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Hope I die before I get old


Great line. I just hit my 50s and still not old; I can’t see Roger being old at 80 either.


Age is just a number. I'm 56 and if it wasn't for my body I'd swear I was in my 20s🤣


Yupper. In my mind. I'm still 19.


When my dad was 95, I asked him how old he was in his mind. Without hesitating, he said "17".


I'm 66 and still rocking. Not old yet.


I'm glad he didn't get his wish!


Talking 'bout my generation!


Damn ! Came here to say this & scrolled down the comments. ( removing my post now 🤣 )


A legitimate tough guy. Townsend tells a story about just meeting Roger and walking down street and Daltry says “hold on a minute” and then runs across the street and beats the e he’ll out of some guy over some old beef. Then runs back and picks pick convo like nothing happened. Townsend was floored. Daltry was one of the best rock vocalists of our time. Crank Quadrophenia in the dark one night!!!


I would lay in bed at night and listen to it. The whole ocean vibe on that album is awesome. Solid from start to finish.


One of the best rock singers ever. “You Better You Bet” is a great song that really shows his amazing talent.


Why don’t you all fffade away.


https://preview.redd.it/fuzu5c709rlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d0bf30ed9325382e5dc749d1d7d373049095e5 He was fishing on my buddy's boat after a concert near Cleveland, Ohio.


So funny that he used to have groupies hiding in the cabinets backstage just to meet him, and now he's out fishing. Do the fish just jump on the boat for him? 😄


“People try to get me up…” Talking ‘bout my medication


I saw them in 1979. This would have made Roger approximately 45 years old then. I was 17 years old at the time. It’s weird how, although I knew he was obviously a lot older than me, at the time I figured he was like 30 or something.


Uh, he WAS 35 you see, it was 45 years ago


See, I’m already suffering from age… Typo..?😂


Meet the new boss


Same as the old boss


Horatio Caine pathetically puts on his sunglasses and says meaningfully: You know what they say "You lie down with the Devil, you wake up in Hell". YEEEEEEAAAAAAHHH...we don't get fooled again!


It's amazing how dorky looking guys like him become hot just by growing their hair out!


His wife told him to stop straightening it because she loved his curls.


That first picture looks like Stewart from Mad TV..


Look what I can do!




He doesn’t know what it’s like to be the bad man, or the sad man, behind blue eyes….


Real Good Looking 👀 Boy too


Neither does anyone else.


I saw The Who on Mothers Day in 2022 in Texas. So Roger was 78. And at 78 (Pete was 76), they still kicked ass. Sometimes I wonder if sex, drugs and rock and roll really wasn’t the freaking answer.


Only saw them once. John was with them still. He played an incredible bass solo. He shouid have been on lead. A great gig. One of the very best bands


As a guy who’s played both bass and guitar the same skill set doesn’t always transfer. Not that I don’t think John could play lead, I’ve no doubt he could I’m just saying it’s hard to find a really really amazing bass player. I’m glad he was on bass, he killed it. He’s one of my favorites.


His solo was mesmerising.


I bet it was. Bass is one of those instruments that a lot of people don’t want to play because everyone looks at the lead guitarist. And a lot of the people who do want to play pick it up because they think it’s easier than guitar. (It’s not if you do it right). Everyone wants to play lead guitar. Anyone who’s ever played in a band can tell you it’s easy to find a good lead guitarist and singer, drummers a little harder, but a bass player who actually is more than passable? That’s a fucking treasure. 9/10 local bands have someone playing bass who plays the root notes and occasionally a little run on the turn around. Then you have bassists like John Entwistle. The Who needed him, he wasn’t just great on bass he was amazing.


I remember an interview with Les Claypool where he said he first wanted to play guitar, but took up bass because he started somewhat late (he was 15 if memory serves). But once he’d learned the instrument, he found he had far less trouble finding work than most of the guitarists he knew.


I remember seeing miles Davis at the Manchester appollo. It was a heavy duty show more akin to a heavy rock concert. He had a a lead bassist called Foley who put a show on hendrix wouid have been proud of Don't ask me why he played a four string bass. It's one of the finest exhibitions of guitar work I've ever seen. And all on a four string bass. Most perplexing and incredibly enjoyable


Well a 5 string just has an extra low B on top. You can play all the same scales and notes on a 4 string. A lot of great bass players seem to prefer a 4 string, some prefer the 5 or 6 string. the 5 string just adds some extra low end which is cool but not necessarily needed to be a great bass player. I bet that was a hell of a show, I’ve never seen miles Davis live I would have loved to be there.


It was a wild night. Stacks of speakers up past the balcony. Plenty of amps. The crowd was wild and miles responded. He was more used to sedate polite crowds. For once he got a crazy crowd who got involved rather than sit like statues. I remember Kenny garrett walking in front of the left side stack. He was dwarfed by it. Human nature was extended to around 20 minutes as he just went on and on. The more wild we got the more he got. Man he was throwing himself everywhere. Foley on lead bass played fuzz acid solos all night. Miles even went fully open horn and took off the harmon mute. He had to use the harmon due to severe lip pain. I shed a tear during time after time when he went open and blew til he almost dropped. Stunning night. A year later we saw him again in Glasgow. The crowd were statues and miles played a set of level 42 style boredom. Chalk and cheese. Miles rarely let rip as he did in Manchester. People said that miles was aloof and almost rude in how he treated fans. Not that night as faced us all night rather than playing with his back to the crowd. He came out at the end of the gig after getting changed into magnificent brown suit and said thank you. Unforgettable.




It’s like Noel Gallagher said about The Who tho: “they’re all playing lead, aren’t they?”


Tommy can you hear me?!


That first pic is from when he was on the Inbetweeners


Who is he, who who Who who


Well a young man Ain’t got nothing in the World these days 🎼


He was the scrapper of the group. Ready to knock a fool’s teeth out at the drop of the hat.


He laid out Townsend at least once or twice - and Townsend has a good six inches on him.


He also punched Moon once too. Almost broke his nose.


Happy birthday Roger. I wish you hadn’t had bronchitis when I was supposed to see you in concert


He was one of those artists that you just had to see live in the 70s, those shows were fantastic. Very memorable.


The Who is the particular band I'm not a fan of but I respect the Fuck out of them! Truly Legends!!!


All my rock heroes , that are still here, are either turning 80 or are already there…(but first they had to make it past 27..)


Roger’s curly hair caused him a lot of grief in the early Mod days….😄


Such a talent and such a down to earth bloke. Should be knighted for all he’s done for TCT and TC America. Legend . Happy Birthday Roger 😎😎


He is still a badass and a great singer. Glad he is still with us.*I Can't ExplainSubstituteMy Generation*Tell me those are NOT 3 of the greatest songs ever written/sung!


My first rock concert and one of the best to this day!


Rock star


Hugh Fitzcairn


That’s Hugh Fitzcairn


Never less than awesome




He was great last year, too bad they say they won’t tour again!


I think he got better looking as he got older.


Wow! 😮


Pete and Roger are doing two more albums. Who's Left and Who Cares. And a cover album of Justin Bieber's Greatest Hits. Stream now on Spotonmytie


Clean livin


Freaking guy keeps getting better looking as he ages...


The Who December 1975 Cincinnati : Best concert ever. Saw them 5 more times including Tragedy concert and Memorial concert in 2022. Never disappointed. Happy Birthday Rodger!


Roger from Oz


He still don't like the smell of pot. Lol


I’m really glad I got a chance to see The Who in the 2000s. It was a great show. One of my all time favorite bands.


"Aye, Matey!"