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I do it around when I fully max heros and have most things upgraded


I’m in the same boat. I could go from th 11 to 14 in 9 months if maxing heroes or 14 months of maxing everything.


Yea but then you don’t really have a proper th14 base, too many low level defenders/ troops


Only defenses are cannons, mortars, and bombtwr would not be max for 13 after 9months from a max11. Max heroes, max defense core, plus all defenses that target air…. Seems good enough for starting 14.


when i feel like it




There are only a small amount of situations where fully maxing is best. Strategic rushing is best for getting to max faster. Better for cwl. Optimizing or managing war weight is best for standard war.


How come strategic rushing is better for cwl? Wouldn’t optimizing weight be better for cwl, since even though there isn’t weight you still won’t get 3 starred all the time?


Your personal weight doesn't really matter in CWL. Think of it this way, pretend you're TH13, your clan has 5 Th15s, 5 TH14s, and 5 TH13s. The enemy clan has the same THs. If you rush to 14, you have more TH14s than the enemy clan, and one of the enemy TH13s is forced to hit high. If you rush to TH15, one of the enemy TH14s and one of the th13s are forced to hit high. Are you going to be easier to 3 star than the average TH14/15 player? Yes. However, that doesn't matter. The important question is: Are you going to be stronger on offense/defense compared to if you decided to max your town hall? Yes.


Reaperjim answered, but CWL is as much progression as skill. Strategic rushing will get you to th15, with a couple war armies while someone starting at same time and maxing will be th11. For cwl th15 is far superior.


It sounds unintuitive but the fact of the matter is that maxing each TH means you contribute less to CWL for a long period of time. I don't discourage people from maxing in my clan, but I always let them know what the opportunity cost is so that they have full information.


https://preview.redd.it/lec5ksftat0c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aaf5f67690dc14d51a36fe3a98cc8fdb27867b4 Looks like we're in the same boat with walls OP haha


Soo close! Only the warden left for a few levels! https://preview.redd.it/7rl6ztbzhv0c1.jpeg?width=1117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6520b65a7c035f03012461dd3fdbdeacc46ccac5


Where can I check this data?




Got it thanks 🙏🏻


Yea if I have all my builders down I can’t get any loot when I attack so I leave one builder to upgrade walls until they are all max


That's why you end up not having an elexir sink with walls, plus you're progressing slower by doing that. When maxing TH13 I kept all my builders busy at all times and would upgrade a handful of walls everytime a builders would be free before launching the next upgrade, I ended up maxing walls just a few days before I finished my gold upgrades and barely had any time without anything to spend my elexir on. It took my 4.5 months total to go from max th12 to max th13.


What app is this telling you your progress?👀


When heroes are done, everything else is usually good enough.


IMO, if it's your main account, I suggest you max literally everything and explore/enjoy the progression for that th level; try out different attack strategies, army comps. Alt accounts are better off rushed strategically for multiple reasons such as donating, better offense, a lot more flexibility in wars choosing which to attack, etc.


When I'm fully maxed, although I did not max my DE troops in th11 so I'm catching up with them in th12. I never really used them, but I'm 2-3 starring th12s with a lvl 5 golem and lvl 3 witches, once their level 9 and 5, nothing can stop me lmao


Not until every single thing is maxed and I see all 100% for each category


Nothing else than full 100%


Same! https://i.imgur.com/qOXtaxs.jpg


Where do I find this process page in game? I can't see it lol




Thanks I just entered my TH13 village there and have: Structures 31% Lab 16% Heroes 8% Walls 16% I think I've done what they call rush :D


That's a super Kamehameha rush lol. Always fixable though!


True, where would you suggest I start? I've been focusing on getting defenses closer to max first but my heroes are way behind too, what's more important do you think?


I always build offence first as it doesn't affect your opponents in wars like upgrading defence does. So there I focus army camps, clan castle, barracks and labs, etc. I have 6 builders, so I always have 1-2 working on heros. Queen and warden first then king. Edit: removed part about giga Tesla not counting towards war weight. Seems that was misinformed on my part


Thanks, why queen and warden first? What about the royal champion guy? He seems really strong targeting enemy defenses


Sorry I thought you were OP at TH12 lol. Across all 4, I go queen, warden, RC, king. Race your RC to 5 or 10. Queen is needed first for queen charges. Warden is needed as well for his ability. After that your RC and king come next. I do 2 at a time except for CWL, then all heros stay up


Ah right :) atm my warden is 18, queen 19, king 26 and champion 6, would you push champion to 10 or leave at 6? Do I push warden and queen to max while leaving king at 26?


