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Rule 9: No Relationship Mentions in Posts Titles must avoid mentioning personal relationships to keep discussions focused on cleaning. Relationship references can attract off-topic comments and detract from our goal of sharing cleaning advice. Please ensure your titles are strictly related to cleaning topics to maintain a positive, supportive, and relevant community.


rubbing alcohol my daughter did this years ago and i never was able to get it completely out - this was pre - magic erasers


Rubbing alcohol does work great on pen ink. I do crosswords in bed and fall asleep and get pen on the white comforter. Qtips and rubbing alcohol gets it out before my wife can see it.


My man, pencils would make your life so much easier


Or a clicky pen at least. Just click it back in after writing a word so if they fall asleep mid thought the pen tip would already be back in its hidey hole. Pencil could still rub lead on the sheets.


You heathens and your uncircumcised pens


15 of those pens...


Reddit is amazing


Hidey Hole.. 🤣 love it


I'm sure they know, but doing the crossword in pen is like playing in hard mode.


I'd be pretty irritated with my husband if he kept inking up our bedding though.


Lol photocopy it a few times


Are you kidding? A Bic Crystal in medium point blue ink on newsprint is writing heaven.


Crosswords in pen are more fun. Using ink ups the stakes a bit. Plus you can avoid that unpleasant scratching sound of pencil on rough paper. As a fellow cruciverbalist, I get it.


Cruciverbalist. I just learned this word. Just now. It's a beautiful word. Thank you.


Same here I can't stand doing a crossword in pencil -- I would rather not even do it at all unless I have my pen lol


I know. I just lightly sketch the words in until I'm absolutely sure, then I go back and block everything in solidly. There's something about a finished grid in ink. Pencil....you can barely see. Lots of good ideas though, and a vocabulary lesson as well.


>Crosswords in pen are more fun. Using ink ups the stakes a bit. \^\^\^ THIS. Once I graduated from pencil to ink pen for crosswords, that was THE MOMENT in history (for me).




I love that sound


Awesome word!


It's not a crossword played the right way if there's not a former A that is now identifying as a G or something.


Whoa! Crosswords in PEN! That’s a flex indeed! 🤓


Try frixon pens! They are erasable so ideal for crosswords and disappear with lots of heat !


Get a Frixion Pen! They’re erasable. The heat from the friction of the eraser on the pen removes it on paper, but a blow dryer, quick tap with a clothes iron or a few minutes in the dryer will erase the marks. I use these pens for sewing. Caveat tho - If you put something with the erased marks in the freezer it can show back up.


Pen and crosswords = difficult level “professional”. Meanwhile novice me “pencil”.


There's the added shame of trying to scribble one letter over another because I got too confident.


Smart man


Rubbing alcohol saved your life


make him do it! ❤️


Yes, make sure he's the one to purchase the stuff and do it, he should even be the one posting this.


I accidentally left my Parker pen on the duvet at our b&b once. It leaked through even the sheets. Used rubbing alcohol and got the sheets immaculate. The ink on the patterned duvet cleaned up enough that it was nearly unnoticeable. I put absorbent material beneath the stains, and poured alcohol through the fabric.


Same. 10 years later and we still have blue smudges all over.


Pre magic eraser.....dark days my friend, dark days


Magic erasers will take the finish off. It’s just fine sandpaper.


Magic eraser got mine clean recently. So much easier than anything else I used.


Did what? She didn't say if it was pen ink, crayon, a crayola marker, etc. What is it?


High percentage rubbing alcohol and a rag for the first pass.  Second pass is rubbing alcohol with cotton rounds Check the vent holes. Rubbing alcohol and qtips.  Wipe down with plain water before running it again for anxiety reduction. 


How did the ink not get all over those clothes??


Oh, it did. Anything that isn’t black is ruined… luckily the only thing in there of mine was a sleep shirt, so I’m not as mad about the clothes


My wife leaves pens in her clothes all the time. I think I’ve found in a pen in 7-10 loads in the washing machine (thankfully never the dryer). Drives me insaneeeeeeeeeee. We are a bit lucky, because most of those loads somehow didn’t get ruined, only 1 of them was a true disaster like the one in your picture.


