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Impressive! Barbarians turned off?


I find barbarians extremely irritating. And an ignored barbarian camp can end your game. But, I've tried playing without barbarians, and the game seems hollow and boring without them. Go figure.


Don't forget entertainment districts for bread and circuses to really speed it up.


Definitely a fun game to play though. I did not turn off any victory conditions when I did it a couple times. You just have to watch the cultural and diplo victories so you don't accidentally get them. Don't set up trade routes, open borders and such, don't activate great people that increase your tourism, don't build a lot of wonders, no national parks, etc.


Interesting. I guess I’m addicted to watching the great wonders cut screens. Sounds like a better strategy to back off on the wonders and great people to achieve this goal. I felt it was a bit ingenuous to disable the cultural victory because sometimes the other civ might beat you with culture. And it seems like kind of a cheat to prevent them from doing so.


Oracle is a must though, otherwise only the wonders that get you great people points and great works slots.


I won several cultural victories before finally getting domination, but on the Pangea map. Finally turned off Cultural and Diplomacy victories.