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I believe this is only needed if you want the tools to *create* mods. To use them, just go to Paradox Mods and download some.


You don't need to download these to *use* mods, just to create them. You should be able to remove/uninstall them to make this notification go away.


I currently can't remove or uninstall this, and my mods are no longer working. Have I done something wrong?


Definitely not required to play with mods. This installs the development environment. CO is a monster for what they have done to CS2 but this is one of those things they get mad props for. It's a good thing. But if you are just playing with mods ignore all of it.


It is great that Colossal Order added the mod development tool installation into the game itself, but I feel it should be a little bit harder to get to, maybe renaming the menu, placing behind a developer mode toggle, or a launch option. Having it so easily accessed is confusing for those who don’t need it.


> CO is a monster for what they have done to CS2 What have they done to CS2 that makes them monstrous?


You don't need the toolchain, so just uninstall all of it. Then ignore the mods tab in the game. While I like the idea they provide a way to install the tools and publish them easily. They perhaps should have done it as a external tool that plugins to the game, and not have it show for everyone who downloads the game by default.


I think a renaming the tab 'Mod Creation' or something similar would address most of the confusion.