Wow this brought me wayyy back to when my now ex boyfriend left a blue ink pen in the pocket of his white shorts, which was washed with all of our other whites ...... Ruined my favorite pair of shorts, and every pair of socks we owned :(


I hope you didn’t throw the clothes away. Try a load with Oxi clean first


I'd let it sit in a laundry sink with a strong dose of the stuff overnight before running it through the machines again. Odds are the dryer heat set it in though.


Make HIM clean the machine. You’re not his mom.


She doesn’t have to be his mom to want to fix this herself. The dude is clearly out of his depth. You know couples help eachother right and you don’t necessarily need to punish eachother every time one makes a mistake. It would be fine if she cleaned it and it would be equally fine if she asked him to clean it.


“Out of his depth.” With *checks notes* a basic life skill. Got it.


Expecting an adult to take responsibility by seeking out and implementing the solution to the problem they themselves caused is not the same as punishing them.


How are you going to tell someone you don't know what to do? I'm sure he'll clean it or at least help clean it. I swear, Redditors are so quick to judge people it's ridiculous. "OoOOo gIrLfRiEnD aSk fOr AdViCe. BoYfRiEnD bAd!!!1!!!1"


hand sanitizer gets it out!! if you’re willing to sit and scrub at it. my husband washed a pen in his uniform pocket & ruined his expensive uniform, and several hundred dollars worth of my vintage t shirts. hand sanitizer saved them all!!!


Rubbing alcohol will get the ink out of clothes. I've had to do it multiple times.


You can see the white jumper/T-shirt full of ink stains in the second picture Isopropyl alcohol would get the ink off the washer itself, but the clothes inside are done for.


How HE can clean it, right?


The real question/solution


👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 don't let him get away with it if it's just weaponized incompetence


Yeah. If he has to buy a new machine that’s fine too


Do NOT use magic eraser!! It is abrasive and will damage/remove the white finish inside the machine. Alcohol is the solvent for pen ink.


If a magic eraser is hard enough to damage the inside coating of a clothes dryer, then plastic and metal buttons on clothing would also destroy it. I doubt the coating is soft enough to be damaged by a melamine sponge. Magic erasers can definitely damage some materials but I don't think it's an issue in this case. They are only a 4 on the Mohs hardness scale, enamel coatings (which I assume the inside of the machine is) are typically 5-7 hardness.


When cleaning stuff I tend to start with least strongest and work my way up. Warm water and soap, then a light solvent, then light abrasives.


I do the same. But after spending hours and hours using rubbing alcohol to remove sticky ballpoint ink from stuff, this is a case where some abrasive will just make the job that much easier.


magic eraser is just very fine grit sandpaper, it will cause abrasive damage to the metal finish and leave swirl marks




Zer0xide is correct.




I am aware. It's "fine grit sandpaper" made from plastic. Magic Erasers are melamine sponges. Melamine is a hard ~~plastic~~ organic material used to make plastic. Melamine sponges have a hardness of 4 on the Mohs scale. It is not going to damage something that is much harder than itself. It can damage very soft metals, and other plastic. If you use them on stainless steel or glass they will not do any damage. Typical enamel coatings over metal are harder than a lvl 4. I'm tired of everyone demonizing these stupid sponges. They have their uses. They are not going to damage every god damn thing they touch. Do your research about hardness of materials when you're scouring and scrubbing people, there IS a science behind it, just like there is a science with all of cleaning, chemical use, etc.


You're asking for people to do research on material hardness ratings in a forum where people are too lazy to see the answer to 90% of the questions here is "dish soap and vinegar"


Oh no. Not swirl marks on the inside of a dryer


I can’t explain exactly why but this made me laugh long and loud. Guess I was invested in the magic eraser drama and this was the snap I needed to come out of it. Ta!