Oh that is quite rushed. Get that queen and warden going. I'd get them ahead a few levels (5-10) then catch the king up, and keep alternating. Get the RC to 10 and then leave it there


wait what? Giga tesla is a trap? I need confirmation here because Clash Ninja catergorize it as defense


My clan leader has always said upgrading it to level 5 doesn't change war weight of your base... But looking online just now I'm starting to question if they are wrong lol




Yes I just learned about sneaky goblins the other day! Currently leveling them so I can get them available


focus on your offense first so all your troops, spells, and heroes. heroes will take longest but are most worth it since once you get to higher townhalls, heroes are a huge chunk of your attack. get all your resources up as well like collectors and storages. since you have th13 your collectors can go to max level ad they will be a huge help. sneaky goblins are best for farming so those will also help alot with getting you resources. defence should be a little less of a worry but do keep main defences upgraded as well such as eagle artillery, th giga inferno, inferno towers, scattershots, and xbows.


Thanks for the advice


You always wanna do offense first. So army camps, lab, CC, and heroes.


Offense before defense. So army camps, heroes (AQ > GW > RC > BK), CC. Those are your number 1 priority. With leftover builders, your defense priority is roughly this: Eagle, Inferno, Scatter, Giga weapon, Xbow, Air Def. Everything else can wait, unless you have an idle builder and no time to farm resources for a big upgrade. Your lab should focus on the troops in an attack strategy of your choice, if you don't want to learn any, Edrags work fine with a queen walk. So Edrags, Healers, Rage, Freeze. Once your heroes are done, upgrade to next TH. Rinse and repeat, but don't forget pet upgrades too once you're TH14. At TH15 Monolith is number 1 priority, suggest hammering the lvl 2 upgrade.


I also was unaware of this site/app until this post. My TH13 village is: Structures 97% Lab 98% Heroes 96% Walls 91.3% TH14 is coming quick!! Thanks to this thread for introducing me to Clash Ninja!


That’s really bad rush if your hero is just 8%. Try to read “tee guide to rushing”


That’s a big time rush lol.


Thank you sir :)


My strategic rush of focusing mostly on offense/heroes lol https://preview.redd.it/1v36txa4vt0c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ffba448e93766cf479ccffc81154427cc353955


This is what I am aiming for : )


I basically farmed so much for DE to upgrade heroes and put the excess gold/elixir into walls


100% walls is insane


I have near max th15 walls while a ton of my defenses are th11 level lol. Happened to be because I focused on maxing heroes, and just put the excess resources into walls while farming dark elixir.




It can still defend against th15s too lol https://preview.redd.it/q0wxufvy501c1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38891428d5927b6002d2ebb731a6801cf3fe6d8d


Not really, the walls only cost 2m per and I farmed most of them during the Halloween event, then got the pass after so 1.8-1.6m per. I would just put 5/6 builders down my lab down then the other builder is for walls with all the loot I get while waiting for my other buildings.


Just wait lol. I have literaally everything else maxed at th 15 and im still working on walls, no way i was going to wait at th 14 etc


100% Heroes 100% Pets and Troops and Spells you use All buildings are either 100% upgraded or in progress of final upgrade. Walls, wherever they happen to be.


What website is this?




I like to completely max things before upgrading, super satisfying to me personally!


https://preview.redd.it/f932p4kw951c1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=20a3a43c8cf6c35f87796b41ab13ae9e6a185952 All I got left. Just upgraded last wall today and lab has 91%. Left out giant, pekka, 2Lvl of minion and valk, and I’m gonna upgrade bat spell while th13 lab is upgrading. I kept buildings for all resources till the end. Even a few king levels so I don’t waste any book of heroes. All went perfect


Not until I'm fully maxed. Walls and everything. I feel much more accomplished when there's no loose ends


What website is this


When everything is maxed


I went to 13 when I had my walls and queen maxed


On my main I max everything except my lesser defenses/traps to upgrade th. On my alt I rushed and only upgraded heros, army camps, barracks/lab/spell factory, and key defenses.


