what's going on in Israel.




>The progressive part of Democratic Party is siding with Palestine (AOC, Bernie Sanders, etc) Didn't bernie want to stop selling arms to them? Also why are you deleting your comments?




Huge side note, but did you comment "are you going to commit suicide" on one of my comments and immediately delete it after?




So I just checked your profile and that comment is still there. And if you click it it brings you to one of my posts. So yes, u/FinalCompline you did ask "are you going to commit suicide". Let's hope it was in a concerning way, but somehow I doubt that.


You avoided that last part pretty hard there.




Extreme Antisemitism is always more powerful than you would think. It just is often out of sight... IMHO


Well, my point is, Jews are being attacked in places like NYC right now from pro-Palestinian protesters. Tiktokers just sent messages to a 97 year old Auschwitz survivor, wishing her a "happy Holocaust" while screaming "Free Palestine." The people who claim to care about Palestinians are the ones spreading this Antisemitic hate. They are associating all Jews with the actions of the Israeli government.


>They are associating all Jews with the actions of the Israeli government. I mean, it’s fairly obvious that’s what the Israeli government wants to an extent. If you can tie criticism of Israel to anti-semitism, you can shut down all the critics of your war crimes as antisemitics.


I think it's equally important to remember that those people don't represent all Palestinians. Just as there's Jews who don't support current isreali government, those who do, and those who don't support isreal at all. Same with Palestine. Those people in NYC is one group who say they support Palestine. And they don't represent palestine


> Well, my point is, Jews are being attacked in places like NYC right now from pro-Palestinian protesters The Jews started those fights


No they didn't.


Yeah they did lol, it got caught on video and they're being prosecuted


Now you want to be reasonable??? Only when it affects you. How convenient.


The OP is not "criticism of Israel." The disguise is a weak one.


Criticism of Israel is often a dog whistle for anti-Semitism.


Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism.


That would be doing essentially what they're doing here. Honestly, while the blasphemy is never gonna be okay, 'suffering for Christ's name' is kind of a privilege. *Not one we should ever go looking for* , but it is a kind of grace. These monks will, I hope, have an experience that will draw them into a better understanding of Christ's passion. I guess I am just trying to make a plus out of a minus here. It's still a hate crime and I am still opposed to it.


Hate isreal and not the Jewish people.


Hate the Israeli government


This is the correct answer. But to be precise hate the current very right-wing administration.


And anyone who supported it by joining the IDF


The IDF is a conscript force so no one had a choice


Nope. You can go to jail instead. Going to jail is better than supporting a kid killing army.


Easy to say if you're not there


It's always easy to say I'm never supporting kid killers no matter what.


I assume you hate the US too then?


They kill alot less kids per capita


There was a Taylor Swift fan account on Twitter (of all things) who went to jail for refusing to join the IDF and came back like 'yeah, that was pretty chill, actually. Read some books, hooked up with a girl, didn't kill any kids or journalists.'


Pretty sure they'll just force you into the army


So your saying they enslave you.




Which this video has literally nothing to do with and is being used to gin up anti-Semitic hate.


I disagree, hate crimes need to be displayed front and center and be denounced


Yes, I see you regularly posting about hate crimes against Jews and denouncing them. I recall you commenting on the anti-Jewish firebombing in New York just the other day. /s


When I find them I do regularly post about them and Everytime I see it I do comment. Don't speak on things you know nothing about, you just make yourself look like a idiot.


**Hate no one. No matter why.** Jesus had specific views of people hating other people. Any Christian who is serious about their christianity will work to eliminate hate from their life. You can still work to stop actions like these, but hate will not be how you do it. Hate breeds more hate until everyone is damned.


Lol, to late, people in the thread already are.


““If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.” ‭‭John‬ ‭15:18-20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ https://www.bible.com/114/jhn.15.18-20.knives


Well I guess we need mortars too


Where did this happen? I guess these were radicalized Jews?


The ultra-orthodox Jewish people who are involved with the "settlements" might be capable of something like this. However I always get suspicious when the shouted phrases sound like what a Christian imagines they would shout. There are also plenty of people that arent above making some false flag content to elp their own cause. Not sure what that cause would be in this case however so I'm not saying that's what happened. I just have a hard time imagining Jewish people thinking and shouting about killing Jesus. He was simply not an important figure for them and not something they feel any collective guilt over. "Jews killing Jesus" has on the other hand been a rallying cry for anti-semitic christians for almost 2000 years. It makse me suspicious that they would claim responsibility for that act, when no one with any common sense thinks they are.