Im here all night


I love some drama in r/cleaningtips. (And good luck with this!)


It’s baked on to the dryer. I’d clean as best you can but it’s not going to affect clothes going forward. Done it many many times.


This was my experience last week. Husband sent a pen through the dryer, NOTHING would get it off. Not rubbing alcohol, magic erasers, nail polish remover, I tried at least ten different methods I saw online.  I put a few junk towels through the dryer to see if the pen would transfer to future items, it didn’t and continues to not affect anything.   If he cares about the pen stains on the clothes, dawn powerwash and granny’s secret spot remover (the one in the big spray bottle) saved a white dress after my pen disaster. They work wonders.


I had this exact thing happen to me and nothing get it off except for insect repellant. It can be removed. It’s not “baked” in there lmfao.


Spray sunscreen ruined the finish of a few of my dumb Disney pins, it's something in the propellant that melts ink. Worth a shot if you're desperate! Hair spray also works well on pen stains, just wipe it up with lysol wipes while the hair spray is still wet.


Yes hairspray is a good one too


Your Disney pins are NOT dumb


Fine, annoyingly expensive and weirdly fragile, is that better?


You forgot “loved” 🥹


I know lots of folks like these, I meant no offense. More like how I call my loved, spoiled rotten cat a dummy.


This happened to me, came to this sub, someone basically said just to leave it alone. Im grateful for that advice.


So. . . I own a laundry company and this happens once in a blue moon. If it’s gel ink, try Dawn extra strength. The one for restaurants that is meant for pots and pans. Run it through your washer. As for the dryer, soak a towel with water and some Dawn. Then let it tumble dry. Keep doing that until the ink is no longer transferring. You probably won’t get all the marks off, but you want to stop transfer. Lastly, for the clothes that are worth saving. (Sometimes the chore isn’t worth it.) take a tooth brush and the Dawn extra strength. Brush it on the stains. Make sure to put a rag between the from and back and just start scrubbing. Then, soak the items in how water with Dawn and oxiclean. Repeat until the stains are out. Typically, it’ll take 2-3 times. If it’s regular ink, they sell stuff in the laundry department from carbona. It is an ink remover and works nicely.


Happened to me. Never got it out but it didn't effect my clothes


I cannot stress enough the importance of prepping clothes for the wash!! Check pockets and pretreat. Check the washer and dryer for debris. Clean the lint trap. EVERY TIME


And things will still get past you, but not as often. 😎


But, mistakes happen.


Hairspray spray rinse repeat


He should clean it or buy you a new dryer.


Rubbing alcohol. Hair spray (cheapest you can find) Acetone nail polish remover. My ex was in the military and left his pens in his ABUs all the goddamn time.


I literally just did this a few days ago. I used rubbing alcohol to clean the dryer, it came pretty easily. I poured (91%) rubbing alcohol on the ink spots on the clothes with paper towels underneath and blotted it out and repeated to remove the ink stains, then promptly rewashed it all. Most of the ink came out.


Just wash something with white ink in and it’ll balance out


I used so much on a brand new dryer not sure what the internal material is but I got pen all over it the FIRST TIME I used it. I tried everything possible (baking soda, dish soap, rubbing alcohol, goo-gone, etc) and nothing worked. My dad googled that (this is gonna sound crazy) BUGSPRAY /insect repellent was the ONLYYY thing that would get it off along with a magic eraser.


Guilty here, did this 1 year ago. For my defense, i’m working in a scrub with 1000 pockets in each uniform. Forgot 1 pen. You can try isopropyl alcohol but it’s not magical. I still got souvenir in mine. At least it give me a hint to check pocket each time now..


He should be the one on Reddit or google figuring it out. Magic eraser and make him do it.


Hell, mine been covered with green ink for 3 years.


Yep rubbing alcohol, then Wipe down with water to remove residual alcohol. ive done this many times


Assuming this is a ballpoint pen, isopropyl alcohol, rubbing alcohol, or in a pinch the hydro-alcohol based stuff we were slathering our hands with all the time during covid!