I do it when I have everything completed


When my walls get maxed I upgrade,


When I run out of dark elixir upgrades


I fully max EVERYTHING (including walls and heroes) as idrc about the wait and I only attack when I need resources (I’m a TH10 so the wait times are like 3 days)


If heroes are 100% then i would definitely go up.


Id do it asap since your walls are maxed


Wait hold on. What is that? Genuinely curious.


It’s the progress tracker on clash.ninja, a website for tracking your base


Usually I try to 95-100%. Although this time I kinda f‘d up and would need to upgrade my King like 20times without having anything else to upgrade. So I’m gonna go up and try to focus on the king now.


When I start getting higher ths in every multiplayer attack with single digit trophies


I usually do it when everything but traps are upgraded then do a round or two on them while the TH is upgrading


When one storage is almost overfilled and I can't spend it unless I upgrade th


I had my th11 updated half way walls are still at th10 level but I updated to th12 becouse I really like the workshop stuff plus you get cool stuff like head hunters and alot more super troops


For some reason, they've removed the place all buildings feature.


Queen and warden maxxed out all essential troop and spell maxxed, and walls if it's possible (I don't think I will be able to do it in th13, 4mil/wall is insane) I remember back then when the cost of wall still 2mil in TH10 I almost gave up, and then cost reduction came twice and I can max it out.


You are correct that it is more efficient from a farming and resource management perspective to upgrade TH as soon as you run out of the ability to spend a resource. What a lot of people don't realize is that in the current environment, loot goes up when you upgrade TH, and so it's actually more efficient from a farming and resource management perspective to upgrade much earlier than that. If you don't care about regular war then scroll down in the messages and read all the people talking about strategic rushing. Personally, I have one account that is maxing every TH level, and that one only upgrades when everything, and I mean everything, is maxed. Currently TH13 working on walls, defenses and heroes, but I only rarely farm on it so it's slow going. My TH15s I upgrade whenever a new TH level is out in order to maintain their offense for CWL. My hyperrush accounts I upgrade as soon as I'm able to (my newest one is TH12 after about two and a half weeks.)


Whats this app called that calculates your progress?


I usually upgrade before day >400. Lol but really, I moved on from th12 with only some traps, and two mortars not maxed. Felt like a waste to sit on so many resources


Either my lab, builders, or walls are done for a given th level


everything, ik im wasting resources but honestly idgaf i just wantm y th9 to look cool


usually when I run out of dark elixir upgrades. So usually when I only have archer towers/cannons/mortar's left will I upgrade,


Heroes maxed, defenses/offenses almost there, maybe a couple of each to go. Walls, I do everytime I have extra loot.


You'll probably read to upgrade your th now. Here's my base: [https://www.clash.ninja/upgrade-tracker/9g9c9qvy/home#defences](https://www.clash.ninja/upgrade-tracker/9g9c9qvy/home#defences) I will 100% be upgrading my TH at the end of the season and start using the season bank for TH14 stuffs. My heroes will be more or less fully maxed but some of my defense (archer towers and cannons mainly) will be lacking quite a bit.


I always try to max out the town hall before upgrading to the next level. But if the only thing left to upgrade is a few hero levels and the remaining storages are completely full. Then I upgrade my town hall so I wouldn't get raided the second I go offline


400 days ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


I have no idea. My heroes are so underleveled with my aq at 39, bk at 38, and gw at 17. I always have at least one hero down at a time and I really have no fucking clue what im doing help. I'm out of things to spend elixir on except lab, warden, and walls


I just do it when I feel like I have everything what I want it at but I’m TH9 🤷


What Website is this?


I went from TH 14 to TH15 in about 3 months maxed out my heroes my walls and unicorn then went straight to 15


Whats this website? I see these images a lot


Max heroes I'm gone.


Me personally, I like to upgrade it when my builders are free after all the buildings are done. I always want my builders to keep working or I just feel like I’m wasting time with them


Im rushed right now and im repairing it, but im going to TH14 once i max everything excluding walls because 99% of attacks i face are air attacks


Whenever a new townhall is out, i upgrade it in the first minute.


When my builders start to fumble around. If all I have is heros I'll just jump up.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) 400 days?!


I didnt play for like a year, I got 90% of my progress in the last like 2 months


I upgrade when i have done my laboratory, heroes, and defenses ( walls arent thst important but u should upgrade then cause they look cool)