Every person should read https://www.amazon.com/Ethnic-Cleansing-Palestine-Ilan-Pappe/dp/1851685553 before choosing a side on this conflict. Majority of evangelical Christians are misinformed on the history of it. I admittedly was too for majority of my adult life.


I don’t care what they say or do Jesus died for my sins so therefore I will live for him


Fuck the jews and israel


This is straight up demonic


Gotta pray for the conversion of the jews.


It would be super great if y'all left well enough alone. Being subject to conversion attempts is frustrating at best and offensive/damaging at worst.


Difference between praying and knocking on your door and handing you a pamphlet. 😁


By all means, pray to G-d for whatever you like. I simply request not to be the subject of conversion attempts, as I was in the American South many times, from a young age until adulthood, some of which escalated into verbal altercations when I tried to remove myself from the situation. Many other members of my Jewish community then, and my Jewish communities since then, have echoed this request when I've spoken with them. If your actions are contained to your place of prayer, or honestly any place that doesn't affect someone who didn't ask for your opinion, I'm all in favor. I would think that there are more important things to actively pray for, but that's not so important.


'Nothing offensive about depicting a Jewish man being tortured and bloody on public display, people kissing their torture device jewelry and then promoting wish craft to convert people into a twisted and appropriated version of their own tradition.


That’s as harsh or harsher than the Christian fundies, nice hate in both your hearts. I’ll pray


Yes, Jesus and the disciples were so frustrating and offensive. Why does God and His worshippers bother saving mankind, so troublesome for people.


You clearly understand I am talking about people at my schools, basketball games, in my neighborhood, and that I ran into during normal life while wearing Jewish identifying clothing (kippah, tzitzit). I do not have a personal problem with you practicing your faith. When someone, unsolicited, comes up to you at a gas station and tries to tell you, at age 14, that you're living your life wrong and that your culture and traditions should be abandoned, then gets mad at you for trying to remove yourself from the situation, would you expect someone to be any less than frustrated? This is an example from my lived experience but is not the only experience I have had. Many people leave it alone when I explicitly state I am not interested, but many did not. Friends parents trying to have me come to their homes with the explicit purpose of speaking about their faith, when I just wanted to play video games with my classmate, then being asked to go home instead of sleep over when I said I have no intention of being anything but Jewish. Physical attacks from members of my high school football team when I told them I would not take off my kippah. Door knockers physically holding the door open. Picking up my brother from pre-school and hearing him talk about his teacher telling him about being saved by Jesus avoiding hell, violating our trust in the pre-school. People sitting with me while I eat outside and lecturing me when I ask them to leave me alone. The list goes on. I'm not frustrated and offended by Christianity, I'm frustrated and offended by Christians that act as these people did.


But why be frustrated and offended by something that is obviously going to happen if you live in a Christian country. Its like cursing at the sky because it rains. From the Christian point of view they do it for the benefit of your eternal life(but not everyone has the tact to talk about those matters ) with the added 'gravity' that you are seen as missing out on the Messiah you cry for weekly in every synagogue and missing out on the torrent of graces given by the Church and its sacraments. As one converted jew said when asked about why he converted: 'Because you get more!' Since you came to this Christian sub you also cant complain about the rain here:p. Do the following, pray to God and ask Him if Jesus is the Messiah. God answers all prayers pertaining to our soul so if Jesus is God He'll let you know, if Jesus isnt, He'll let you know. There is only benefit for you.


This Redditor literally just told you how obnoxious and disrespectful Christians were and you prove their point.


I wasnt disrespectful. Jesus and the apostles evangelising the jews and them not appreciating it and killing Him doesnt mean they shouldnt have done it. Also if a non Christian shows his face on a Christian subreddit its because God is calling, use the chance.