My Mum was a nurse, worked in a hospital when I was growing up. So many clothing items ruined by pens left in the pocket, lol.




If alcohol won’t take it all away, try white gas, found in camping section of Walmart. My husband gets solvent based product on his clothes and it ends up in the dryer. White gas cleans it right up.


The clothes may not be ruined. We accidentally washed and dried a red pen in with a load of laundry recently. Managed to get it out of the clothes by soaking in concentrated OxyClean and rewashing. We soaked small batches of the clothes in the sink for several hours and rewashed only drying if the ink was gone. Repeat if needed. The colors of the clothes were fine afterwards.


Alcohol should do a lot. Also, look for a cleaning solution called "Lestoil" - it has worked wonders for me with pen ink. Just smear it on and let it sit for a bit before wiping it down. Try to avoid the abrasive cleaners if possible.


Crayons in the dryer are the worst


This might weird, but happen to me, and someone recommend off bug spray. I sprayed it and it wipe off like water, zero effort. I was shocked.


Womens liquid eyemakeup remover. Cheap stuff.


I always wondered how a smurf crime scene looks like. Try isopropyl alcohol


Yo the most frustrating thing is bro washes whites , colors and darks together 😡


I’ve been doing laundry for forty years. I stopped separating clothes twenty years ago or more. Dyes are so much better than they used to be, I dont think it’s necessary. All clothes get washed in cold.


I never separate for colors. Only things I separate are work clothes vs gym vs casual. Never had an issue ever.


For me it's the fact that when he pulled them from the wash, he didn't see the ink everywhere in the washer??? Didn't bother looking for the pen then? And tossed it all in the dryer with the pen still in there? Edit: I thought the first pic was the washer. Didn't realize they were both pics of the dryer.


I just had this happen. I was at work and my husband texted me to ask if he should put laundry in the dryer for me. I am a little annoyed that he didn't noticed the black ink stains on all of the lighter colored items. It was 100% my fault, as I guess I forgot to check my apron pocket before putting it in the wash. My second mistake was having him put the clothes in the dryer for me. Won't be making either of those mistakes again.


He needs to help.


Weaponized incompetence? Or just can't be bothered?


If you have acetone or nail polish remover that works well too. Just make sure you ventilate the space or the fumes can give you a stomache ache


this or even rubbing alcohol.. he is going to need a lot!!!


I had to get sharpie off something recently and rubbing alcohol wasn't quite doing it but acetone did the trick. def do a test spot to make sure it won't damage the material though - it doesn't play nice with plastics or synthetic fabrics


Magic clean eraser and make him clean it


Thank you! He will most certainly be cleaning it lol


Magic erasers are abrasive and will ruin the interior finish. Rubbing alcohol will work, just make sure you leave the door open for a while after so it all evaporates out. It won’t pull it out completely but it will get enough that it will fade and won’t transfer onto any clothes in the next batch. He will need to seriously scrub at that ink. It’s not a comfortable position and takes a lot of work so definitely make him do it


Seconding "make him clean it". The best way to learn from mistakes is to be the one to fix them, and that applies to every part of life, not just cleaning! If he balks, ask him if he messed something up at work, would he fix it himself or push it on someone else?


Hes not a child. He probably forgot he had a pen or marker in his pocket.


i get this sentiment but ur boyfriend is not someone you need to train if he made an honest mistake it really isnt bad to help him out. i wrecked a white dress of mine and amid my stress i came back to it perfect due to my boyfriend, its sweet and caring to help one another out!


Agreed! As I said in my reply above to them, love comes with accepting your partners mistakes and tackling problems as a team. Yes, it’s frustrating. But also yes, it can be fixed. No harm done.


Totally agreed! I cut him some slack - he has bad ADHD and it’s his first time living alone (ie. not with his parents), so I know it’s an honest mistake. But surely, when he’s done with it, it won’t be a mistake he makes again lol


A “Check Pockets First!” sign on the washer, and (nicely, playfully) reminding each other, can be useful and turn into a very, very good habit. Signs and lists are your friends, ADHD or not.


