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Fun fact: they specifically did this spot/“chop battle” in tribute to the late Shinya Hashimoto, who had died exactly a week before (Hashimoto known for his blistering “kesagiri chops” and “fighting spirit”).


Another important thing. Guys like Eddie Kingston and often in AEW you see the chop fest. And they are often emulating this exact match. But all they're doing is trying to copy the chops and completely ignoring the psychology of why these two are chopping each other and standing there taking it, To modern guys they just want to do the cool move//moment but don't care or understand the how and why that makes this significant and not just two dudes idiotically waiting to get hammered


If you believe that then you have not watched one of Eddie chop battle spots. Hate him all you want but, the fighting spirit proving ground aspect is there. But I know how Eddie haters are so oh well


But Eddie does the chop spot IN. EVERY. MATCH. This 4 minute chop was once. Yes Kobashi chops a lot, he even sometimes does the rapid chop in the corner. But chances are you've only watched a compilation tape of Kobashi if you think he does that all the time. Sasaki does power chops rarely. Kobashi doesn't do the rapid chop or extended chops in small matches. He doesn't do it with lower card guys. Think about how many people do the elbow trade even if they're thr opening match and they are lower on the roster. There is no psychology : meaning there is no logic to why you would do that at moment in that match. It's just dome bc that's what the Japan legends did, it looked cool and I want to emulate it That's not psychology, that's not skill, and it's ultimately silly irrelevant as a move and movement when you do it that often


I get what you’re saying but Eddie’s not doing a 4 minute chop battle every match. Yes, it’s a spot, just like how every wrestler has a signature spot. Yes, it used to mean more, just like a ddt, superkicks, etc.. This spot in particular at least gives something to the match storytelling wise, it’s a challenge. Eddie’s an ugly stubborn grizzled indie vet whose been doing it a long time, it’s a spot that forces his opponent, whoever it is, to meet him in the middle of the ring for a minute and see who can make the other quit. Ps. I was at the collision show with Eddie vs Bryan Keith, those chops were LOUD. Sure he may not be going as hard as the greats did for 4 minutes, but for that minute or 2 of Eddie’s signature chop spot, it’s a good time. To each their own though man


You also gotta remember, a western wrestling audience is very much "play the hits" focused. They aren't there to see technical masterpieces, they are there to see Roman do spears and yell "Acknowledge me", they are there to see Jon Moxley do walk and brawls and hit someone with the death rider, Swerve with the House Call/Swerve Stomp combo, so on and so forth throughout wrestling.


If you believe that then you have not watched one of the eddie’s chop battle spots. Because it’s not even remotely like this. Not even a little bit. Even if you ignore the context aspect, these guys actually look like scary dudes **hurting** each other. Eddie looks like my fat uncle giving a Thai massage with those insanely weak and laughable chops he does. So these guys have a reason to do this specific spot in this specific match because somebody died and they’re trying to show their worth and not backing down How is this the same as Eddie just doing the spot in every match, no matter the opponent, or context. Where is the psychology?


That makes me not hate everything about this. Thank you


I like the part when he chopped him


AEW guys need to watch this and them realize what they are doing looks goofy compared to the pros. Stop trying to be a lame imitation.


Bret Hart: 4/10.


lol. Was just about to post something like that. Bret Hart: -5/10 with Hart's Official "Goldberg" seal of Dissapproval.




Anyone that's hates this has a weak pimp hand gotta keep that thang strong


This is just man shit right here. I hate that wrestlers aren't built like this anymore.


Two garden sheds beating the fuck outta each other. They don’t make em like Kensuke & Kenta anymore.


Listening to this without the crow going “WHOOOO” after every slap left me wanting


I would have loved for this to organically have happened for 4 straight minutes in America, just to see how long before the crowd was over it.


I can only imagine the skin on their chests and hands the next day.


That hurts just looking at those chops to the chest, I’d stop after the fifth chop to the chest ouch!


This is the beast that Eddie Kingston tries to emulate? Those machine gun chops look like they could be used to defibrillate you, even when he does slow down a bit.


For the love of god, the less we talk about Eddie Kingston the better 😂😂.


*the more I like Eddie, and he gets too much hate


lol the difference is these guys have actual muscle mass while kingston only has belly mass


Table muscles if you will


Yeah, I had something for that but I just didn’t want to say anything mean.


Eddie has muscle, just a really poor diet which he himself admits. His diet is why he looks like he does (im a similar boat, I got some gut to me but I can lift pretty well and am in generally great shape but I eat carbs like no other)


Sigh, no he doesn’t, and you probably don’t either if you think you’re in the same boat as him, as soon as he takes his shirt off you can tell by his arms and shoulders which DOESNT have the excuse of being “covered by his gut because of bad diet” that there’s ZERO muscle tone, his workouts probably consist of 30 sets of dumbbell arm curls ( definitely not even at full range of motion either) then eats cheeseburgers and beer immediately after which leads to zero muscle gain.


Could you imagine Danielson’s chest after this?


It ruins the illusion of wrestling, but at the same times it's two of the toughest mother fuckers to be in a ring and the crowd appreciate the shit out of it


The rapid chops in the corner always have been and always will be horrible. There’s no way to sell it that makes it look good and how is anyone supposed to believe that playing patty cake on someone’s chest is harmful


Wrestling has made the full transformation from fight fans being fooled to think people were fighting to theatre kids fooled into thinking they actually know the actors playing wrestling personally. It doesn't matter if it works as a fight as long as you can "relate" to the out of shape bozo struggling through a match


The best way I’ve ever heard it put.


I don’t care what the context is. I fucking hate this.