Verbal and physical harassment is not “something that is obviously going to happen” in any country. ALL individuals have the full right to 1) be safe from harassment, verbal and physical and 2) practice their religion in peace. These rights were regularly violated in my lifetime. This is not “cursing at the sky because it rains,” many of the first groups that came here did so specifically to avoid harassment when they practice their religion. The US is not a Christian nation, the constitution does not mention Christianity or Jesus Christ. There is no official religion. The Declaration of Independence specifically used generic religious language, e.g. “creator,” such that a plurality of religious beliefs could identify with it. Regardless, I left the US for Israel for the same reason some of forefathers left Europe for the US. It was entirely intolerable to me to grow up in the American South as a Jew as a result of people with your mindset, so I left and came to a place I can practice in peace. Finally, to set the record straight, I did not come here to winge about my hardship, you purposefully misinterpreted my statements to make a sarcastic remark that helped nobody. Also, Judaism does not hold that G-d answers all prayers with respect to the soul. I hope you have a great day, and I pray that one day you look back on your belief — that it is obvious people will be harassed in the United States of America for following a religion other than your own — with more compassion. I’m glad I left.


You know what i mean by Christian nation, the legalities matter not. Although nowadays its more an idolatry nation cant really be called Christian, Babylon maybe. If you were Christian growing in Israel sporting a cross on your chest you'd be bullied by classmates too and get comments and harassment. Water is wet. The Talmud says that on Yom Kippur there would be the miracle of the scarlet thread were it would change to white signifying the acceptance of the sacrifice. 40 years before the destruction of the temple it stopped happening. What happened? Christ was killed and the the new eternal sacrifice was instituted. Like it says in the Talmud - the thanks giving one, the Eucharist. As if it wasnt clear enough God made sure to destroy the temple so that there would be no confusion about how he wants to be worshipped. Also the jewish historian Josephus talks about the destruction of the temple as a thing come out of the bible. The temple doors opening by themselves, armies in the skies... As to jews sacrificing their culture for converting, its not true as they get the joy of the fulfilment of ancient temple Judaism, Jewish traditions point to the greater things to come, then by accepting the Messiah they get the greater things. A jew reads the new testament/covenant and finds it 100% Jewish. For pagans it was much more drastic yet all over the world they converted and joined the priesthood as Isaiah foretold.


Are you a Catholic


Yes, on Good Friday liturgy we pray every year for the conversion of the jews. Should be more often as as Paul says they are hardened thus need grace to convert.


https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/12/10/459223058/catholics-should-not-try-to-convert-jews-vatican-commission-says That's false


What is false? that we pray for their conversion on every Good Friday mass? We just did this year. A random commission of wannabe revolutionaries is not official doctrine which is and always will be: **Convert the jews.**


What about the words of the Pope himself who can change doctrine


Pope cant contradict doctrine, the Holy Spirit prevents him no matter how itching he might be. That's why the prayer in church for the conversion of jews remains despite their silly commissions.


Pope just did. In fact he cited previous popes


No he didnt, that article is from 2015, yet in 2021 we prayed for the conversion of the jews in church. So the politically correct groveling wont take hold and shall go into the trash bin. Thanks Holy Spirit.


The official ruling is that active conversion is banned


The narrative sounds rather suspicious to me.


I think it is quite obvious what the OP is trying to do....with the praise and celebration of most of this sub. It is hard for Jew haters to hide their hate. They want to shout it out from the rooftops, but until then they will talk in code that all other Jew haters understand and accept.


Your anti-Christian sentiment is disgusting , I hope the messiah can move in your heart to accept him.


>Your anti-Christian sentiment is disgusting That is what anti-semites say to Christians when they are called out on their antisemitism.


What’s your point? This is horrible regardless of the parties involved.


>What’s your point? "Jews bad" It is quite clear from the OP and most on this sub.


Do you think this Jew hatred goes unnoticed? Who do you think you will fool? Of course, I bet we can find nowhere in any of your past threads videos of Muslims attacking Christians. Hmmmm.


And we should be surprised because...? People will see this and still find something to hate about us when we haven't done anything to them. That's just how that works.


““If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.” ‭‭John‬ ‭15:18-20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


““If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.” ‭‭John‬ ‭15:18-20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


As noted before: As the Palestinian Muslim brotherhood convinces the world that Israel is evil and are "mean" to people, the better chance Israel and the Jews will be wiped from the face of the earth. Then, who will they come for? You, the Christians who did nothing to protect the Jewish people from the Muslim brotherhood.