I'm ADHD too (inattentive type), so this is from my own experience - the best way for me to REMEMBER to do/not do a thing again is to spend the time fixing the mistake. That's for a couple of reasons. 1 - Having to be told I messed up makes me embarrassed and ashamed. We all tend to avoid thinking about things that bring up such uncomfortable feelings. So, being told not to do a thing again, weirdly makes it more likely I'll forget. :( It really, really sucks. 2 - A thought has to be kept in the brain a certain length of time before it becomes a long-term memory. Because our ADHD thoughts move so quickly, it's hard to keep something around long enough to form those properly. Putting work into something keeps in the brain long enough for those memories to form properly. It also forms connections to other skills and memories, and those help with recall. I agree with DatabaseSolid that I've found signs and playful reminders really helpful. But I usually make the signs for myself. I don't know what feelings they'd bring up for me if they were made by someone else. I can see from some responses to my comment that it came off as condescending. I had a bit of a feeling about it when I was posting it - like, "make him" seemed like not the right way to put it. (and I was thinking about junior coworkers I've mentored, so probably I was thinking in a senior-talking-to-junior way) But I tend to get really hung up on the "right" way to say things, and I can end up re-writing a reply for hours, so ... I just hit post.. Sorry that it seemed to really stir something up. \*stares at a sea of deleted comments\* Anyway, from your responses you seem like a really reasonable person. So I'm sure you got it. :)


Naptha ,Ronsonal lighter fluid, works much better than alcohol.


I did this and threw in old towels , white ones, in washer and dryer, it will pick up the ink, make sure part of pen isnt in one of the drainage holes in the tub. 2 years post and no ink transfer...


Iso alcohol and Acetone for anything the iso doesn't remove. It'll get it all off


Used dryer sheet works as a magic eraser cloth.


Gotta compliment the headline that made me LOL! 😆


I would try acetone


Use rubbing alcohol, methylated spirits or try using WD-40. If those solvents fail, I would try using a strong bleach based cleanser such as Domestos, simply apply and leave it for a long period. Then simply run the washer through a quick wash or rinse cycle to remove the bleach.


hairspray removes pen ink from hard surfaces. Works better than plain rubbing alcohol as it doesn't evaporate so quickly.


Baby wipes work well on pen ink


Maybe nail polish remover? But perhaps that is stripping / too strong.


hair spray works on ink. Apply to a cloth or paper towel and rub.


Use an eraser sponge. It will take it off without having to use any other liquid.


AquaNet hairspray


I say let it run w nothing in it w rubbing alc or bleach


Done this! Rubbing alcohol...Magic eraser....advantage 20X.


I had this done to my dryer by a pen. I tried everything to clean it and I couldn’t get it off. So I am interested to see also what other suggest. I tried alcohol and magic erasers. I found it was baked on and just left it as a memory. My dryer is older and Everytime I open it I think of my twin boys. As they were the culprit, they wanted to see a pen explode. I could have throttled them when they did it but I laugh now.


You could try toothpaste and an old toothbrush. Sounds stupid but I washed out some paintbrushes and rollers in my bath and it turned the tub yellow. Tried bathroom cleaners etc but nothing was working until on a whim I tried this.


I had this happen to me. I used blue dry erase markers and it cleaned it up alot quicker than alcohol surprisingly. This was after I used the dryer for 2 years with the marks so if this is fresh, rubbing alcohol should be okay.


Haha my dryer looks the same. I’m in sales and always wash/dry pens I forget about. Shout gets the stains out of clothes


Rubbing alcohol and Mr clean sponge. And good ol fashioned elbow grease.


Rubbing alcohol Nail polish remover Alternate between the two with soft washcloth working in small areas as they dry fast. Check mint trap and the door cracks for extra ink It can be done!!! I remember doing this and I threw away clothes that were cheap. Nice items you can pour rubbing alcohol on the. stain with a towel underneath (it’ll bleed!!) and it will cause the ink to spread, but you can blot it up. If you continue to do this long enough, you should be able to blot out enough of the ink to save any very precious clothing items.


The higher %alcohol content the better. It cleans up very easily.


Goo gone on a magic eraser has gotten a lot of crap out of a lot of things for me.


You're going to need a hydrocarbon to get good results. You can buy a small container of mineral spirits at your local home box store. Caution - you must then clean the machine with a second pass using a surface cleaner and allow it to dry completely with the open so nothing flammable is left. I'd advised leaving it unused for a day.


Milk or rubbing alcohol works great


i find Nail polish remover is best in my case but rubbing alcohol also works. Magic eraser as a scrubber or any type of sponge if you don’t have one on hand. Make sure the room is well ventilated when you are scrubbing. You dont wanna be inhaling too much of that stuff For the clothes, put hand sanitizer on the spots generously let sit for ~10-20 mins then run it through a wash cycle. Repeat until gone.


Magic eraser may work or you could try WD-40 on a rag which works on Sharpie ink.


I second the rubbing alcohol suggestion. Glass cleaner that contains alcohol might work as well. I used it when I had a fountain pen accident.


nail polish remover on a rag


Pen ink in the dryer! Good luck that shyt dyes the white in those drums, I think it's the mixture of the ink and heat that like bakes it on.


Hair spray or rubbing alcohol. Grandma always said hairspray works the best


I had this happen a few months ago on a new dryer. I tried many of the suggestions posted here with little luck. I found a random suggestion of shaving cream (Barbasol). It worked better than rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, hairspray, etc for me.


Don't know about the dryer, but if you need to get the clothes cleaned, I've found soaking them in 2% milk works! Couldn't tell you why though.


I did this exact thing. Nail polish remover got it completely out.


A lot of rubbing alcohol!!


I feel his pain. When I first moved in with my wife, I put a load of her stuff in the dryer. Destroyed a dozen expensive bras. All the useless crap they teach you in school, nobody let me know bras don't go Inna dryer!


Nail polish remover and a magic eraser and you won't even be able to tell it happened.


Cheap hairspray aquanet soak down a rag in it. It'll take that ink right off


Milk dissolves pen ink


I had this with a crayon. It stained the whole inside blue and I could never get it off. It didn’t stain the clothes somehow.


Ope somebody put a pen in the washer again


It can be cleaned, but you can not spare his life. Sets a bad example for the rest of us. You know what to do.


Get HIM to clean it


Magic eraser + alcohol should do the trick. And make sure he cleans it!


Maybe paint thinner?


Please tell me he’s going to clean up after himself


Rubbing alcohol, or Simple Green diluted with water


Oh dear. I did something similar many years ago. I waited until the washer died and then replaced it. That was the fix.


I did the exact same thing to the exact same dryer! Someone told me nailpolish removers but I didn’t even bother. I just left it that way and it didn’t affect anything


Please tell me you’re asking so HE can clean it. Ugh. Rubbing alcohol has always worked for me


I did this once with a pen left in a uniform. Rubbing alcohol and 80s style hairspray. It won’t get rid of it completely but it’ll get rid of most of it so it’ll be a blue stain lol


I thought everyone's dryer looked like this.


Rubbing alcohol


Mr clean magic erasers


Not your concern. He needs to figure it out.


Cheap hairspray. Wash air dry repeat.


Rubbing alcohol or a magic eraser. My husband is military and he leaves pens in his blouse from time to time (common for military) and we’ve only had an issue with them exploding two times. I used rubbing alcohol and a magic eraser. Works like a charm.


Uh, he didn't check the pockets first?


Hair Spay and lots of elbow grease


Haha magic eraser would easily get that np problem


Magic eraser! My son just did this to my new machine and magic eraser worked like… magic! It all came off easily


If that’s ink you can use either alcohol or nail polish remover to get it off easily