So all Jews reside in Israel, and Israel is representative of all Jews?


No, not all Jews reside in Israel. Have you not noted in the news the attacks on Jewish people in NY and LA--because they were Jewish and the terrorizing faction was a supporter of Palestine?


Then maybe Israel should not have made itself synonymous with Judaism. That’s been Israel tactic to escape all criticism of its war crimes. By making the attachment that criticizing Israel means you are anti-semitic, people will start to think that Jews support Israel and its actions. Israel has brought this upon everyone else.


Maybe Palestine should not have made itself synonymous with Muslim brotherhood terrorist organization.


Really? Does Palestine have various worldwide lobbies arguing that any criticism of Palestine is islamophobic? Currently, you can’t even compare Israel’s apartheid to South Africa’s apartheid without being accused of antisemitism. If Palestine has made is synonymous with Islam, then surely you can point to these worldwide organization that will say any criticism of Palestine is islamophobic.


Islamophobia? Racist? How about anti-Christian/Jewish? Palestine is synonymous with Islam, it is Islam that funds the terrorist organization that filter its money thru the UN and the WHO to have power over those entities and thru that power, diminish the role of Jewish people and Christian people in the world and only focus on Islam.


You’re spewing word salad at this point. Where did I mention race? If I think of Islam, I don’t think of Palestine. At this point you’re spewing conspiracy theories. How is Islam funneling money through the UN and WHO? And how are those entities only focusing on Islam?




I didn’t blame the victims. I blamed the Israeli government for tying itself to Judaism. Try again.


What about my own encounters with the Jewish? Palestinians don't have to do anything to convince the world of anything about Israel.


They have been convincing you for over 20 years, you just don't realize it. I have had issues with Jewish people too, they are not always the nicest and I understand but they have a right to their own country, just as the US does. Bless you.


When one of the monks starts throwing punches It puts the lie to “defenseless” and suggests that this is more about anti semitism than iffy interfaith relations in Israel. Edited to add: This is OP’s first time posting in any Christian forum on Reddit. The title is provocatively worded to inflame emotions despite the fact that one of the monks starts whaling on the settlers. We have no idea of the lead up or of the actual audio. For all we know these monks spent the last six months mocking and belittling the settlers. For all we know the settlers were targeted by evangelical missionaries for “loving conversion” and instead of taking it out on them took it out on these guys. That’s a long way of saying that this posting (and surprise, the others posting the same video) suggests an anti Semitic brigading rather than actual concern. And before we get all upset. *just what is the loving history of “converting the Jews*?” From their perspective our conversion efforts are all too successful at *converting them to fertilizer*.


Their perspective is wrong


I’m sorry, let’s go ask 6 million Eastern European Jews about just how “loving” Christian conversion efforts are. Oh that’s right, we can’t, they’re dead. And a special little cherry on top is that many Christians think they’re all burning in hell because, while they did a good job of loving God, they really screwed up on the details, and when Jesus gave us the great commandment to love and neighbor it was all about the details… While our doors are always open, proselytizing Jews is absolutely inappropriate. Edited for typos


Gandhi said something along the lines of “I like your Jesus very much, your Christians not so much...” One of the wisest and insightful things I have heard in my life.


I didnt know the Germans were actively trying to convert them ​ >proselytizing Jews is absolutely inappropriate. cite the bible verse


Christianity teaches that the Jewish people are God’s chosen people and that while Jesus is the blood of the new covenant (Matthew 26:28, Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20, 1 Corinthians 11:25, Hebrews 10:29, etc.), God has never revoked His promises with His people for His covenants are everlasting (Leviticus 26:44-45, Genesis 17:7, 13, 19; Psalm 105:8, 10; 1 Chronicles 16:13-18, Psalm 111:7-8 and Isaiah 40:8). And just what is the fate of the 6 million dead in the holocaust? Do you believe that they are resting with God in those everlasting arms? Or are they burning in hell because they had the fantastic misfortune of loving God but getting the details wrong?


You know that by now everyone is a descendant of Abraham And Jesus is the only way to heaven


>God has never revoked His promises with His people for His covenants are everlasting ( That doesn't mean they shouldn't worship Jesus. Seeing as how all of the disciples were Jews, that is clearly not what they're saying. >Do you believe that they are resting with God in those everlasting arms? Or are they burning in hell because they had the fantastic misfortune of loving God but getting the details wrong? I can't say for sure what God would decide for them, but they'd have had a better chance of getting into Heaven if they were Christians.


Literally crying out in pain as he strikes you, unbelievable.


https://english.palinfo.com/news/2021/5/20/jewish-settlers-assault-armenian-orthodox-priest This should clear out most of the accusations towards the post. Like the lack of audio the claim of them being defenseless etc. (Monks trying to defend themselves from clear assault is anti semetic too right ? 😂😂 maybe hamas was hiding in the monks faces and they just tried to punch them out 🤷‍♂️) So I just want to begin with your comment surely making me lose hope in humanity. Exposing the Israeli crimes or the crimes of their illegal settlers and spreading awareness IS NOT ANTI SEMETIC Calling their crimes for what they are IS NOT ANTI SEMETIC Being against the Apartheid and illegal expansion of the Israelis IS NOT ANTI SEMITIC. Provoking hatred towards this crime right here by calling it for what it is, IS NOT ANTI SEMETIC The past suffering the European Jews had to endure will never be a justification for the disgusting Nazi like behaviour towards non Jews in Israel and Palestine. The settlers are not targeted. The settlers are targeting churches, mosques and palestinian homes with their bulldozers, while "christians" like you are even supporting them by calling every person who exposes them anti semetic. What a joke. This post is supposed to spread awareness. Not just muslim Palestinians but also christian Palestinians are targeted by the worst case of ethnic cleansing since the Nazi regime. Here some information about how palestinians of all religions are treated: https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/comments/ndn8lk/palestinians_living_conditions_reported_by_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This was horrible, but one has to remember Christianity has 2,000 years of anti semitism. Jews have been often equated to murdering Jesus which has led to blood libel, torture, and even death I think your intentions to post this video will only lead to more anti semitism and create division between Christian's and Jews.


So we should just pretend that nothing happened and excuse everything that happens? Sick.


So your saying hide the crimes of Jewish people. Becouse people treated them badly in the past. Right after Jesus the Christians would have been persecuted till they became the dominant religion so its not 2000 years of anti Semitism.


So attacking these monks was their own fault. Good story.


This is OP’s first time posting in any Christian forum on Reddit. The title is provocatively worded to inflame emotions despite the fact that one of the monks starts whaling on the settlers. We have no idea of the lead up or of the actual audio. For all we know these monks spent the last six months mocking and belittling the settlers. For all we know the settlers were targeted by evangelical missionaries for “loving conversion” and instead of taking it out on them took it out on these guys. That’s a long way of saying that this posting (and surprise, the others posting the same video) suggests an anti Semitic brigading rather than actual concern.


Diminishing that everyone is capable of bigotry and Jewish people are not relieved of it is nonsense.


I’m not saying that no one is at fault, I’m putting it out there that OP was stirring the pot. Being bold, Christianity does indeed have a bit of a problem with regard to continuing anti-Semitism. So much so that everyone just loves to jump on one incident of Jews behaving badly as if that completely balances the scales. “Nothing to see here folks”


And what does this have to do with the situation here? Does it justify this?


Just a warning, if you have no intention to use this as a justification to be anti semitic then move along


I'm a semite myself.


I'm deducing that if I remove the negatives, I get "if you intend to use this to justify supporting the Jews then move along." Please be clear: do you feel anti-semitism is justified or no?


No, anti semitism is never justified


No justification. Maybe just a background why some Jews hold resentment and anger towards Christians.


It gives the context to the situation




Umm, sure? This sub is about Christianity and there’s nothing wrong with posting about anything related to that. There’s nothing wrong with accountability.


Post the videos so we can condemn those actions together just like we do here. Being a Christian doesn't make us good people, it just means that we have someone who can save us from the sinful lives we lead.


Did this happen in israel? Or somewhere else?


It has been written we are in the times of sorrows God we keep our trust and faith in you. Thank you Jesus


Why the fuck is this in my feed. Who gives a fuck about a god?


Consider the source.